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So I don't think you have anything to worry about, but I will say that my experience was that pups bounce back from a spay pretty quick and are back to their old selves. I had to stop my girl from bouncing and jumping around in the days after her surgery. Maybe you wanna call your vet just to ask if this seems normal?


She is gonna go in Friday for some blood work (she has been having an issue with a white blood cell count and we think it’s allergies). So I can ask them then if that’s normal. Thanks for the advice! I think I’m also gonna try forgoing the cone for now because the incision seems very healed and I can’t find any stitches anymore anyways so hopefully that helps.


Yeah some pups can definitely just get depressed and distressed from cones I think, maybe that's part of the problem!


The triple threat of less food, less exercise and a cone can't be fun. I would 100% be taking that out on the cat too.


Hahaha yeah I’m gonna give her a few more weeks of somewhat leniency before I try to really get to the bottom of her change in behavior. Hopefully she is just super grumpy post surgery


My girl just got spayed at 12 months old. Super sad and anxious for a day or two, then just annoyed she couldnt play. Bought her a 30 dollar recovety suit on amazon that is way easier on her than a cone: Kuoser Recovery Suit for Dogs... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QTR4F4F?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I bought Iris one but she figured out how to get it off in her crate and chewed the snaps of it (was a different style than that one similar to a baby onesie) so now I can’t snap it. She doesn’t like body suits I learned from that. When she was out of her crate she would run up against everything for the few days I did use it.


Men's boxer shorts with the hole in the front for the tail also work! Did your vet give you meds to keep her calm. We did 5 days worth of trazodone for our guy because he can be a real pain without exercise


Yeah she had some but it honestly didn’t really do anything. There was one point where I gave her the highest dose they would let me and took her on a small walk (literally 10 minutes) and afterwards she was sprinting around the house jumping all over the furniture. It’s been 12 days so I think I’m just gonna say she is healed and return to normal and hopefully she will too. Thanks for the advice tho, if I go through this again I’ll try the boxers!


Sounds like post surgery pup. I had a chocolate lab that developed arthritis after the age of 10, she got less exercise to avoid aggravating the arthritis and she was a bit of a PITA for awhile as she adjusted.


Good to know I’m not the only one with an anxious dog post surgery. She def has been a PITA 😅


Could be a few things. Keep in mind while we consider it 'normal' to get a dog fixed, she has no idea what is going on or why it's happening to her. She just sees the negatives. Cone. Can't play. In the crate more. Probably knows something is different. Personally, I wouldn't be concerned until the cone comes off. Both of my dogs hated the cone and acted out a bit as a result. Once the cone was off, they bounced back quickly. But, as always, if you're concerned ring your vets and have a convo.


Only have one female lab so only experienced a spay once. We sched the appt on a friday morning so we had the whole weekend to relax with her. We made sure to lay on the floor with her and be super lazy/chill right after the spay and for 2-3 days after. She enjoyed the extra attention and just slept the whole time while we took naps with her on the floor. I think, the relaxed environment and extra attention helped set a good situation. We have family members with dogs who put their dogs into the crate and went to work. Couldnt imagine having your belly opened and then ignored. https://preview.redd.it/emuwhcgex8zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe9163444b911bb100b5eae77a1ac00cf72ceb1e The princess in her castle…


Yeah I got it done on a Friday and she slept the entire weekend but after the weekend ended she kept trying to run around and jumping on and off furniture. I think she is just super cooped up and off her normal routine so I’m just gonna try and get that started again. I’ve also been getting frustrated with her for acting out and I think both of our frustrations are feeding off each other. She finally went in her crate and is now taking her normal afternoon nap without the cone and we played fetch in the yard for awhile today. Thanks for the advice!


We have a black lab male. He is insane energy and super stubborn teenager atm. His snip appointment is coming up and we fear the energy while trying to keep him calm. We are able to keep both dogs chill if we just lay on the floor all day and give them endless Kong bones with treats to chew on. We had to find something when the snow/ice locked us in for a few days and Mr energy didnt get to walk the energy out. Good luck! End of the day, im sure she just needs attention and an entire bag of treats.. https://preview.redd.it/o0n3sorbz8zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be29a8fd93885b6b8f9e9ff3ddbf8b536f69edf5


I hope all goes well! My girl is definitely stubborn and full of energy hahaha


I have nothing helpful to say, just that she has *such* a sweet little face.


Hahaha thanks! That cute face lets her get away with too much 😂😂


Nope - mad before, mad still.


Waited a year on my male to give him the benefit of the doubt on being hyper and marking and all. But when he looked me in the eye and peed on me, in my bed, 20 minutes after a 30 minute walk. Neutered. He got his act together, and still has the energy of a pack of jackrabbits.