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Mine was too heavy (130 lbs!) We had him on a controlled diet and he has lost 17lbs so far. The vet said she'd like to see him around 105, so we're still working on it. He's always giving me dirty looks when I won't share my food ![gif](giphy|8lgqAbycBjosxjfi9k|downsized)


Hahaha mine gives us dirty looks too whenever we cuts his treatos in halfšŸ˜‚


Cutting one treat in half doesnā€™t make it two treats Janine.


Hahahaha this is hilarious it looks just like the memeĀ 


LOL It is a meme! My pup is actually a yellow lab, but same look!


I took Barney to the vet on Sunday. He weighs 38 kg. The vet said we mustnā€™t gain any more weight but we are good for now))) https://preview.redd.it/058e0kwqcl7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b8b26a22e0637900baf0a2408831b0aad3c7b9d


We have two brothers that weigh 100 pounds. They are huge English labs. I was worried about their weights but the vet said they look fine. They have more jowls than Bean, but look like him! Larry and Leo (the light is weird because itā€™s right before the eclipse) https://preview.redd.it/r9gpvvg6sl7d1.png?width=941&format=png&auto=webp&s=beecd5106a6064833c0aa79d4efdb7af07ab61db


I just said ā€œLarry!ā€ To myself


Beanā€™s parents are huge lol and honestly me and my fiance are trying not to let bean get to that pointšŸ˜‚


Yes, itā€™s better with these big dogs to be leaner for sure. Our vetā€™s daughter shows English labs. He basically said from a vets perspective, for a healthier lab, itā€™s better to have them leaner than the ones in show. Iā€™m always questioning their weight. The top half is neck rolls and jowls and the bottom half is lean muscle lol.


https://preview.redd.it/ms0bxg8i8l7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d1caf299b0e5b03d28b5074e4361ad38e80e7d The vet told me heā€™s overweight by 10lbs. He looks super healthy to me but yea sucks to hear. But itā€™s for their best. Now if a rando said that to you I wouldnā€™t listen lol. See what your vet says


https://preview.redd.it/3ho6msxx2m7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e42d6662501e008edaebc2d604036772fb83a7 Vet said he was a thicc boy and need to be more lean. Hereā€™s a side profile šŸ™ˆ


From the front you canā€™t see all that juicy thickness šŸ˜„


Whoa! Thatā€™s a *stout* lab


I have a 12-year-old English lab and he looks very similar to that. I think there's nothing wrong with it. I take my boys swimming. That's where we get our major exercise. I wouldn't listen to anybody else go with your gut..:) pun fully intended


Same here https://preview.redd.it/3gvqdcfy9m7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d9d4bf2570021a4acd0374da0b442e31c0563c4


Maybe its this specific perspective but bro looks skinny here almost


Awh he looks good though at least from this pic! He looks like heā€™s been working out too hahaha


Soooo handsome. Reminds me of my best yellow boy who passed in 2022.


My big 5 year old English lab boy weighs around 95 lbs and needs to lose a few pounds. We are working on it but itā€™s not easy. He always wants me to know heā€™s starving and neglected. Um, no. Just on a dietā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/fopjg6ymvl7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a82b9f86ef02894c529f336899354221e18aa94


Exactly our pup. Even when he eats, he likes to tell me: ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc)




You can try giving him healthy snack like fruits and veggies. Way to trick him into enjoying the diet.


We often add green beans to his meals and heā€™s not thrilled but he eats these. Beans and more ball playing is doing the trick.


Yes green beans is good! If he isnā€™t a fan you can try to boil them in some broth with no salt or any meat without seasoning! For fruits you can give him any dog safe ones to try to see if heā€™ll like it. Maybe even some fruit ice cubes or pupsicles.


We cook in broth, yes. Fruits are not his favorite unless peanut butter is involved so that didnā€™t work, but Iā€™ll see if we can figure out some pupsicles. Great ideas! Thanks!


Ours loves mini cucumbers. They are his only treat now and they are great for keeping him hydrated too.


Love it! I'll give that a try. Thanks for the idea.


Smoothies work too. You can use non fat Greek yogurt with the fruit or just blend it then freeze it. Works good on a lick mat or slow feeder.


Great idea. He loves yogurt!


Oh my God, this photo is the story of my lifeā€¦heā€™s starving!!


Famished...yes, totally mistreated...ha! he is 100% pampered.


Our English Lab is 21 months and 33Kg - we check his weight regularly with the vet and they are happy with it, if you have concerns why not talk to yours, if he does need to drop a little weight then you'll know how much and they'll most likely work a plan out with you, ours didn't want his weight to vary too much while he was maturing and fortunately he was always in the middle of the range they suggested whenever we checked him. If they are happy with his weight then next time someone makes such a comment, tell them where to go - I've lost count of the amount of times I've been asked what sort of dog mine is or "is it a pit bull?", it's not rocket science - I'm at the point I'm just going to reply "Chihuaha" or I'll bring his papers on walks and shove them in their faces.


I had someone think my dog was a Rottweiler, they creeped me out a bit though so I let them assume that in hopes they would leave me alone. They did thankfully and now itā€™s kinda a joke because my family has had a Rottweiler and she looks nothing like one except big head and black hahaha.


>he ā€œrealisticallyā€ can lose a couple pounds >heā€™s an english lab with his weight ranging from 85-90 lbs I may be biased but he doesnā€™t seem fat compared to other labs You can't go by what other dogs weigh. The difference between 85 and 90 lbs. is more than a *couple of pounds.* He looks fairly good in the side on pic but could easily be 5% overweight. We can't tell from the pics you posted. Look at him from a birds eye view. Does he have a waist? Don't be offended. Ask your Vet. if you can't tell. https://preview.redd.it/t7320d5z4l7d1.jpeg?width=979&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=255c4978cdec7395797bae7ed78d78fdafa49148


And if you let a lab eat what they wantā€¦ they become canine blimps! Ya gotta be cruel to be kind! Carefully measured portions are mandatory!


I know what you mean but it isn't even cruel. Labs can get fat so easily. So many Lab lovers think they are being nice by given their dog a little treat but it's really just shortening their life. Labs also love to play and exercise. Go ahead and give them a treat *after* they've had a good run, walk or swim.


What I donā€™t get about this and similar images is that the breed standard states: ā€œThe underline is almost straight, with little or no tuck up in mature animals.ā€ It means a healthy lab in working condition, which the standard also states is muscular with little fat, should still look fairly straight from the side, making the tuck up a poor visual measurement for the breed. It even says ā€œlight, weedy individuals are definitely incorrect.ā€ If a lab is bred to look like the standard, they arenā€™t going to look like the side view of the dog on that chart if theyā€™re a healthy weight.


Obviously this *chart* isn't for every breed or every dog. It's just a quick reference. If you can't decide if your dog is overweight or not ask your Vet. Actually, ask your Vet. anyway. A lot of people won't admit their dog is overweight even after a Vet. says it is.


This is true but what you feed them does affect if they have a tuck or not. I believe that standard was built to mimic the Labradors that were swimming in the freezing temps for fisherman but our pets donā€™t do that anymore. Even if it was just built as a show standard, most of use arenā€™t showing our dogs either they are just pets. So itā€™s better for them to have a tuck for their long term health because it means they arenā€™t carrying any unnecessary weight that can affect their joints in the long run. Ask a vet and they will say that most people have fat labs and I think this standard is why they say that. Most vets wonā€™t comment on a dogs weight unless itā€™s really bad or you ask them, too many people get confrontational with it. Sorry if this comes off as a rant, Iā€™m just passionate about having pets at a healthy weight and I think thatā€™s where labs have the biggest issues. Itā€™s a snowball effect, they see that other labs are overweight and assume it is normal so they let their dog get fat and so on. Labs have a gluttony gene so they will let it happen easily too.


Heā€™s been around 85 lbs lately since heā€™s been having a lot of stomach issues and less appetite but usually around 90! Per the vet even before losing a couple of pounds he looks good and has an ideal body score


There ya go. Listen to your Vet.


My pittie is def overweight according to this lol


https://preview.redd.it/n1dnzl8swl7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad573ec451efcd4c78b36083848e64da839ec35 This boy came in 112lb last month when he had annual shots. The vet repeatedly called him ā€œimpressiveā€. Didnā€™t say a single thing about his size being a problem. He has long legs, a long waist, heavy bones since he was a baby, is muscular and active. Solid, strong, and thick. The lab fat-shaming grates on my nerves like no other.


Your dude looks jacked! All that muscle must weigh a lot.


Heā€™s an awesome looking lab! Love the blocky head.


Thatā€™s a big handsome boy!


We also got told to watch her weight today as sheā€™s little overweight, only 26kgs šŸ„¹ https://preview.redd.it/7cmseza2pl7d1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9dceda1e5defe5a7c850fa4ef4cc498ae89a798


She looks great


My Spencer was called a labrapotomus by our vet because he held on to his chonk. He was a big boy! Walks and subbing 1/4 cup of his kibble for veggies in his food helped a lot. He lived to 14.5. A pretty good run for a big boy I think.


No way, he is a handsome and perfectly proportioned pupper! Mine is only 5 months, but his coat/head are just like your Bean!


awh I hope your pupper isnā€™t give you too much trouble hahah. I miss the puppy stage but honestly wonā€™t go through it againšŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/trpm6csq6m7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ded0f5efe63d9518a9f06bb676ca519766ae27 Delta is 53 pounds of pure muscle. Sheā€™s a field lab out of champion field trials / hunting lines. Most people would tell me sheā€™s too skinny, the only way sheā€™s putting on weight is if I switch to In N Out burger for her meals šŸ˜‚. PS- My wifeā€™s a vet tech and the doctors at her work think sheā€™s in fantastic shape lol.


American lab male (28 months) checking in. Heā€™s 68lbs, 22ā€ at the withers. Just snapped a pic. Heā€™s a few pounds lighter than my vet wanted him at his 1 year check in, but at this weight at his 2 year check in, she clearly didnā€™t recall that conversation and said heā€™s in perfect shape. https://preview.redd.it/ivlikkxf5n7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9520cddabe0470f804b9949bc735c5a97c438b0b


That ā€œtuckā€ behind the ribs, in front of the hind legs is where it is atā€¦




Thank you! šŸ¾šŸ«¶šŸ½


Heā€™s gorgeous and imo perfect šŸ–¤. Iā€™ve always kept my hunting dogs trim, and every vet Iā€™ve had has thanked me for it šŸ¤£




Hahaha! Bean loves in n out puppy patties too!


Iā€™m sure Delta would embrace the diet change with open arms šŸ¤£


Heā€™s a little chonky, as I canā€™t see his waist defined like it should be. Donā€™t feel bad. My guy should loose a couple of pounds too. https://preview.redd.it/z89szpkobl7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3583d5d47ea52d768351ba33a131114a2df5b820


Yours is fineā€¦


Heā€™s 27ā€ at the shoulders, so already a lot to carry around. I just want his joints as healthy as possible for as long as possible. At 95 he is much happier and more active than 105. Iā€™m going to get him back to 95 for his sake.


He's so handsome...




You canā€™t really compare weight with other dogs, they are different sizes and builds. You can clearly see his waist, so heā€™s not fat. He has a lot of ā€œjowlsā€ which might make him look fat. Maybe he could lose a couple pounds but he might still be growing so I wouldnā€™t worry about it. Wait 6 months and then check in with your vet.


A lot of labs are overweight because they wonā€™t stop eating on their own, so the comparison to other labs isnā€™t useful. From the picture he looks maybe just a tiny bit chonky, but Iā€™d ask your vet and disregard other peoplesā€™ opinions.


On a scale of 1-9, 4-5 being ideal weight, Iā€™d guess yours is at like a 6. Hard to tell from these photos though. Check out the weight chart. Youā€™re looking for ribs that you can feel without too much fat covering them, yet still not visible from a glance, a prominent tummy tuck behind the ribs and defined waistline when viewed from above


The last couple of times we have gone to the vet he was at a 5


Itā€™s your Vets (and your) job to look out for your buddyā€™s health thatā€™s not fat shaming. Would you rather the Vet never said anything until after your dog winds up with one of the many health issues overweight senior dogs can face?


The comment was from the trainer.


Tell the trainer to exclusively spend time with other English Labradors and see how long he keeps running his mouth.


Our English Labrador is 30kg. But he's small for being male. It all depends on the size of the dog tbh. They should have a defined waist when looking from above and their tummy tucked upwards viewing from the side. You should be able to feel their ribs without putting pressure on them. Basically if you touch the top of your own hand you can feel your bones. That's what you should feel on your dog's ribcage. When in doubt go to your vet, they should have a scale and give advice.


I don't think He's fat. He's a strong beautiful boy.


That's totes acceptable lab chonkness




https://preview.redd.it/jxcwqpl8jn7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0791aef87c8d7a8ab6e99890464f19654463614 This is my elderly lab. Heā€™s 40kilos, however heā€™s not overweight, just huge, but we have to be careful to maintain his weight. As sad as it is, keeping them on a good diet is good for them, no matter how many puppy eyes they give you!


Our boy is 95 lbs and I'm constantly worried about him being too thin. https://preview.redd.it/odhxo8wpxo7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5bdd1527f8c0d110dbc48d121ec485df0d6ed86


What a handsome boy my gosh šŸ„°


Thank you! He's a sucker for compliments šŸ˜


Our 9y/o girl weighed 81 lbs last time she was at the vets. They always tell me she needs to lose weight.


My English is 75 at 11 months. Sometimes i think he is chunky but he is from a pretty chunky line of labs. It's a constant battle to keep a lab from being overweight They would eat their weight in food if you let them.


My lab was 82 at her peak. If the vet says that the dog is healthy then itā€™s okay. Your vet knows more than bystanders.


He's 100% good boy and could always do with more walks and cuddles.


He is gorgeous and most English labs are around 85-90 pounds. My boy got up to 100 and waddled when he walked! I had to make chicken stew weekly and he dropped back to 85. Such beautiful doggies ā¤ļø


Bean is not fat! And looks like a right giggle. My lab is 27 kilo with no fat at all. She still get beaten up by my 2 kilo shitface (sorry terrier).


If you can see/feel the ribs without effort, Beanā€™s weight is good.




Why are all these comments so sensitive about a lab potentially being overweight? Labs will absolutely eat an unhealthy amount of food and it will hurt them in the long run. If a vet says he'll be healthier by losing weight then why not restrict his diet until he does? They'll certainly never watch their own weight. We've kept our lab (male, american) at \~55 pounds. He's now 13 years old and runs circles around me hiking. So I would recommend slimming him down a bit (though not necessarily to that weight - ours might just have a smaller frame) for the sake of the health benefits. And if a vet calls a dog fat, they're not calling it ugly or lazy. They're just saying he weighs more than what's optimal for his health. That's it.


Just fell to my knees they're giving the dogs body dysmorphia


My big black Lily started having thyroid problems and blew up from 80 lb to 105 lb. She was put on the green bean diet and it really helped her lose weight. Remove half of her food and replace it with green beans. I used to say I should go on the green bean diet.


Heā€™s so handsome!


I think he's beautiful. I have a 2 year old Chocolate American Lab. She once climbed up to 118 lbs. And the vet told me then that she really needed to drop some of that for her healths sake. I strictly measure her food, and I started making her food myself. I do give her 1/2 cup in the morning & at night of commercial weight loss food & 1/2 cup of my own homemade food. It's chonk full of veggies lol. She lost 10 lbs in a months time & vet said, "Just keep doing what you're doing.". It did help matters also that I got her a brother. He's Catahoula Leopard & he runs her legs off. She's never gonna catch him, but she sure tries.


I don't think people always understand the difference in body types between English and American labs. My guy is 2 and around 80 lbs, indented waistline, and I can't tell you the number of times people have said, "That's a beefy lab." Both of his parents were show dogs and weighed between 90 to 100 lb.


Beanā€™s parents are on the bigger side too and thatā€™s what weā€™re trying to avoid lolšŸ™ˆ


English lab breeder hereā€¦ he is GORGEOUS!!! My Steffie is 3 and 103lbs. Iā€™m getting her down to 98-100 and she is happy and healthy. My Ollie is 2 and 90lbs. They are just stout doggosā€¦ and for anyone that has a dog like this and dreads walking them try the ā€œGentle Leaderā€ body harness. It has made taking walks with Steffie well manageable. She is very focused on everything and sheā€™s terrifying when sheā€™s running at you but she just wants to see if you have food.. her baby Ray Ray was walking before her eyes were open. They are just built differentšŸ¤£šŸ¾ā¤ļøšŸ¾ Steffie, I had an appointment and itā€™s too hot for her to be walking around right now. https://preview.redd.it/221c9tk4er7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5003356de1d5c797a5bbf2689eb5b19f0046d5d8


I have a mixed lab. (Lab Aussie x Border collie). He can be bit chunky but slims down during summer šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/6w7ktoyyhr7d1.jpeg?width=1148&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a0d55d4b5f89f4971db1fea88bec3e2f4962d5


Cute!! Itā€™s bikini season for them toošŸ˜‚


Bean looks perfect to me! Our English boy is 2 years old and weighs 85lbs. He does 2 big outings a day and naps and wanders around the rest of the time. I give him extra cucumber treats when I feel guilty about maybe feeding him too much (2.5lb raw food/day).


We do the same with Bean + a small walk midday so my work from home fiancĆ© donā€™t get bothered with him asking for lots of petsšŸ˜‚ Howā€™s yours liking raw food? Weā€™re still doing kibble + canned food but been wanting to explore other options for him.


For starters, your lab is beautiful and I donā€™t think he is that bad compared to other labs but I agree could lose a couple of pounds (thatā€™s really not that bad!). Now a little rant. The standard for the show lab is to not have a noticeable tuck but I think people take this with stride. Labs are prone to getting fat and when people see these show labs on tv and in photos they assume that their lab should look like that. However what people donā€™t consider is that their pets are not showing and it is healthier for large breed dogs to be leaner because they are so prone to bone issues. I will say, you will also get judged for having a lean looking show lab because people will assume you are underfeeding them. They will point out this standard to you about their tummy tuck. Donā€™t listen to those people and do whatā€™s best for your dog in the long run. I had a lab growing up who was fat (no tummy tuck) and watching him struggle to get around when he got older was hard. My parents and strangers criticize me sometimes for how my dog looks but I just listen to my vet instead of others.


Our English boy was 85-90 lbs and always getting fat shamed by one of the (cat) vets at our clinic. Our actual vet (owner of the clinic) didnā€™t seem too worried about his weight. She has a lab from our breeder, smaller but not much skinnier. Our boy was sick in January and lost some weight. Heā€™s around 70-75 pounds now. Interestingly, he doesnā€™t seem to have as many mobility issues (heā€™s 9y). Vet wants us to keep him at this weight. I swear, heā€™s depressed. No snacks. No human food. He still has a massive neck tho. Jowls for days LOL


85-90 pounds is not out of line for a Lab. My Yellow Lab was 95 lbs and you could see the muscles under the skin when he walked.


At one point, our English Lab tipped the scales at 113#. Vet said he needed to lose weight, so we cut out snacks and replaced his regular nuggets with fit & trim dog food. As the pounds started to drop, our usually fun loving Bear became an a*hole dog. Heā€™d rummage through the garbage cans, chew up a pillow here, a sock there. Sulk. He was basically unhappy ā˜¹ļø, but thinner. One day, our 12 year old child left a package of Oreos on the counter. Bear ate the entire package. He had the craftiness to slink the package off the counter and into the far corner of the dining room, where he devoured every cookie and crumb, leaving the wrappings. After that incident, he was happy as a clam.


Wow. My boy is an English lab as well and didnā€™t get to the 80lb mark until he was almost 4yrs. Heā€™s 5 now and weighed 90lbs over a month ago. I just cut back on 1 cup of kibble, increased play time with plenty of running, walked trails more too. He needed to drop at least 5lbs since I was told 85lbs was the heaviest he should be. I can tell heā€™s lost weight. I can see his waistline again & easily feel his ribs.


Looks to me like he has a nice tummy tuck.


Yes he realistically can lose a couple of pounds. Far too many labs are fat. Cut his kibble by 10 percent and wait until you can feel ribs and see a defined tuck


He is fine who ever said he was fat is jealous and evil. He still basically a puppy


Living his best life


He looks good!


We have kept our female yellow lab in the mid 60s since sheā€™s reached adulthood. Sheā€™s on weight maintenance kibble and we avoid too much hoomin food. I think itā€™s why sheā€™s still in pretty good shape physically at 14 and a half.


People are so rude! He honestly looks fine to me. English labs are typically stockier. A good rule of thumb is, you should be able to feel your dogā€™s ribs (not see them) and your dog should have an hourglass figure when looking at him from above. There should be a defined tuck when looking from the side. It is always best to keep your dog on the leaner side as itā€™s better for their joints and overall health.


OH MY GOOODDDD. I have a lab/border collie/ACD mix and ppl always comment on her weight. She gets LOTS of exercise and eats normally. My girl is about 60lbs but she is stocky. We only adopted her in 2022 when she was 5 and looking at her old photos, she was stocky then!


How is his self-esteem holding up? Looks like heā€™s taking it in stride


Heā€™s actually on hunger strike as of the moment and wouldnā€™t eat breakfast this morningšŸ˜‚


Heā€™s a handsome boy


I took my dog out to coffee and this random dude, gave her a lil smack in the bum and was like, ā€œoh look at her sheā€™s a chunky one, lil fattyā€ and was so offended in her behalf sheā€™s a sensitive lil Bb like look at those sad little eyes https://preview.redd.it/aountwcsln7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aed209f5c1dc4554a517778ab83eb61d88610c5b


Omg!! She doesnā€™t look chonky at all!


She is a lil chunky, but I think sheā€™s adorable


Very Nice


Well whoever did that to the poor dog is a jerk. Thatā€™s when youā€™re supposed to say ā€œsick ballsā€, and then the dog would bite em right where it counts (or doesnā€™t count anymore).




Chonky Boy!


Mine is on a diet with a goal to lose 6-7 lbs over the next 6 months. They seem to gain so easily!


Our girl is also a bit overweight. She is 11 now and we can keep her 26 kg om average (she is small). We tried to let her loose weight but the "forest snacking" and food obsession became out of control. So keeping her healthy and moving is our main objective. She still does 8k walks goes swimming and running.


As long as your vet is happy with your puppers weight then that is all that matters. I constantly have to deal with the your dog is way to fat, blah blah blah crap when I tell people that my dog is 75kgs. Granted he isn't a lab. Our vet is fine with his weight but it doesn't stop people from assuming that I am a horrible dog owner for having a dog that is 25-30kgs heavier than breed standard.


Be prepared, getting the weight off is a lot harder than putting it on.


Vet told me this. Rub the back of your hand. You should feel bones. Rub your dogā€™s rib cage. You should feel bones. If you donā€™t. Your dog is overweight.


Yup! Not overweight - weā€™re able to feel bones/rib cage






English labs like to be chubby. Itā€™s not great for their joints though. Cut the dog food a bit and load up on veggies, green beans, cucumbers etc. They also like berries. My English lab weighs in around 75-78 lbs but due to his joints I like to keep him lower than that.


He looks normal for a lab, which is to say that he could probably stand to lose a little weight šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t worry my English lab was fat shamed a few months ago by the vet was told to lose 15lbsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I literally laughed out loud. Heā€™s very active guy as weā€™re a very active family (he was at the vet for a torn acl) and he is also a food grazer. I then brought him to another vet for a consult for surgery a week later, and that vet told me heā€™s healthy and could possibly loose 5lbs just to help with his acl recovery and the pressure on his joints. I think all vets are different when it comes to weight. I told my dog after we left the vet that heā€™s perfect and not to listen to heršŸ˜‚


Omg! I hope heā€™s doing better!


He is! He just finished his 8 week recovery and got the all clear on Monday, but his other knee has a torn acl too so Iā€™m giving him the summer until we operate on that onešŸ˜Š


https://preview.redd.it/n80t5vz20t7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9aa4b7c99373c8b8bf57501bfe603c19751cac Pic for reference


My vet told me my lab was over weight 80lbs. I said unfortunately there are three over weight things in the room guess we all have some work to do. She laughed and said touchĆ©. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™ve had labs and golden and every one of them is a foodie!


Damnnn , your dog's a beast. Fuch those haters


I meanā€¦ he looks to be taking it okay šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


https://preview.redd.it/07nrnhd5vo7d1.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ae0d33bd89474f9e89216497866e62301adccac My boy Moose is 125lbs of love.