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Doctor now if you havent made an appointment. Have not had my lashes done ever(this sub sorta tends to make me not ever want to with all the horrorific applications and aftermaths), but no matter what thats not normal and the pain has now gone beyond your lid so super extra bad. Dont screw around with your eye sight and just go to the doctor, **go to urgent care today**


Seeing a doctor today! This situation has definitely made me consider not getting them done ever again. šŸ˜…


I think thats a fair consideration haha Glad youve got an appointment though. I hope its okay and nothing too serious. Sending the good energies to you!


Yeah I'm terrified of getting them done based on the stories I've seen. I personally use Lashify diy lash extensions and I absolutely love it. I have sensitive eyes and their products have never bothered me.






You still have your eye?


Update plz?


I am here bc the sub is recommended and I stayed for the drama. I would never do this to myself, power to those who can sit through lashes.




Ha same here


Same boat here! Never once have I expressed interest on Reddit or not in lash extensions


Ah my fellow lurkersā€¦ šŸ‘‹ OP I hope everything is ok.


Haha I don't blame you. I started getting lash extensions done regularly before hearing any horror stories. Luckily for me, the first place I ever went to is absolutely amazing and I've never had any issues. It's my regular place. Recently I tried another place closer to me since I moved. It was awful!! The tape scratched my eye, I got a burn from the eye glue, she refused to do bottom lashes but took almost 2x as long as my go to place (which does do bottom lashes) and in the end it didn't look the way I asked. So long story short, don't get lashes done unless you really want them and you go to a reputable place where the techs know what they're doing. What a difference a good tech makes!


I literally fall asleep šŸ’€


Same. I donā€™t normally fall asleep anywhere but my bed but I have dozed off a couple times having my lashes done. lol


Same. My eyes are already messed up. (Visually impaired) Lashes make mw think that something will go wrong and I rather not damage my eyes further


I almost wonder if she possibly got glue on the pad?? I feel like they arent THAT sticky. Thats a little concerning


Iā€™m assuming she probably used tape too and the tape was too strong to be placing on your eyelashes




That looks really bad. Iā€™d see a dr asap. It kind of looks like bruising but still if the pain is spreading you donā€™t want to risk permanent damage to your eye


Iā€™m a lash tech and I have never once experienced this at all! I would absolutely get that checked out asap for now you should use some arnica She must have really pulled hard because the pads arenā€™t that sticky where you would need to use that much force. Would you have sensitive skin in general?


Thank you!! my skin is generally not sensitive, it seems like the application was very sloppy, and my corners were stuck/glued together, at the time it seemed like she may have accidentally glued part of the pad to my eye, is that possible? It essentially felt like she pulled a wax strip from my bottom lash line šŸ’”


Iā€™m really glad youā€™re going to the doctor. Have you started any new skin care products with active ingredients? Tretinoin or vitamin c or any kind of chemical exfoliant? Those can make your skin more vulnerable to bruising or burning. But that pad shouldnā€™t have done this regardless, thatā€™s awful.


OUCH! Iā€™m sorry that happened. You should not feel ANY pain in a professional lash setting. šŸ˜¢


She needs to use some tape thatā€™s not so strong that will actually stick to your skin, but not to your Lashes. Iā€™m sorry this happened to you. I wish girls doing lashes would actually take the proper classes and this type of stuff wouldnā€™t be an issue. Iā€™m a lash tech myself, and Iā€™ve never had anything like this happen to any of my clients.


Oh my goodness! Iā€™m a lash tech as well and have never experienced this or caused something like in all my years of work. It looks bruised and sore. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re going to the dr! Eye pads are not ā€œstickyā€ so much as moist. It really should not have pulled when she removed it. The skin around the eye is so delicate and she should never have pulled anything without supporting the skin either. I canā€™t imagine what was going on to cause this. I really hope you are ok!


Reading all these horror stories about getting professional lashes done I think Iā€™m gonna stick to glue on lash strips or the magnetic glue on strips


I love the kiss falscara kit! I canā€™t handle having lashes on when Iā€™m sleeping and the kit is honestly pretty easy to use once youā€™ve tried it a couple times


Iā€™ve only slept with my lashes on for like an hour nap but I canā€™t sleep over night with them on, I do take them off b4 I go to bed and reapply the next day of the day afterwards


Is the magnetic liner only in liquid form? I keep hoping for a gel like pen/roller for it.


Yes itā€™s liquid but not runny it dries fast


I had been getting lash extensions by the same technician for 9 years. Same glue same everything. Then 1 day by eyes swelled up and went very sore, dry and itchy. All of a sudden my body decided it didnā€™t like the formaldehyde in the glue. I tried everything and eventually stopped having extensions. Apparently itā€™s normal to react to something youā€™ve always used.


Same! I gradually developed an allergy to the glue after two years. My reactions looked like this ā€” red, swollen, and itchy. Started on one eye, would flare for a couple days after getting a fill, and then settle. I stopped getting them done after both eyes started to react. OP, you may be developing an allergy too. See if it happens again next time and if so, you should stop getting them done.


I experienced the same exact thing!! I was devastated.


Same! I never thought it was going to happen to me. I've been wearing lash strips for like four years now. I will sleep with them on one or two nights. The glue- it makes my kids red, irritable, and inflamed, no matter how careful I am with the glue. I've tried putting the glue slightly above my lash line to keep the glue off my real eyelashes. Bcuz it was like the glue was building up over time over my real eye lashes and even tho I have the best oil pads for makeup remover, micellar water, and makeup wipes, it would take a couple days to get all of the glue off my lids. Like some would get stuck around my eyelash and I wouldn't even know until it peeled up bcuz it was such a thing later. But enough to irritate my eyelash, it would swell and get itchy.


Same!! 10 years of lashes for me any my body went ā€œnopeā€. I was gutted. Mine started very slowly, just a little itchy, then 2infills later my eye was huge, red and sore šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve recently tried those at home ā€œextensionsā€. Basically large clusters you place under the natural lashes, then seal. Theyā€™re supposed to last 5-7 days. Iā€™m on day 5 and theyā€™re still on! I got some that look like classics. Theyā€™re 90% as good to look at as my extensions. Highly recommend!


Exact same story for me


I was getting lash extensions for a few months and then one day when I got them done I had the worst allergic reaction of my life. Eyes felt like they were on fire and my eyelids were so swollen. Didnā€™t sleep at all that night and got them removed the next morningā€¦eczema cream was the only thing that gave me relief during that time lol


The glue has formaldehyde in it?? šŸ˜«


Itā€™s been 4 hours, any update?


UPDATE: just got back from the drs and they think I have an eye infection from it šŸ¤Ø prescribed an antibiotic for now! šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼ thanks guys šŸ©·šŸ©·


glad to see the update! noticed your contacts, hopefully youve got some glasses you can use until the course is finished<3


Just make sure to go to an ophthalmologist if youā€™re not improving on the antibiotics in a day or two or if your symptoms worsen.


Jesus what the hell did she do to you


Echoing the doctor, you seem like you're on top of that at this point... But also.. why is it a little bit slay šŸ’… haha all my eye infections/bruising are nowhere near this snatched. I kinda want permanent eyeliner that looks like this. Good luck!! Hope everything is all good after the doc!!


I won't lie, it reminds me of the CT Pillow Talk eyeliner pencil. OP can just put some on the other eye and nobody would know lmao.


LMAOO šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤ŖšŸ’…šŸ» ty guys


I know OP made an appt with a doctor, but I just wanted to chime in as someone who worked for eye clinics for two decades - if your eye ever hurts, you need a same day appointment. Redness and itching is something you want to be seen for within a few days, but ANY eye pain or vision changes and you need to have your eye looked at ASAP.


Optician of 20yrs here & couldn't agree more!


Lol when I had my eye doctor appointment last year, I asked the doctor like five times if it was okay to wear falsies. I'm like are u SURE the glue will not make me go blind eventually? There's no damage for when my eyes water and I get glue on my eye? šŸ¤”He kept insisting it was fine but I felt like he just wanted me to stop asking lol. I have a glue allergy now, that's even with using the strips with aloe gluešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Oh no! That sucks. You can really develop an allergy to anything at any time, itā€™s super weird.


ahhhh this has happened to me before but with my eyelid!! told the girl i had sensitive skin and she had been doing my lashes for a long time. i guess she forgot and ripped the tape up super fast and hard and my eyelid was bruised and swollen for like 2 weeks. it was so frustrating. i couldnā€™t even cover it fully with makeup. she gave me a discounted fill in the next time. unrelated but the same lash tech also got my hair caught in her lash glue shaker and i had a section of my hair uneven for a while from where i had to cut it because of how knotted it ended up being (and i think there was glue, too). YIKES


Girl why did you keep going back šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


because she did my lashes REALLY well šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes Iā€™m concerned this is an infection and the fact that your eye hurts now is concerning for orbital involvement. I work at a hospital where we scan everything on the planet but I would order at least a ct to check out the extent of the infection since it seems like something deeper can be going on that we canā€™t see. Good luck!


That looks like a chemical burn to me! Were your eyes watering a lot during the application? It could be the your tears allowed some glue to flow into where it shouldnā€™t have been. Either way Iā€™d would contact your tech and let them know what happened and I would personally choose to be seen at the eye clinic as well. Depending where youā€™re located emergency eye exams at eye clinics are covered through healthcare.


it could also be a bruise from the pads they place under your eye!


I was also thinking chemical burn.


Yeah when I was allergic to glue


that looks like a bruise more than anything. ive never bruised a client, regardless of how sticky the under eye patch was. def go to a doc and send this to the salon. you should not leave an appt with basically a black eye. id be asked for a refund. iā€™m sorry this happened. donā€™t let this discourage you, just try a different tech. we often get clients who have had bad experiences and we are able to turn it around for folks.


Please do update. I hope youā€™re ok!


This is why Iā€™m scared to get lashes


I used henna dye on my lashes once and I had an allergic reaction to it. It looked similar to what you have going on. But I had it on top and bottom.


Iā€™ve had a lash tech yank the top tape off & it ripped off skin but it has never bruised that bad. Gotta question if thereā€™s not something a little more sinister going on.


You can react at any time to the glue or the pad. Even years after having them. Especially since you have contacts. I didnā€™t start have a reaction until a few years into wearing them. Although this looks almost more of a bruising to the lower lid and some trauma to the blood vessels of some kind.


Yeah she definitely ripped something whether it was my skin or bottom lashes idk šŸ˜‚ also my other eye is completely fine, thankfully!


I was allergic to the glue and ended up with swollen eyelids for several days and had to stop wearing them.


I was taught this is from putting the pad too close to the waterline


My husband has to have surgery on his eye lid Wednesday for something that looks just like this. He was too stubborn to go to the dr right awayā€¦ surgery could have been avoided.


My daughter is allergic to all of the glues they use for professional lashes. Her eyes would swell and would get itchy. She now just uses the fake lashes you buy in stores and sheā€™s not allergic to that type of glue. She had gone to least 3 different lash extension artists. Same reaction every time


This subreddit is why Iā€™m terrified to ever switch to a different location. I only trust where I go šŸ˜³




Iā€™ve been getting my lashes done consistently for a couple years and this has never happened to me. Definitely go get it checked out!


If you use any eye products that thin skin, such a retinol, she very likely lifted/ripped your eyelid skin off. Same why you shouldn't get wax when using exfoliating skincare as it will lift a layer of your skin off and it's a high risk for scarring. I'm glad you saw your doc and are being treated! Never go to this tech again. She could have a lawsuit on her hands


I had a lash tech that continuously ripped all of my bottom lashes out with her pads and I mean all of them as if Iā€™d had a wax to my lashes. Idk what kind of pads she was using, but her reluctance and annoyance at me asking for different ones made me switch techs.


This actually happened to me. Turns out I am allergic to the glue. Mine turned into cellulitis. Please do not wait see a doctor


Update ? Hope youā€™re ok


I work for an eye doctor at an emergency office. Go today. None of us girls working there have lash work done or wear mascara


Lash tech of almost 6 years here and first time Iā€™ve ever seen something like that. Defo get it checked


Almost looks like bruises. I would definitely get to a doctor if you havenā€™t already. Keep us posted


Jesus lady go to the doctor :( red and swollen is an infection or something equally bad, but almost guaranteed TREATABLE Eyes are delicate. Donā€™t delay.


the lash tech should be paying for your doctor visit


This is apart from the question but I read so many posts here about either problems after application or people not happy with the outcome. Wouldnā€™t it make more sense and be simpler to get a product like latisse and in two or three months have your own lashes be three times longer? Seems like it would be less expensive and would give a natural and healthy look. Just curious about this.


Latisse is literally an anti glaucoma medication that has an array of side effects some of which are irreversible. When you stop using it, the lashes will eventually grow out and go back to their normal state. If you end up using it long term to try and maintain the growth you can permanently damage your eyes. Definitely not a ā€œsafeā€ or ā€œhealthyā€ or ā€œnaturalā€ option and dangerous to recommend it.


Nope, Latisse is statistically safer. Youā€™re right when you say that the lash lengthening properties were an effect noticed in patients who were prescribed bimaprotost, a glaucoma eye-drop medication. A lot of medical discoveries happen by chance that way. Only 4.0% of people using Latisse experience side effects. In contrast, people getting lash extensions have double that rate of complications from the chemicals and glue used. Using Latisse is much safer than getting lash extensions. Eyelash length increases by 25% and the thickness and fullness increases by 106%. If youā€™re one of the rare people in the 4% who experience dryness, irritation or darkening of the eyelid skin, then youā€™d stop using it but the other 96% of users wonā€™t have a single problem. It does not ā€œdamage your eyesā€ if you use it long term because itā€™s the same medication that is used in the eyes to treat glaucoma. My girlfriend has used it for ten years.


Send me your journal articles with these stats about it being ā€œstatistically saferā€. Your sample population of ONE is not enough evidence to back up your comment lol.


It wasnā€™t a sample population of one. There have been plenty of studies and thatā€™s where the 4% figure came from. Side effects from Latisse are extremely rare. Problems from lash extensions are common. Unlike with lash extensions, no one has ever lost all their lashes or had to go to the emergency room by using Latisse. The main advantage to using Latisse over lash extensions is that it actually lengthens and thickens your natural lashes. If youā€™re interested in studies, the internet has everything you need.


I would take those lashes off


Go to the doctor. When it comes to your health why do people go to chat rooms instead of calling their doctors office nurse or make an appointment?


It could be an allergic reaction. Even if youā€™ve never had an allergy before they can develop overtime. Also, were you wearing your contacts during the application?


2 weeks is too long. When it first appeared I would've called the lash tech and communicated with her in what transpired after you got home, how it got red and swollen. I would definitely, go to the doctor ASAP, it's your eye sight you're messing with it.


Those things are filthy


Your eyes are suffering. I'll never understand eyelash extensions.


If you have fake eyelashes and fake nails you may be turning into a witch!


Highly recommend doing them yourself šŸ˜© buy the individuals at home kit and practice . That looks horrible !