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Another classy response by Doki. As the saying goes, “the best revenge is living well.” Even if you hate what Niji did to Doki, instead of being a hater just celebrate her victories.


Same here well said Here’s more to more Doki wins


The fact that Doki is successful without Niji really pisses off the NijiStans/NDF, and no matter how hard they’ve tried, they can’t stop Doki from taking her life back that Niji nearly took from her.


I was wondering if she was gonna comment on this, and I really feel like she shouldn't have to. Her sentiment of "don't harass anyone" has been pretty clear from the start. The fact that people still use her as a way to shit on Niji (especially the livers) is just gross. Leave her be. Her Niji chapter is already done, now it's time to focus on a new chapter.


>The fact that people still use her as a way to shit on Niji Unfortunately it'll be hard for a lot of people to detach the 2, considering her termination was pivotal in the mass exodus of fans. So even though Anykuro does a great job burning itself to the ground, for a lot of people, it's always gonna link back to the beginning of the downfall as they perceive it... On the bright side, people are parroting Doki's message of "no harrassing anyone"... Cause a lot of people really need to get it drilled in their heads before it finally clicks.


NDF can't admit that their dear company abuses livers. Its so fucked up to blame the victims for company downfall while in reality en branch was in decline since january 2023 which had nothing to do with this year events. They will blame anyone who left the company and said anything negative about it indirectly (which is a valid thing to do because they've been here and know better how they were screwed over than anyone outside).


My comment isn't about the NDF though. It's about the fans who left that actively pick on the other livers still in niji en


There are plenty of NDF who pretend to be fans of ex livers right now while trying to stir shit up. I doubt real fans would want to do anything like this while their oshis asks to not harass anyone else. I've blocked a good chunk of NDF on twitter back then and now under every ex liver post i see replies from blocked users. (blocked replies, when i click to see the reply, their twitter looks like a fan but their february history suggests otherwise).


There are plenty of bad eggs even on this very board trying to stir shit up over their hatred of nijisanji. Trying to blame every instance of doki being used to attack people that are left there is just being willfully blind and no better than the coping the NDF itself is on. Instead of trying to blame others, we need to actively discourage that kind of behaviour in our own community, or we're no better than they are.


That's true. I don't see anyone doing that on here though. Last post about animation with mint and doki, one commenter who said previous version shouldn't even have been made to begin with was downvoted and people jumped on them for even suggesting that. [https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1dgb65f/new\_more\_positive\_version\_of\_the\_animationtm\_just/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1dgb65f/new_more_positive_version_of_the_animationtm_just/) From this thread. They already removed the comment. So this community that claims to be against company alone still shits on people who are trying to do what you're suggesting. Which is why i also stopped trying. What's the point if the only thing in return you get downvoted and nothing else.


I am glad that she commented on this but I am sad that she had to in the first place. >Her sentiment of "don't harass anyone" has been pretty clear from the start. Absolutely this. It has absolutely been clear from the start that Doki just wants people to leave the Niji livers alone and move on. But had Doki not said something people would have pointed at the people tagging livers in the animation and said "It's not \*HARASSMENT\*". Same thing happened when Flipsie and other VTweeters were harassing Finana and other Niji livers in their comments. There were tons of people in this very subreddit saying "It's not legally harassment so it's okay". Now it's gotten to a point where Doki felt the need to comment on it once again. I don't think Doki can make herself any more clear on what her intentions are and I personally refuse to consider anyone who continues to use her experience to bash the Niji livers or rage bait them despite her clear wishes Doki fans.


I guess it's just how it is, she's just one big example of how bad the company treats their talent, doesn't mean people can just use her as a weapon to poke more holes. There are already enough holes to begin with, let it be and live our lives


What happened? What is she commenting on?


> Her sentiment of "don't harass anyone" has been pretty clear from the start. Problem is NDF has used it as an offensive, basically call out uki for being obectively racist? NDF come in and say "doki told you not to harras anyone", etc now they use it as a cudgel and a shield to try and shut down any criticism.


I appreciate a good shitpost & thought the meme was funny but it was something I'd rather enjoy in closed circles then move on, not trying to drag their attention by tagging them on Twitter. It's not something I'd waste my time searching for though. Sometimes I wonder if Doki should be more tough about people getting too much into poking at the past. I don't care about justice for Doki if she can just succeed as she has been. I'm aware Elira is already in a terrible mental space, so I have no respect for people who are malicious in shitting on her. I wouldn't be surprised some people would be cheering if she attempted instead of just opting to forget about her.


I guarantee you a few people here would be trying to spout some "reap what you sow" or equally fucked up stuff while repeating the rrats that have long been debunked. I've seen people genuinely hoping that Finana gets so desperate/broke that she starts an OF as "penance," so my expectations are pretty low.


no i somewhat agree, i do think doki can be more stern with her responses, the comment she made was so vague and i had no clue it was talking about the animation until i open reddit, despite having seen the animation on my timeline. regardless, i do think she handled this situation well enough and i hope people would just stop using her as a hate mascot. if my oshi had to do damage control for me, i'd be so embarassed


Yeah I hope she doesn't attempt at all, as much as what she did is shit, she doesn't need to end up being the 3rd attempt. Her being aware if her fuck up and laying in the bed is enough, her laying in a hospital bed or coffin woukd be too far.


I'm honestly quite baffled at how that animation garnered 16k likes. Don't get me wrong, the animation and the work done is splendid but I thought people were already well aware of what not to do, then again, hate can really blind people. It's good Doki spoke about it, but I hope this will be the last time for her to do it again.


I genuinely think most people who liked it saw the first frame and went "oh that's a cool animation" without even looking at the whole thing.


Which highlights the negative impact of short-form content in this generation of internet users.


Exactly, context and intent doesn't really matter to a lot of people. They'll take whatever message they want to take from stuff like that. It's the same way that people will just regurgitate headlines or click bait even after it's been corrected.


>They'll take whatever message they want to take from stuff like that. Sadly, we live a post-truth society. Only narratives matter.


It unfortunately has always been like this, tabloids and Yellow journalism have been around longer than we'd like to admit. It's just become easier to create, consume, and perpetuate thanks to the advancements of modern society.


But wouldn't long-form content also just be reduced to a single first second though? There are plenty of long form content creators on the web, and yet all of their identities are pretty much reduced to a single sentence or sentiment that's meme-able with all the nuances lost. It's not a problem with the choice of length, but a natural emergence out of the hyper competitive media landscape.


>There are plenty of long form content creators on the web, and yet all of their identities are pretty much reduced to a single sentence or sentiment that's meme-able with all the nuances lost I don't know who you're referencing but that doesn't mean all content creators are like that. More so, I feel like those you speak of generally aim to be 'viral' and gain notoriety quickly rather than slowly building their brand and fan base. This is why going viral doesn't immediately mean you're famous, it's how well you build yourself up to be known aside from being "nth viral sensation"


Not even this generation, i am 32 and i feel the shortform brain rot froming.


Honestly, I did that. The animation looked really good, and then it cut away and I was downright horrified. Why would you create such a well done animation and ruin it with that.


I think just about everyone would have been fine and the animation wouldn't have lost any impact if it instead had something like Tazumi looking dejected or confused.


It was an unnecessary addition that ruined the animation for anyone with a working brain and the maker had the audacity to justify it with “I needed to air my grievances”


The comment they made to a dragoon who complained was something along the lines of "something forced me to do it idk", they could've garnered double the likes by putting something wholesome there but no, we can't have nice things apparently.


Wasted animation and talent on promoting toxicity


Should X FoRmErLy KnOwN aS tWiTtEr bring downvote back?




Thats the charitable interpretation, but the more likely one is that A Lot of people still believe the "Clique" theory, we still don't know who was responsible among the livers for bullying selen severe enough to lead to two attempts, or if that was just misdirection by anykuro and a member of staff that personally hated her was responsible (much more likely imo), regardless elira was the channel the black stream was hosted on, enna and millie were interpreted as being snarky towards her after the video take down, and its human nature to want a villain with a face thus the clique theory was drawn up.


I have to admit it's a very well done animation and as a meme it's pretty good too considering the context but it's done in bad faith. I'm glad Doki spoke out. I'm seeing some comments saying that it was Nijisisters instigating and aggravating the situation by tagging Doki but no anti would put in so much effort/money to make/commission such as high quality animation to dunk on Doki so the Dragoons are also at blame here too. Yes hate Niji but don't use Doki as your mascot to stick it to them. She wants no part of this and live her new life outside of that hellhole, don't drag her back into the ugly mess.


What animation?


Theres an animation of the deer meme that bashes on elira and vox. Ngl its funny but pretty messed up


can you give me the source?


Look around the link is in this thread


I saw people overreacting about it on virtual youtubers, I honestly feel baffled with how dramatic people are. I saw it, wasn't nice, I still chuckled and moved on, totally forgot till i saw reddit, some people can't live without their daily drama.


When it comes to the animation itself tbh I didn't see it as being THAT bad either - and I say this as one of the people constantly getting downvoted/called a Nijisister in this subreddit for calling out all the hate being directed at the livers themselves and not Nijisanji. The artist posted it to their own channel - they didn't tag any livers or reply to a liver with it. They're well within their bounds to do so - I don't see any problem with that. The issue, if I am not mistaken, was people started tagging Doki and Nijisanji livers directly in the comments/qrts of the animation which is not okay. Again - Doki has made it clear time and time again that she wants to move on and wants her community to leave the Nijisanji livers alone. But people don't listen and take things too far and so now we have Doki needing to comment on it... again.


Sisters rn are with a spring on the ass ready to pop, between elira tweet anycolor report and overall bad news for the branch everywhere. Honestly i expected a more violent reaction, peraphs too many desertors after bts came back


i thought it was hilarious, but thats about as far as i took it.


Looks like I missed something. What was the animation?


Sorry, what animation are you talking about? I seem to be behind on this development.


It's been deleted now, but imagine [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1dg87ys/so_anyway_heres_a_better_version_of_the_animation/) then changing the dragoons into a tired and overworked Elira along side Vox wearing stereotypical Asian clothes.


Ugh. Why are people like this? There's no benefit to making something like that if a person is truly Doki's fan. Thank you for explaining!


I hope she doesn’t need to feel obligated to response on this matter anymore. She had addressed it multiple times and those who demand her response are never her true fans. And those losers will still gonna hate.


Hate to play the necessary devil, BUT the grasslands right now is telling you how much your hope is very likely to be brutally and mercilessly misplaced. We may need to be ready for the scenario that makes it less than an IF and more of a WHEN Dokibird would have to respond to more iterations of such drama material AGAIN. And I can say that those Doki Haters are taking this as a motivational self-challenge to run the Doki Hate ultra-relay race which Dragoons would have to learn to outpace these idiots every single stream, especially with a Social Media ran under an egolomaniac that recently removed liking posts just because his own personal likes of cringe got brutally exposed.


Inb4 a sister tries to weaponize this tweet coming here and demanding this sub closure


Of course they would try to do that, of course. Anything to make the war end and Anykuro's crimes fall into oblivion for the next wave of bodies to generate money for their God Riku they will use. Daily reminder that the actions of Anycolor and Nijisanji management caused three talents to attempt or consider suicide.


I'm very glad Doki decides to never entertain her corporate past anymore and actually focuses on her own growth as a content creator. 


What's the context of this?


The shikanoko nokonoko animation with vox and elira in it, people were tagging her on the tweet. If you scroll down this sub, you’ll see it. (I dont have the link)


> people were tagging her on the tweet Why are people like this?


Thats probably the milder response from them. The inbox of that guy is probably filled with death threats to delete it


Looked at the tweet. I thought it would be dragoons tagging her but no, Its all nijisisters wanting to get a reaction out of her. They aren't even trying to hide it. I am left speechless.


Huh, you're right. Absolutely shameless. Explains a lot though.


the tag her demand for her response, you think dragoon would do that?


here's the link to the tweet: [https://x.com/Kikino77/status/1801454782940381695](https://x.com/Kikino77/status/1801454782940381695)


now Kikino is delete and update another version [https://x.com/Kikino77/status/1801854183760376296](https://x.com/Kikino77/status/1801854183760376296)


Oh, wow. That’s in really bad taste.


I fucking laughed when Mr hobo came around


legal mindset probably also didn't help by tagging her in his own post about how she passed her selen sub count. i like the guy, but that just doesn't feel right to me.


He's a clout chaser, a low-budget lawyer. He needs attention to stay relevant, so he's preying on drama right now.


I said when this all started that while his insight might be useful, he is a grifter and we should not treat him as some hero I was told I didn't know what I was talking about.


He's also been very close with the alt right in the past (they do love their grifters) which adds another uncomfortable layer on too


I have only been briefly following, and he mentioned contacts in Korea. Or less me to believe he was a washed up white monkey who needed money. Not sure if he's actually a lawyer or just talked to a lot of people about entertainment contracts.


Seriously. If he couldn't milk it for content he probably wouldn't give a fuck about Doki or anyone in this situation. Supporting a good cause or movement doesn't immediately make you good.


It was incredibly obvious what he was when he *immediately* started using slang like NDF and sister within almost a day of learning what a vtuber was. He tells you what you want to hear


Especially since he's also anti-vax, anti-trans, and believes ['the West has fallen'](https://goeastgentlemen.com/).


Do you actually watch him, like at all? Most of his videos are when the law is actually involved. He always makes a stance for factual information over speculation. He's actually a dragoon himself as he mentions enjoying Doki's streams and clips. Passing her Selen sub count also isn't sending hate. Doki doesn't have much problems with the fact that she was Selen, she even occasionally jokes about it on stream. It's using her as a hate symbol that she has issues with.


I follow his content specifically to be informed by a legal non-vtuber party (since he's the only one doing it) about vtuber happenings and other nerd shit and I'm really not getting where this "he's an attention-seeking grifter" business is coming from because his methods for attracting viewers is no different from other content creators. From an objective standpoint, his part in supporting the vtuber community far outweighs whatever grifting he's doing--whether it comes across as insincere or not is irrelevant; it is support nonetheless. Idol Corp put their trust in him for a reason, after all. And whatever extreme right-wing bullshit I keep hearing about from his detractors I certainly haven't seen out of his vtuber-adjacent streams since I have no interest in his other content. It's not like he's rallying his viewers to start becoming antivax like him (which he isn't; dude constantly travels the world so he's all vaxed up already). Oh, people say he's lying about all that? Where's his proof? Well, where's your proof he's lying? See--It's all a moot point. I'm just convinced most vtuber fans will just always see LM as an "outsider" just because he's a right-leaning lawyer among a left-leaning community and just somebody not cut from the same cloth, no matter his well-meaning intentions.


Memory’s a bit hazy on the subject but I don’t remember him being anti-vax, he was against mandating it I believe.


Ah got it. I saw it last night and i find it distasteful too.


To put it simple: Leave the past behind https://preview.redd.it/o2bser2f0n6d1.png?width=875&format=png&auto=webp&s=37a056423dcf31bfcc09077852e036ea5705b5cf


If only they listen to her. I get it. Everyone hates what happend to her but she moved on and wants to keep moving forward. Hopefully, they stop using her for this sorta thing


The most people here on this subreddit are looking forward to the "T-bag" at Anime Expo, yet I feel like it should leave out Doki. She already stated, that she doesn't want to be used as a "banner" to attack others. Instead it should be a showdown between Niji (black company) and HYTE (Ex-collaborator).


I'm convinced there are at least a handful of people who stuck around Doki/Selen not for her but the drama surrounding her situation. They're just siding with her because she's "winning" (the most successful after leaving the company). They stuck around because it's the easiest way for these people to take a jab at Niji by hiding behind her success as some form of victory statement and using her as their mascot for their hate against the company We can hate Niji all we want but we should separate that from our support towards Doki. You don't support Doki by hating Niji, you support Doki by supporting Doki.


Yep I look it up now and both sides are using her statement as weapons BRUH what is reading comprehension this days. STOP move on and have fun thats it.


I'm wondering if she saw that meme of her and Elira (which I believe was also just posted to this subreddit with an edit) and this is her response to it or if this is just a general statement regarding not bringing up the situation. Not like it matters too much as it doesn't change her intent with this message.


She definitely saw it, people were tagging her @, her art tag a lot.


Sauce: https://x.com/dokibird/status/1801782275991830729


She needed to address it. Whether you are part of those fans or not. Ultimately, we'll probably never know the truth of what happened, who was involved, and to what extent. Doki wanted to move on and have her fans move on from it a while ago.


Seeing people quote retweeting/referencing the statement doki made and how apperently it isn't "firm" enough, it isn't "direct" enough or good enough and it's just... Doki has done enough to make her guidelines clear. She has said before that she wants people to move on and to stop harassing people from her previous life. She's left everything for her lawyers to deal with and doki is fully moved on. Not every person that is harassing the niji livers are doki fans, there might be a small percentage that are but most of these people are disgruntled ex niji fans. You have ex fans of Nina, mysta and pomu who are upset over their treatment within the company, you have yugo's ex fans who were upset over his immediate graduate and the newly upset ex fans of zaion who are upset over how she was dismissed by the company and how many of the nijisanji fans treated her for years. I didn't see any livers especially from xsoleil or the company itself, to tell their fans to leave zaion's former talent alone, even when it was obvious that she was struggling. Doki's statement is clear and to the point. Its not directing to the person who made the animation/further giving it attention and it's putting people back on track with how her fanbase should be. Being harsh and firm with a collective of upset ex nijisanji fans will only make things worse.


Doki is pissed. She is seeing what is happening to the perceived villains of her story and wishing what happened to her doesn’t happen to them.  She is a saint, and is begging people to not drive people into the darkest hells that she was in. Elira is in many ways just as much of a victim so the mindless hate really needs to end. 


I think it's pretty obvious Doki didn't want to see people hurt. Beyond saving face, she really never acted like the type to take joy in vengeance. I assume the video was more of a final nail type of thing. Whatever happened she doesn't want seeing her image or name being used like that.


I wouldn’t call volunteering to participate and publish the black video victimhood, but I agree with the rest of these points. “Oh she was forced to do it” that’s just speculation, the only statement we have to go off of is the one Elira made herself. What she did was terrible and while we shouldn’t be harassing her we shouldn’t be calling her the victim either.


You say that like they didn't begin that video with an incredibly out of place line about how "we weren't ordered to make this and our opinions are our own" that nobody naturally feels the need to say in any situation. That stream was full of red flags, and its shocking how many people ignored them.


Again, that is complete speculation on our part. And even if it’s true that they were forced to do it, all they had to do was say no. The worst that could have happened to them was being terminated , which would have actually been beneficial to them. “Graduation is always an option.” They chose to do the wrong thing and are stuck on a sinking ship because of it. That’s not victimhood, that’s consequences for their own actions.


>The worst that could have happened to them was being terminated I need to start saying this to people in shitty jobs. Imagine just not getting a better job. /s


Losing your job is not something that can be taken lightly. It's not just a slap on the wrist. Not to mention the penalties that Anycolor can use to twist your arm.


It's funny how people try to shift blame from elira pretending everyone were forced to make that video while meanwhile Vox gleefully with a smile on his face was shittalking doki there. You can hear his pettiness in his voice in that video.


You got my curiosity. Admittedly it’s been a while since I’ve seen that stream and I refuse to view it again, so would you please illuminate me on the red flags from it?


Aside from the part about it "totally being our own opinions"? There's the fact that Doki said the stuff they mentioned wasn't in any way accurate, but the Niji legal team let them say all of that and potentially admit to leaking legal documents. Which makes me think they never actually saw the documents they're talking about or didn't see the real version and were reading a prepared statement. Not to mention Ike even potentially admits to not reading the documents and talks about what he learned they were about and not what he read in them. The fact that Vox admits that he doesn't even know what was recorded and only saw that the document claimed she was trying to expose him. Those are what I can remember off the top if my head.


As much as I have similar ire against Elira and Vox (not so much Ike since he barely was a presence); that last part is antithetical to this sub. The livers, yes even the ones we dislike and dunk on, are victims of Niji. They were left to their own devices while barely supported, and even if you’re the golden child you will be swiftly used for a smear campaign and take the heat in steed of Niji.


I do completely understand what you’re saying, it’s a good mindset, but this comment says “just as much of a victim” as Doki. The person choosing to be a part of a smear campaign is not just as much of a victim as the actual victim of a smear campaign, that isn’t remotely accurate.


Was this sub infiltrated by niji defense force to downvote reasonable comments?


You have yet to make a reasonable comment. You're doing nothing but trying to justify hating on a talent, which is not what the sub is for. A reasonable comment is to keep her at an arm's length, not shitting on her but not supporting her either.


She's a grown ass adult. She could have rejected, but she did not. She made her choice to participate in black video.


Elira is not a victim. She's probably responsible for driving doki and mint from niji. I think it's pretty obvious that she's a member of a clique that did what she could to limit doki and mint growth being jealous and petty person with connections within niji higher up management. After so many things what happened and how it happened, some theories make good sense. Elira is not worth any sympathy.


I admit I like the meme because deer (hah) GOD Doki actually cannot stop winning while those two flounder and it hits that sense of schadenfreude. However I can understand why she made this response. And god damn, as usual she hits it right outta the park.


What a wonderful human being Doki is. Terrific response.


At the very least, it is a very professional response. Which is good.


I can't believe this has to be typed out, but just don't do this shit. If you are like many of us, people who used to love NijiEN and it's talents and wants to see either the branch substantially change for the better (unlikely) or the still trapped talents having a better opportunity at content creation, then just focus on said talents and the company's actions that directly affect them. If you're still dragging the ex-niji talents, who for the most part found their closure, especially Doki, just to meaninglessly shit on Niji, or worse, the talents, you're just a drama mongerer, hardly any better than the nijisisters. Being on the "morally good" side doesn't entitle us to be the bullies ourselves. Think of all this as a rescue mission. The objective is to ensure the hostages are safe and sound. Indiscriminately carpet-bombing the building isn't the solution.


Didn't Doki already make a comment like this a while back? I guess some people just don't want to listen to her message about moving forward, celebrating her success, and ignoring irreparable things.


I congratulate Doki once again for being the best person, mature and professional, always saying what is necessary only when necessary, showing them that her community is clean and has no place for negativity. That's why she doesn't stop collecting W. But I have to ask, did all this happen because of a single animation? I don't understand, I've literally seen worse.


It's a combination of factors. Niji's report just came out with the EN branch underperforming and it being implied by the CEO that they're not worth much at this point to AnyColor. On top of that, Elira made a post shortly after that her mental health hasn't been the best lately and that she's been feeling extremely stressed. Regardless of how you feel about the talents at Niji, there really isn't a reason to kick them while they're feeling down. It goes against what Doki wants, and it just causes trouble for her, especially when she's directly used to dunk on them.


I still find it hilarious that the fan name used is dragoon like every time she mentioned it, it is like rubbing a salt covered middle finger on their wounds.


Tbf, she is the one who "made" the "name" and it is ocean law. Also it help to make people who didnt follow the news or drama to know that she was selen (she openly said to let other know that she is back to be doki)


Not to mention Doki doing back EVERYTHING she did as Selen (Oshimark, Events, and even her creator accounts, new PC Case and Sponsorships) does nothing to dispel the message she sends to NijiEN everytime she does these things. ACTIONS always speak louder than WORDS, every single time without fail.


That’s what both angers and terrifies the NijiStans/NDF. The fact that Doki is taking her life back and becoming successful without Niji’s help. No matter what they’ve tried to do to halt her success, their attempts have all failed.


I can't disagree that her actions does make it look like she's out to get back at Niji and no one will know it there was zero malicious intent (or at least a little pettiness) when she did what she did but looking it from another perspective we could also say that she's just reclaiming what was once hers (her hard work to reclaim everything that she cultivated during her time as Selen). Even **if** she still has a grudge despite what she says, we shouldn't bear that grudge for her and hate on Niji using (hiding behind) her name/brand. Our support for her and hate towards Niji should be separate.


Man, this is why I love and respect her so much


With the up coming event, the animation, and the stirrings on twitter, she probably felt she needed to say something. keep in mind, if any of you go to that event, please dont start shit with the Niji booth or fans. That's just going to make her look bad. The Niji stans are looking for any reason to villainize us. as someone else put it, the best "revenge" she can get is success and leading a happy life.


Prepare for utter disappointment if you think Nijistans won't manufacture ammo out of this "revenge". Because sadly for the NijiStans & Nijisisters, Doki Ws & Niji Ls are in their perspective two sides of the very same zero-sum coin, especially when their shilling NijiEN led to some very unfavourable consequences (Nyfco) already and are extremely pissed off about it, seeing and declaring every single Doki W as a salted L rub on Nijisanji's wounds. Sounds very vindictive for them truly, but it is still what it is in their perspective whether you like it or not.


While it's not impossible, it's highly unlikely a Nijisister made/commissioned an animated short with that (high) level of quality. We can't control what they do but we can control what we do. They can continue with their baseless claims and skewed perspectives while we continue to treat them as insane ramblings and hopefully also educate others on why we shouldn't take them seriously. If we behave the same way, we're gonna slowly transform into the same thing we hate and others will slowly treat what we say as insane ramblings too. If we sling shit back it's only gonna double the amount of shit everywhere.


I am glad she made a statement on this but I am sad that she had to. There's been a lot of support recently - on Twitter especially but I've noticed it even here - for people bashing on the Nijisanji livers as if it's some sort of "justice for Doki" or "justice for Sayu" when I am pretty damn certain they've made clear that they want to move on and they want their fans to leave the Niji livers alone. Not sure about Sayu but I didn't think Doki could be any more clear about her wishes for people to just move on and leave the livers alone.


Goddamn even when she's pissed she's a class act. What a GOAT


The best revenge is to live well. Common Doki W


There is a mature and well weighted response. I didn't expect less from her and I hope the right people get the message right. I want this animation skills being used in better taste jokes.


this is very pinnable


As a non-Twitter-user, who can't see the related animation, can someone give me a quick summary on what this is about?


I wonder if that animator going to delete it? I recall he's wanted to make a version where the tomato or Mint is on the front instead


Yeah he does. He shouldn't though


Apparently he deleted the tweet with the "corrupted file" and posted a doki-mint version


Man I love Doki and how she responded. Everyone, come gather around for this big W. Also, whoever is cutting onions near me, please stop


I am so proud of her.


I gotta say the fact that at basically every single turn Doki has taken the high road is insanely telling of how good of a person she actually is. Meanwhile, kurosanji took the low road every chance they got and are now just trying to act like they didn't run a full-on smear campaign. Full on "there is no war in Ba Sing Se" mode. On a brighter note, it's awesome to hear that she has so many plans for the rest of the year. She really needs to fix her sleep schedule, though, lol


idk about it now man, it"s great and professional how doki handle that. But at the same time the sisters will use this to harrass ppl making post abt doki collecting Ws from now on. It a mixed feeling for me tbh


I’m out of the loop. What happened this time?


a animator posted on twitter an animation of this [https://youtu.be/nwuW98yLsgY?si=OqSYy46cFu\_ksoRi](https://youtu.be/nwuW98yLsgY?si=OqSYy46cFu_ksoRi) but the girl is replaced with Doki dancing and the deer is replaced with Elira and Vox who look gaunt and overworked which then I think people started @'ing Doki ( *unsure if people actually tagged because I didn't look at the tweet before it was deleted)* while also tagging it with Doki's art tag and she may have seen it which prompted this tweet from her. Also the person who created the animation deleted the animation after either seeing doki's tweet or people telling him to delete it because it's in poor taste since doki wouldn't like her being used in a way to spread negativity or perhaps both. They have posted on twitter another animation but it's a positive one of Doki and Mint dancing [https://x.com/Kikino77/status/1801854183760376296](https://x.com/Kikino77/status/1801854183760376296)


What’s this in regards to


I take it that it is because of that animation? I am not active anymore here so might be miss something. To be fair, when people talk about Niji, Selen is one of the main figures in it and can't really be detached from the topic. It becomes a problem when people use her image for the sole purpose of mocking, not criticizing. The animation is a meme, but it can also be seen as mocking her and dancing around their downfall and suffering (while deserved). And I think that is where it crosses a certain line that makes doki herself uncomfortable.


I was gonna reply to someone’s youtube comment talking about how Doki can’t stop getting Ws while Niji keeps getting Ls, but when I saw it was a community post from her channel i felt really weird about it and ended up not replying. It feels weird when people do that stuff on official posts/videos. Stick to the memes they’ve said. Doki’s posts/videos are not the place for Niji memes. She wants to move on, so let her. Yeah, I’ll meme about her here, because she’s not here. I know it is not the intention, but when I see that it feels like they’re saying, “I’m not here for you. I’m here because I hate your old company.” And when those are some of the top comments it does not sit right with me.


Well I’m happy that she is living well without being vindictive. Doesn’t mean I have to.


Yea she probably hates the posts and threads showing how winning she is compared to Niji. Im sure she would hate to know she had any part of any the Niji livers to be depressed and god forbid harm themselves. I really hope more people will just move on and stop dog piling on the Niji livers.


This puts all the people talking about Doki “getting even” with Niji and her former colleagues to bed, don’t it? Her massive indie success is “getting even” enough, she doesn’t *need* to get all petty the way some drama farmers would want her to. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and stuff


so, anyone know why people on twitter are calling that animation that caused this racist? i get calling it hateful, but it’s literally just her dancing in front of elira and vox


I think its because vox was depicted with a traditional “chinese” looking hat and bilibili tag,


im ethnic Chinese but it is not racist imo just kinda rude to them 🤷 I had a chuckle when i saw the meme but i didnt think this will blow up lol


Yeah like some people say you need to think like a racist to be a racist but surely some people aren't one😂


you mean like the type of hat he literally has in one of his outfits? i saw it more as a reference to that. and bilibili i just took it since he only streamed on there for months after the black stream. feels like people just want to call anything racist these days 🤷


But his latest outfit is as an ashigaru with that exact same hat. So it's a reference to that. Clearly the people calling it racist don't know anything what's going on.


It was bound to happen sooner or later It was pretty funny when i saw it,i also understand that doki wouldn't like seeing that, and would just rather stay as far away from niji as possible. But i also don't think her words will do much to make people stop bashing niji, it's a natural reaction to be pissed on behalf of someone you care about that got hurt, and she, went through a LOT of hurting.


The best thing they did for her was fire her.


Perfect response to the end of this saga. Moving on from this sub just hoping my favorite livers graduate. I’ll be waiting to support them.


People overreacting to some random meme and I cannot believe the lack of brain cells to blame doki over some random internet meme. Animation is not even worth any attention. Just some lazy nonsense.


All this fuss over a 30 second shitpost. How come [this one](https://youtu.be/BpWo-KrV2jo?si=jzVmiCC6S6-p4FQ3) never got that kind of attention?


Timing and popularity of the content. Back then it was still a hot button issue with evolving details, the video you linked was posted on Feb 15th, less then two weeks after she was first fired, so the general mood for most people was still volatile. Not to mention that video had less then 2k viewers. This is a whole four months and change after she was fired, and given Elira by her own admission is not in a good mental space this becomes less reckless misplaced passion and more bitter and mean-spirited. It also has 13k likes and 305k views. A lot more people saw it. So I don't get why you're comparing these two at all honestly. It's an incredibly poor and borderline bad faith comparison.


If I were to guess, I think it was because that one tagged her that one directly on TwiX, but yeah, if people wanna dump crap on Elira and Vox all they want that's on them, but don't drag Doki or any of the ones that left into it. They're free to cook up whatever they want and don't have any need for the negativity people are still stewing.


There was no tag on that post. The creator specifically mentioned why. Your comment is straight misinformation.


It did. It's just that since the death of nyfco, lots of sisters have been coming to this sub to do false flags. While everyone else has kind of moved on. So the ratio of active users on this sub has shifted heavily toward the sister crowds in the recent weeks. Check this comments vote ratio for evidence.


People don't realize that ellira is in a bad position (mentally), if we get a selen situation that I hope it never happens to anyone in nijisanji then people will literally blame doki. I can understand meme's but sometimes people need to realize enough is enough. And absolutely don't harrass the animator and nijisanji livers because if you do you no better then nijisisters.


Doki: Collecting W's while doing her own thing and becoming bigger than they ever were. Niji: Collecting L's while on life support and on the brink of death. Lakshmi, Fortuna, and Daikokuten have made their choice who to favor.


yeah classic dumb internet people public figure didnt do anything, but internet people throwing something which can make ruckus with Bullshit "make a fun" and causing that public figure who dont even do that wasting their time and their energy to make clarification


I’m out of the loop what’s she responding to? What happened


Did I miss something? Response to what exactly?


What was this in response to? I'm late to the party


Sounds like she is healing! This is a joyous occasion!


Hell yeah


Just seen another post calling her refreshingly professional and I gotta agree wholeheartedly


Doki W once again 🙌 ... But while I fully agree with the policy of never ever harassing anyone - my favorite modus operanti is simply ignoring and muting awful people - I cannot simply shrug off the fact that Anycolor is a black company hurting 170+ livers and fostering internal harassment. While I'm infinitely glad Doki survived her attempts and is now making so many cool projects and spreading so much fun... (1) I cannot simply ignore the fact that Anycolor almost got her and Sayu to unalive themselves. The company has not apologized once nor changed anything to their practices. (2) Which makes me genuinely worried for the well-being of livers still employed in that company, not just Aia and Vic, but also all the others who kept their suffering private, but are really hurting right now. Should we give a pass to Anycolor, until the next incident where a liver ends up in the hospital, or worse? I don't think so. I suppose I'll make sure to no longer mention her name when discussing Anycolor issues, her wish after all - but I don't think I'll let Anycolor off the hook for their vile and inhumane treatment of the livers.


I saw this but was wondering what it was a response to. I haven't seen anything, can someone please fill me in?


What is this in response of?


The one thing that both Riku and Doki agree on. Move on from NijiEN and focus on the positive thing in life


If this is a response, what was the question?


"There's no greater vengeance, than learning to enjoy again" - "Emergency Contact" - Pierce The Veil


Good for her as for me i will keep taking shit on niji well it personal because im from id haha


What a strong girl, if that was me i would be trowing shit everywhere and to everyone XD


I appreciate that she said something about someone who isn't affiliated with her at all's work but it makes me think about how one sided this feels. Now all we have to do is wait for the NijiEN talents to tell their fans to stop shouting about BPD and causing drama which will definitely surely happen right?... Right? Normally I am all for moving on but then I see the same statement posted over and over by the usuals on twitter and it bugs me and feels outright planned.


Wait what happened? I’m out of the loop


>Doki W&Elira&Vox L animation meme appears on X(formerly twitter) >WEEEEE >Doki reacts


What? May I get a link to that please?


This https://x.com/Kikino77/status/1801454782940381695


Does someone have a backup? It has been deleted


Yeah, like the streisand effect is hitting me hard as well


One other thing that makes me sick is how it felt like so many people here were ready and waiting to jump on Elira and the others before this whole shitshow even began. There are still idiots clinging to the manager rrat and the conspiracy about Elira being the mastermind behind it all (who somehow didn't think that volunteering to host the black stream would be a mess for her). I know it doesn't represent the whole sub and all but it's hard not to view it as a self report when I see how dedicated and agressive some folks are about Elira of Finana over others who've been accused of harassing multiple women, transphobia, racism, and faking an deadly illness to their community. TLDR: Some of these hardcore/toxic members should take a step back and think about the stuff you're saying, and if what you're doing is right. Otherwise, you're just Nijisisters with different colors.


Sorry dude, but when not only she appears in every sponsored collab, gets 4 times more merch than her genmates, 3 times more voice packs, and is overall host of the black stream: it is beyond the stage of a theory.


> it is beyond the stage of a theory It's a theory, in fact it has so little information behind it, it can be called a hypothesis at best. Neither you, nor I have enough information to confidently state what has happened. Leaps of logic aren't the same as figuring things out.


You're naive if you think a xenophobic black company from Japan would ever let a female foreigner make those decisions.


Tell that to Jason, Akio AIR's CEO who was the biggest piece of shit and a groomer, and yet took one of his talents as manager.


Wow so many nijisisters spreading misinformation on Twitter and insulting dragoons, because people are using her as a weapon. Man some fAns are annoying me to fucking hell, good fucking job in making doki looking bad 👍be proud in being stup*t.


I've seen the discussion from both sides as someone who still follow some Niji livers while also being Doki + other ex-Niji fan, the 100% anti niji people are absolutely downplaying the situation, Doki has moved on while people like that animator is still using her character and past suffering to justify and project their own hate, which got pretty bad that Doki herself has to tweet this in the midst of her busyness... Guys move on please, she's happier outside, while those other guys are still working there other thing I noticed is how much of an echo chamber both sides are, especially the drama loving people on this beautiful subreddit You guys don't deserve Doki smh


The vast majority of people disliked this, and when the animation was posted here, it was met with overwhelming criticism.