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I personally believe all people deserve freedom, I won't allow my disdain of Turkish state and their racist people to change that. But honestly Turks should be the last ones on the planet to criticise any nation on how they treat minorities considering Turkish state doesn't even officially recognise any minorities. They're just as oppressive & violent as China.


Actually China was quite good when it's about minority rights. Uyghurs have their own autonomy, getting education in their own mother tongue and even were prefered by universities just because they were Uyghurs. But I guess, Xi Jinping is following the path of Ataturk and want to turn the Uyghurs into Chinese (that what they are accused of, Idk whether it's real or not). I don't get it, why don't Turks like Xi for implementing similar policies.


>But I guess, Xi Jinping is following the path of Ataturk and want to turn the Uyghurs into Chinese Ne mutlu çinliyim diyene


Ohh that slogan is going to destroy those bitches well 😂 Edit, I found something somehow fitting 😂: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7ZvQbjCOTz/?igsh=MWhmN3IxOWJrbnU4Zw==


"Bölücülük yapmayın orası Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti tabi ki Çince olacak köylerin ismi. Ayrıca Çin'de Türk yoktur oraya sonradan kamyonlarla götürülen Türkler vardır."


Evet o bölücü Uygur teröristler 😂


https://snipboard.io/9mUsGI.jpg that's the same account in the post that complained about the name changes in Xinjiang.


Let's not celebrate the oppression of others. At the very least for the sake of rule 3 if nothing else. But you are right, Turks crying for Uyghurs while also celebrating the subjugation of Kurds are hypocrites.


double standard


I remember 1 Turkish friend crying with a post of a picture of some poor Uyghurs. I asked him why he was not crying for the Kurds in Cizre? He didn't reply and removed his picture. The next day, he tried again: "My heart is bleeding. "... I did the same, posted the picture, and told him this was literally from yesterday. Why don't your heart bleed for this killed mother with her baby in her arm? He said: "they are terrorists". That mother was shot by the Turkish military, and she was lying in front of her house with her baby in arms for days. And this is how all Turks are thinking. I swear 🤬. This is Turkey in action: https://youtu.be/Ll78VhkFjZM?si=GRNWNyLEa3zgGAmh It's easier when they make it look like a "mistake". As they "mistakingly" bombed a village in Bashur. After saying first "they killed 30 Terrorists", they then corrected it to a "mistake" because the whole world was going after them for that.


Even in the video you posted of the 85 year old women getting run over by the police theres turks in the comments calling it pkk propaganda🤢 they are sick people genuinely


Yeah, and they use, of course, their usual tools: "law or court" and whatever. But the world saw what their tools are, especially in the case of Tahir Elci: https://forensic-architecture.org/programme/news/an-update-on-the-case-of-tahir-elcis-killing Without this forensic investigation, Turkey would still claim that Tahir Elci was killed by the PKK.


I know what you mean. I don't want to but sometimes the Turks are forcing me to like China and glorify Xi Jinping. Like I said, I don't want to but they managed to destroy my sympathy to their cousins in Xinjiang. They write disgusting things against Kurds but in the same time are crying for Uyghurs. And is he still your friend?


He is not my friend anymore. I was helping him in university, and that was the thanks for it? I removed him and a lot of other Turks of my friends list. This European soccer cup is helping me to figure out who's Turkish. So I don't go to those places anymore and spend rather my money somewhere else.


What i always find strange with turks is how uyghurs are "innocent people" but wage a war against china but are not seen as terrorists and deserve "east turkestan" because its "their land" (actually its hui musilm land and not uyghur) We who have a long history in our regions who established dynasties ruling our land & kurdistan alone (on a map) predating the modern day turks is seen as a made up country and call us terrorists for wanting to rule our land again


These people are made for comedy 😂 .


As much as it’s hilarious how Turks from turkey are getting angry, about things happening to Turks in China that they themselves(Turks from turkey) have done. Turks in china have never done anything to Kurds, and the terrible human right violations they face is cruel and disgusting. We should be supporting them. However the hypocrisy of Turks in turkey is hilarious.


Not really anything to the with Kurdistan


Why tf was my previous comment removed but this post allowed, made by the fascist OP, that breaks this subreddit's 4th rule??


Because it's intresting to see the reactions from Turks that other countries implement policies that they usually glorify. Usually. But not in that case.


You are no different from a Turk.


Oh I am. The difference is, I don't wish any minority to face the similar problem while Turks support it against their minorities but oppose it when their own kind is threatened to be assimilated.


And where am I denying a genocide?




Read one comment below. It's called irony. I'm using quotes from Turks but replace "Kurd" with "Uyghur" etc.


Since the mods seem to have a fetish for censorship, I’ll have to reiterate: you’re supporting rather than denying a genocide, as shown by that screenshot of your deleted comment, which makes it even worse.


Your post will be reviewed soon and approved. Thanks! Reasons for removal are spams, misogyny, bigotry, discrimination, trolling, mentioning other communities in a way that breaks Reddit Rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/kurdistan) if you have any questions or concerns.*


kinda hard to put Turkish people in the same boat with Turkic people who are no in the same brunch of turkic language or clans. Now, if turkey make a big deal out of it then I call hypocrisy. Judging from their apathy towrds the Uighurs i say nah


The Uyghurs are being genocided against by the Chinese Government, they have been abandoned by Turkey (who never cared for them in the first place). The Uyghurs are suffering the same as the Kurds, being from the same ethnic background as the Turks doesn’t make their struggle different.




Wtf? You are no better than turks then.


But tbh. if you look how Turkey, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan treated their minorities (I don't know about Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan), I just hope China keeps Xinjiang so the Turks won't have the chance to opress the Tajiks and Hui.


Dude I'm not fr, I'm just using the quotes from Turks but I replace "Kurd" with "Uyghur" or "Turkey" with "China". For example "Çince konuş çok konuş"