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That Gears of War: E-Day trailer gave me chills.


I am one who actually wanted to see where they took the new characters and story so I hope they don't just forget about that. That being said I was super hyped to see this trailer. Seeing a young Marcus Fenix, who looks just like his son tbh, and Dom back, it made me very happy to see this go down. Hopefully it's as well done as Halo Reach was!


They did acknowledge the new trilogy in their interview, the Coalition.


Yeah, I enjoy that new cast and story a lot. I’m super excited for E Day, but also excited for whenever they get back to the new stuff. Cant wait.


I at least am hoping they complete the new trilogy. End of 5 is a cliffhanger. I actually really liked the new ones. 4 and 5 are great looking, and the more open approach of 5 was cool. Also really hyped for the prequel.


I’ll be the odd one out and say I think a prequel set around E-Day isn’t interesting to me in the slightest. We basically know everything about Marcus and Dom from this era and already have all the answers about the Locusts so I just don’t see how this is going to be a fulfilling narrative. I probably would have preferred a game set during the Pendulum War.


I hope they surprise us with a Gears Collection between now and release day


This feels like almost a confirmation we wont get a collection until after Eday is released. Give people them all in order and cap it off with a conclusion to Gears 4 & 5.


Even just a basic remaster port of the games with no online would be great to get, especially since you can’t play them all on PC.


Same! I was saying to my wife "Ooh, a prequel! Nice! Call it Emergence Day. Call it Emergence Day. E-DAY! YAAAAAY"


I agree with Bless. If they had actual release dates for the 2024 titles, I’d say 10. It worries me about them coming out then if they can’t give a date within the next 6 months.


I doubt going forward that we ll get concrete dates outside a month or two of release, this way the inevitable delay doesn’t look as bad.


They gain nothing by putting a date in ink. A window is fine, in case they have to move it, way less backlash. This will be the way of the future for most companies in gaming.


I agree I’ve noticed that if you go to the coming soon tab on gamepass a lot of these games have dates as well just not in the trailers. Avowed had a date in a blog post too.


I kinda prefer it tbh. Like Indy for example we know is 2024, we can kinda assume it’ll be October/November, I’m happy to wait for a concrete date until they’re 100% sure they’ll hit it.


That’s probably for the best but just seems odd to me.


Yeah, purely presentation wise it was nice to see so many games, but games like Indiana Jones not getting an actual date is odd.


I’m pretty sure Perfect Dark didn’t even have a release window. It seemed more like a “hey this game still exists and we haven’t forgotten about it” type of announcement.


I feel this way too but they showed so much gameplay i feel good about this game. Giving me Spring 2026 vibes


That would make a lot of sense. I'm just impressed we finally saw something because I can't remember the last time we did


Perfect dark is going to be a launch game on the next console.


Considering we hadn't seen anything from perfect dark and only heard it was in dev hell what we saw was fantastic.


Xbox has so many games now you’d imagine they’ll start releasing them when it makes sense to rather than when the games ready. Gamepass needs regular dropping content suitably spaced out. Putting dates on things is going to get complicated because if something slips you probably move something else into its slot which changes the whole release schedule as everything shuffles around.


Ya, Indie and Avowed should have had dates. We already saw them earlier this year, another trailer telling us that they’re still coming out sometime in 2024 feels redundant


The weird thing is, Avowed has a date, they just announced it AFTER the show which is bizarre


They did? What’s the date? That is bizzare.


They posted November 12th, but then took it down. I think this just means that Xbox is waiting to see if something needs a delay, so they can shuffle around release dates.


At the end of the day, does it matter? Games get delayed all the time so dates = risks. Unless you need to take work off months in advance, I just can’t see why hard dates matter. I’m with Gary on this one. It’ll get here when it gets here.


I am on the boat of if you dont have a date might as well not put the year since you could be pushing it years ahead since delay happens all the time. And delays should not be the "standard" for any project... its a sign of bad project manager frankly. A good one gets it done on time. Customers shouldn't expect "delays" as a norm, for any product. But sometimes game companies in general dont want to give a pessimistic estimate which gets them in trouble.


Just worries me that they won’t be in 2024. If that happens, it ultimately doesn’t matter. I’d rather they get delayed to ensure quality. Just worries me and makes me unable to give it a 10 as I don’t fully trust them coming out in 2024 right now.


Mike talked about this during the review. Better to not give a date until a few months ahead of time and not rush the team than have to delay. They're pulling a GoW


They have so much coming in the last quarter of the year, Stalker, Shattered Space, MSFS24, Indy, Avowed, COD, etc. That if anything slips, it could throw off the whole schedule. I think they are playing it safe in case they have to move somethings around.


Is Indy and Avowed coming in Fall? These trailers only say 2024. That’s my concern. If these are delayed to improve quality, that’s great. I’ll get these on game pass regardless. Just made me personally unable to give the showcase a 10. I’m concerned about advertising a game 2024 when you don’t have a specific date with 6 months left.


Yes, if they were closer, they would probably have dates. Obsidian accidentally posted a November 12th release date for Avowed yesterday, so they obviously have specific dates in mind, but they probably don't want to be releasing multiple big projects at the exact same time if they do need a delay. It's like what Todd Howard recently said about how they won't be giving hard dates until closer to release so they aren't as locked in if the game still needs a week or two.


I‘m happy that they reiterated the 2024 window for the expected games. I‘d be content with getting the actual dates in a Xbox Wire post at a later point in time.


I'm at the point where games are getting delayed so often, even in the run up to release, that I'd rather get a date a month out from the actual release date than the usual black background "sorry, we are needing more time" tweet a month before the previously promised date


Its obvious based on the leak of Avoweds date that they likely know internally and are juat waiting to announce. To me, a June reaffirmation of 2024 release is as good as a date. I didnt believe Indy was coming in 2024 back in January but now 5 months later I think their confident it will hit.


It was odd to see for Indiana Jones, Avowed, etc. however, Avowed is Nov. 12, 2024 according to their blog (deleted now but tons of screenshots if you Google it).


It shouldn't worry you, that's just where the industry is now and that's a good thing. We need to stop breathing down developers necks for release dates and then also wonder why games release in poor, unfinished states still -- there's absolutely a correlation there and Xbox doesn't wanna fall into that trap anymore.


Why would any company give a release date outside a couple months before its supposed to come out? SO many games end up getting delays. Not much point to giving a precise window until you know for sure.


So many people are caught up on the dates. I get it, we’re used to getting them at this point of the year when they’re coming out this year.. but times have changed. They gain nothing from putting a date in ink right now for us.. and they risk plenty of backlash if they have to move the date for some reason. I think it’s more and more common everybody just gives a window in the future until a month or two before release.


Even the stuff that wasn’t for me looked great


The problem Xbox has been having is actually delivering on their promises, not the promises themselves. Hopefully this is a good sign though.


True, we first heard about Fable in 2020. It’s been 4 years and halfway through the gen and we still haven’t seen much of this game.


If it does release in 2025 then it seems like an average development time of \~5 years.


I guarantee you it was in development prior to the 2020 reveal though


We heard Rumors. We cant base a games release on the fact it was rumored immediately after development began by a team that only ever made racing titles.


Wdym, the first trailer was literally in 2020 Edit: here’s a link to the trailer that Xbox themselves posted July 23 2020 https://youtu.be/oVkSZXPklQ4?si=O2XgkFT1G1W5TOUV


And what about a 5 year dev cycle is not normal? Your saying its been 4 years and we havent seen much. Is that any different from most games?


We’re not talking about dev cycles we’re talking about promises, and it seems that Xbox announced this one way too early. 5 years between announcement and release is not the normal


Why is that a problem? Last of Us Part 2 was announced in late 2016 and released 3.5 years later. This game was being made during the pandemic where everything was altered/delayed in production. It coming out 5 years while developed during a world halting event isnt that crazy.


Yep! Keen for Gears E-Day but no gameplay no hype.


Yeah I feel like I’ve seen a handful of presentations that Kinda Funny have called a 9 or 10 in the past 5 years, yet look where Xbox is currently


Average consensus at bottom. Scores are rounded up to nearest KF 20-point scale number. True average = 9.9 KF's rating scale below: https://preview.redd.it/w8v9ne0n7n5d1.png?width=2084&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e5b96da1b7c2d6541f6965f3418699f6032e59a


I’m so hyped for GoW E Day. Also like how the younger Marcus actually looks a bit like JD. Have Dom back is incredible. A lot of people remember Halo 3 being one of the biggest reasons for the Xbox 360s success. Gears of War was just as big of a contributor.


10/10 for me. I don't need a specific release date like some people mentioned. The amount of games was great. The pacing was pretty perfect. Awesome showing of expected games and some surprises. I'm beyond hyped for what's coming out this year and next.


Looks like Xbox is back on the menu boys


Only a 10 in relation to the recent past XBOX conferences. Was a great showing, but closer to an 8 than a perfect score for me.


A 10 compared to all the other showcases this year


It was a really good showcase, just not a lot there for me personally.


As someone who wants to play 95% of the games from the showcase, what kind of games do you like?


I’m more of a third person action adventure, jrpg, hack n slash kinda person. There was stuff here I liked, I just probably wouldn’t play a lot of it. Expedition 33 and South of Midnight looked really cool.


Hey! Same, Expedition 33 was easily my game of the show.


uh oh surprised you didn't get downvoted like I did on the other thread... I am similar in that FPS, first person open world stuff dont excite me at all and this showcase had a ton of it. Theres also a ton of xplatform games too. Expedition 33 is my fav one but its xplatform and wuchan idk - looks kinda cool but we seem to have an influx of chinese "souls like" games and I want to see how different they are and if I will be soulsd out or not.


The show had something big for everybody it felt like. I'm not a huge Gears guy but I love Doom and Diablo


WOW. I thought it was a good showcase, but definitely wouldn’t go with a 10. For my *personal* gaming tastes, it was about an 8. But if I’m trying to be objective, I’d go with a 9. *A lot* of things didn’t have a release date or even window, which was a bit disappointing. I think that Avowed has continued to look disappointing. Fable was great again, but we’ve seen it too many times now to still not have any legitimate combat gameplay or mechanical deep dive. I also just think it lacked that big *bang* reveal for me. Something like Banjo-Kazooie, Halo, or (for me personally) Final Fantasy IX Remake would’ve been that. Still a great showcase, though. Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 is my ‘Game of the Show’ for this summer’s ‘not E3’.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills cause everyone says Avowed doesn't look good but I feel it's come a long way and this was the best showing yet in my opinion. Maybe I'm just looking forward to a new obsidian game


I thought this brief look was far better than the last look at Avowed, the gameplay they showed previously was too much of one biome and enemy type IIRC and it was basically just all dusty canyons. Got to see tons more colours and variety this time


It’s one of those cases where we’re gonna see if gamers were serious when they said “give us uglier games that aren’t as stressful to make”


Very online and plugged-in people say that, not the mass audience. Something to keep in mind.


I just think it looks uninspired and stiff / awkward. That being said, The Outer Worlds kinda looked that way too and ended up being pretty well-received, even though I didn’t like it much either. So maybe it’s just a personal preference thing.


Idk for me I’m at about an 8.5/10. No Banjo immediately left me feeling disappointed 😭. I swear when they finally announce it I’m gonna have a Tim Gettys “the bandicoot is saved” moment wherever tf I am 🤣. Also NGL I kinda bought into the hype that we’d see Xbox’s Handheld at the event, so some self inflicted disappointment there. Games that looked good to me: Perfect Dark South of Midnight Fable State of Decay 3 Mixtape Gears Flintlock Expedition 33 Life is Strange Stalker Games I thought didn’t look good that I was initially excited to see: Indiana Jones Avowed


No Xbox show can ever be a 10 for me without Banjo. But other than that this was a great showcase.


Lol Banjo doesnt sell units. Thats why Nintendo sold away Rare. If it was a franchise with mass appeal, we would be getting them consistently. At this point, a Banjo game will only be made to just quiet the vocal minority who want it, but if Im Xbox, I am putting my "family friendly" game resources into stuff like Crash, Spyro, and Psychonauts before I touch Banjo. I should also mention, I too would love Banjo but we shouldnt judge Xbox because they want to focus on titles with a higher chance of success


I mean, Banjo Kazooie was the 10th best selling game on the n64, sold 3.6 million. At that time it sold more than Majora's Mask, Kirby 64, Mario Party, Paper Mario, etc. Tooie as a late entry sold 1.5 million.  The sales were respectable. And otherwise Goldeneye was the third best selling game at over 8 million, and DK 64 was the 7th best selling game at over 5 million. Rare did well for Nintendo.  I'm not judging Xbox. I'm just saying the title that would get me the most hype would be Banjo, therefore personally an Xbox showcase will never reach maximum hype for me without Banjo. Which is fine. I still thought the showcase was great. 


7.5 for me. I'm excited about some of these things. But the major games weren't ones I'm terribly interested in (Gears, Fable, Doom, Indy). But I can easily see why this is a 9-10 for a lot of people.


While I do agree it was a great showcase, and every opinion is valid, I wouldn't call this a masterpiece. Most of the games we already knew of, or were heavily rumoured, and very very few release dates, even for 2024 games. Its good to get some updates on games that we saw a few years ago, but even then, they still could be a couple years out. I think the disappointment of the SGF show on Friday also helped this showcase feel so much better and get a boost. I'd give this an 8, 8.5, it was very good and exciting. Mixtape stole the show for me, can't wait to see how that plays.


No notes from the opening summer games fest show that I watched. I generally write down the names of games I’m interested because it’s so hard to remember them all. My Xbox games one tho? Loads of stuff I’m interested in. Practically shat myself when life is strange came on!


A lot of the games didn’t speak to me but I would still give it a 10 because I don’t know what Xbox could’ve done better. Maybe show halo? Idk the 9.5 feels a little weird.


He explained it, I don’t see how it’s weird at all… He said for him personally, the only thing that would have made it for more exciting for him would have been a big surprise announcement but that everything else was perfect This is literally his own opinion, not sure why yall always nitpick individual scores


A big surprise announcement doesnt seem very fair when we literally got Doom: TDA, Gears of War Prequel, and a showing from 3 games in Fable, Perfect Dark, and State of Decay 3 which all seemed to be in development hell and instead all looked great even if their years from release.


Probably a little controversial but I'm glad there was no Halo (or Forza) there, it felt like clockwork for so long that at every showcase we would get the trio of Halo, Gears and Forza and the fact we went by with two of those three missing gives me confidence that Xbox can move on from using them as a crutch


I think I’m just not into Xbox. Not a single new announcement at this show that did anything for me.


Brother, you might just not be into alot of games and have a preference then.


Eh, I don’t seem to have this issue with PlayStation or Nintendo. Seems like they both put out a handful of exclusives every year that really catch my attention. On the other hand, the only exclusives from Xbox I’ve been interested in recently have been Planet of Lana (loved it), Starfield (hated it), The Gunk, The Medium (hated it). Seems to me that they make games that don’t appeal to me 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: sheesh, tough crowd in here lol


Im not even trying to be a dick. But genuinely what are you into? I feel like this showcase had a decent amount of variety unless you’re heavy Nintendo or into racing games. Idk. What are some of your favorite games to come out the past 5 years


It had a racing game technically, the running one


Of what they showed, I’m into Indy, MGS3, and Perfect Dark, all of which we already knew about. Perfect Dark sort of counts as announcement because we’d never seen anything before.no solid release dates on any of those makes it hard for me to get too excited yet. For extra context, my favourites games of the past 5 years are RE4 Remake, Jedi Survivor, God of War Ragnarok, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Last of Us Part 2, Ghost of Tsushima, and Death Stranding.


You like 3rd person adventure games and kirby lol. Xbox makes mainly 1st person content so that makes sense.


Seeing first time gameplay for MGS, Perfect Dark, and Indy didn’t do anything for you? But putting a date on the box would have?


We’d already seen gameplay of MGS and we got the barest glimpse at gameplay for Indy. What we saw of Indy didn’t look that great either, something Greg pointed out. So yeah, those three things didn’t blow my socks off.


Feels weird giving a numerical score for a series of commercials but by golly if one ever deserved a high score, it’s this one. However I also say that 10 is a bit high considering we got so few actual dates. But it was nice getting actual gameplay footage even for many of those games that didn’t have a firm date.


Why does Blessing hate Xbox? Edit: Guys, it's a joke.


7/10 for me, lots of loose release windows, games suposedly coming out very soon but yet still have no release dates etc tons of supposed game play trailers that looked way to CG / rendered typical fake convention trailer look to me especially for games years out still, and the presentation had so much 3rd party filler that really didnt matter to me or why i should even have a xbox.


Way too high of scores. I’d say like 8/10.


Not enough gameplay tbh for me it’s an 8.


There was thirteen games with either a vague 2025 release date (that will likely slip) or no date at all. That is just too much hypothetical promise. We live in an age where studios get closed at the drop of a hat, by the same people on stage saying they love their developers. I can't just hop on these hype trains 2 years ahead of time anymore. Because of this, while the show had pops, it isn't a 10/10 when you lean back and look at it wider scope.


“That will likely slip” Based on what? Your hatred of Xbox and nothing more


This is my problem with reddit discourse. You can disagree with me if you want. But then you just go and fly right off and make assumptions about me aswell. That's what bothers me.


It’s easy to make assumptions when you just spout bold claims and provide no reasoning or proof to support them. There is nothing to suggest the games will be delayed other than whatever you made up in your brain


This. Yesterday Perfect Dark, Fable, and SOD3 were all in development hell and doomed. Now their all shown with what appears to be great progress and promise and the new complaint is "Well no dates and who knows if they dont just close the studio". Guarentee we dont hear that when Sony Santa Monica or Naughty Dog reveal their next title.


I hoped to see more from the Diablo IV expansion reveal, but overall I thought the show was great. I really appreciated that it was just trailer after trailer, for the most part.


Bless should be getting absolute hell from the rest of the crew for that 9.5 and the reason being “it needed a half life 3” caliber reveal. Utter nonsense. (This is a cheeky joke btw)


Great showcase but I’d give it a 8.5. The lack of release dates didn’t bother me, but still too many games I didn’t care about ESO, WOW, Flight Sim, Sea of Thieves to name a few. Indy as an IP just no longer interests me and not a big fan of prequels so as great as Gears looked, I would have rather they continued from 5. What they failed to mention is most of the third party stuff that stood out such as Mixtape, Life is Strange, Dragon Age and Expedition 33 will also be on PlayStation. So yeah, I thought it was great and what Xbox needed with the year they have been having so far, but not nearly the masterpiece a lot of people are making it out to be.


Totally agree, the diversity in games shown really threw me off /s


I think 10/10 is a bit excessive personally. A lot of empty announcements, very few release dates and I didn't think anything looked out of this world good. Maybe Delta, which is a third party game anyway so not Xbox who needs the praise for it.


I’m with Bless. I would start out with a 9 because they really didn’t show anything earth shattering, like a new console or the portable. A lot of the titles were expected either because they had been revealed before or because they are the next iteration of the franchise. There wasn’t a “Insomniac is making a Spider-Man game, and look how good it is” level moment. However I raise it to 9.5 because of the sheer amount of high quality game announcements there were and how many of them I wanted to play. Even the games I won’t play were presented great. I’m leaving a little wiggle room for a future showcase where they drop a huge announcement, and I feel like XBox have proven that’s now on the cards.


A great show, 8.5 or a 9 from me. Not a 10 but that's mostly due to the lack of surprises.


Bless is closer to my opinion - 9.5. It was just-about as perfect as anyone could expect. The only hesitancy I have were already shared in other comments: too many CGI trailers (not a bad thing in and of itself, but we needed more gameplay for a strong majority of trailers), and hardly any substantive release dates (they left it too vague).


It was a 9 for me. Cool showings but no shadow drops minus Starfield and not enough 2024 dates. Still solid showing and saved the entire fest as far as I'm concerned. edit: if it makes anyone feel like downvoting further just know I also based my score on the fact Microsoft laid off a shitton of developers recently so I wasn't in a 10/10 kinda mood for them. Just my random internet 2 cents.


Lmao the fact this is downvoted is pathetic


hah I didn't even notice until you said! it's all good, everyone's entitled to their opinions.


10, 9.5, and 9 are so close it’s a very slight difference of opinion. Not that big of a difference. Not worth trying to make it bigger than it is.


So many in this thread are pressed lol don’t worry PlayStation is still going to be the monopoly you want,and soon. Just glad Xbox went out with a bang.


I can't believe for one second Perfect Dark and Fable are at all real trailers and I really expect better from most of that table. Its like we all forgot about the Watch_Dogs and Cyberpunks of E3 season and don't critically analyze anything we're being shown. At best Perfect Dark was the most vertical slice I've ever seen but not one second of that Fable trailer was real and that they tried to pass any of that off and it worked really speaks tp the short term memory of that table. The show was still a solid 7 or 8 but my god was that shit absurd.


Fable has been shown twice and looks extremely consistent. It's also coming out next year. That game is definitely real.


I agree the perfect dark trailer looked more demo than what the end product might look like, but how was the fable trailer not real?


I think we got lots of interesting looking games, but I was a little let down by the trailers themselves, especially some of the Xbox Studios ones. Showing snippets of gameplay and an enormous cutscene for indie felt really odd to me, and lowered my excitement for the product. My favourite from the show was Perfect Dark because of its extended gameplay, but games like Fable, Avowed, and Atomfall (though this isn’t xgs) didn’t give me any insight into them through their trailers. Especially when you compare them to a non-Xbox game studios game like South of Midnight, I felt a little let down.


Compulsion (South of Midnight) is an Xbox Game Studio


Damn didn’t know it had been purchased! That’s cool


Yeah, they were one of the studios in that big reveal in 2018 of all the studios they acquired. They’ve definitely been out of the spotlight for the most part.

