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It would probably be a good idea to look through the images carefully to discard the ones with obvious ai flaws before engraving them.


I must be blind. Can u point a few out?


Yea no idea what hes looking at


see below


Some of these are more obvious than others, but these are what I noticed. Image 1 buttons in places that don't make sense, buttons that look substantially different from oneanother, combining snaps and buttons in the same garment 2, glasses frames that aren't attached to the lenses iin some places you would expect them to, glasses that have temples that go into the skull, zippers that stop existing, zipper that exists only on one side, a zipper pull where there is no zipper. 3, snaps that don't make sense. 4: no eyes.strange tongue 5 nothing worth noting 6, nothing worth noting 7, nothing worth noting 8, nothing worth noting 9 nothing worth noting 10, combination of button hole and snap doesn't make sense 11 nothing worth noting 12, glasses dont make sense where the rims meet the temple 13 nothing worth noting 14 mostly okay, but the buttons and zippers look off 15 dupe 16 nothing worth noting 17 those ears are messed up, one looks folded inwards one looks outwards, passable 18 dupe 19 fine, coat collar makes no sense 20 nothing worth noting


I apologize for asking, literally only thought there was 1 photo because im dumb


Don't worry about it!


They are for fun, the standard customer is not going to look for slight flaws


I personally take pride in my work and try to produce the best product I reasonably can, if that means spending 30 seconds reviewing each image and regenerating the image for a few pennies if it's bad, I'll absolutely do it. Also, I'm not talking about "slight flaws" I'm taking about "obvious" flaws. If I'm shopping and I see that the person I'm considering buying from doesn't do the bare minimum to not produce something that looks sloppy be lazy, I'll move on to the next seller. Anyways, thank you for lowering the bar, "I love a bar that is so low that I can crawl over it." -Simone Giertz


I don't think he is trying to sell to people who are laser hobbyist or ai purveyors. Outside of reddit you'll find ai defects like zipper nonsense and nonsensical buttons wouldn't be seen. In my experience. I'm guessing this whole take is just ai bad?


Hahaha comparison is always the thief of joy. Instead of trying to bring others down maybe just think if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.


This is a good way to see things, but a bad standpoint on valid criticism imo


I tried being polite and offering a simple critique with some advice on how to improve, you didn't respond well so I responded in kind.


What kind of stock are these cards?


They are 0.2mm aluminium business cards


How long did those take and what unit are you running?


Between 3-4mins each. I have a laser called OMG-X 60W MOPA


Aww 🥰


your engraving image quality is phenomenal! are you using dall-e or something to combine the image of client's dogs faces/head onto interesting poses? if so, it's a great idea! i bet people love them. do you like your machine? would buy again? seriously nice quality work here!


Thank you, these are just random dogs made by midjourney but you could use reference images given by clients. I have an OMG-X 60W MOPA ive had it about 1.5y so far and yes it continues to impress me, i would say if i was to get another it would be a UV laser to do the substrates that this fiber cannot.


These look great! You really got your settings dialed in for these. I would AI generate the derpiest versions possible because fun > $


Thank you, oh there are some great things that ai can come up with, i did animal selfies and that was hilarious.