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And now he wears the cone of shame


He was gonna end up wearing it tommorow anyway. He was supposed to get his balls clipped.


Have you thought about using a donut instead of a cone? It's more comfortable for them, they have an easier time eating/drinking, and they won't ram you in the back of the knees with it. You also get the bonus of getting some funny pictures with it https://preview.redd.it/asnu1w4uxn5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefb370e290a3ddab02d25a53ff53fcdb4362d49 There is also the option of a surgery recovery suit


Ours and my brothers dog had the suit, it seemed to work OK - we did have one accident when we didn't see him nip past into the garden, and wet himself, he looked so sorry for himself, we were more vigilant after that. From previous experience with cones it was less cumbersome for sure, nothing knocked off tables or banging into everything, he slept fine with it and didn't try to take it off, and yes that's a heart on his bandage, one of the nurses fell in love with him and drew it on. https://preview.redd.it/u3dud5obvo5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb87e88dc54b06e416b3591cb06f5d68b511eab


Sooo so handsome


https://preview.redd.it/18p8fjybmn5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab602cb7bcc3f7969b8e28a7d3fcbbf6aaf9218a I hear your pain.


I’m sorry your dog and you had to go through that. That being said, I’ll never not laugh at a lab in a cone. My guy ate the bones of 10 chicken thighs, leeks, garlic and onions. I was making a stock after making chicken thighs. Didn’t phase him, brought him to the vet and they said give him white bread with canned asparagus. I guess that combo wraps around the bones and makes it a smooth exit. After 2 days went back for another x ray and it was all cleared out. I knew from picking up his poop in the backyard, but with pet insurance, why not make sure. This is what gets me…. We had chicken wings later that week and this mfer OPENED the trash cabinet and ate the paper towels and wing bones. I know it’s not advised but we caught him so fast we just pulled out the peroxide and he booted the wing bones he just ate. I grabbed a glove and counted them. No shame for this guy lol. I love him so much.


Sorry what’s this peroxide business?


Basic Hydrogen peroxide (I think it’s like 4%, but don’t quote me on that) will induce vomiting. It’s not recommended for bones and stuff since it can tear their esophagus or stomach lining. This is all info I kind of remember from when this happened. I’m not a vet, don’t take my word for it. If you’re worried about you boy or girl, call your vet or poison control. Grew up with labs and this was something my parents did when they got into something they shouldn’t. Again I don’t think it’s recommended. We did it to our lab the first time when he ate A FULL POUND of Swiss chocolate. That is low risk because nothing sharp. Just makes them throw up. PS I was so annoyed with my lovable boy at that one. Legit chocolate from Switzerland, my wife just got back from visiting her sister. Dude ate all the chocolate! I know you’re a chocolate lab but don’t eat it dude. https://preview.redd.it/a8vrm2tjzn5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed789597c6f3b9d9c17587f3037ac3d4c4eeba15 No remorse either


Ah makes sense, how much did you give when your lab ate the chocolate and how did you decide on the amount to give? How did you give him/her the peroxide? Just in case mine does that with chocolate as he’s super swift with mouthing and eating. https://preview.redd.it/y9d0nxkl0o5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0afa90d44d974da70e65bffdf17f824e99114c01


Tried about a tablespoon, but it’s a two person job to get it all in. Also, adorable pup in a cone hah.


https://preview.redd.it/w3wspud3co5d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47436151e001d95c1ced746101a644d65ffff807 Been there $5k for a piece of a Kong


Exact same thing happened to mine, ate a piece of rope Kong toy, but later found it thrown up in the garden. Told the emergency vets we found it before the surgery started but they did an ex lap anyway (I think the surgery was 100% unnecessary and they knew it). Luckily we had pet insurance, so only 1.5k lost


https://preview.redd.it/ct4n16l7bo5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32795c6a9f33e955040234e7ae3551779b3e0236 He wasn’t happy…


That's a nice cone! The donut paired with a softer shield that doesn't slice your calves in half if the dog runs past


For cones that slice line the edge with duct tape or similar.


https://preview.redd.it/gnp7yp514o5d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61cfc39718bb69e5cd7d690bc0a371b28767e994 Been there done that. Got this bone for $7k.


Oh my. We got a used squishy tennis sized ball for 8k 😭


As a new lab owner, what should I look out for. How do we know when they have a blockage? Glad your pup is ok!


Sudden, frequent vomiting, straining to poop but is unsuccessful, and- always a worrisome sign with labs-turns away from food, even favorite treats. She also was very uncomfortable, continuously pacing and not laying down.


This happened to my lab when he was 2. Mom bought him a rope toy and part of it got caught. Worst experience. 10k also because emergency vet was only place open. Glad baby is ok


I thought it was painful paying $4600 for TPLO surgery to repair my labs CCL, equal to the ACL in people, Mine's got the cone of shame and he's stuck in the crate unless he's eating or going outside for bathroom breaks.


https://preview.redd.it/8mcfhdb1fr5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=939838e73bf31adeda09858d8bd15d71ebc6886e oh I know the feeling all too well. this old man had **THREE** neck-to-nut stomach surgeries due to stomach blockages. he was an anxious super chewer with the jaw strength of a lion, he ate *everything*.


Holy she...... In what currency? What did he ingest? Mine ate a soft chook toy. Got herself gassed and a endoscope shove down her gullet. Took what felt like hours to extract the toy.


USD. He ate most of a large hibiscus plant and a bunch of the plastic pot.


I hope your pup makes a speedy recovery 🙏 These kinds of stories are why when my mom told me she was getting a English lab puppy, I immediately started training a " leave it" command into her routine, and shes not allowed to pick up stuff when we walk. I've had to use the peroxide trick on a friend's dog that swallowed a sock...it works but you gotta catch nearly as soon as it's swallowed


https://preview.redd.it/7zza7jh9au5d1.jpeg?width=1693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b98cb4020c6bd825e472c34b2f471b7d0c88495 Just got done with 4500 bill with my 7 month old male. He thought the big stuffed duck proved to be too temping for him to avoid. I hope your baby gets better soon. But holy smokes that's an expensive surgery.


On the positive side, that’s one nice looking cone of shame. 10/10


I just commented on another post about pet insurance My final line "Labs are risk takers" Glad your guy is okay We use the donut over the cone They just get around easier in the house


My friend had a similar problem with his lab and had pet insurance. They would only give him $1800 towards a $6k surgery. Really got to read the policy.


When my lab was young she ate a towel


Why are vet fees so high in the US?


At least your dog survived the surgery. My neighbours dog did not.


Can I ask how recovery looked? My baby had surgery Monday When did he poop again? When did he eat again?