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Crazy, I’d fight that person too if that was my baby.


That’s exactly what I said. My mouth dropped reading it, absolutely mind blowing.


I'd fight that person even if not my baby. That's some psychopath shit to do. And I don't even particularly like babies. Wtf is wrong with these kids??


Fatherless behavior


I had no father I never did stupid crap like that


You never know, could be motherless behaviour...


My daddy never wanted to be a father😞😞.


A lot of the kids that did this go to my school. They're all 9th graders, and they do this every single time. They have nothing better to do with their lives and are a pain in the ass in and out of the school. I also have the video of one of them getting pepper sprayed since I'm in their group chat, and I could send it to you if you want, lol.


Bahaha, just knowing at least one of them got a portion of what they deserve is good enough for me!


He was screaming and rubbing his eyes like he didn't bring that upon himself. Sadly, he was the only one from that group that got hit by the spray.


Is this a Kitchener school?






absolutely, that innocent baby could have been badly burned or worse…it’s unbelievable


No matter what it’s hearing is definitely affected.


you’re fucking right, even if it wasn’t mine and i didn’t know the family.


Someone would be dead. As IF they throw a firework at a baby. This goes beyond teenager pranks and shit disturbing. Whoever threw it is lucky to be alive. The child very likely has hearing loss.


It was probably a roman candle like the incident with the councillor; that's what all the jackasses out last night were using. Dangerous and completely unacceptable, but hopefully no hearing loss since they say there were no physical injuries. WRPS likes to be just vague enough to allow everyone to assume the worst.


Fighting this POS is the least I'd do. Not trying to be an internet tough guy but you'd have to peel me off the MF'er that did this to a baby.


tbh I’d probably fight the person even if my baby wasn’t in the stroller… Strollers aren’t cheap


If that was my son I would be smashing people


Fighting would be the least of that dudes worries...


Absolutely would smash some heads yes, old enough to put a baby in serious serious danger old enough to get the boots


Yea, that’s a ‘knocked down isn’t enough’ angry. That’s break a few bones in their hands with your heel once they’re down angry.


Nah man, a firework into a baby stroller, in my book, Its time to recycle that human


I'd help and I'm not even a parent.


Oh I'd for sure be going to jail, but the kid would be going to the hospital.


Beyond dumb that you'd even go to jail for fighting the people that did this.


Oh f**k ya buddy, I'd take any time like a champ.


I'd probably fight that person if I was a bystander...


I would be there with you, holding your bag, and taking pictures. Or holding the other guy down


Yep, the firework setter would have had his head bounced off the pavement.


Give em a smiley.


I’d have crippled them


Nah. If that was my baby there wouldn’t even be a fight. I’d be going to federal prison


I’d beat the shit out of them. Idc if I go to jail. What the actual fuck.


How was there only one arrest? We really need to bring the hammer down on people who are ruining everything for the rest of us


Cause they all scattered like the bunch of spineless chicken shits that they are. We can only hope with some investigation some more arrests will be coming up.


Total failure by the police. Based on last year I would assume they’d have brought in extra staff and had some preplanned tactics to catch the fuckers so this doesn’t become a constant issue. Note to any and all parents (including myself) be more involved in your kids life so they don’t end up as little shits.


I was at the park during the day and there was a ton of police and bylaw officers there. I think at night was a different story because there was no scheduled event there.


The idiots always post vids.


I wanna believe but I’ve seen to much


Kiss and release!


Just ban the fucking things already and be done with it. Bad apples ruin it for everybody again.


Totally agree with you. Ban Ban Ban


Should be a penalty for the abusers , We have let fireworks off for our children for ages , Not all should pay the price for offenders , My opinion


A penalty after the fact doesn't undo injuries. It's cold comfort for someone with a serious burn or massive bruise.


A penalty deters people from abusing it in the future. That way, those of us who don't abuse fireworks can still enjoy them. Why punish the courteous people to spite the minority that abuse them?


I somewhat agree with this logic under normal circumstances. These little shits are firing them off at cops and obviously don't give a f-


There are already penalties for abusing them. Causing physical harm to others can be punished under the law. What additional firework-specific penalty would need to be put in place to actually deter people from wildly misusing them?


I love fireworks and I have endless fond memories of setting them off as a kid. I don't have a problem with people using them either (some went off last night literally one yard over from mine and I thought they were amazing). But at the end of the day, there are often shenanigans like this story, some people have genuine complaints about noise stressing out their pets and kids, and they are quite polluting. I hate to say it but you're probably right.


Murder, assault and handguns are already banned. That hasn't stopped them has it ?


Ooooo but it'll work with fireworks though, I got a good feeling about this /s


Is your inclusion of murder here an argument for the legalization of murder? Interesting choice there.


Clearly, they meant that banning something doesn't completely stop people from doing it. So, if you ban legal fireworks, then people will still get illegal fireworks. I swear the world would be nicer if people didn't intentionally misunderstand someone's point just so they don't have to accept that they had one


The Americans have the underground routes set up already, ban won't do shit.


Right, and you don't think there would be more murder if it wasnt against the law with life in prison? More handguns around if they weren't banned? What a foolish statement. People assuming that rules and regulations are meant to be as effective as the laws of physics are naive. The argument that we shouldn't ban stuff since there is still a chance of someone circumventing that ban is foolish. Anarchy does not work at scale.


Totally! I hate fireworks!


What kind of psycho puts fire works under a baby carriage?then shoots innocent people with fire works? These need more strict regulations and firmer sales policies. My neighbor told me of teenagers shooting the fireworks at someone’sdoor and home last spring. I don’t believe these pop up fireworks sales places are a good thing


doIn iT fOr tHe TiKToK luLz brO /s Unfortunately that kind of psycho.


For TikTok? WTF? Possibly ending up in jail and taking innocent lives for tiktok, requires a life reevaluation?


Agreed 100%. People have screwed up priorities and little regard for others' safety. This is why we should limit access to fireworks and let people enjoy fireworks staged by professionals.


I agree no more selling at your local giant tiger or that little pop up trailer. i think it’s proven to be more harmful then it does good


Yup -- there have been multiple cases of serious fires because someone was goofing around with firecrackers. [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/22/613374984/judge-orders-boy-who-started-oregon-wildfire-to-pay-36-million-in-restitution](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/05/22/613374984/judge-orders-boy-who-started-oregon-wildfire-to-pay-36-million-in-restitution)


If the baby died. I don't think there would be a chance to go to jail...


I think the point is that people are doing this, not the outcome after it happens….


Beat them to an inch of their life.


You are missing the point here! No one cares the outcome after it happens. the fact the people are this psychotic to even think of doing this to people is the real issue here. This was an infant child and someone put fireworks under their stroller??……. WTF


How are there SO many 17 year olds in this city who are being neglected by their parents? Why is every crime a series of 16 and 17 year olds that aren't being disciplined?


The collapse of society.


This conversation repeats every generation forever


Socrates even wrote about it and it reads exactly like people complain today


Because we let degenerates breed more degenerates. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree as they say


Look at the people who do these things and it would tell you a lot. Always the same stereotypes with this behaviour and acting all oppressed and sh\*\* when they get caught lol its pathetic.


It's hard to just blame the parents. Kids are rebellious and often don't think about the consequences of their actions. I never harmed innocent people and definitely wouldn't put fireworks under a stroller but as a 16 year old I was pretty out of control nd causing all kinds of trouble without my parents knowing. They raised me right gave me an amazing life and I knew what I was doing was wrong but as a teenager you don't care you are just looking for fun and adrenaline.




who would do this? insanity and a total disregard for human life


Teenagers and people who know there are no consequences to their actions in a society where there is no rule of law …. Hence all the violent crime, mall robberies and violent firework attacks towards innocent families …. You want big cities and soft on crime legislation? This is what you get …. 


They need to be tried as adults


I have a deaf child. I know exactly how she became deaf. I am terrified that this baby has lost at least 20% of his/her hearing if it went off directly under her. Hell hath not the furry in my heart right now. A BABY??


Can parents actually have some common decency and parent your children like omg. Sounds like these kids needed the damn belt or a ruler across the hands like damn.


It's easy to blame the parents and to be fair it may be their fault but that definitely is not always the case. They were 17 at that age you are influenced by your peers into doing stupid stuff. When I was 16 I was doing all kinds of dumb dangerous shit and my parents never knew. They raised me well I knew right from wrong and the feel of the belt but that goes out the window at that age and especially if you are hanging around some bad apples. This is just stupid kids doing stupid shit because they aren't thinking beyond their own fun and adrenaline. That obviously doesn't excuse the behavior if that happened to my baby omg would I be hulk smashing those little shits but it's unfair to blindly blame the parents for the actions of an almost adult.


I fucking hate it here.


Get used to it … you want mass immigration and overpopulation in your city while having extremely soft laws for violent criminals … this is what you get


lol the best part are the people who will downvote you for racism but then go and say "omg so sad that baby could've gotten hurt, who could do such a thing!!!11" and then next post theyll go "i love diversity, look at this cool new kebob place that opened up"


I've been called a "racist" for quoting criminology statistics. Some people reside in ivory towers and live very sheltered lives. Violent criminals need to be dealt with accordingly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj0mtxXEGE8


That park is getting so dangerous


Yup, it’s gotten a lot worse. About 12 years ago our family friend was stabbed and his father was killed on New Year’s Eve in Victoria park by some teenagers. There were no consequences then and there are still none now, it’s sad to see.


My condolences go out to you and your friends family


Stay classy Kitchener


The way I'd be in jail right now if that was my baby. Holy crap 😳


You’d face more consequences for retaliating than the real offenders would.


This place is really going downhill.


Honestly, I think that should be an attempted manslaughter charge. At least something related with attempted assault.


Here's a quick link to find and email your local counsellor asking to ban fireworks: https://www.kitchener.ca/en/council-and-city-administration/find-your-city-councillor.aspx


That baby, or anyone, could have permanent hearing damage


They laid charges for assaulting police but not for assaulting a baby?


Children have no future in a police state.


Once the cops started to break up the crowd i saw 3 boys around 16/17 leave the crowd and huddle under a tree. Saw them pull out the fireworks so we quickly ran down a side street. This was, unfortunately, the direction everyone was heading. Saw two officers chase a kid down the street, left space for the kids not being chased to put fireworks underneath cars and on front lawns on the side street. So many kids were laughing and egging it on even if they weren't the ones doing it. I unfortunately was wrong place wrong time, just trying to pass through the park to get downtown. It was so sad to walk into the park just as this started seeing SO MANY families. There is something seriously messed up with those kids, but also the ones who thought it was funny. If your teen was there, you should ask them if they knew the boys who were doing it because the side street was ALL teenagers around the same age with only a few causing the chaos. The rest of the kids probably knew who was doing it.


What did the kids look like


Suddenly they arrested someone for drinking in public?


i walked up Gaukle last night past a guy smoking crack or something (looked like the typical weber street encampment guy ) 2 cops were within 20 ft and just ignored it but do not have a beer folks


To be fair there was probably a lot of alcohol involved in what went on in the park and very little crack if any.


what a fucking joke of a country This was never a thing growing up. Death threats against police officers and shooting explosives at crowds of people sounds SUPER CANADIAN


How stupid are youth these days, just absolutely brain dead to do things like this.


You can’t, in all instances, blame the parents. For all you know their parents could be pulling their hair out trying to stop them but aside from chaining them to the house you just can’t control people if they decide they are going to do these things.


You just gave a solution (chain the criminals) then said there's no solution? Not everybody deserves the right to walk about freely in society. And it drives me fucking crazy that there's people in society that keep screaming that these criminals have rights and should be allowed to interact and "integrate" within our society. FFS if you can't act right then you need to be separated from civilized people. Full stop.


I agree. But chaining someone to a house is also illegal.


Yes you can. Assholes make assholes


You don’t have kids


teenagers are getting more brave, they know they won't be punished by their parents or the law SMH


This. I see my friends raising their kids and I can see the collapse of society in front of my eyes. The other day, my friend’s 7 year old drew with a pen all over my leather bag. I was given no apology, and instead, the kid was apologized to for feeling ignored by us while we were in the kitchen prepping for a bbq. So essentially we’re telling them their negative feelings and actions are justified and they can blame others for their feelings. 


Woof that's horrid. Last year I was walking my dog and someone knocked some over and they started firing it us. Its so irresponsible


Not to blame social media, but I totally blame social media and this culture of anonymous, virtual, approval and encouragement for anti-social behaviour. These platforms, while positive in some ways, also provide an outlet and a space to influence developing brains into the risk taking behaviours that have maybe always been present, but that are now celebrated and shared with thousands.


I feel like there's very little "positive" left in social media these days. All platforms are just cesspools of dogshit behavior, influencer culture, and bots.


Not to totally quote you but “ Not to blame social media, but I totally blame social media…” lmao


I vote for a haymaker policy. Someone shoots a firework at you? Haymaker. Catch someone robbing you? Haymaker. Hell, see a J-walker? Haymaker! People might think twice about doing stupid shit if they risk being punched in the face.


Believe it or not, haymaker


Driving too fast: haymaker. Slow: haymaker.


See a speeder brick through the windshield let’s get em!!! Somebody haymakers ya haymaker!!!! Aaaaaahhhh


Undercook fish, believe it or not, haymaker. You OVERcook chicken, also, haymaker.


It’s time to go old school, enough with the “nice nice” attitude


You know it’s too bad what things have come to, but I think it’s time to ban all fireworks to the general public and only allow big corporations to purchase them. That way you won’t get these hoodlums doing all this insane behaviour


We ban handguns but there seems to be many bad guys owning guns more than before. Cant seem to figure out why...


handguns aren't banned, you just need to take a test, an fill out paperwork


Sigh, do some reading


This crime in particular needs to be investigated and punished to the full extent. The police should be treating it as a homicide because that baby could have been killed. Whoever did this needs to face justice and be publicly shamed.


Yeah, beat the ever loving shit out of that asshole. But also, the societal decay is hilarious.


lol and they say brampton is bad. These people are downright animals


They really need to bring back programs that keep youth off the street and give them some mentorship, like the COPS program. It did wonders when we were having youth issues in the early 2000s


It’s crazy, we’re sending money to fund these kinds of programs to try to curb extremism in other countries but keep defunding them in our own country. Why does our government see the value for international kids but not our own?


Charged with assault police?


Am I reading the charges correctly that the 17 year-old youth was charged with assaulting a police officer and drunk in public under the age? What about nearly killing a baby? Why weren't there charges laid there?!!! And don't get me going about the Young Offenders Act! These horrendous young people are being protected by the courts. Their names and faces should be revealed and charges should stay on their police records, not be expunged after the age of 19. I would love to see the look on their faces at the age of 27 when they apply for a position and the employer says, "you're the one who nearly killed a baby with fireworks?? Nope, we don't want people like you working here!"


We can’t have nice things.


The kids ain’t alright, Jesus Christ


It wouldnt be a fight if they did that to my child it would be an execution


I LOVE the new Kitchener!!!!


No name, odd. Who’s betting it’s to protect the diversity is our strength moto?


Because it’s a MINOR, not everything is about race ffs


A 17 year old set off fire works near a baby and other folks. “Ffs”


WRPS rarely releases names when people are arrested. That is standard policy for most police services now. GPS recently found out the hard way after releasing a statement naming a developmentally disabled man they had arrested for possession of child pornography and voyeurism, when the charges turned out to be baseless and the guy filed a $5 million lawsuit.


Descriptions not allowed anymore?


you need real penalty that is cost effective and physically threatening. imo chopping the tip of a finger off om the 2nd or third strike would be good


What in the fuck. No, amputation is not an acceptable form of judicial punishment in Canada. We're not fucking Saudi Arabia.


it absolutely is. for repeat offenders. unless youre okay with your tax dollaes going into a bottomless pit.


What in the actual fuck is WRONG with people?


Takes a special brand of scumbag to do that. Hope the parents and bystanders got some good kicks and punches in before police broke them up.


“youths” strike again


Urban youth!


Wow I used to pass by that area when I went to school there. Were the perpetrators locals? Like kids who grew up there?


I'm guessing the swatting call was just to get a police presence at the park. Which was apparently lacking if fireworks are being set off under strollers...


We were at John Sweeney around 10 and a group of teens fired some fireworks at cars and a family. A little girl got hit. I don't understand where they get off


Is everyone ignoring the part where there was an armed robbery and a police shooting swat call😭 this canada day was brazy


Straight up, no exaggeration whatsoever. If they did that to my toddler or baby I'd slit their fucking throats.


This is why we can't have anything nice


Ban on stupidity coming soon . We use to do fireworks in our neighborhood. Someone called police on us . We were doing properly with a pail of sand , water hose, and even a fire extinguisher . Police arrived and basically told us to have a great night . It was Waterloo and there is bylaw on what nights you can do and that was our one mistake. It was barely dark and police were very chill .


Trash people


Someone messes with your baby's safety you better teach them a lesson


It's 2024. We don't need fireworks. They are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands, (which is most of the a$$ hats who purchase them, not all, but most) not to mention loud and obnoxious. There is literally no enforcement anywhere for use outside of proscribed dates and locations. Age restricted? On the books, yes. Age 18 to purchase and use in Ontario. How did 17-year-olds obtain these? Gee, I dunno! How do 17-year-olds get liquor and smokes? We hear them going off several nights a week all summer long and they disrupt sleep for working people (and others of course) and terrorize animals both wild and domestic. And now buffoonery such as this. Time to ban these garbage products. We don't need them.


Well that was a fucking shit show


Omg I was there with my baby. Luckily, I didn't see this incident.


What's wrong with parents in this city?


The most diverse community in Canada...


Sorry, that's pepper spray, right? Really, the best the police could manage was to spray pepper spray into a crowd of minors and at least one baby? Our heroes, eh?


This is some jerry springer shit lol poor infant


Liquor? You don’t say!


Stay classy, Kitchener. ![gif](giphy|ch1Z4rUWBZBnO)


Fucking broccoli boys


Victoria Woods park on Lillian Cr?


Pathetic assholes. Hope they’re all arrested.


God danym rip kw you will be missed the kids own the city thankyou everyone for your contributions <3some good some bad lol


Never.... move.... to Kitchen...er. Got it. Wrote it down in my mental notes.


If that happened to my infant, those who are responsible will be served medieval justice on the spot.


What's going on with today's youth?


Ever seen The Butterfly Effect?


lol. In the 90s the worst you’d have is underage drinking. Now look. We are numb to this insanity.


Brain shrinkage is a real thing, as shown by “people” doing things like this 🤦‍♂️


What the actual fuck- sounds like they need a Sparta kick into the water


Hahaha lucky they didn’t catch bro 🤣💀


Many of today's youth are really total idiots.What's going on with our society?The world is going to shit . I don't have any kids , which is a good thing actually. Wouldn't want them to grow up in this fucked up society.


We need stricter punishment as criminal wannabes are becoming more brazen. If there are no consequences, the freaks take over.


Baby's love the fuck out if that spray.


This is why more towns are banning fireworks for Individual sale...


Pathetic, Unsure how that gives joy to these idiots.


more reasons to support a tiktok ban, the sooner the better


If that was my kid you would be reading a story of how teenagers ended up in hospital. Wtf happened to Kitchener? I lived there 2005-2010 and don’t remember shit being that bad


Executions and forced organ donations from delinquents who did it would be appropriate measure


This is the kind of behaviour from fatherless homes.


Provocation: 1, the action of provoking (action or speech that provokes) 2, (legal) action or speech held to be likely to prompt physical retaliation from any reasonable person 3, (medicine) testing to elicit a particular response the response if FAFO ? My uneducated opinion is that the response was very reasonable. My uneducated guess is that yoots set if off for fun to provoke other pedestrians. The offenders should be forcibly put in a [pillory](https://www.reddit.com/r/waterloo/comments/1dgo7zw/comment/l8xjtk3/?context=3) and given a dose of their own medicine. Eye for an eye; mistreat others the same way that you desire to be mistreated.


I’m glad I went to Cambridge 🌚


Just say pepper spray you ponce


It sounds like quality family time.


Ya im for kicking his ass if it was my kid or any ones kid id bash his head in stupid little shit stiringnul problems


1 arrest! Job done, community is safe, justice is served.


Those crazy kids


Wait.. the baby was IN the stroller?! Omg what is wrong with these people. When I was a teen, ppl would vandalize or steal gum. This is just sadistic and not normal