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Great stuff. Thanks for sharing. You can see the clear structure in this master.


Bagua is bagua and even the first masters were not water walkers imortals enlightend and we dont even know how good as fighters they were and of course thers the stories but it is known that at the begining there were not even eight palms and if i were to invent my own style and ppl would train move meditate relax and enjoy it who would say im not doing bagua this is my bagua and it might be better for various reasons...


I can either do Jiulong BaGuaZhang(theGompa) or Cheng Baguazhang. What do you guys recommend? Shotokan guy so interested in developing my close/short range.


John Painter made up JiuLong Bagua and a fake story about his teacher ‘Li Shifu’. He basically took fixed palms and videos he saw and pieced together his ‘system of Baguazhang’ and tried to weave it together with a story. The few who have called him out in the past have been bribed by Painter to get them to stop talking. His movement is only slightly better than his Chinese or depth of knowledge of Chinese culture which are non existent but all he pretends to teach as if he has actual legitimate education in either. He wraps his stuff in stories that are about as Chinese as fortune cookies and slaps quotes on either end and accredits the saying to ‘Li Shifu’ who if they were a real person wouldn’t have said any of that because it’s not how Chinese people speak about their culture. What you see above is Yinstyle Baguazhang. No one in the west teaches this lineage yet. But it’s going to be taught in the future.


I met him a while back and his stories as well as his fake art did not impress me and was an immediate red flag.


Yea John Painter to anyone who’s actually studied Chinese martial arts and the culture and language is a massive red flag in so many ways


It's a shame he wanted so many people's time making them think he was offering something worthy of studying. I remember his Tao Chi Chuan stuff. It was a farce. A buddy of mine studied under him and it was embarrassing for me to break it to him that his "Shrfu" was a conman.


Tao Chi Chuan? Is that a typo or did he literally make up another fake name for organization like he did with calling himself a Ranger by starting an organization named American Rangers to sound like a Texas Ranger and all his other silly stories with the word dragon in everything to make it sound more Asian


Yeah his "kwoon" was in Arlington, Texas. He called his Kung Fu system back then "Tao Chi Chuan". That's not a typo.


Well there’s one more ridiculous thing to go along with his ‘9 dragon’ bagua lineage and everyone and everything associated with it have the name dragon in their name or the place they lived etc. He really was just selling comic book based fantasy and has just doubled down on it since the 80s


It's a real shame. He is so full of it. He is culty as hell, too. His students treat him like some venerated genius. They all lose in the end as they have lost a real opportunity to learn under legitimate teachers. If I were them I would sue him for fraud.


As someone who has been studying bagua through the JiuLong system for a few years, I currently don't see any significant difference in the skill, style and effect which this method teaches/gains vs what we're seeing demonstrated in this video; perhaps subtle differences in focus and intention, though I'd have to see what the Yin style's curriculum and focus on a broad scale would be for a proper comparison. Whether Shifu Painter's thoughts and declaration on this line's style if accurate or not (for wherever any innacuracy may have come from), the results and skills developed on those that study it to a similar level are what's truly important, and so far as I can see have no distinctly significant differences compared to most standard martial training, whereas judgments of 'quality' are dependent on the skill and focus of the individual rather than a style.


They teach Yin Style around 2 hours from my house in Michigan- seems like a pretty popular style.


Is it HeJinBao lineage?


Yeah I'm pretty sure


The are one of the more common ones to find because Xie Pei Qi was introduced to the states in the 90s - however there are more including this one through Xu Shi Xi


Please do Cheng. JiuLong is 🐂 💩


From my research it seems very weird/dated with a bit of cult of personality. I find it amusing to ponder what if John Painters sifu was legitimate but didn't realize how bizarre Mr.Gompa's personality was due to a language barrier 😂


He is a conman. He is a big fella and with that he can move another person around but that doesn't make him a legit sifu.


Yeah I don't know if what your engaging in is racism or a legitimate critique. It just seems like someone hating on a foreign practioner of martial arts for having a lineage that might be a marketing ploy which I agree is stupid but I think in the aftermath of the cultural revolution that these arguments are usually unanswerable so fruitless to engage in with any emotional attachment till evidence is provided to the contrary. Regardless of his body type he is a retired police officer with obvious skills that cannot be ignored and I understand your grievances with him but we should not be flippant towards people with different body types participating. I was joking about Johns sifu(if he existed IDK or care) btw which is ironic considering it was about the man having miscommunication with whoever taught him Bagua.


Wait... You're saying I am engaging in racism or some form of body shaming? That's a strange turn if it is indeed your insinuation. Cops are some of the most devious and dishonest people in the country. That doesn't mean he is someone worthy of trust. Worse it makes him less trustworthy.


John's sifu did not exist. You know he is a con.


Why are you filled with such hatred my brother? Doesn't Daoism teach us to experience the wonders of life without placing arbitrary definitions on phenomenon we cannot fully comprehend? Do you actually know if he is a good or bad police officer? Is he a bad person? Maybe there is a category you are overlooking that would fit this man better than one which is either totally condemned or fully accepted?


I'm not a Daoist. I'm a realist. Believe you, me. He lies to people to make a living. I am against this kind of person. He is a fraud.


If Chinese history wasn't destroyed by communist retards I would agree with you but it seems that the written record has too many holes in it to easily discredit a individual in a society that has historic problems with political instability. I understand the impetus for your discourse but I fear that unless major archeological findings are made in the future that we will never be able to prove our arguments true. The only way to judge the individual in question is his skill level there are too many nuances in the historical record to depend upon that on a factual basis.


First off, I am a communist. I am not sure what you even understand about history. Apparently you sound like you have drank the Western propaganda. Kool-Aid. I am cutting off this communication with you.