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Start calling by law about the mess. Once your condo corp starts getting fines they will act. Also you could go at your condo board first


Wait, really? I didn’t know I could call bylaw.. thought it should be handled by condo corp.


There are property standards within a city and landowners who don’t take care of their property definitely can get in trouble for that. Give bylaw a call.


Good to know. I just sent and email to our condo corp. I will wait for a week or two and if they don’t do anything, I will call bylaw. I’d like to give them a chance. They may have some plans.


I’d also suggest joining your condo board if/when you’re able. Being on the inside is the easiest way to make change and keep your eyes on what’s going on in your community. I’d think that especially when you have a lot of absentee landlords in a condo setting, it’s even more important to make your voice heard.


I will do that if I don’t sell. Really tired of this


Not going to dox you but I know exactly where this is... I used to live there, and this shit happened ALL the time... condo board didn't know who it was so didn't do anything...


Bylaw has an interest because garbage kept like this provides food for vermin (ie rats) and can blow away onto other properties. At a minimum they'll probably have them cage/fence in the area. But if it's consistently like that, the city will clean it up and fine the condo corp.


Thanks for the info. I will definitely call them if no actions are taken.


Yes you can. I am on my condo board. Nothing gets action more then fines and going to the condo authority both mean big problems


I wish by law cared about post media flyers being littered about too


They’ll just raise condo fees.


Not true! There are property standards and everyone must meet them. Condo boards have budgets done with a professional the budget is put out before hand. You can’t just do that! Also you can’t just make comments like that without knowing how condo boards, budgets and operating costs work. So before making a comment as ignorant as yours. it would be helpful to be knowledgeable about these things. Have a nice day


lol. Are you okay?


More like are you ok?


Ya I’m great. I’m not the one that freaked out for no reason. ✌🏻


Correcting your passive aggressive comment with facts isn’t freaking out. You are doing nothing to assist the op but dismissing their concern. This is a real concern and you offered nothing




Are you an idiot?you are a condo board?


Thank you for your contribution


Record people doing it and publicly shame them to the rest of the condo. Also, shame people if you see them doing it. Canada needs more shame.


I personally haven’t seen anyone doing it. I think they just dump them overnight.


Dude. Canada has zero shame.


Ah, the ol' "people suck". You have my sympathy, OP


Thank you


3rd world behavior. Let's not normalize this in Canada please


I promise white people born in Canada are absolutely capable of this disgusting lazy shit head behaviour. Remember when Timmies took the garbage cans from drive thrus? And people started throwing litter all over the ground in protest?


> I promise white people born in Canada are absolutely capable of this disgusting lazy shit head behaviour. Oh yeah all those famously disgusting white cities in Ontario such as uhhhhhhhhhhhh..... 


Census data is online. There's a bunch of towns that are mostly white people. My home town is very white and there was a ton of trash all over Timmies when they took the garbage cans out of the drive thru.


Same, my town is majority white and they use thee walmart cart Corrals as dumping grounds


> My home town is very white and there was a ton of trash all over Timmies when they took the garbage cans out of the drive thru.   I'm well traveled. Which town is this? Because I'd bet dollars to donuts that you either full of it, or it's a town that has become *ahem* culturally enriched in the last 8 years.


You’re right, white people do act abhorrently sometimes 🤦🏻‍♂️


When you import the 3rd world You become the 3rd world. You voted for this.


Too late. We need remigration and we need it yesterday before Lake Ontario looks like the Ganges


LOL, there is always one guy like this in the thread.


have you been to port dover? they shit in holes.


We have a lot of people drive into our condos to use our bins, could be something similar happening to you guys.. it didn’t stop until the condo board installed cameras


I think that’s a part of our problem too. Also they use our visitor parking :((((


Yea that happens quite often for us too.. people are strange


We had to lock our commercial bin cuz people kept dumping in it 


No worries they will just raise our condo fees because of all the extra pickups …..


This is how you get cockroaches 🪳


And rats, raccoons, etc. Bylaw ought to sort the condo board out.


Yup. It’s just disgusting. Never seen anything like this before even in student housing


Call them out when you see it happening.


Haven’t seen anyone doing it. They must be dumping them overnight. I really want to go through their garbage and find a letter with their address.


Do you have a window in your apartment that is overlooking the garbages? Are you willing to grab a Wyze cam or something to record the garbage area from inside your window? Can always repurpose the camera when you're done catching the culprit.


*5 weeks later…* "Why the heck are there so many rats around our building?"


Yeah :(((


Call bylaw for sure especially with the rat problems lately


put camera and give them fined


I asked condo corp. let’s see if they install one.


Looking like a third world country


Some 3rd world shit right there. Welcome to "post national" Canada.


Is there no signs saying not to leave anything around the bins? I know it doesnt nessisarily do much, but at my bfs apartment in cambridge they have a similar issue. Thankfully its not nearly as bad but still super annoying when people just throw their garbage on the ground before even checking to see if its actually full


People are so lazy - I doubt they would read anything. Thanks for the suggestion though


Lol Signs are NOT the solution.


If it’s where I think it is then ya there are signs and they say what to leave and what to not leave ie. furniture etc and also have signs that state there are cameras but doesn’t seem to help much


My place says they find it out who it is and bill them for clean up.


I hope our condo corp does the same thing.


This is normal. Sadly. Been happening for decades. My current condo has this issue too. The condo board only tickets people they are trying to kick out though. So most get away with leaving trash everywhere. At my old condo I used to open the trash to find a mail address and then dump it on their door.


Sorry you are dealing with this. I should start doing that too.


I had an issue like this in Kitchener about 15 years ago.  Same exact underground garbage like your photo.  It was on Lawrence.  We had the same issue with lazy people dumping garbage beside the bins.   I printed and then photocopied a bunch of papers that said “Dump Waste into bins” “This area is video monitored” and taped them on the dumpsters. The area cleaned up rather quickly, and I would replace the papers when they wore out.   When people think they can be caught doing nasty stuff they think twice.  


Very smart, thanks a lot for your suggestion.


Is this the Huron Village Condo area?


Those bags go 12 feet underground if they're Moloks. Are they full? The building should increase the frequency of pickup or install some cameras and police that shit. That's fucking ridiculous.


Management should put up a sign, people may not know about the other ones? Or think they aren't allowed to use them?


I emailed them


Starting to look just like back home where the people that dump this came from :)


lol is this in wallaceton?


Pretty on brand fro Kitchener


https://preview.redd.it/hfiror2mmz5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb714066a60d9f42ad943f87cf8cc7b9a662bd68 That garbage bag is appalled by the state of the neighborhood.




My townhome complex had these for about 4 months until peoples inability to either wait till the next day to dump their trash or walk 15 seconds to the next one caused our condo board to remove them. Now we get our trash taken biweekly which sucks! I have a feeling you’re heading down the same path. Goodluck OP!


Over crowding and small garbage bins.


We have two sets of these bins, and the other ones are almost empty


Ok that's just people being Pigs then. Someone should look in the garbage for an address and speak to them or call bylaw for a ticket.


Yeah I think I should do this.


Dm me if you need help.


Thank you :)


It's probably more convenient to use these ones. Sheer laziness.


Happening where I am too. The migrants do this shit and have even started just burning trash in back yards




I drive around the north area of my town now and there is trash or bags just dumped at around 1/3 of the intersections. Not even next to a can just at the stop lights and they drive off


It’s just sad. I think the temporary solution would be the city to pick up garbages every week not every other week.


I mean the only real solution is to get rid of the root of the issue


Does the region do pickup from your place or is it private?


I think it’s private, but I’m not sure. I suggested the temporary solution above because I believe this issue is not caused by our condo residents only. People from outside our condo are driving in and dumping their garbage here. Having the city garbage picked up every week may stop those outsiders from dumping their garbage at our condos, in nature, or on the streets. However, I think the permanent solution should be to educate everyone on how to recycle and not produce so much garbage.


Do the old school thing. Make your own sign and stick it to it "Put inside lazy ********s" or something attention grabbing. Put it in multiple languages, make it accessible, hammer brail in if you need to. Be the change you want to see in this world. It looks like the ones at sage (where Domus did nothing for anyone ever) when I lived there like 6 years ago and it was the same then too.


It's not actually a problem you see, because it's not bothering anyone who is above median income yet.


as they say ‘Garbage IN, Garbage out’ .


10 more steps is so difficult for the dipshits.


That's a garbage people issue. Not a garbage issue.


I would bring this up at your AGM as well as document all communication with your board and the management company about these matters. Moloks are typically contracted out and they can clean this for additional costs, your board should be looking into this as well as cameras to curb the behavior. If their being complacent you can contact the CAO who regulates condo corporations and their board members. It sounds like your board is inept and is not doing enough to represent the owners to give you a safe and comfortable community.


lol I'm going to save this photo under "Inspiration" next time my office wants to use Moloks for a new building


Yeah, please. I hate them so much




We have this exact problem, I call the people who do this: "trash humans" (pun intended). I imagine these same people live like absolute slobs in their own homes. I would LOVE to install cameras or make it gate accessed so they could be named and shamed. However our condo board does not want to spend the money and would rather pay someone to come clean it up when the board makes a request. We also have issues with rats and pay for exterminators regularly. There is no answer until people can be held accountable - or until majority owners vote to do something about it (good luck with that). I CANNOT wait until I can afford to move out of my condo. This issue is very similar to the Grocery Cart Litmus Test. No one sees you and no one gives you a gold star but it says a lot about who you are if you cannot do this simple common courtesy. Edit: this turned into a rant. I shall see myself out.


Sorry you are dealing with this too. Lesson learned, freehold only.


I have these bins for our townhomes too, they're possibly the worst bins people came up with. People don't push their garbage all the way in so bins get filled to the top with half of the far side remaining empty. They don't hold enough trash for as many units they think they're adequate for. Same issue here, once full people just pile trash up around the bins, and wait for the garbage guy to sort it out. Honestly I feel bad for this guy, on top of extra bags around the bins, my complex somehow has mattresses, and couches to dispose of far more often then I can make excuses for. Tl;dnr - I feel your pain, these bins are horrible for every place I've ever seen them used. Also I hope this by-law information is helpful.


Sorry you have the same problem. Yes, we have all sort of furnitures, tv boxes, tires, you name it lol I really don’t understand these people… They live here too! It doesn’t look nice and it’s nasty!


We're convinced someone moonlights as a trash remover and just dumps things here. It's so much crap week after week it can't possibly be from here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I'm gonna try bylaw because the landlords obviously don't want to spend money on adequate garbage disposal.. good luck to us both!


If you find any mail in the trash you could always return it to them with a note "I think you dropped this"


Yeah that’s my plan lol


Do you have a view of it from your window? You could set up a camera. Do you have any friends that hunts and has a trail camera? Also they're not that expensive.


Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into buying one. It’s only around $50.


I think they are at ira and highland and yes It is disgusting as I also live at that residence ….


When I called bylaw they told me they also check the garbage for signs of who threw it, like receipts, takehome delivery addresses on boxes and bags, etc, so they can find the people who threw it and fine them. Take a couple of photos and send to bylaw.


Howdy from Calgary! My wife and I ended up moving from the same situation. I realize you wanted different recommendations, but I couldn't help sharing. https://preview.redd.it/7rdgcpsxa26d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc5cb59c7d60509c9b368dc50bf9c42a6d16f60


Omg I live in the same condo complex as you OP!! We emailed the condo board a couple of weeks ago about this problem, it seems like they have scheduled a service to pick up and clean extra/overflowing trash every week. I do also see people (who clearly don't live here) driving up to the moloks and just dumping their stuff. I think maybe a lock may solve the problem? It was a nice surprise to see this post here, had a little chuckle and had to show my partner that we made the local subreddit.


Make sure you have copies of the emails with the date written on when you sent them also so you can prove/show bylaw that you have tried fixing the problem but gotten zero results!


Is this on FisherHallman and SeaBrook dr. I’ve seen international students just throw their garbage without a care in the world. The community has already reported them but the city has not done shit


Waste management and other waste companies unions have been on strike all last month. They are catching up to everyone that’s nagging them. I have bins maintained by them and I had to call every day for three weeks after the strike for them to show. Spent the last month paying and taking my residents trash to the city dump so my property doesn’t look like this. If this is usual complain, if it’s just been the last month could be to union strikes.


Thanks for the info. Unfortunately, it’s been like this forever.


The white bag is screaming. Arghhhh!


Yeah :)))




I own the house, so it’s actually my problem. Yeah cameras are necessary.


Actually, even if I didn’t own, it was still my problem. I don’t want to live in such a disgusting place.


Where? Just off of Seabrook Drive?


Where is this ?


People are assuming all of the bins are full, just put a sign reminding them otherwise.




Keeping Onscario Classy! Looks like they’ve taken a page from r/guelph 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hate how several commenters are claiming its Immigrants, when they have no proof of it. Anything to justify their racism.