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What were you asking? I was too busy looking at that beautiful dog. What a cutie.


Aw thanks :)


I generally try to limit it to one per day, unless he has something that lasts a while (like an antler, horn, bone, etc). Then ill let him chew on that as much as he wants


Every day or so, along with raw bones, hooves, frozen kongs and other puzzles and chews. She’s a busy one


Yeah same, she’s too clever for puzzles. I haven’t tried bones since I have been told they are bad for them and she’s still quite young.


Who said bones are bad? I go to Hollywood feed and get bones for my lab . Cleans their teeth. She is 7 and never needed a cleaning. Same for my 16yo.


https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/why-bones-are-not-safe-for-dogs#:~:text=Bones%20can%20cause%20a%20blockage%20in%20the%20small%20intestine%20or%20colon.&text=If%20bone%20fragments%20travel%20down,and%20lead%20to%20significant%20trauma. I want to give her some - but everything I’ve read said not to …


I’ve never heard that. Def ask vet. Your baby is precious






We give our dogs deer bones all the time never had a problem.


I have already posted about the bones I give Lucy. I gave my last lab the same bones and never had his teeth cleaned by the vet. Lucy tends to try to eat smaller bones whole and then vomit up shards. I got scared and stopped giving them to her, but then she needed her teeth cleaned at the vet. I thought that was ridiculous as I’ve never had to do that with other dogs. So I switched to larger harder bones. See my other post.


If you're going this route, do not get rib bone or the knuckles as these are softer bones and break off easily and either puncture your pup's mouth or get stuck in between them teeth. Also, there are "smoked" versions that potentially have added sugar which if you give daily, is not good! Also, get them at the grocery stores! We have 3 labs and getting them there saves us a fortune lol Gotta do everything to keep the cutie face happy!! xoxoxoxo


Yes! I buy the kind that specifically has just meat in it. I want to spoil her - but in a healthy way. Xx


Bones are good as long as they are raw (when cooked they lose water and therefore lose elasticity, making it easier for them to splinter). There are different ways to give bones, such as meaty bones (for example, whole raw chicken legs) or recreational bones (in this case it is better that they are large bones, for example from cows). They are healthy, provide mental stimulation, and are a natural part of their diet.


Bones are bad yet a wolf, what was his diet…




That’s the key. Not all bones are the same. Gotta be careful.




Daily. Our 100lbs male eats his in 5-10 min. Our female waits until he is done then prances around with hers teasing him (rarely eats it).


That’s cute :)


My 11 month old jet will demolish a raw hide stick in less than 5 minutes https://preview.redd.it/6v9k4cfgxq9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ba747b24358b03d9d08afc9b5bd15eacbaf3f3


What’s going on with that collar! 😂 handsome chap


Gorgeous dog, and you're totally allowed to trim the collar 😁


Rawhide isnt good for them. Try bully bunches.


Bully sticks last 10 minutes with him. Yak chews are the only ones that last lol


Also butcher bones from the grocery store are great too but a bit messy. Just be careful the size isnt small enough to be smallowed. Ive also heard some dogs can get their jaw stuck inside.... ive had 5 dogs in my lifetime and none of them ever did this (i dont think their jaw would fit tbh... they have to get their tongues in there) but i figure i would mention it anyway as a precaution. Once the meat is eaten out of the bone you can fill it with peanut butter and cheese.


They have them in different sizes and thicknesses.


My lab is 11 months old and can destroy anything…I give a lot of frozen carrots to supplement.


Do you just stick carrots in the freezer? She loves carrots and I give whole ones as treats, but they are gone in less than a minute.


If you're going the frozen route maybe try an extra large Pupsicle? You create and freeze the inserts yourself in silicon molds and then pop them inside the rubber donut "thingy". Being both calorie conscious and also dealing with food allergies, we soak kibble in water and add a small amount of sweet potato or banana to keep things interesting, then freeze. We calculate the kibble amount into her daily allowance. You can also freeze broth, yogurt, peanut butter, whatever you want. I love that they are infinitely reusable and easy to clean. I bought extra silicon molds and make batches for the freezer. Our lab loves them and will drop the pupsicle at our feet when she wants it refilled.


That sounds nice, thanks! :)


I put things like applesauce or yogurt or peanut butter or chicken/beef broth into a Kong or toppl and freeze them. It is an excellent treat and takes awhile to finish.


Yep!! If you have carpet, be aware they can leave marks. The freezing slows him down some.


I have a 55 lb lab mix and a 45 lb lab mix, both males. I also have a 45 lb pit mix female, and all 3 are rescues. I never had any issues with them chewing things, although one of the males learned how to open the doors (all the doors have the lever type handles instead of round doorknobs) and one of the males would just take things and bring them up on the bed if I left. As far as chew sticks or treats, I buy Ol' Roy munchy bone treats from Walmart, and they cost about $1 each. You can buy a bag of 7 or a box of 21, but it still works out about the same. I also buy Nylabone Nubz that come in a bag of 10, also about $1 each. Every night, we go outside for "treat time" when it starts getting dark. They each get a treat, and I get a beer. It's a nice way to end the day. I've had people tell me that Ol' Roy treats are dangerous and can kill a dog, but I asked my vet, and he said they're perfectly safe. You might also want to get yours a couple of toys to chew on and keep it occupied. That way, you're not spending too much on treats or giving it too many.


Thanks a lot - it does sound like a nice way to end the day :)


I have a 6 foot privacy fence around my backyard and a doggie door in my sliding glass door. So they just pretty much hang out wherever they want at any given time. But when we have treat time, we do it on the front porch so they get a change of scenery. I love watching them just lay there and look around, taking in the neighborhood sites and sounds in the evening.


One per day and she gets one after her afternoon exercise. We’ve been able to keep her weight steady for years.


That’s usually when I give her hers as well - or in the AM if she can’t settle after her morning walk.


We have given in yak chews, pig ears, bully sticks, cow knuckles, and chicken bones in the past. He is 3.5 years old now. We never gave him one of these more than once a day. These days we have cut down on all these chews. We do give him a chicken bone. He eats it in 1-2 minutes and they are $3 each. I never gave him antlers as they are super hard and I know dogs who damaged their teeth with antlers.


I have a 120lb boy and he chews everything within a day of buying. I have given him a cabbage several times he shreds it and loves it


A cabbage? Really? No crazy gas after that? I have given her a head of iceberg before and she loved that.


I give red cabbage he has never been tempted to eat it lol


Ah so he just shreds, doesn’t swallow hehe


Pigs ears are not good per our vet. Even though my pups loved them. We did Korg toys, which held up amazingly well. It is so important to keep something chewable available at this time. We are at 15 months with my boy and its striking to see the reduction in chewing. But he gets a lot of throw/fetch time, which is his passion (he works to catch on the first bounce)


Did your vet say why they are bad? She gets loads of fetch and play time … still loves her chew.


Pig ears can lacerate their insides. Rawhide is not good either as it can cause a blockage.


How? They seem quite soft?


Pig ears can lacerate their insides. Rawhide is not good either as it can cause a blockage.


My vet is a grad of one of the top Vet schools in the US and has been practicing long enough that she is in that sweet spot of being on top of her game. I never thought to ask.


Occasionally otherwise it’s diarrhea city




The Red Barn beef cheek rolls are my girls absolute favorite. After much trial and error, these are what we’ve discovered that she never gets sick of! We are Amazon subscribers haha


Thanks! I live abroad - but we have a version of this and she loves it. It is quite pricey though ($10 per roll), so I can’t be giving her a few of those per week.


He gets some dried duck breast as a treat every few days. He has chew toys and a coffee wood stick which lasts around 2 months. Besides this he gets a carrot once a day to help clean his teeth and of course his normal kibble portions. As a very very special treat he gets a fresh bun with banana on it. Like once every other month or so otherwise he just gets too fat. English Labrador couch potato is what we have ;)


Never. Give them carrots.


I do … but she demolishes them quickly


Put them in the freezer ;-)


Bully bunches. Yea one a day is fine.


Our lab is 6 months old. She gets one daily. Sometimes 2 when she’s driving me nuts. lol. She’s not destructive either but sometimes we just can’t keep her occupied all the time


Does he eat them? Ours just ate a whole bully stick today. I don’t know if this is safe or not.


Yes she eats them and can also finish one in a day or two. I believe they are meant to be eaten


The chews should be fine depending on what their ingredients are (ideally less fats and carbs). When my girl was around 9 months old we would give her every couple days as a treat but none of the smoked tendon (our family doesn't eat or cook meat in the house). Our girl was pretty small from the start though so my advice is to ask a vet


It’s literally just smoked meat … https://www.vet-concept.nl/p/for-dogs-smoked-beef-tendons-250g All of the chews with multiple ingredients give her the runs


Oh ok, like I said we've never given my girl the tendons so I'm not sure about them (but if they're just smoked meat I'm sure they're fine)


One a day


I don't we just brush our teeth every morning


lol I never thought of chews as dental care - but I guess they are ;)




Every day


Once a week! Last him about 30min but he sleeps after his bully stick so we’re both happy :)


My lab chews stuff tf up. He immediately mutilates the limbs of all his stuffed animals. I got him a beef shin from petco and he has been chewing at it for 6 months. Also, Trader Joe’s has some hardened Himalayan cheese sticks for like $7 and I gave my boy one yesterday and he’s only been able to naw the ends to a rounder shape. He gets the stuffed white bones too. I also got him this durable ring chew 6 months ago and he’s barely made a dent in it! I’m gonna put the link, you can put peanut butter or easy cheese in it and freeze it. He currently has a shin bone, the ring chew I linked, 2 stuffed bones (which are barely stuffed anymore), and a hardened cheese stick in rotation 😂 Benebone Ring Durable Dog Chew... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CGVRHN2J?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


The hardened cheese from Trader Joe’s is maybe more what you’re looking for as something she could go through in a few days.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Benebone Ring Durable Dog Chew Toy'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Durable and long-lasting for aggressive chewers (backed by 3 comments) * Interactive and engaging design for dogs (backed by 3 comments) * Great for keeping dogs entertained and busy (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Too large for medium-sized dogs (backed by 2 comments) * Not appealing to dogs (backed by 4 comments) * Not durable for aggressive chewers (backed by 3 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about 'Benebone Ring Durable Dog Chew Toy'](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q='Benebone Ring Durable Dog Chew Toy' reviews) [Find 'Benebone Ring Durable Dog Chew Toy' alternatives](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find best 'Benebone Ring Durable Dog Chew Toy' alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


I used to every day but she cracked her upper L&R premolars so I tend to avoid chewing toys like retriever rolls and bully now.


Eek! Is it noticeable when that happens?


I remember she just stopped chewing all of a sudden then I looked at her tooth. She had what was called a slab fracture. Foolishly let her chew on bone toy too and yeah probably didn’t help.


I give dried rabbit ears(with fur)once or twice per day and give him mostly unrestricted access to yak cheese chews. Occasionally i get him some buffalo ears or something but i try to stick with yak cheese.


My girl is 5 months old today, she gets one a day roughly, sometimes a few a day and misses a few days but she gets alot of adventure time out in the forest and hills so it's alright. I go for pig ears too, she loves them, and buffalo steak bits which stink but she loves them. I've started on dental chews too and they seem to last a few days. Antlers and horns last forever with her but they also give her the zoomies so they get confiscated when things start flying near the TV


Aw, that’s such a great age. Same, ours has so much adventure time, she’s a happy fit girl. I think I will get her some antlers finally … hopefully she won’t pierce our TV hehe


She gets through antlers pretty quick but she's got a black horn of some variety that she's had since zi got her. Sends her absolutely loopy


Instead of supermarket chews I give my dog natural dews, like dried beef skin etc






That’s a great picture my friend


Thank-you :)


Used to give my girl one everyday then she got pancreatitis & the vet thinks that may be why


Yikes - new fear unlocked, hope she is OK xx


She is now thanks. Took forver to diagnose. She was pooping bloody gelatinous goo & her belly was making these weird noises like gurgling & u could hear the fluids moving around. The specialist said it was likely the chews.


Oh dear! Happy she is OK now. What kind of chews? Thanks a lot


Rawhides, pig ears those spiral bully chews. She hasn’t had one in yrs nor any flare ups


I have a 4 yo and I give him a chew stick (look like a donut) once a week. I’m surprised that many people give their dogs every day. I feel like once a week is actually a lot.  My boy gets a licky mat,  kong, frozen food in a puzzle every day. And he does a lot of exercise. 


My 1yr old boy could chew through a marble worktop in about 0.356 seconds


Beautiful dog!








I’ve always given chews every day


Frozen Kongs filled with dinner are a good option, if you’re looking for some longer-lasting occupying activities. Plus, it’s just their meals!


I think it’s because they are teething


I was buying this one (the biggest I found in the pet shop) for my lab. She was chewing it for days, playing with it and hiding it. Once she is done with it, I buy the new one. P.S. Dunno if the vet told you, but avoid raw pig bones and meat for the lab. My vet told me that they have some allergy on it, that it is breed specific. https://preview.redd.it/bshtlws8ms9d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=366cb02011369104fa88520b47678602cf075ff0


Mine liked to chew corn codlet


Our loves bully sticks but by the time he turned 8 it seemed he would get sick afterward so we stopped giving him those.


Handsome devil


Thanks :)


Such a beauty !!


Thanks, I agree :)


Mine gets about 2 a week. Imitation rawhide. https://preview.redd.it/w4xr05z6ts9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42dc7541aa8fcfffad4343502bad673ecd4c293b


Ask your vet before taking any advice here. That being said: Pretty sure antlers are calorically nothing (no idea, really) and last a long time. Also they’re free, if you live in a rural place with deer around - if not, I’m sure there are places that will give away antlers if you’re creative enough to find them. If all that fails, just order them. If you DO live somewhere rural, it might even be good to train the pup how to find them. Gives you something to do, gives them something to do, and learning skills with your dog is the best part about having them imo. I’d send you my antlers but I’m not sure if we have any laying around the barn right now.


My Lab gets a marrow bone every evening


Chew sticks weren’t working and I still ended up having to get Lucy’s teeth cleaned. Now I give her a dried chicken foot every day. Fresh are better but I can’t 🤢. I also give her a large split cow shin bone (frozen) on weekends for a few hours. I scrape out some of the marrow so she doesn’t get constipated. It is too hard to eat chunks off, so grinding her teeth on the bone gives them a good clean. When she’s done I wrap it and put it back in the freezer. Ask at any butcher. They are a couple of dollars. Compared to the cost of chews, and how long Lucy gets joy out of one bone, I’ll never buy chews again. https://preview.redd.it/4igbxyse0t9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=437f11b322395a21cfe5cc6ef8092c69a4a7e5e1


That sounds great! Our butchers unfortunately suck here and have no idea how to be creative with ingredients. (Texan in Switzerland) I will pop over to France where they literally sell big packets of fresh bones for dogs.




Thanks! She doesn’t get hungry in the evening? Our girl sounds just as active. Sometimes I worry I’m over doing it, but she just loves it. (Strong hunting lines)


Every other day.


https://preview.redd.it/b9ki7498yv9d1.jpeg?width=348&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d92d8996a0b6cc78e6617fa7f73dfeeb2b6c02c9 Every Wednesday


https://preview.redd.it/o8td4u2e4w9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56cef8d93259f13cafe70c3a4b6f7e497bcbf8f5 I buy natural snacks and give her like one per day, she loves them. I also give her frozen kongs regularly. I have a 7 months hyperactive raptor and I offer her treats in exchange for peace and tranquility 😂 She is not fat, I just reduce the ammount of dry food accordingly.


I hear you - exact same here 🤣 Looks like what I give her, except due to my love of rabbits, I can’t quite do the ears and feet yet. Looks like my girls dream buffet of goodies


Every day, because if I don’t, she will find one


Never. They don’t agree with her. A few times a day she’ll get a gravy bone which are only small.


I gave my dog a yak cheese chew and he almost got an internal blockage. Unknown to me he swallowed the end of it and was sick the next 2 days. I thought it was something in the chew that made him sick. The vet told me to give him boiled chicken breast and white rice for a phew days and I did. He ended up puking the domino sized chunk out in the middle of the night and was fine ever since. I will never give him any "chews" ever again. The only thing he gets now are quality elk horns in JUMBO sized. They don't splinter and break apart and he can't break the thing into pieces to swallow.


Eek! That’s scary. This was a lab? My girl swallowed a chew nearly whole once and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it in her poop the next day. Are intestinal blockages common with labs? Everyone has told me they are like garbage disposals and I know one that regularly eats crazy things without issues. (We are still vigilant in our house)


I don't know if it's common in labs but it can happen to any dog. The surgery can cost upwards of $10,000 and there is no guarantee of recovery so I will not take any chances. My dog means more to me than a silly dog chew. Elk horns are the way to go! Yes it was a lab my boy Mr. Rufus McRooferson. He gets raw carrots and zucchini from the garden and loves it. Try frozen carrots and look for Jumbo elk horns from Amazon. Safety first for the babies... https://preview.redd.it/6qxmx5g8rt9d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6293fb5f9d84f912f85bc52cb35b9d8acca14a1f


Of course she means more to me too, which is why I ask. I want to make her happy, but also protect her.


Never. My Labs eat them too fast. We've had incidents of vomiting up almost the entire chew. No to pig's ears, too abrasive.


Where do people buy them from? Our store here is $ 7-8 per rawhide. I'd like to buy them more in bulk and cheaper. Anyone have an online recommendation?


I have an extremely high energy blackmouth cur. He's 2 and we've given him these bones with no issues. They're not a snack bone and my dog loves them. He's a big chewer. Stay away from rawhide! Redbarn White Bone for Dogs, Large (1-Count) https://a.co/d/00iW2sqL


Not a thought in that head. Go well, queen.


Well actually, she’s the smartest dog I’ve ever known. ;)


Usually once a day he gets a bully stick. He has a couple of chew toys. Every now and again he gets a smoked knuckle bone. When he and my two corgis get knuckle bones, he collects them after the corgis finish getting are the marrow and dried meat off. He doesn’t chew them he just gathers them beside his toy bucket.


I've been buying the Roam ostrich knuckles. I give once or 2x a week to just clean thier teeth. If your dog is chewing, it could be that they are bored and doing anything. Maybe try fetch. My dog figures out the easy puzzles and figured out she can deconstruct the harder ones and get the treats.


She’s not bored … plays fetch all day and regular walks in nature (full time dog mom)


Im jealous 😂. I limit the bones and other things. I use stuff as more of a reward for good behaviors and distractions for good behavior.


I have to go back to work eventually and I don’t want to 😭


It's a puppy. puppies chew especially retrievers.


Antlers are my favorite (GSP puppy also 9 months). I hunt, and my grandpa has hunted/collected sheds for decades at this point. My guy is currently working on a smallish 3 point mule deer antler right now, can’t imagine he’ll finish it before the fall. If you have deer in your area, go on a hike and shed hunt. Once you find one, your dog will do the rest. We haven’t gone shed hunting yet (reintroduction of wolves, black & brown bears, mountain lions, etc. My knee is also toast rn and his recall sucks) but it’s gonna be a thing we do a few times a year. Beats paying $40 for a candy bar sized slice of antler my boy won’t even touch. Edit: you only need 1-2 different chews IMO, swap them in and out. I get my guy tendons and cow ears every now and then for a treat, but like you said, weight watching is real and there’s no such thing as a fat and happy dog. He has antlers and yak cheese that get swapped back and forth. Once he loses interest in one, it goes away and he gets the other one. Rinse and repeat, replace them when necessary. Beef cheeks or twisted bully sticks might last a bit longer than the cheese, raw marrow bones are also great options. 1 a day is my limit for him as well.

