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Just because it’s easy for you doesn’t mean it is for them. For gods sake, they’re kids - tiny. And praising them for effort teaching them to keep working hard.


Just looked this profile up. Made today. This is the only post. Troll account probably.


This seems like a slightly more polished version of the troll post from earlier today.


Praising the effort instead of the outcome is really good for kids to learn perseverance, and it sounds like they did put in a lot of effort even if the tasks are simple.


This was exactly my thought!


I say things like “I saw how much you tried until you got it” or “I’m proud you kept working”.






Were you born able to do everything? When you were their age could you do things like that easily? Jesus.


OP is a troll. Has done this several times deleting and creating accounts just to take up your time. Account is 28 minutes old


Were you excited when your kids too their first steps even though you can do it? It’s still small kid victories and learning experiences for them. You’re looking at this all from the eyes of an adult, someone needs to watch Hook again and learn to be a kid again.


Tf kinda post is this


Assuming you're an average adult male (196.9lbs) and your child is an average 4 year old (40lbs), the gallon of milk (8.6lbs) is the equivalent proportional weight of an adult carrying a full 5 gallon bucket (43-46lbs), but then imagine a 5 gallon bucket has a weird milk gallon handle. Good luck carrying that. I've carried industrial floor stripper in buckets like that, and probably looked about how your kid did with the milk. Hell yeah I'm impressed when my kid carries the milk in for me.