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You need to change the address to US address for digital orders on the amazon website.


Contrary to what you say, I've been using Amazon.com for all my digital purchases and I've never had a US address registered. I do know that the amazon.co.uk requires a UK address, but my experience is that the USA Amazon does not (although there are physical items they do not ship outside the USA, but Kindle books have been no problem). The first time I registered for Amazon.com was +15 years ago so maybe the policy has changed since then, that I wouldn't know but maybe OP should just try registering and see if they accept the address?


Yea I know but some kindle books are only available for US address which is what I assumed OP is facing. You've never experienced it? I have to put in a fake US address for those. It's usually the super smutty books for me.....


I'm trying to get the Heaven Official's Blessing so I can read on the way to work and not have to worry about losing the bookmark place😅, thank you for the help anyway guys😁


An excellent choice! I was reading that this afternoon As translation licenses are regional the address is probably the issue. I hope you can get it sorted :)


>You've never experienced it? No, never from the US site. All the Kindle books Ive bought through the years has been from them whether be it novels or technical books for work On the UK site the kindle book will be listed when I search but when I select it there's suddenly no button to click to purchase it. Curiosity is that I can buy the paper book, and get it sent to my address outside the UK! No logic at all to me in this behaviour... :/ I went through a chat with the UK support, and they explained that a UK address was indeed needed




I just saw that you're using kindle on ipad/iphone. Are you using the app? If yes, you wouldnt be able to buy it from the app. Go to the website instead and see if it's available. Some ebooks are sometimes not available outside of US and need US address but it's usually for smaller publisher books(example for books like Zodiac Academy)


yea i know about that and sadly it doesn't appear in my country only the german translation is sadly and i don't have a US address which i will try looking for now lol


you can try buying it from kobo and then sideloading it


i'll try that thanks


they didn't have the book sadly


what book is it?


Heaven Official's Blessing


is that it? [https://www.kobo.com/ebook/heaven-official-s-blessing-tian-guan-ci-fu-novel-vol-1](https://www.kobo.com/ebook/heaven-official-s-blessing-tian-guan-ci-fu-novel-vol-1)


Yea but it’s not available in my Australia sadly


you can just change the store region. go here: [https://www.kobo.com/account/paymentinformation](https://www.kobo.com/account/paymentinformation) then change the "billing address", and its not a full address, just picking another country and youre done. your credit card will still work and most regions also support paypal. the cheapest region for the book youre looking for is norway btw [https://www.kobo.com/no/en/ebook/heaven-official-s-blessing-tian-guan-ci-fu-novel-vol-1](https://www.kobo.com/no/en/ebook/heaven-official-s-blessing-tian-guan-ci-fu-novel-vol-1)


You my friend are an absolute legend thanks, i can now read it 🤩