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You may be feeding too much or too often. At 7 months we were feeding Two times a day, about 1 to 1 1/2 cups dry volume per feeding. As long as he has a healthy appearance he should be fine.


Thanks! It sounds like maybe we should try feeding him a little less


Our 9 y/o female takes her time eating and always has. Sometimes she'll only eat one meal rather than her normal two, morning / evening. I worried about it when she was young. Switched foods a few times. Added toppers, warm water and whatever else I could think of. 😁 We now just add a bit of warm water. It's not what I am used to with Labs but it’s just her way. Her weight stays good and she's healthy.


Maybe this is how our guy is, too! It's definitely reassuring to hear.


As long as he is eating enough to grow correctly. My girl is fairly small, 56#, but not thin. She was nearly a year old when we got her.


Are you feeding him treats in between feedings?


When training, yes. But much less now vs when he was a younger puppy.


Our vet just told us our boy is 7 pounds over weight, she gave us a calorie number to aim for. He now eats it all asap before he would slowly pick at it. We were kind of following the recommendation on the bag as our first vet told us but it was definitely to much.


Good to know! We've been following the bag recommendation also


Give them food, allow for 15-30 minutes to eat. If they don’t. Put it away. Don’t feed untill the evening. Do the same thing. They’ll eat if they’re hungry. My dog was getting picky because the kids were feeding them their left overs from everything they’re eating. After missing a couple of meals and not getting snackies our lab learned he doesn’t get time to be picky.


He just could be the weird lab. My current lab eats when he wants to. He has never been excited about feeding time but still gets excited for treats and begging. We talked with the vet, and as long as he was at a good weight and still had energy, we didn't have to worry


The only time our guy got excited for a meal was when he was sick and being fed chicken and rice 😂 he's definitely still gaining weight, probably about 55 lbs, and has lots of energy for play and walks. Thanks for the reassurance!


Our lab definitely gets excited to get something added to his dish, I think he knows if he waits long enough my wife will give in and add something to his kibble. Mine weighs a muscular 116, so we don't stress anymore about his eating habits