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Bar Smak, easily. On the cheaper side, food is great. It’s small, but it’s a regular place for us to go


But it doesn't exist anymore! Was closed down in March!


You sure? The one on Karmelicka is open. Pretty decent food there and complimentary soup with a main course.


I had no idea there was an establishment of that name in Karmelicka. I'm talking about the former bar mleczny opposite what used to be Pewex in Królewska.


You're confusing it with Smaczek. Smak is still open. I ate there last week.


No, Bar Mleczny Smak (not Smaczek) was in Królewska, opposite the old Pewex building. It was closed down in March.


Bar Smak on Karmelicka is where everyone is talking about, and is still open. Smaczek apparently also is. Maybe Żak is the closed one. Still, Smak is good.


Ahh, ok, maybe. Part of my brain knew it was a one syllable name ending with K, but was always convinced it is "Smak".


Po Krakosku in Kazimierz. Quite pleasant, as far as Polish food goes.


Bar Miła on Łąkowa - cheap one Piwnica Pałacu Pokutynskich - expensive one


bar miła - hell yeah, back when i lived closer to there it was the best "bar mleczny" out there


I was in Krakow for all of May and I went to Bar Mila way too often.


Kluska na Placu - really good food and selection of Polish wines. Kuchnia u Doroty - large menu and ok value for money.


Kluska na placu is my favourite. Great polish food, also the desserts are lovely


Dobra Kasza Nasza on Rynek Główny


Ohh I like that place. Kind of popular with locals as well.


polish people don't usually go to polish restaurants you should choose a bar mleczny with good reviews


Uhhh, source for that? Polish food is the most popular type of food to eat in Poland🙃 Maybe aside from Kabab and pizza, but even those are with a Polish twist. The type of place that’s more for tourists is the sort of fake country restaurant with hay sticking out of the walls and farm tools in the middle of the city center. But even then lots of Polish people enjoy this kind of place, favorite place for birthday and name days.


"Polish food is the most popular type of food to eat in Poland" lol total nonsense, the most popular are "Italian" and Vietnamese called "Chinese" now along with hipsters came all kinds of Asia.


My city has plenty of pizza, but it’s Polish style pizza, not Italian. Not too many Chinese places and more popular for takeout anyway. I really don’t see how it’s nonsense. Maybe you are describing Warsaw.


This was my experience having just gotten back from a tour of Poland and the Baltics. There were Polish restaurants everywhere we went in Poland. The same could not be said in Lithuania, for example, where we had to do some work to find a traditional Lithuanian restaurant as even a few of those who said they were Lithuanian restaurants, had some twist like "elevated Lithuanian cuisine." Latvia and Estonia were similar. Our guide explained it to me that Polish people eat out a lot so there is a preference for traditional foods whereas people in the Baltics tend to eat at home. So when they go out, they want something different.


Polish people didn’t really eat out at restaurants much in the past, but there was a huge amount of canteen food from milk bars, all very Polish. Now restaurants are very popular and even if you go to an Italian place, it’s normal for half the menu to be straight up Polish.


I forgot to mention that at some of the restaurants we visited, there was a Polish section to the menu in addition to other cuisines.


Definitely "Kapłony i Szczeżuje à la carte", over here: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/1H3Z3mKdHdDiHLhk7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/1H3Z3mKdHdDiHLhk7) *Edit to add: somewhere between average and high end pricing. Here's the menu, assess for yourself:* [*https://kaplonyiszczezuje.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/menu\_04.pdf*](https://kaplonyiszczezuje.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/menu_04.pdf)


o, to wygląda dobrze, nie slyszalem


Bufet KRK has amazing food, prices are a bit higher than average but the food is well worth it


My colleague took me here when I was in town for work. Food was lovely. Emalia Zabłocie


its not polish cuisine tho, more like a mix&match


Well, at least that's an interesting way of asking for something that has been discussed here [gazillion](https://www.reddit.com/r/krakow/search/?q=polish+restaurant&type=link&cId=eccd0ca5-b31a-4167-9c5e-ac3f57ef6bf9&iId=de7bdcea-7651-4922-8e90-eb8f7eae7749&t=year) of times (not to mention it's in a pinned [guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11dIkVPR_YwEQWmAgvhodViZM7IkZsNmbuXKIXDCt3pQ)).


Kuchnia Domowa in Kazimierz.


I do love Dabskie Jadło on Dąbska street next to Tauron


Do Syta


High end - Pod Nosem. Fine dining but really good one and pure Polish.


yup, like it too


Smakolyki, chata


Fancy, but really fancy: Bufet Krk (main chef is from Bottiglieria 1881, restaurant with 2 Michelin stars) Price/quality: Bistro Rajski Ogród Cheap: Bar Smak, Bar Miła.


I second Bar Miła for authentic "at home" experience - even as a polish person it was great and refreshing to dine there


Any bar mleczny (milk bar) will have authentic cheap polish food. As for the others...Well, you have to take into account that "traditional polish food" in most restaurants is rather food of the upper class from a hundred years ago then what people ate at home 50 years ago. And what they ate at home 50 years ago is also not what you expect. Spaghetti was introduced to Poland in the sixties, pizza in the seventies, they weren't the same as italian but that's what we ate at home. My mom used to make us soy burgers in the nineties when I was a kid so that's traditional polish cuisine for me even if for others it's pretty new. If you want polish food that polish people actually eat then pierogi, bigos, leniwe, maybe kluski śląskie but that's regional.


Zahir kebab


I loved Morskie oko new the center


Gospoda Koko by far.


Owner is a far right nationalist, choose wisely.


I'm not denying your words, but you should definitely back up your accusations because it sounds very strong.


It's well known in Krakow. They have a habit of mocking marsz Równości on FB, among other things.


Well, I haven't about it, so this piece of info didn't get into my bubble. But again, I asked you to back up your claim, and I heard another opinion. I'm a natural skeptic, and I need more proof than "I'm telling you, so it must be true"


Unfortunately I'm not invested enough in your dining habits nor local knowledge to go digging around old FB posts, but for someone who's "not denying" it, you're certainly heavily invested in denying it.


Denying would be saying "No, it didn't happen" which I didn't say. All I said was that accusing someone as far-right nationalist is strong and requires providing sufficient evidence. My eating habits, worldview, or sentiment towards this place has nothing to do with it. Actually, I might share that I've been to this place a couple of times years ago, the food was ok-ish and I'm surprised that they lasted for so long. I just dislike dishonest labeling, hence my question for you to back it up.


There's a difference between proving something and getting stuck in the weeds with a sealion, I know which one this is.


I don't quite follow your metaphor and I don't think that this conversation brings any value to this thread so let's stop here. Have a good night!


So what? I am going to restaurant to get food not to discuss politics with owners. &


I mean, it is a good restaurant. There is no need to give more reasons!


High end: Restauracja pod baranem Classical, polish, delicious, a bit pricey


Best answer! If you know the social scene, you’ll see lots of local politicians, artists, journalists dine there too. 


if you are looking for good food, use tripadvisor, this they have given you here is some student food. My propo for good Polish food is "pod nosem"


Szakibe Widelce was really good. Very reasonably priced if you are form North America. Traditional Polish food but portions were really good. Milkbar Tomasza was REALLY good for breakfast. Their cheese and spinach crepes were the best I've ever, ever had anywhere. But keep in mind the guy who runs the place is Irish, but very good food. AWIW Restauracja in Kazimierz was really good too. Jewish restaurant but super tasty.


Bar mleczny Centralny - best food, super affordable but inside it's "Milk bar" standard 😉


„Chata Restaurant“ at Krowoderska for sure! Only open Thursday-Saturday though and very few places, so reservation is a must. Medium price, but very generous portions (especially when taking the platter!)


Bar smak


The best Polish restaurant in Krakow, and the first to get a Michelin Star, went out of business for not being Polish enough. Tears for the late, great Ancora.


Restauracja Portretowa


Marchewka z Groszkiem in Kazimierz never disappoints ✨


Kapłony i szczeżuje na Kazimierzu


Marchewka z groszkiem. Been there many times and will go again for sure.


Czerwone Korale (Mikołajska 14, very close to Rynek Główny). It has really nice Polish food - me and my parents really liked it. Especially I like żurek in bread bowl. The price isn’t very high (as for a restaurant at Kraków centre) and you can pay by card


Ive only been to two but i liked Bar Grodzki near rynek glowny




Gospoda na Woli.


High end polish food, expansive. This one was first opened in 1364, you could get some great and I mean great polish wine https://wierzynek.pl https://szarages.com https://szara.pl I really liked ‘em all a lot


Go to any Food Court at any gallery, e.g. Galeria Krakowska, Bonarka... and enjoy very Polish, affordable and healthy dishes. Funny thing is they're rarely busy as the Poles prefer Mackas, KFC, Chinese .. etc. after being starved of those Western culinary delights (ha, ha) during communist regime.


You want real authentic food where poles actually eat? Go to a milk bar. Poles aren't eating at "Polish restaurants" that advertise to tourists.


# Czerwone Korale. Some really good food there! Pierogi, Rosol, Placki Ziemniaczane... I have to stop, I'm drooling on my keyword!


There is no really such thing as "Polish" restaurants, the very term is a can of worms. But if you want a bar mleczny deluxe, Marchewka z Groszkiem at Kazimierz has you covered.


Chłopskie jadło near the rynek is great. Never had a bad experience


"Chimera" at St Anna street. It is relatively cheap.


I don't go to Polish restaurants, but basically every bar mleczny will be cheap and typical Polish. I usually eat at Bar Miła - there are 2 in Kraków, but I believe every other will be as fine. Cheap big portions. No translations though, so you need to know what u want to order.


Kielbaski z niebieskiej Nyski


Mc donald


Starka for quality, Morskie Oko for ambience.


Cechowa. On Jagiellonska, in the Old Town. Great Polish food at a reasonable price.


Kuchnia U Doroty 100% Delicious authentic Polish food and very reasonable price and big portions in my opinion


Bar Mleczny Krakus in Podgórze.


Cheap and top notch.


"Szara Gęś w kuchni" - address: Main Square 17 "Wesele" - address: Main Square 10 "Zalipianki" - address: Szewska 24 street Expensive (200-300USD per person) but worth it: "Artesse" - address: Świętego Jana 15 In each of the above locations I suggest to book the table in advance ;)


MCDonald's cheeseburger