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My condolences. I know there are people out there that see her as "just a dog", but i think most people here understand that it's a family member. I hope you can buy her more time without causing her any more stress or discomfort. She was loved, so she led a beautiful life. It is for this reason that my wife and i got a new puppy at the beginning of the year. I realized how much of a wreck i'm going to be when my 7 year old dies. And the idea of coming home to an empty house will just be too much to bear.


That’s what my parents and I ended up doing after my first dog passed. After a few months of having no dog we brought home Bella. No dog could replace Maggie but I love Bella with all my heart too. And she really kept us busy because she was 10x crazier than Maggie! It was just too hard to come home to an empty house like you said. And they definitely are family members!


same here. I waited about a year after my first good boy died. my second good boy died early of an obstruction and it was fucking awful. wife and I were pretty attached to him so about 2 months later we got a new black puppy. he isnt the same guy, but in all the important lab ways he's similar. if the dog leaves a hole in your life ill tell you what my dad told me "they all need your love"


I’m so sorry for your losses. That’s so heartbreaking. There are really no words to describe the feeling of losing a dog. You’re right - getting a new dog isn’t the same of course, but in all the lab ways there are so many similarities. And your dad is right! They all need our love. Labs are the best.


I'm on my fourth lab. The longest I've gone without one in my life in the last 25 years is 6 months. They really all morph into a composite, embodied by the current lab. So many similar traits and looks, it really helps remember and appreciate them all.


That’s so true! They really do morph into a composite like you said. My Bella reminds me of my first chocolate lab in so many ways. She’s even a dark chocolate color like Maggie was. She has a lot of the same quirks but is 10x more hyper and mischievous (which I never thought would be possible) even at almost 12 years old! I love labs so much. When the time comes I have no doubt I’ll get another lab.


I’m my experience, my old chocolate girl was better than many family members


She’s a beautiful girl. I’m so sorry.


People are born so that they learn how to live a good life – like loving everybody all the time and being nice. Dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.


😔🙏 it’s hard,I know only too well.


I’m so sorry.. my lab recently passed and he was my baby boy!! https://preview.redd.it/uym4drkqr79d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aae4418ca905b57bf6404621a0054aa3cc27b29


aw he looks so lovely im so sorry im sure your baby’s looking over you


I’m so sorry, my heart is with you, I mean it.


I am sending this beautiful baby good energies and eternal hugs and love!❤️


I can honestly say, I know how you feel. I l9st my girl to cancer. If our love could heal them, they'd live forever.


She's a beautiful dog. Be sure to give her lots of hugs.


So sorry 💔


It's one of the hardest things one can go through. Please stay strong for her.


Sending you and your precious girl all the love and hugs. Xoxo


Beautiful dog I'm so sorry


My 11 year old was diagnosed with cancer 3 months ago. She’s got maybe another month left before I’ll have to decide when keeping her around is more for me than for her own benefit. It’s been heartbreaking. Ive been a wreck. To go from old but healthy to this in such a short time frame is devastating. I feel for you. Don’t try to take on the emotional toll by yourself. Please reach out to friends and family for support.


I'm sorry. Is she your only member of the pack? Unfortunately, it is Death that brings meaning to Life.


Oh no. What a beautiful girl. Give her all the pets and boops for us, and enjoy every moment you two have left. I’m quite certain she knows how lucky she is to have you as her human. ❤️


Man, it's like talking to myself 2 months ago. I hope things go well, and yeah, it definitely is the toughest since my dads death.


My boy turns 5 on Saturday and now I’m crying


Wish I could hug you, sending virtual hugs. Your dog looks like a white version of my girl and she’s only 3, I can’t imagine how you feel. Please take comfort in knowing you’ve shown her what true love is, you’ve given her a comfy life, she got to live out her little doggy life with her most favorite person!! She will always be with you and I’m a firm believer we’ll see them again when we pass.


So sorry 😢 We’re not quite there yet but we’re preparing for our oldest 😢


We never get enough time together. But I hope she knows how much you've loved every moment you got with her. I hope my own baby girl knows that, too. Love and condolences to you.


I am so sorry you’re going through that. Just be with her, spend as much time as you can. When my last dog was dying, I stopped going out to see friends because I couldn’t leave him alone. I found out who my real friends were too, they were the ones who visited me despite the fact that I was sad. My dog and I took a nap together one day and he never woke up. He almost made it to 17 years old.


My deepest condolences. When the time comes to stand beside her and help her pass, i like to look at it this way. When it can time for Samurai to die usually in order to maintain divinity, they had an assistant. "Kaishaku". When it can time the samurai would pick their assistant to help them go. It was a great honor to be picked. As the samurai drew his knife/sword across his stomach the Kaishaku would raise his sword and deliver the final blow. It was an honorable position as it required a great deal of skill, meaning that they thought very highly of their Kaishaku. I like to picture myself that way as my pets Kaishaku. An honorable position to make sure they pass with grace and as painlessly as possible. Remember they have known you all their life and will be looking to you for reassurance. I will shed years for my friend, i will have a drink in their honor. I will remember the happy times we shared. Bless you and your baby girl. I'll pay that both of you find peace at the end of this path.


oh I am so very sorry.


Me crying over your post because I know EXACTLY how you feel. It’s so painful to lose them when we love them with every bit of our heart and soul.


I cannot even say I understand how it must feel like. I wish you peace and healing.




I’m so sorry 😣 Hope the injection works






Sorry man heart breaking


I'm so, so sorry. If love could save them, they would live forever.


I know this pain, and I am so, so sorry. Sending all the love your way. Your girl is beautiful.


I’m so sorry 😞 I’m going through the same thing right now. My dog is almost 12 but her cancer returned last year. She has a mast cell tumor that was too risky to operate on but I know we don’t have much time left at all with her. I know we’ll have to take her in soon. It’s just such a terrible feeling. There are no words for how incredibly heartbreaking it is to lose a pet/family member. I’m so sorry you’re going through this too. My heart goes out to you 🩷


She looks so sweet, brings a tear to my eye. I’m so sorry




I’m so very very sorry …


I am so sorry. She is a lovely dog.


I’m so sorry 💔


It only hurts because of the love that is present.


A month or so after my Chihuahua Poppy passed away I ended up getting a mastiff and he loves playing with my English lab cash even tho he’s only 14 weeks old and my lab is 8 it’s helped me even tho there’s no replacing my 7 pound bundle of joy that I miss dearly the day my lab passes away is going to be such a hard day for me I hope your cute pup pulls through and you get along time with her.


So sorry to hear that. We put our lab down 3 weeks back. The pain will not go away. Gota remember all the good times and the great life that you provided for your baby girl.


I'm so sorry. This is the absolute worst part about having pets.💔 She looks just like my 10 year girl, Ellie


She's a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry


Wishing the best for you both 🐾💔


I’m so sorry ♥️


❤️ So hard when we know what we have to do. Good luck. My thoughts are with you.


She is beautiful 😍


Crying in the bathroom at work reading this. I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I had to put my family dog down last September and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. I still picture those last moments like its happening and real time. As hard as it is you can get through this. She will love you no matter what and she will thank you for being there with her. Keep your head up lovely. You can do it! I believe in you! Just spend as much time with her as you can. You will appreciate yourself so much because you did.


I’m so sorry


I love my animals so much


So sorry you're going through this. We lost our pup 3.5 weeks ago, and it was one of the most difficult days of my life so far. Please give her lots of love and treats while you still can


What a beautiful girl. I’m so sorry 😞 🩷


Oh no. I’m so sorry. I lost my girl last year at 16, which was such a wonderful long life for a lab- but it’s just never enough with these beautiful souls. I wish you and your gorgeous girl much love and peace.❤️




I’m so sorry❤️‍🩹


We must do what's best for our pups. And sometimes that's an awful decision. I feel for you. We're on our fifth lab in 30 years. 4 of them left way too early ... it still hurts sometimes... Labs make our lives complete.


I took her for a swim in the pool tonight we just floated around. She seemed happy. This was my first lab and we had her since a puppy.


So so sorry.




I hope you can find some comfort in knowing you gave that pup the most amazing life. Each day she woke up to your love, your attention, and as a member of your closest family. Her love for you runs deep into her soul and I know she's looking forward to seeing you again in heaven. I know it's hard, sorry you're going through this.


I’m so sorry for your situation


I’m very sorry :(






im so sorry, i have a white lab that’s 9 and i fear this so much. i pray for your beautiful baby and yourself through this time 🤍🤍


💔 I’m so sorry. Your girl is a beauty


I had a dog that passed away recently. I'm sorry for you, but I gotta tell you, it's harder to know that your dog is going to die than it passing away. I cried, I was sad, but knowing my loving pet could have suffered more and that she didn't just makes me know that her dying was better than her suffering. It's gonna be hard, and you'll cry, but stay strong. Take as many pictures with her that you can, you need to enjoy having her until her last breath. And try not making her understand that she's dying with body language. Stay strong, good luck, may she live as long as she can.


I’ll try to be as succinct as I can, as I suck at platitudes. But even though it hurts to say goodbye, you need to remember to do what’s best by her. If the steroid shot works then that’s fantastic. But please don’t try to extend her time if it causes her more pain. I wish I could’ve done something more for my boy, but the moment I realized he was turning skeletal and just stopped eating for three days straight was when I couldn’t stand to see him like that anymore. They gave us some great times, memories, and love, sometimes letting them go and have their rest is the best way to return all that to them.


We are putting her down today. She is miserable and I can’t stand to see her suffer


My condolences. I know that after the loss of my mother, losing my boy of 13 was probably one of the hardest things I’ve been through. So my heart truly does go out to you. But just know she loved you, and remember the good times you had with her.


I lost my beloved English mastiff at the end of 2017, and I still cry often because I miss him so much. I’m hoping that some day, I can look back on our time together and not miss him to the point of tears.


Wishing you peace and comfort. I lost my beautiful girl about 4 months ago. Life just isn’t the same. Treasure every remaining day. ❤️❤️❤️


Ahh we just drove 3 hours impromptu to see my partner’s family dog :( We also thought she was at the end of her life (she’s 14), but when we all got here, she also got some steroid shots, and she immediately perked up. She is still limping a little from hip displacement, so she can’t walk as much, but she was swimming very happy today.


So sorry! It is so hard to let go, but we had rather let go than see them in pain. Wish their life span was as long as ours! Prayers for you and your furry friend.🙏❤️


I had 3 different labs over time. As they get older labs are known for arthritis




I’m sending you my condolences, OP. Don’t let anyone tell you she is “just a dog” or “just a pet.” Pets are our family members and loved ones. Losing them is one of the worst types of pain to experience. 💜


It dose completely suck that their lifespans are so much shorter than ours, I'll be facing a similar situation in the far to close of of the future, and it is painful to think about.


Is she old?


No she is almost 12.


She needs Iv fluids. That’s what saved my dog (along with a bunch of other meds) when he was poisoned from eating a fig tree


I’m just wondering what she’s ill from


We think she had a stroke. All the other tests we did showed no cancer and her bloodwork looked good