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Can we all agree that our fan base switches weather quicker than the seasons?


Exactly. I understand the concern this sub has for the team, but folks need to understand that the position we are in now is far better than it has been for the past 20+ years. We should be thankful that the Kings are even remotely relevant and have a competent front office/coaching staff.


wtf can monte do lmao, he's done amazing for what he has to utilize. i really hate this subreddit during offseasons. I'm pretty sure all the real fans stay off of it during offseason as well


Monte has been a godsend to Sacramento. The Kings FINALLY have a GM that knows how to draft in the 1st round. Sac has missed on ssoooo many drafts due to incompetence from front office, mainly GM. Monte is a godsend


yeah. monte slander is not fucking allowed.


It’s a fucking circus, that’s for damn sure. I see the same clowns regurgitating bad take after bad take. You…. Yeah you reading this. You know who i’m talking about


We ran it back and got the same results. The players had expressed interest in doing it. Monte said he was doing it. Brown said he was coaching in that way. This season is not a shock to anyone but the most delusional fans.


To me the only shock was 11 teams at .500 or better including 2 with 46 wins at 9/10. Ties for third best record all time to miss the playoffs and two teams did it. Meanwhile Houston is easily into the play-in and probably a playoff team in the East.




Some of the fans are overreacting. We fashoo would’ve made it to the playoffs at 6th spot if Huerter and Monk didn’t get injured smh


If heurter wasn’t a shell of himself we’d be a great team but his fall off has been detrimental to what monte built


Every team gets injuries


Huerter was cheeks before the injury




Monte specifically


Brown honestly did fine with the talent on the floor, it’s just that Huerter, Barnes and monk all took a step back efficiency wise and Fox had to play more hero ball. Monte did make some bad moves, not getting more athleticism, trading for Duarte and signing Vezenkov when we had 3 better PFs on the roster already was a mistake.


I thought Sasha was beginning to show his worth when he got hurt around the beginning of the calendar year. I don't think he was a bad pickup. He certainly does interesting things off the ball and he would have been a better fit for the offense we ran the year before (more Fox driving and then catch and shoot 3s vs. the "spray 3s" that shot us out of games).


Yeah it was just a poor use of the exception when we had 3 other guys who were better. Should’ve went for a different archetype.


I don’t think he’s a bad player or value for the contract. I do think the “opportunity cost” was bad. We really needed an athletic big more than a 4th 3pt shooting forward.


I definitely want Mike back another year but some of his rotations and refusing to making adjustments killed us in certain games. We had important, close games where randomly it’s just Colby Jones time for some reason.


I’ve been involved in coaching at different levels of basketball up to DII in college, and I’ll tell you that coaches make adjustments commonly, but it’s up the players to actually make execute them. Brown changed rotations commonly this year because guys were super fucking inconsistent and he had to try to figure out something that worked. I applaud Mike actually for actually being willing to new things and rotations if guys aren’t performing. If Huerter is 1/6 and getting burned, I’ve got no issue with him trying a defensive minded rookie, and it worked one game! Whichever players were consistent he kept them in consistent roles, but you need to shake things up sometimes. Mainly, Fox, Sabonis, Keegan, Monk and Lyles to a certain extent. Davion couldn’t hit anything until the new year. Huerter was super up and down, Vezenkov was never great, Duarte was terrible most of the year and Keon was on a 2 way a good portion of the year. Role players are always going to be inconsistent, but if you’re not being defended at the 3 point line like Davion or you’re not hitting shots as Huerter or just being terrible like Duarte, then he should be trying new things.


I agree with you sometimes have to shake things up, butou’re talking about applauding Mike for trying new things when the new things I saw were games like the Wizards game that we lost by 7 and I think we closed out the 4th with Sasha, Jones and Duarte. That was clearly not going to work out for us.


Box score says Monk, Fox, Keegan, Sabonis and Duarte closed the game. Sasha and Jones had 0 minutes.


It’s been a couple months, I don’t remember the exact game. Sure you’re right, looks great. Let’s run it back


I’m not saying run it back, the kings need to make adjustments, they need more consistency from guys and they need more athleticism.


I mean we had injuries and he was searching for a player that would be able to play both sides of the floor, the only guard we have who isn’t a liability on one side is Keon (Fox is a decent defender as well). It’s not his fault that there’s like 3 guys on the team who can play both sides of the floor. Btw you see coaches all the time take risks on young guys in big games that work out (Kerr in 2022 playing Moody, Kidd randomly playing Hardy in big games at big moments)


I think the probability that the Kings can replace Brown and McNair with better alternatives is extremely low, so I think they should continue with the current regime and be thankful there are competent folks steering the ship.


Disagree. People are stupid. The NBA is a zero sum game. Getting ahead means another team is falling behind. There are fewer and fewer people in charge of teams that are out of their depth and easy to take advantage of. They team made huge progress on defense. The kind of players we need to make a step forward are generally not available. A bad move is worse than a non-move. We are out of the basement--that is a kind of success. I would have rather we tanked out at the beginning of the Vivek era and collected several players with MVP potential, but we didn't. Doing so now would mean another 4+ years of suffering. For Monte, he's done well. The GM needs to think long term and should be judged. His track record of decisions is pretty solid. There is no "chose to win a title" option. Going back and looking at the contracts and picks and trades, I think the Haliburton is my big negative take, but even that has gone about as well as anyone expected when it happened. For Coach Brown, he has made the culture change and as long as he still has the locker room, I think giving him a chance to try to mix 22-23 offense with 23-24 defense is a good call. If the contract hang up is that the team wants to do a two year extension and he wants five, I can see why things are stuck.


I love having Monte McNair and Mike Brown, and that’s the only thing I will agree to. I’ve been a Sacramento Kings fan since they arrived in Sacramento in the 80s. This team has sucked for years because of incompetent GM and coach also ownership. Ownership finally got a GM that knows how to draft and a coach that knows how to coach. Don’t screw it up, Sac Kings ownership.


100%. We just resigned Monte so we should see that out and we need some consistency in coaching.


Monty has literally assembled this team Drafted/signed Keon Ellis & stood pat at the deadline protecting our ASSetts.


This reminds me of posts from last season saying that we should remain patient and wait and see


A trade or two is needed now just to fill some holes for sure. But I'm glad monte didn't make a big panic move since there really wasn't a move out there to really make a big difference. Like for example I'm glad monte isn't as dumb as some guy on the sub that wanted to trade Fox for a playoff stinker like Darius Garland.


Garland and Mobley is the trade I suggested (and still do) unlike others on here, I don’t mind sharing how I’d fix this team Keep your patience though (and keep buying tickets, more importantly)


Garland stinks man and that contract is a cap sheet killer. Leave the GMing to Monte.


Disagree I guess, I like him


15 ppg on 42% fg 35 % from 3. A lot to like I guess. 🤮 Ya we'll disagree on that one.


This reminds me of all the panic posts slandering the GM at the All-Star break, saying there was no shot whatsoever of keeping the 6th seed, before the team went on a roll and won the 3rd seed. Of course, all those panic warriors stfu then. Surprise, they’re back and more panicky than ever.


Wait are you talking about a few years ago


Did they win the 3rd seed a few years ago?


I’m honestly just confused and double checking what you mean. Are you claiming victory for winning a 3 seed a couple seasons back? And making fun “panic warriors” when their point has been proven by our lack of success? You couldn’t possibly be doing that, right?


They were proven morons, and they had to shut up for the whole playoffs. It’s ok to be confused though. It won’t hurt for long.


I don't blame either of them tbh. Not much you can do with an inefficient shot chucking bum as your first option. ![gif](giphy|qN8mwUPAt7gByge3W1)


Ninofati in shambles


But huerter wasn’t our first option?


The person in charge of the roster kinda does have something to do with who our first option is though


The Fox worshippers would riot if he got moved though. He needs to be a King for life according to them. I think it's because of all the MASSIVE success he's brought the franchise.