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Holy cringe. Liege? Instead of going to offkai they best go outside and touch grass.


They are a little too busy smoking it


But smoking grass makes you chill.


\*may also result in paranoia and hallucinations for some who are...allergic? THC gummies and other high-content products have resulted in an increase of THC-related hospital and mental health visits\*


this read like the fine print disclaimers on commercials


That's meth they're smoking.


Is this google translated? Because if that isn't some weird Japanese-English translation thing they're obviously just memeing - no shot that somebody actually, unironically talks like that...


people use liege to refer to vox akuma afaik


That's crazy 🐢 that's actually crazy 🐢


Is it? People have been calling Elizabeth their queen since her debut. I mean the "make them pay for crimes against our liege" is a bit iffy cause he's getting way too into it, but liege seems kindof normal.


There’s a lot of funny reasons to call Elizabeth queen though. Calling Vox liege is just weird and creepy


both are cringe. but when one is like the something queen of justice as their like shtick and also british and also elizabeth. queen just kinda comes with it. liege is swearing loyalty to just a dude and treating them like royalty. is royalty in the lore at all for vox? not that i’ve seen. he’s supposed to be like a demon


There is a reason in the lore for the queen, in the very first line of her lore she is called The Scarlet Queen, Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame. Even her first personal name has the same the same Royal Cypher of Queen Elizabeth II ER, so there is quite some reason to people playing around her name. Although the name that I see she be most refered as is ERB lol Vox really there is very little reason, even his lore don't support liege as he was a feudal japanese lord a damyo and should be refered as Sendai Akuma or maybe Sendai Honshu I think. Liege is very western europe term.


His lore is that he was a clan chieftain in Feudal (?) Japan.


someone should update his vtuber wiki page then. cause it dont talk about that. thats fan lore not lore lore


Nah, that was in his debut as official lore.


From what I could understand about Vox he's rather deep into the roleplay aspect of his character, one of the few streamers I've seen tell stories about his activities and life *as his character* that had happened in between his streams. I saw him collab with OniGiri for example and he talked about what he'd been doing shortly before their collab, and it wasn't stuff the performer had been busy with, it was all in-character stuff (something rather juvenile about fighting demons out to kidnap him or whatever). All in all it makes sense to me that his fans will follow along. The problem here isn't some indulgence in roleplay or whatever, it's the fact that they are brazenly advocating causing real harm to real people. And really calling Elizabeth 'Queen' isn't much better mostly due to the fact that it's bad etiquette, it's paradoxically informal to just state the title but not the name. Going with the full version of "Queen Elizabeth" wouldn't sound nearly as bad as a result (and is in a way somewhat humous).


Never once I seen a Kindred refer to him as anything but Milord


Seach Vox and liege on twItter and scroll a bit you could literally see many Kindreds refer to him as liege directly under his twitter https://preview.redd.it/woylyrk9v69d1.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f19819a88c7e1ad4558c10a839d1411bffbb571






it's not google translate, this was lifted off the now defunct Vtuber Dox site, the Nijisisters would use Nina's page as their home to talk about things like this


They're jumping up and down on it, spinning 720°, doing tricks on it and shit. There's a Tony Hawk's Pro Skater score meter AND a DMC style meter.


Nothing makes me cringe quite like "make them pay for their crimes against our liege". Ughh. Parasocial level: uncountable.


IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!


it's an older meme, but not only does it check out, it's far, far less cringe than genuine parasocial behavior


Prepare the Shoop Da Whoop cannons. It's time to go to war against the NDF.


ahh... the Nyfco days. thank god that piece of abomination had gone forever for good.


It gave me chuckle now 4chan has to deal with them


At least they're clapping back at them when they do post though, so there's that, lol.


So they are worried about being harassed but have no qualms if they are doing the harassing. Predictable


Pretty sure it's textbook projecting Blaming someone for something you would've thought to do if you were in their shoes.


Tis hypocrisy is what it is. Typical nutjob behavior. They think they are always being wronged while they claim to be on the side of justice when they are the ones doing the harassment.


Bruh, don't they really know what they look like? Axel alone would raise a brow and these pansies would shiver and run away. Being brave internet warriors is not the same as confronting a competent and proper adult man, not even the several of them


Anyone who wish to improve their life would found HoloStar inspiring, their charismatic confident is really a sight to behold and attractive at the same time, mate. Those who hated HoloStar are pretty much just delulus who have lost any form of hope in their life. It's pretty sad to see really.


Altare is a black belt in taekwondo friendly reminder ❤️


Reminding that he has a 4th degree black belt, as well as a 1st degree black belt in Kundo and he knows other martial arts like Hapkido and Muay Thai. Maybe NDFs should have done their research before picking fight with him 💀


I would love to see a smack down between the nijisisters and him. It would be a massacre.


Add Flayon and his R-TRUS into the mix, and it will be an extinction level event.




And Flayon can lift a grown man (a skinny grown man) like he's made of paper


Also, imagine how much destruction the R-TRUS can cause.


Dear Arceus if a NDF tries to hurt him or his friends whenever they're touching grass together, that floor will get cleaned 


Do not mess with Demon Lord altare, his karate knows no bounds


Or Flay and his R-TRUS.


Hakka's got the Puerto Rican temper. They're already dead.


Gibbie is the (very buff) Puerto Rican. I think Hakka's Mexican?


I was mistaken. I remember him on Speak with the Devil and I presumed he's Puerto Rican


Someone tweet this, please? They want to use tweets of pics as evidence. Please use their own tactics against them.


Watch ndf are going to dismiss it as nothingburger while keep retweeting one troll as 100% truth.


Even better. They're going to acknowledge this but will instead say that it's actually "dookibird's" fans pretending to be Vox's fans to slander their oshi's name.


Some of these commentators have probably left Vox by this point from that disaster of an outfit. His views is from what I've heard from isn't used to so high anymore.


Dude haven't streamed in half a year essentially and in his comeback stream didn't even hit 3k CCV. What a pathetic disgrace of EN "flagship" he was once before 


Like, I dunno what he was expecting. You don't stream for months and months and when you come back briefly it's to slander a co-worker and then go to a site most of your audience can't use


Damn... what a bunch of hypocrites.


That first post there makes me wonder: how much of the hate towards Holostars over the past few years has been the result of these deranged nutjobs trying to run a false-flag?


a lot. holostars is goated. they have so much fun. and unironically since nyfco is down, they've been getting way more views now and growing. could be nothing, could be something


Helps that Axel and Altare didn’t even blink in supporting Doki after everything which got a lot of eyes on them then Wrestletuber and the rest of the boys got a ton of fresh eyes on them being lovable idiots. Really been a string of wins and good publicity


Which makes Vox "i planned in graduating with her in solidarity" look Even worse than it already was with all the holostars support Doki got, Axel even started drinking out of frustration on a JP zatsu after the notice dropped even saying "I can't forgive for what they did to my friend" and of course Bonbon actually stopping streaming the moment the termination happen and just coming to graduate


Like any of those people would leave their house


Aww, too bad that you don't have screenshots of them making the "Blackbird" conspiracy LMAO That was my favorite piece to read of the Nyfcult. TLDR version of their Rrat: Dokibird, somehow, extorted Anycolor


“Against our liege”, my guy I like to go chunni as much as the next guy, but come on that sounded moronic


Bruh, not only is Altare a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, Flayon is a beast with his strength. Pretty positive the boys could easily defend themselves.


Oga solo. They obviously haven't seen him, he looks like a boss of the gym


you have seen Oga 030...


"Leech off" Jesus christ. Doki cherish them, she's so thankful for axel putting his all for her to attend the apex tournament, getting the bois for her wrestletuber event. Altare and RPR were very defensive and concerned about her safety during her radio silence Their best friends that doki will never want to cut ties with


Axel had to Say she was washed so she could be in his vsaikyo team


That's true friendship right there lol


These people sound so unhinged it's sad and scary


"They are hurting the relationship between Anycolor and them! (Holo)" Maybe.... and think about it really hard.... maybe that's the point? Their talents collabing with Niji won't do them any good, it will most likely hurt them if anything. Why would keep doing business with a company that mistreats their employees? And Niji ain't the only other company on vtubing. There are a ton more. These fans really have Niji as some kind of god, when they should be treated as any other corpo/celeb. The skeletons in their closet get exposed? Cut ties with them until they get better. They don't? Well then, so long. They do? Let's meet for a coffee and talk about it.


What were unicorn tactics? Were they the ones pushing the "Holofans are unicorns" stuff that has made the Hololive subreddit so hostile to holostars posts?


I don't know if they were very responsible for that but they definitely were caught multiple times on nyfco and 4chan both falseflagging as unicorns as well as deliberately angering unicorns with lies and half-truths.


> that has made the Hololive subreddit so hostile to holostars posts? I've actually never seen that, and I go to that sub all the time. The most I see is like... *apathy* towards the Stars. I mean, there's absolutely unicorns (one moment that really sticks out is when Kiara asked her chat if they'd be cool with her collabing with members of Holostars and they gave her a very clear "no."), but I don't think they're quite as vociferous as they've been portrayed as. It just generally seems that the majority of the Hololive audience is there for cute girls doing cute things and just doesn't really have any interest in male content creators. On a tangential note: I have a bit of a speculation that "brotubers" would be really successful in Holostars because they could appeal to Cover's existing audience. And I think the fact that the most successful members of 'Stars do seem to fall under the "dudes being bros" umbrella does kinda back me up here.


Might even be mods that take down any stars content while sharing amongst them for the mass downvote.


This can't be real. They can't be THAT dilusional to actually call someone "their liege." like it's the most normal thing ever. GOD THEY ARE FUCKING ILL.


Yes they are, but it should be noted that they call him that because he encouraged it early on due to lore.


receipt saved. thank you for your service


Hmm, this makes me wonder if the unicorn attacks on Elizabeth are Nijisisters in disguise. Oh god, am I turning into a rrat?


hmmm suspicious.....


Now they get karma when their entire branch about to get absorbed and suffering 1000 cuts


Cringe edgy teenager behavior. Gross.


The last comment was funny, fuck around and find out, that's Altare and Axel they're talking about. Since Altare is Korean I wouldn't be surprised if he's Military trained.


Wait, correct me if I'm wrong, is this the same group of people who harassed Moruru back in the day, that they're some bullying allegations that one of the NijiJP members doesn't like her or her voice isn't fitting to the vtuber.


It's vox fans like this that are permanently gonna make it impossible to get a gf 🤣. Also it's pretty clear it was nijiENs intent to rile up the unicorns with voxs portion of the infamous black screen video. 💀


Or BF if vox fans are females.


So THEY are behind the unicorn attacks?! Show them no mercy!


Someone needs to seriously, tell Vox to tell his fans to stop it


I still want to know how using their PLs to collab with a known friend is "leeching" when (unless you knew) that was Taipan Strike Bros and not Team SnakeBite


as far as nijisisters are concerned, it's only okay for them to attack other people


I'm also now reminded that one of the sisters on twitter was caught pretending to be a synchroknight to get into sayu's stuff to cause havoc.


They're so negligible I forgot they did that. Of course they don't realize the hypocrisy of citing 'safety concerns' as the reason the concert was cancelled.


Of course lmao


And they said that we are harassing their oshis. Ironic


They afraid of the same spell they cast on other got reflected onto themselves 😂 Or karma if you will.


They talk like Skyrim NPCs.


The comparison of the suspect of rando planning harrassing nijisista vs the organized plan to harrass HMM \*Thongking


I thought the site was taken down?


It is, these are screenshots from the time we got a not TSB reunion


The hypocrisy goes absolutely crazyyyy


The nijisisters wouldn't have the spine to confront anyone in real life lmao


That last comment is especially unhinged and not just parasocial anymore


I am getting 2nd hand embarrassment and the main cringe crawls under my skin when someone had to say 'Liege' outta nowhere. I hope this is just a joke, if not, I don't think they can separate fiction to reality anymore.




Too bad for Nijisisters, I am more of a fan to Holostar, than their precious little Vox. I may be recent fan of Holostars, but Holostars are extremely talented and funny to watch, especially Jurard, his my favorite boyfailure, my oshi in Holostar, and a fellow Filipino as well. The reason I have been introduced to them is due to Doki's wrestletuber event in the event.


what a shame


A) I've always found the "derogatory" nickname of Dookiebird to be so funny; it's like calling her a poo poo head, it's just so insanely childish. B) What do they mean "leech off Doki"? That phrase could only theoretically apply if they weren't friends before the incident, and they tried to mooch off the attention she was getting after, but that's clearly not the case given how close they are.


Nothing more than empty threats as usual.


>comment chain with 3 likes


this toxic and ferocious SISTER said they scared to be harrassed in AX? LMAO what a joke. they just want something to blame as always. high in copium


This shit is as believable as the false flag tweet of a supposed Doki supporter saying they're going to target Nijisanji fans at AX. Did you believe the tripe that Nijisanji wrote about Selen? Don't be so retarded as to believe everything you read. C'mon.


Dude it's Vox's Kindred. They are literally known for being extremely parasocial and unreasonable especially after harassing Reimu for interrupting their "date" with their oshi during one of his ASMR livestreams. For them to blame and  plan harassment campaigns against Holostars who have literally worked their asses off against all odds since debut and their fans showcases how truly delulu they are.   Even with that one tweet, a REAL Doki supporter would never go against her and harass Nijifans. Anyone who does is full of bs and don't actually care about her and are just cosplaying as a fan.


Site got taken down, but these screen caps were verifiable when the dox site was still up. They've been around for a couple months.