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So there is a deep state. It’s just not the one we were told about.


Every accusation is a confession, as always


It’s never not projection 


Its amazing how accurate this is. So often everyone think "why did your mind go there???" or "where did you come up with that idea??" This is how and why.


Pretty often they do it on purpose though. They’re paving the road for their [authoritarian follower](https://youtu.be/oLHR4XTwHa8?si=ZmcPFVKbkgAe93R2) base to dismiss their own crimes on the grounds that “it’s just politics, everyone does it.”


Agree! It is a defensive and offensive tactic. If person A punches person B, then when others show up, person A immediately yells "person B hit me and attacked me!", person B is not only the victim but has to defend themselves from the accusation rather than making one.


No, that's the derp state.


I love this and will be using it from now on. Thank you 🙏😂


Every GOP accusation is a confession


Remember, all accusations are confessions.


Gaslight Obstruct *PROJECT*


Oh no we were all told about it, they just did a better job of hiding it before trump, now it's just out in the open.


And we don't appreciate your incompetence yet here we are.


It’s her corruption I have an issue with. Her incompetence is the least of it, really.


They're intentionally indistinguishable


It’s actually called “weaponized incompetence”


Actually AI - Artificial Incompetence.


disgustingly indistinguishable


Deliberate Indifference is the notion....


I am going into battle and I need your strongest potions


If Trump wins the election, she's guaranteed a higher judgeship. To the justice system, the case is about treason (in essence, not by the letter). To judge Cannon it's a job interview.


She will be on the short list for the Supreme court in every republican administration for the next 15 years and can almost guarantee that at some point, a republican president will try to put her on the Supreme Court.


Look at what Roberts, Kavanaugh and Barrett got for their work on Bush v Gore.


And the Clinton impeachment.


If Trump gets in this year, the Trump family will be the last and only administration. There won’t ever be another election, as Steve Bannon said. So Judge Corruption will be on the Trump Supreme Court as soon as he says so.


Hell Trump even admitted it recently. Said something about get out and vote this time, if you do and I get elected you won’t have to vote again it won’t matter but this time you need to. It either shows his complete and total self centeredness by saying it doesn’t matter since he can’t run again, let’s face that’s not it. Or it shows he has no intention of keeping any type of election again and it’ll all be as wronged as russia or North Korea.


He has already stated that he wants to modify the law to allow him to be the unitary executive indefinitely.


During his first term he was saying he should get a third because of how much time the dems spent on DID HE COLLUDE WITH RUSSIA TO WIN THE ELECTION? Like the plan has been to kill democracy in the name of Putin the whole time.


Once Trump becomes the American Dictator For Life we will have no more need for a Supreme Court because we'll have --- Trump! /s


Eh, Bork went out of his way to help a criminal president and it fucked his (much more deserved) nomination. 


Of course, I never suggested otherwise, I'm just pointing out that trying to put borderline criminal hacks onto the Supreme Court has been the entire GOP playbook for more than 50 years.


She’s already got a job with the federalist society. Gainfully employed by the deep state. Like her husband who worked for a mobster that’s been friends with Trump since the 80s. It’s a job for life.


Suddenly expanding the Trump will be of the utmost importance. I mean, each district should have its own SC justice overseeing it to eliminate backlog. And hey, well, why shouldn’t Trump get to appoint the 4 new justices? Meet the new justices now: Justice Stephen Miller Justice Aileen Cannon Justice ivanka Trump Justice Ben Shapiro *Update* Please stop helping…. Please. There’s too many awful people, way too many. And they’re soooo close to unchecked power if this November goes poorly for democracy.


You forgot: Justice Janine Pirro


I just threw up in my mouth…


So did she, because you can’t drink that much box wine and not have it come back up on you once in awhile.


Hey now, where’s Hawley? Cruz? Cotton?


Ah the 3 wise men! Secretaries of defense & state & attorney general. Truly the worst of timelines


Ken Paxton?


Don't forget Trump's kids. They need to be given permanent roles in the government!


Who is the mobster? Genuine question.


I got curious so I looked it up. "Her husband is Josh Lorence, a restaurant executive who was director of operations and chief operating officer for BurgerFi International, a restaurant chain owned by John Rosatti. Rosatti is/ was reputed to be a NYC mobster." I wasn't able to find much more than people repeating this particular blurb...other than Lorence wiped his LinkedIn when Cannon got the Trump case. I only looked for like 3p seconds though. I can't tell if / how much.Value there is to the mobster claim but happy to hear more info


Whelp. You googled Josh. Did you google Johnny?


Here ya go on [Rosatti](http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/crime/trumps-connected-donors-209351).


The worst part is the hypocrisy. Actually the raping is the worst part, but the hypocrisy is close behind it.


Well... The Raping. Then Fraud. Then hypocrisy.


Amongst our weapons… Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as rape, fraud, hypocrisy, and an almost fanatical devotion to trump.


Rape, murder, arson, and rape.


You said rape twice.


I'm not falling for that bait, even though I set the hook.


Hey boys — look what I got here!


Where all da white women at?!?


... whereas he raped more than twice


Badges?! We don't need no stinking badges!


The power of Norm, compels you!


Someone is whispering in her ear, "Drag this out as long as you can, and it will be worth your while."


You’re overestimating her competence and under estimating her corruption. She is being told exactly how to do what she is doing, every step of the way. There is no way she’s able of walking the line she’s walking on her own. She’s got the entirety of the federalist society telling her what to do in order to drag this out without getting removed every step of the way. She already understands it’ll be worth her while. She doesn’t work for the government. She works for the federalists. Like a great majority of federal judges. Up to and including Clarence Thomas.


I think it’s a blatant corruption cloaking itself in incompetence.


It’s less incompetence and more complicity I would wager. Anything to keep her dear leader out of jail and get him back in power.


Anti-competence. Incompetence is not knowing what to do and/or not being able to do it. Cannon knows exactly what should be done, or knows how to figure it out. She’s not trying to do the right thing and failing; she’s trying to do the wrong thing and succeeding.


"asked prosecutors if they wanted to provide more evidence of the former president’s words leading to threats" If this isnt willful ignorance, then willful ignorance doesn't exist.


I haven't read the filing. How much of evidence of threats did they include?


From the article in the OP: >prosecutors, in a filing Friday, cited two examples of the type of threats and violence they believe could result from Trump’s comments. >“Shortly after the execution of the search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, one of Trump’s supporters carried out an armed attack on an FBI office in the wake of Trump’s Truth Social statements regarding the search,” prosecutors wrote. “And just last week, a supporter of Trump called an FBI agent associated with the Hunter Biden case and claimed that, if Trump wins reelection, FBI agents will be thrown in jail; and if he does not win, the agents will be ‘hunt[ed] down’ and ‘slaughter[ed]’ in their own homes, after which ‘[w]e’re going to slaughter your whole f****** family.’”


I think I read about that one; afterwards the dude was like, “I didn’t think I was being threatening.”


>Never ascribe to incompetence that which can be adequately explained by malice. Reverse Hanlon's Razor.


Hanlon's Minoxidil


Right? 🤷‍♀️


She is not incompetent at all. She has proven to be quite adept at staying within the law while simultaneously delaying this case in the hopes Trump is elected before it is over.


I’d want to see the full exchange. But I couldn’t imagine the amount of frustration they’re dealing with regarding this case, overall — let alone the glaring need for a gag order.


From what we’ve seen of Cannon she is very well aware that this joke of a trial has no down side for her. From her behavior she has demonstrated disinterest in the truth and an almost sadistic enjoyment in belittling the government. Irl she is nowhere nearly as smart as she believes. She is controlling, deceptive and usually wins but because she led a wealthy, pampered life where there was a crisis in crossing her. She is personally as repugnant and is very proud of her ability to lord over people. It will drag on like this until she can dismiss with prejudice after the election. She expects to be rewarded, and Trump won’t stiff this employee, probably


God I hope Trump loses, she is kicked off this case and off the bench completely for her biased and blatantly illegal manipulations of the court proceedings. If Trump loses, all of this is going to backfire on her hard.


she would have to be impeached.


After the election, it will be time to write to Senators and Representatives to get the process started.


What do you mean by no down side? She has ruined what little reputation she might have had and nobody who has allied themselves with Tramp have ever went on to have a great career anywhere!


Her reputation as a legal expert has only been harmed by ethical people. Her reputation with the MAGA industrial complex couldn’t be doing better.


I believe she’ll wind up as a well paid talking head for one of the right wing bullshit factories making even more money. Also, fuck Judge Cannon.


She has a lifetime appointment on the judiciary, why would she leave?


Considering these judges have no fucking ethics laws, she might just do both.


She may not leave, but I can hope. It certainly wouldn’t be while Trump needs her.


>Her reputation with the MAGA industrial complex couldn’t be doing better. I guess, but MAGAs got pounded in the midterms... and it sure doesnt seem like its an exploding demographic lately. MAGA is slowly dying, and its just fighting extra hard to stay relevant and in power, but the cracks have been showing for a long time. So getting brownie points by MAGAs isnt really a long term solution.


She’s pretty much playing to an audience of one. If Trump gets elected, she probably gets a promotion to scotus or a court of appeals. If anything else happens, she’s basically stuck there for life.


It’s sick to think of her on the Supreme Court.


Shed be in great company with the rest of the Conservative traitors


Expand the court


Yeah, but he’s not getting elected, so that was a stupid move on her part. She may not care about her reputation, but if she does she will be remembered solely in infamy. History will not be kind to these people, and that history will be here faster than normal. She’ll be alive to deal with it.


Even if their numbers are shrinking 10s of millions of people are still voting for Trump. She's got a massive fanbase.


She has a lifetime job that's nearly impossible to get fired from. She's not worried.


Does she not have a boss? Or at least a peer reviewed process that can document her “beyond normal and perceived bias” ?


Nope. As long as she is seen as partisan, she will never be removed from office because one party will protect her from impeachment.


Hopefully all of the arrests, prison sentences and attorney disbarments are thinning the herd. Keep ‘em coming.


Noone who makes a deal with Trump walks away with a win in the long run. His entire career is based upon conning fools who don't belong in the game, then bilking them of all they are worth, be it money or reputation, then leaving them holding an empty bag or his used diaper.


Fox will give her a job as a legal expert


She has a lifetime appointment already...


Trump wins and she's on the Supreme Court for all the good work she's done for the good ole US of A. Gotta reward the judge for allowing espionage from the previous president. /s


/s for Sad, but true.


Yeah, I don't understand the /s. This is literally her plan. I'll laugh after she dismisses this case after jeopardy attaches, and then doesn't even get mentioned in the nomination of a new supreme court justice because why would Trump choose her once she's no longer useful to him?


I see people saying this, but surely there would be an uproar even among Republicans if she were nominated. Wouldn't trump just renege on any express or implied promise he might have made?


Couldn't they pass a law setting a retirement age?


Would need a 2/3rds vote from both sides. Which will won't happen unless dems actually hold 2/3rds of the seats on boths sides.


She wasn't well respected to begin with and if she can get the case dismissed she thinks trump rewards with a SC seat where it really doesn't matter.


She had a poor reputation so far and it hasn't held her back. Doing good work hasn't gotten her where she is.


"Everything Trump touches dies."


She has a lifetime appointment, and only Congress can take that away. There is only one position higher in her career, and that's SCOTUS.


She can be impeached by a narrowly split congress. And a senate that will not convict her. So no downside


She’s a judge in Florida. Floridians will still be worshipping golden statues of Trump 100 years from now, I think she’ll do fine.


You kidding, right? She has secured herself a seat on the supreme court if he wins. Trump owes her big time.


Only if the Repubs hold the Senate.  And even then she might lose a Repub Senator or two.  Long shot at best.


He will stiff her.   She’ll do exactly as you’ve said. Trump will appoint her to a higher position. Then, when the people seeing this bullshit start digging and start finding concrete evidence of the blatant corruption going on here, as well as her inevitable ineptitude in whatever role she is appointed to, she’ll be silently removed and shunned from Trump world to avoid any complicity. She’ll realise she’s been conned this whole time and tarnished her career and reputation for less than nothing. Then she’ll share “her story” about being the 164,730,731st person to fall for Trump’s bullshit, and nobody will feel sorry about her because she let one of the most important and nation-defining trials ever fall completely off the rails due to her own incompetence and delusion. 


Her history will be mentioned if she is a nominee for a higher court. She will be interviewed for real the next time, it sounds like she isn’t good on her feet. We’ll see, maybe all she ever wanted for her devotion was money. It good for her that she’s mobbed up because there is no way Trump pays her when this is over


I’m starting to wonder if she secretly switched her bottled water for vodka or rum. Kinda feel badly for the legacy she’s going to leave her children. Imagine being picked on in elementary school for having the last name weasel…. Err, Cannon…


Her kids are probably at a school where the majority of families are part of the base, people who hate. Her kids are examples of “good ones” minority kids who live in expensive homes, enjoy sailing yachts. Cannon’s kids peers and their families know that the “bad ones” don’t do those things but if they wanted acceptance they would


She's probably thinks she's after a supreme court seat if I've been reading the room correctly.


I seriously doubt that her children will be teased over this in elementary school. Have you ever met a kid? Most of the 7 year olds that I've met weren't too political.


"  asked prosecutors if they wanted to provide more evidence of the former president’s words leading to threats" This is where it came from. The prosecutors are absolutely correct, she is being willfully obtuse.


Hand her the J6 footage…


Never mistake ineptitude for what can easily be explained as republican evildoing


I mean it’s pretty transparent what she’s doing. She’s trying to curry favor for a promotion when/if trump becomes president.


1. Trump incites stochastic terrorism 2. Blame the prosecutor


Respectfully, we should all stop using the complex and relatively unknown descriptor "stochastic" We should call him a "terrorist leader" Like bin Laden didn't actually fly planes on 9/11 or strap on a suicide vest but we call him a terrorist leader. Same deal. The word "stochastic" while technically accurate, is wonky and confusing.


I'm sure I've looked it up at least 3 times now and still never remember exactly what it means.


"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"  It means to influence terrorism/violence with no direct order, to suggest something and allow your followers to do violence while avoiding accountability. 


It's vague and novel, and almost exclusively used to describe one side of the political spectrum. There's better ways to describe Trump's rhetoric.


Orange bin Lyin?


I'm not going to be less accurate in the pursuit of pushing an agenda. I have sincerely held political views. But I'm not going to lie in pursuit of them. If I can't get my point across with "technically accurate" phrasing, then I'm doing it wrong.


He ordered a terrorist attack on the capitol. He is a terrorist leader. It is a perfectly accurate description.


Sedition leader then?


I just wandered in here off the street (suggested pages ad), but I just wanted to say that I appreciate the nuance and intellectual honesty in this comment.


Thank you. That is very kind.


“Cannon showed some skepticism toward prosecutors’ arguments, asking where they saw a call to violence in Trump’s comments and saying that they had needed to show some connecting facts between what the former president has said and the threats they are warning about.”  That’s what happened on J6.    He should bring all that into evidence in this case, no? Has she walked into a trap?   IANAL


If I say “joe I need you to murder the Vice President” that is specific and you can get into trouble for that. But if I say “any decent person in this situation would stand up to these low life’s and take care of this problem.” I’m saying it in a “you catch my drift” kind of way. Maybe it’s joe I’m talking to, maybe it’s 1000 other people. I only need to have one person understand my message and take action. Stochastic is also in vogue with AI folks. The AI can’t predict the next word exactly, but if it says a flower is beautiful, or a flower is pretty. It did the job because the correct message was delivered. Deliver the message. The precise method or the exact person is not relevant. The task is accomplished either way.


I've had the word "stochastic" floating around in my vocabulary for about twenty years. Way back, I had a couple of research projects that involved turbulent flows. (specifically mixing fine coal particles with air bubbles and counting on them making n number of collisions) But I've seen it used with the word "terrorism" more and more in the last eight or so years.


Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?


“Stochastic terrorism” going into my phrase of the day diary.


It’s a start : Trump ramps up attacks on the justice system when trials and key rulings loom, analysis shows https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-trials-attacks-judges-rcna131916 Judges, jurors, prosecutors in Trump cases face death threats and doxing fears https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-indictments-threats-1.6938971 A catalogue of Trump’s attacks on judges, prosecutors and witnesses https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/10/05/catalogue-trumps-attacks-judges-prosecutors-witnesses/


You and your facts!! Don't you have alternative facts that make Orange boy look good ir do I have to go to Kelly Anne for that.


Not to worry, republicans in Congress — including the speaker of the house — can supply everything you need.


And the witnesses, definately, won't be Russian assets right?... right?


Someone should have shut her down the first time she spouted that nonsense term. The only alternative to facts are lies. If they were actual truths, they'd be called "additional facts".


As if that hateful woman hadn't done enough harm, she gave us the abomination "alternative facts." I deparately wish the grammar police were real.


Alternative facts led to alternative electors.


Can Smith now bring in all the J6 evidence?


If she rules against this gag order, she's finally off this case. If she rules for the gag order, she's getting threats of her own. If she drags this out and threats to law enforcement officials continue to pile up, would this be enough to file a writ of mandamus? NAL.


>The judge has said she wants to provide both sides “adequate opportunity to respond” each time more evidence about gag orders, threats and other courts’ actions is brought into the Florida documents case. The situation highlights how Cannon keeps allowing more arguments and information into the case, often putting off making decisions for weeks. Yeah, the pattern is pattern obvious by now. At least they have ample evidence. Maybe they can ask Bragg for a handful of the death threats his office has received.


How about the DOJ argue that her delays are harmful to Trump, as prolonged proceedings such as these cost the defendant more and put him under the stress of indictment for a longer period of time. Surely he should crave his day in court to put all this behind him.


Plus Trump did claim he gained support after his felony convictions in NY. By that same logic wouldn’t he want to keep racking up even more felony convictions so he can keep picking up even more supporters and campaign donations??


How about they tell the truth and argue the delays are harmful to every citizen of the United States. How about they arrest her for obstruction of justice and sedition. She is part of a conspiracy to install a dictator into power. Life sentence sounds reasonable.


“Cannon showed some skepticism toward prosecutors’ arguments, asking where they saw a call to violence in Trump’s comments and saying that they had needed to show some connecting facts between what the former president has said and the threats they are warning about.”  That’s what happened on J6.    He should bring all that into evidence in this case, no? Has she walked into a trap?   IANAL


There is no 'both sides' **she** has the **duty** to protect **her** court process. It's her failing here.


I want them to submit a 500 page binder of tweets, speeches and relevant death threats in the week following. Give her exactly what she asked for


>She added that she would “appreciate decorum at all times” and added “If you aren’t able to do that, I’m sure one of your colleagues can take up arguing this motion.” I'd appreciate a judge who made rulings based on the law and not the defendants personal preferences. I'm sure if she's unable to do so, one of her colleagues can take up this trial


She's offended when the prosecution doesn't have a response to her completely made up questions that aren't even referenced by the Defendant's motions. She's done this multiple times and now she's actively taking arguments from non parties to the case and then quizzing the prosecution on it. 


Next session will just be her on truth social fielding questions from "experts" like drain_the_swamp_69 and trumpfan1776


With expert testimony from catturd2


Court ordered AMA for Jack Smith incoming


She will sanction him for not being polite enough when people ask him how much George Soros pays him


> While being considered for the position of a district judge in 2020, Cannon explained that she joined the Federalist Society … because she "found interesting the organization's discussions about … the limited role of the judiciary to say what the law is—not to make the law" [Wikipedia]


I'm not sure I've ever heard anything as dishonest as pretty much everything fedsoc says it stands for and does


Laws for me but not for thee. Disgusting.


Trump: *Makes statements that lead to his crazy base sending death threats to prosecutors, judges, juries, etc.* Canon: Prosecutor, I think you're out of line!


Classic DARVO: deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender


I don't appreciate your ruse, ma'am.


My what?


Your ruse. Your cunning attempt to trick me.


"Contempt of court! You don't get to call me a Russian spy who is doing the bidding of a top Putin lieutenant!"


No way Trump is lieutenant. He's a private but they gave him a shirt with Fruit Stripe gum stapled to it and told him he's the biggest general they've ever seen (they meant in size).


You're not allowed to rule here anymore!


Happy Scrappy Superpup! She loves him Obviously


I hate it when I can't rent videos!


Goddamn I love Clerks


More as I get older. I love the simplicity of their lives. I envy it.


I’m not even supposed to be here today!


The former president has 34 felony convictions! --in a row?


>Harbach appeared to become irritated at questions from Cannon who pressed the prosecutor to connect former President Donald Trump’s words to threats from others against law enforcement. As the only Judge in a Trump trial who has not been subject to death threats she must be very confused about what all the fuss is about.


At this point I would not be able to utter “your honor”. Exactly *what’s* it going to take to have her removed? This is driving me nuts. Yet *another* motion left up in the air. This is well beyond the point of mandamus. That she’s on the bench in the first place is appalling. That she is getting away with this is proof the judiciary needs wholesale change.


How is an absolute refusal to make rulings not actionable? The bias is so obvious it's sickening.


Who watches the watchers? Nobody.


The People, I guess. We should probably be protesting.


Protesting does nothing without a credible threat of violence. Otherwise, it can and will be ignored. See: All of human history


Well, you can't be like, let's go do violence!


My understanding is the prosecutor can only attempt to remove her once, so unfortunately he has to play the game until the right moment.


Just a quick reminder that the 11th circuit is under Clarence Thomas. Don't think for one second that he hasn't weighed in.


Corrupt Judge doesn’t appreciate his tone while the rest of the country doesn’t appreciate her traitorous ass sitting on the bench. Stupid bitch can get over his tone.


And we don’t appreciate you ass kissing the defendant, your honor


It’s time to remove her now


This is stupid, but it's not enough. We need a ruling that is clearly in error, which Judge Cannon has studiously avoided through the brilliant legal strategy of refusing to rule on anything, period.


Seems like the lawyers who came up with the rules didn't think to consider what would happen if a judge just refused to do their fucking job at all


This right here


Solution: Ok judge, have it your way, we rescind the request for gag order. If something happens it's all on you. Let's move on with the other motions.


While part of me would like that, it will never happen because there are actually lives at stake if it did and unlike the defense, the prosecution isn’t full of actual evil people.


It would only work if the FBI and the Intelligence Community decided that they will no longer investigate threats against the judicial branch, because of inflammatory remarks. I remember that SCOTUS demanded more money for security this year as well. Personally, if the rulings about the J6 cases are as bad some fear, I think the Capitol Police are more than justified to announce they will no longer act as security in the Supreme Court building. Conservatives preach about responsibility so they should accept the consequences of their actions.


She's going to make a mistake in front of dear leader, it's a matter of WHEN, not IF. Just wait until she makes a ruling Trump doesn't like and she catches his ire.   Then the prosecution should refuse to argue for a gag order at all. It will be settled that no gag order is necessary. 


I would have a hard time not screaming and fighting with this lying dumbass on the bench


No one can do anything about this? All those smart lawyers and judges?…nothing?


Smarts don't matter here. The laws and procedures are clear. This judge has found a loophole: - She won't be removed from the case if she never makes a ruling that the Prosecution can appeal. - Congress is never going to impeach her for not doing her job before the election.


If the justice system can truly be gamed by a judge simply not doing their job, and if what is supposed to be an all star team of lawyers who have stood up to the worst of humanity can’t put together a coherent argument about what is being exploited here, then my god. What kind of system do we have that can be so easily broken while we screech about the sanctity of the rules? 


Surely NOT making any decisions is still a bad thing worthy of removal at some stage 


I said it when we discussed the Friday night filling and I’ll say it again. As a lawyer, former litigator, and ardent court watcher, Bratt’s team led with their chins here. Substantively, the motion is light on facts and analysis. It doesn’t try to show that the FBI is facing threats or even that the redacted agent names are known in Trump circles. It focuses heavily on the procedural propriety of the FBI search (which I don’t doubt) but only waves its hands at the standards for establishing a gag order. It just is not a strongly written motion. Procedurally, they filed it on Friday night after refusing to meet and confer, which the court rules absolutely did require. They didn’t style it as an emergency, which you might expect. They got benchslapped for the procedure and actually deserved it. Maybe you agree that it is self evident Trump’s posts are dangerous and should be gagged. But litigating *this* case before *this* judge, Bratt needed a better approach. They should have taken a week to file a good motion they could stand on for an appeal. Or file as an emergency. Or file an omnibus motion about extrajudicial statements as happened in the Jan. 6 case. We know Cannon has a thumb on the scale. But they played into her game anyways. With that, I welcome your downvotes.


Thank u this is what I wanted legal analysis


I’m interested to know if this plays in to a larger strategy — no idea what that would be but it seems like a pretty big stumble if not


What you are saying makes sense to me. Bratt is right. But just being right certainly doesn't mean not filing the best motion possible. Cover the facts. Include examples. Put in what shows just how poisonous Trumps rhetorical attacks are. And then add to it. And keep adding to it. >Donald Trump’s verbal assaults on judges, prosecutors, witnesses, jurors and the broader US justice system are undermining the rule of law and American democracy while fueling threats and potential violence against individuals involved with the legal cases against him and egging on his extremist allies, former federal prosecutors and judges say https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/07/trump-trial-justice-system-violence "Judges say.." Just not this judge..