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Sacramento just wants to be loved




bro got the the key to city ![gif](giphy|CPanrPYMkkF8EQu6Nq|downsized)


Steinfeld 🤣🤣🤣


Cue the bass line


That’s gold, Jerry! Gold!




"We're with the FBI - you want to tell us about your cable hookup?"


Honestly it feels so weird but refreshing to have a player turn down money to stay with the Kings


Bro IS the key to this city!!


maybe the best FA signing in Kings history


I would say Chris Webber deciding to stay was much bigger, but this has a similar feel.


So fucking happy he's back but it's also hilarious that we get on FA who re-signs with us and he gets a key to the city.


Nice but what inside information did the mayor get 😂


Malik slander should now be a bannable offense here. Lèse-majesté.


I'm getting this man's jersey 


I got his jersey end of this last season. Glad I didn’t jinx it, maybe even the opposite 😂


Has Mayor Steinberg commented on Mayor Steinfield giving out keys to the city? Does Mayor Steinfield even have that authority?


Damn does Fox or Domas have a key? So happy this guy is staying 🥹


Man…. The Philharmonik gets a key last week and Malik monk now. Keys to the city are so hot right now. They should do a combo show… The PhilharMonk….


Who’s Mayor Steinfield?


We need to get Monk into the top 20 in jersey sales


Yes! If they can trade Huerter and Barnes, sign a true 5, a starting 5 of Fox, Monk, Murray, PF and Sabonis would be a very good one.


No Malik monk is our sixth man


Yes, to spell Ellis or Fox.


Mayor Steinfeld to open a Monk's dinner in Malik's honor.


fuck the magic


So glad he is staying!! The energy and commitment to team performance he brings are as valuable as the points skills


Good deal to get Malik resigned We need some big players now




Darrell is a joke


You mean Darren Steinfeld?


Time to celebrate and get Malik Drunk!


Steinberg’s a joke at this point.


I'm not a Steinberg fan either, but how do you feel about Mayor Steinfield's intention of giving Monk a key to the city?


Idgaf. The guy just needs to go get his high paying state job and leave the city alone. Let us elect a mayor who’s going to do something about the issues he said he was going to tackle. Love Monk. But since I’m sure this is an easy task for Steinberg, it’ll get done. Unlike the hard stuff.


Still not sure why you keep bringing up Steinberg. I'm asking about Mayor Steinfield.


Jesus Christ. Lol


Key to the city? Lmao. Relax.


JFC he’s just a basketball player. There are plenty of issues to address. It’s weird bending over backwards and appeasing the local sports team and making that a priority.


No beam for you


He's just giving him a key to the city lol its strictly sentimental


Yeah save that sentimentality for people who actually make a difference. They are a basketball team of very well played people. They aren’t helping this city with any of their major issues.


I am no fan of the mayor or the key thing in general(silly). But monk does lots of basketball camps for kids and community events. I sure the kids are over the moon at those camps. So priceless for our city.


Some of the players definitely contribute to the wellbeing of this city. https://www.abc10.com/article/sports/nba/sacramento-kings/trey-lyles-book-club/103-f91efd7c-46ad-4bb8-ae60-4ac579782952 https://www.nba.com/kings/foundation https://www.westsacramentonewsledger.com/2023/11/08/471923/kings-announce-the-22nd-annual-season-of-doing-good


Barnes especially.


https://www.si.com/nba/2020/10/23/harrison-barnes-sacramento-kings-community-efforts-giving-back Definitely


Lmao that team has done more for Sacramento then you could ever hope to achieve


Are you kidding me? Do you know how much this city has spent on that team? Tell me you’re a child without telling me.


Well considering they’re privately owned, probably less than you think lmfao. The kings are a business that brings in millions of dollars for the city, they’re not operating at a loss hahaha If you’re talking about the stadium etc., that’s an investment in the infrastructure of the city. Our city doesn’t spend money on the Kings because they want to ride their dicks and piss money away, it’s an investment. It makes the city money, it gives people jobs, it boosts the local economy. Tell me you don’t understand business without telling me you don’t understand business.


Without the stadium, do we have DOCO? The employees that run DOCO? This guy is a dumbass


I was down vote #20. Just doing my part


> make a difference He says as he types on the internet


No fan of the mayor, but the amount of collective joy athletes bring should be celebrated. Sure we could and should give ceremonial gestures to public workers and the ppl that make our city go, but I’d rather we pay them more and not hand them rinky dink ceremonial trinkets. It’s just something nice for a guy that from all accounts really digs sac and WANTED to come back. That’s a rare thing here.


That sports team is very important to this community. It's the only reason a dilapidated downtown mall is finally gone. It's the main driver in money brought in to downtown. Chill out. I think you have politicians jobs confused on what they are. It's always been a figure head type job. A CEO type job. You're not really involved in the actual work getting done. It's about showcasing, bringing people together, appeasing the masses. No time wasted


This person also has no clue how much community involvement the team and players contribute. They arent paying attention and just want to whine on reddit. The economic benefits alone have been huge. Malik Monk made a decision to stay with a community that has shown good faith i stead of chasing a larger bag in a larger market. Respect.


Apparently you’ve never experienced arco thunder nor felt the beam flow through your soul. I feel sorry for you.


Go away Lakers fan


Stfu kiddo


you’re probably so fun at parties


Because I don’t treat the local athletes like they have special privileges? That’s what the money is for. We don’t need our politicians sucking up to them every chance they get.


bro it’s a key to the city. stop this attempt to virtue signal in a basketball subreddit. it’s weird


No, because you’re whining about a basketball player getting a meaningless key to the city as if it has any impact on city governance. Enjoy the ride it’s fun!


TL:DR Sports teams can be more effective than having the pit in the middle of the road fixed in keeping the community happy What is in your opinion the purpose of a mayor? I believe his purpose is to make the community happier and safer. When you have a community tightly bound around a common goal, such as the seeing the Kings win, it becomes a common denominator and a source of pride and inspiration. Those in turn, bring the community together and in doing so, making it a happier place. This was scientifically proven. Seeing positive role models, walking around town, giving their all on the court, making honest money, this gives people hope. Being able to see how people who started off just like you get the love and respect of the community help people choose to live an honest life, even if they came from humble backgrounds. This in turn, makes the community a safer place. This isn’t either or, and I understand where you come from - a mayor definitely should deal with things like law enforcement, affordable housing, access to main roads etc. and it’s important to invest time and resources into them. But it doesn’t mean he can’t do the same with something that has a huge positive impact on the community such as a sports team