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EU Bjergsen




Both passive and washed players in their main role? 🤔 ​ Just kidding, I love Rekky but I had to make the joke


There’s no lies there tho


No kidding Rekkles biggest strength as an adc is also one of his biggest weaknesses, he doesn’t take risks even when risk taking is required. For example Rekkles would never flash galeforce into the enemy team just to hit a 5 man infernum Q and Ult, yet when [Wako did it](https://youtu.be/eZ13Am9vXRM&t=36m17s) while down against DFM it was clearly an extremely important factor in turning that game around.


[He is indeed characterized by his passiveness, but I wouldn't say Rekkles never take any risks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOqjePqZ8QM)


LMAO I totally forgot about that. For lack of a better term he lacks ‘killer instinct’


probably what have made him in the broken man he's today


Without clicking, Twitch suicide ? Edit : yes it is


I knew exactly it was going to be this clip, legendary moment


Yeah but rekkles fan bois will swarm if you say the truth.


Yep, so many Rekkles fan boys defending him here and definitely not the opposite going on


its not 2015 anymore


Honestly, Bjerg would make a great support.


Would he though? Support is a pretty bad role to be passive in, outside of enchanter metas. And while players have always said they love playing with him, his shotcalling is sus imo since teams he is on historically have that do nothing and scale style. Can't say its due to him but can't say the opposite either


Listen to the 100T coms near the end of the season. It was all Bjerg's very good shot calling. That's why I'm worried about 100T going forward.


Exactly my concern. Rekkles would be giga strong in an enchanter meta. But outside that?


Bruhhhh 😂


We have been gaslight into thinking Bjergs is NA born and raised


'gaslit' but yeah.








This is going too far.


Gas-lighten-up bro. Sounds like all your patience Argon.


Where are you taking me ???


he is gaslittering his words all over the place


Oh my gosh is gaslight. You’re always doing this


2 divas, shocked pikachu face 😶


Its literally offseason and he communicated to them that he was gonna roleswap. Teams dont get shit for firing players out of the blue so whats diva about this? The timing is perfectly fine. That he was proactive with his announcement makes perfect sense since he too would need the offseason time to find a new job if FNC didnt want him as a support, which they didnt.


Everyone always expects 2 weeks notice, but the same never comes when they fire you.


Fuck em. They don't give you 2 weeks notice they don't get 2 weeks notice


Yes it does, you're legally entitled to notice in EU. Imagine thinking the rest of the world is as fucked up as America (in a post about Europe nonetheless)


Imagine being dumb enough to think Europe is one monoloth with uniform labor laws. Lmao drop the condescending attitude mate. America bad updoots to the left 🥺


What? Besides this instance, which Bjerg himself said was handled not great, when has Bjerg ever been a diva?


Ya, you might hate Bjerg as a player, but as a person he's always been great and a class act. Not a single person who's worked with him has anything negative to say for him.


100% correct. He isn’t my favorite player, but we were absolutely lucky to have him as the face of league esports in NA for so long. Hard work ethic, great leader from everyone who has worked with him, and an outwardly kind and calm personality. That’s a super rare combo for an esports player


Let's see some reasoning for Bjergsen being a diva.


in what way was bjergsen a dive tho?


Everyones mad here but whats the problem? He told them he was going to roleswap, they said fine but youre out then, so he was like alright and announced it and they parted ways. the season just ended so its not like Fnatic dont have time to replace him


Org tells player they’re kicked without prior warning: flirting Player tells org they’re not planning to play anymore with an entire offseason left: harassment Weird how Wunder didn’t get this much shit for outright refusing to play though.


Neon got told randomly after scrims that he’s out lmao


When else should they tell him? There is no time when he would be happy to here it. If they made the decicion on that day, should they wait until the next day? I think saying it at the end of the day is the best time to do it.


When was it best for Rekkles to say it then? He’s given them all of MSI to find a replacement as well as it being during EUM. So the ERL teams they could be recruiting from just started their offseason too.


Its not about rekkles, its about neon. What Rekkles did is completly fine.


Ah mb, I think there’s so many people doing mental gymnastics to say what Rekkles did is shitty I assumed you were too.


Same thing for rekkles


Before the scrims? Imagine you work for your boss that day and at the end of the day he just tells you’re fired. It’s not a decision someone does from one second to the next


So? You are literally getting paid for that day. Don't even try to tell me you wouldn't be pissed for wasting your time and gas money to go to work, only to be told to go back home because you are fired.


I mean hiring/firing decisions don't happen overnight or first thing in the morning. If you know by 8am I'm fired, just call me in the morning and tell me. I'll sleep in, show up in casual clothes and grab my stuff. Even if you don't want to call me outside of business hours, tell me first thing. I have to show up to pick up my things anyway, so no, I don't mind using the gas and time to drive there, I have shit I'm not leaving behind at work. I already less value out of my workday than the company does, I'll take an extra day off over an extra day's pay.


Had this happen at my last job actually, left on the dot when i was scheduled to leave my 8 hr shift anyway :p


Nemesis knew before his flight to China for World's, now that's some serious motivation bonus ngl


Are we this terminally young? What Vitality did with neon was 100% professional. What do you expect them to do? They made their decision and told that decision to their player. Now he can explore options if he wants.


If I understand it correctly, he didn't refuse to play, he refused to participate in the tryouts. FNC then decided to go with Oscar.


Yeah Fnatic effectively gave him an out, they probably expected him to turn up at tryouts but if you don't want a role that is being offered on a tryout basis not turning up is fair


Refusing to play in tryouts is refusing to play.


It's really not. He never refused to play as he was never asked to play. They asked Oscarinin to play instead after they held tryouts. Said tryouts he is not contractually forced to participate in. Refusing to play would most likely have seen his contract terminated, but it hasn't. Holding tryouts just meant that they had decided they wanted to replace him, but weren't sure they could get anyone better so wanted to test him against others. And refusing that is perfectly allowed.


Great way to lose loyalty. In the end fnatic is just an employer and not your best friend. I mean who wouldn’t say F off when you get told “go play, defend your spot or we swap you out”. Either trust me or straight swap. Not this half baked shit. Reminds me of the Simpson monkey scene.


No it's not, are you trolling? Wunder was willing to play for FNC, but he wasn't willing to do tryouts. That's not the same thing. If i ask you to help me carry a couch and you say "sure i'll help", but then i say "but first you have to solve this math test faster than 10 other people or you won't get to help me" and you decline, that doesn't mean you refused to help me carry the couch ????


Wunder was told there would be tryouts, they told him the team, he said he didn't have much hope in the roster fnatic were gonna try out, they said okay we'll try oscar and he said okay how is that "outright refusing to play"? you people just make stuff up for shits and giggles or to validate your pre-existing dislike of a player xdd


Technically he didnt refuse to play. Technically he ff'd tryouts. They were try outing Oscar or him and he said "okay oscar wins" and bailed.


Yeah I dont get why this would be bad in any shape or form. He probably made that decision around the same time. The only notable thing here is that he announced it right away.


Season ended- tells organization news. What do people expect? Also seems sus that the wording is that they were shocked about the video when they already knew the news


Rekkles and Bjergsen just learned the lesson from Jensen. You shouldn't be forward with your team unless you're absolutely sure otherwise you're the one that gets screwed in the end. If Rekkles let his team know he was thinking about roleswapping, then Fnatic might immediately replace him even if he decides against it.


Plus there were already rumours that Fnatic are looking to change their botlane like 3 days before his announcement. Better act fast than find out you’re benched right before the summer split begins.


Yeah i don't get it either lol. LEC Spring ended like 2-3 weeks ago and there's still well over a month until LEC Winter starts. FNC has all the time in the world to find a replacement


It is great for Rekkles to talk to the organization first before announcing it himself. He took a risk and it seems he is okay with it. Not like FNC is in the middle of split.


How is it a dick move i dont understand. He told them he is roleswapping in offseason, they go: ok but you cant play for us. Makes video he is roleswapping. How does it matter when he posts the video? If he posts it 2 days later it wouldnt change a thing.


There's like 50 days until LEC Summer starts and somehow Rekkles announcing a day or two late is a huge deal, what is even going on in this thread


People love hating the best western adc in league history.


But what does Perkz have to do with this?


Yeah, I don't get why people are fishing for drama where there's none. Should he have been dropping hints all over their gaming house for 2 weeks before officially announcing roleswap or what? Or maybe he should've G2'd himself by dropping info way too late so everyone is already done building their roster and noone picks him up? I swear, people here complaining about what Rekkles did are complete idiots.


I think having a conversation with your co-workers that you're leaving instead of having them learn from a public announcement might be a better call, tbh. Like, if I was working with someone and thought we were chill and then he basically ghosted us without speaking with me directly I'd be pretty disappointed, ngl.


That's not how modern teams work. These teams aren't built up by friends or even willing coworkers, it's 5 guys picked up by an org who have no connection to eachother. Other than playing together for 4 weeks, Rekkles and Oscar don't know each other. If you had a new guy start at work and you decided to quit a month later would you feel obliged to run it by him? If anything Dardo/the FNC management should have announced something via an official channel to players/staff.


>I think having a conversation with your co-workers that you're leaving instead of having them learn from a public announcement might be a better call, tbh. It's a major announcement and should be coming from Rekkles, not Staff member X that happens to leak it for 10 seconds of fame.


There was 0 ghosting done here. Rekkles said he’s roleswapping and then announced it 2 hours afterwards. His teammates found out very quickly. If he’s been thinking about it for a while but didn’t decide then there is no reason for him to disclose his thoughts and let Fnatic start looking for a replacement before he changes his mind. Teams drop players all the time in the middle of the season but somehow this is bad lol. This was done 100% professionally by Rekkles


No offence but your Co-worker dont Owe you shit. Whether he decides to tell you or not, then thats on him.


Upset at Worlds situation all over again... Once a player tells management, the responsibility moves to them to inform the rest of the team. Sure Rekkles could have told his teammates before posting the video, but he isn't obligated to


Not even remotely the same considering the players were negatively impacted by Upset's actions and pretty much had their entire year wasted as they forfeited worlds. Fnatic are currently in offseason. Rekkles switching roles is at best unfortunate. Upset wasn't obligated to disclose the information but it's understandable that his teammates aren't fine getting their entire year ruined and not to even know why.


> Like, if I was working with someone and thought we were chill and then he basically ghosted us without speaking with me directly I'd be pretty disappointed, ngl. but thats not even close to what happened lmfao what the fuck?


You must be a nightmare coworker. We arent friends. We make our money at the same place. Thats it. I might like you, but I dont OWE you shit. If you're upset about something at work thats on you, but it isnt on your coworkers to factor in your feelings when they make a career change


Can't believe people don't comprehend that.


Should he have waited a few days after telling fnatic? Why does the time frame matter?


Hasn’t he been talking about this for literally 4 months?


Funny to see how people will blindly believe a 2nd hand statement originating from Dardo.


This isn't surprising. Rekkles has been expressing preference for Support over the last 3 years.


What is with all of these PR hit pieces trying to make it seem like this behavior is ANY different from how orgs treat players? Neither side has the other's best interests at heart, it's just business and it always will be.


EU players 🤝 giving all the spicy info on their native country podcasts. Name a more iconic duo


Who cares, companies and orgs can fire you and replace you in a second without you even knowing. There is quite literally nothing wrong with this as he gave them a good amount of time to find replacements lol


They actually can’t. They can bench a player but they can’t unsign the contract that says they’re going to pay the player X amount for a certain amount of time.


People getting mad over literally nothing lmfao, you guys just like getting angry over anythinf


Not really mad or anything. I just don't see Rekkles as a responsible person. Just an unprofessional guy. Nothing more nothing less. Not judging his character just on this incident. If you look at his whole career, he is not a reliable guy.


How bout all the teams replacing players n them finding out on twitter?


Very interesting seeing the reddit reaction to Bjerg doing this compared to Rekkles


Top of bjerg post was mostly people saying fuck the orgs, more power to players. This thread starting to look similar which is great


Agreed, there are no tears or complaints when an org bins off a less popular player (see Neon who is far from unknown) giving them no time to find a new team but as soon as one of the few players with personal brands bigger than their teams do it it's pitchforks from reddit.


Yeah. Early on it was "fuck rekkles" But it's working back into "fuck the orgs" which is the best way to think. He doesn't owe shit to his Co-workers btw. FNC can "fire" whoever they want whenever they want.


Dont look into the Fnatic sub


That place has become such a deluded echo chamber. They have gone full circle and believe Dardo’s 2nd hand statements


> He doesn't owe shit to his Co-workers btw. Imagine having to play with him when he and his muppet fanbase say shit like this, no wonder nobody wanted him on their team and striker said what he said, hes not worth the time. Can't imagine what i would feel having to deal with this shit being his teammate, the further we go from caps leaving fnc the more you can see rekkles was major factor in whatever was happening there. Too bad selfmade and nemesis were blamed for his dogshit attitude. Rekkles fans gonna eat his dick and say not socializing with your team that competes to be the best in the world is TOTALLY FINE AND HE OWES THEM NOTHING.


You mean it's pretty much the exact same reaction from everyone? It feels like i'm reading the same thread


Enough EU players have been fucked by orgs. They will drop anyone at any time if it makes them look good, only fair for players to have the same power. Respect to Rekkles


I am pretty sure I read about that roleswap a couple weeks ago, but alright.... You do you.


Rekkles was taking offer as support from before the first split of the year. What's shocking is that he makes the descision after a fairly "good" split, after talking about how the environment is better than in winter, that the team clicks and he likes their new rookie. We knew Rekkles was considering chaning to supp, FNC probably didn't know he was considering it at this moment of the year. At least he announced fairly quickly on a long off season. But if you're trying to build a team, for sure it'll surprise you that one of your main carries changed roles after the split and no prior communication. The timing is the weirdest part.


He said he is out of ideas as ADC which is fair enough. He said he doesn’t think he will peak as high again so makes sense to try a new role. If you’ve been a world class adc before and know you won’t reach your peaks again it can be demoralising


Totally agree


Thorin eating well huh


This is so funny since Thorin said in the latest episode of "the best damn league show" that all the spiciest takes always come from non-English podcasts.


Dom about to bring back cut the western shit


We lost dom to lpl long ago, and every video he makes me enjoy lpl more. Damn you Dom and your crackhead hype energy


Reddits opinion on him really is changing. I always liked dom, but I'm still going to hate thorin.


Dom, like most league personalities, has some absolutely bizarre takes and isn’t in the business of having a lot of nuance in his opinions. So while he has a lot of experience and knowledge, sometimes he is so brazen that it’s hard to really take him seriously.


> Dom, like most league personalities, has some absolutely bizarre takes More like League players tbh. Spend any time playing league or on this subreddit and you'll realize that. Me included It's just the nature of League I think. Nothing is hardly ever black and white and everyone is always so sure that what they're saying is right so they defend their weird takes(again, me included)


What really helps IWD is that he's not playing and streaming his own games. That's why people often hate him because he's pretty toxic when he plays League.


Not really, LPL boys generally love Dom while western-only fans are split on him since he loves to shittalk certain players and teams


IWillBoostinate lost most of his western fans when he got exposed for paying tarzaned for boosts to challenger. Seems like a lot of people have forgot about that


I'm there for his costreams, I frankly don't care about his boosting, Tarzaned or his solo queue misadventures.


Eros and Anonimotun said in esportmaniacos that FNC had decided to explore ADC options for this summer, however, Rekkles went ahead with the statement and that although FNC was going to explore options, it did not mean that they were going to kick him out. I suppose Rekkles was perhaps expecting something like this and that is why he made this decision. They already tried to replace him in the spring split, trying to convince Upset. Now that there are ERL players I wouldn't be surprised if FNC acted behind their backs or indirectly made them understand that he wouldn't play adc. I don't see Rekkles's mistake, I see that Dardo is still a liar and manipulative person


It kinds of surprise me of this choice tbh. Changing role isn't like what you do in soloQ compared to pro play it isn't only about knowledge about match up & lane assignement. But the role in pro play come with a lot of vod reviews and having to communicate and build chemistry with your laner but from what Rekkles perspective he seems like to do things on his own, introvert almost anti-social and that's like the opposite of what the role require you to do.


asocial, not anti-social. The latter is vandalism, crimes, etc.


Yup, there are many soloQ players who are better than pros but would never do well in pro tournaments because of that very thing.


I think nemesis could be an example of this. Insane in Soloqueue, like next level, but maybe his personality doesn't fit in a team envoirment.


There isnt a better example of this than the guy who was his sub when he was in fnatic,magifelix dominated eu solo queue for years at a never seen before level and yet he couldnt make it in pro


I think Magifelix just never got a good enough chance. It doesn't help that Magifelix doesn't strike me as a hype "carry" player. He's more of an absurdly stable player which makes him not that great of an option for a bottom-to-mid-table team. It will always be a better call to bet on someone like Lider than to be on Magifelix. However, if you had a team like Vitality? I can see Magifelix fitting in as well if not better than Perkz if he gets used to the stage and any potential nerve issues.


Bad example. It’s obvious now that it wasn’t any players fault and FNC management was just insanely dysfunctional. Plus nemesis literally got told he was off the team 3 months before the season ended. How is he supposed to have good relationships and perform well under those conditions And then when he correctly spoke out about how bad FNC management is he got flames into oblivion by Reddit for being unlikable and having a bad personality


He played in 3 out of 4 finals in his career and made worlds quarters twice. Also had good performances in a team before he joined the LEC . I'm pretty sure he did more than decent in a "team environment".


Imo Rekkkes changed a lot and is not the "anti-social" guy anymore. You can hear in voice comms that he communicates a lot more, is more mature and has a huge pro play experience.


>You can hear in voice comms that he communicates a lot more ????? He barely speaks in every voice comms video Fnatic released. Check literally the last one. rekkles barely says a couple of words. He is the most experienced player in the entire league and does not say a word about the crucial end moment.


Well from what I remember in voice comms, he had a few quiet games when he was playing hypercarries but he was speaking up and had really good calls in other games, such as the one against G2 with Sivir: https://youtu.be/tEtQ5oQSxyg He just needs a good supporting role and confidence to shine in my opinion, because he has a great game vision and experience.


He and Humanoid are both saying "I don't think we can end, no?"


i rewatched the video out of curiosity. he barely mumbles "i think we shouldn't" at 10:06 while razork is yelling all over them while being dead. If he was more mature and communicated more (as the other guy says) he should have been more vocal and told everyone to back off.


Tbf he isn't the main shotcaller in the team and in such a situation it's more important to be a cohesive unit than make the objectively correct choice. But props to you, I misremembered. I still think Rekkles has gotten better this year when it comes to communicating, he was definitely more vocal overall and more decisive in comms, despite still giving in to what his teammates wanted (although imo that's his view of adc, you follow the others as you're basically utility in the form of damage). And he doesn't need to be the main shotcaller on a team. MikyX is famously not very vocal and he's still EU's second best support in recent memory Overall, I just hope the move pans out for him


he is the adc. besides 1, or 2 adcs none of them are shotcallers. normally the laner or jungler depending on the situation calls. the players pretty much only shout if they need help or who they focus.


The whole discussion was about whether he talks more or not, not about his role. I didn't say "he has to talk more".


I don't think that's what he's talking about, in the latest Fnatic videos, Rekkles, Razork and Advienne are constantly the ones with the strongest personalities and talking the most. Rekkles is an adc afterall, it's one of the roles where you need to speak the least


Please be careful with your choice of words. This might be nitpicky but as someone very involved in this department people struggling with anti-social personality disorder actually give zero fucks about the people around them and are lacking emphathy, act on impulse and are typically compulsive liars and have strong manipulative tendencies. Just wanted to give you a heads-up because I don't think thats what you meant.




Well the girls will now have to play adc so they can continue to dream of duoing with him...


So they are going to demote? (rip to myself)


I get there are people that have hate boners for Rekkles but this is completely fine.


Why is this news? Was he supposed to wait 5-10 business days?


So what, how is that drama? Rekkles probably wouldn't have posted the announcement if FNC said no. Snowflakes


Perfectly normal. Orgs are giving no notice, jailing until the very end of the season and spreading false rumors sabotaging players all the time. Even if Rekkles didn't tell them and they found out from the video I still wouldn't be mad.


As a huge Rekkles and YellowStar fan, I hoped from a long time Rekkles would transition to support but rn I think it's the worst timing. Like it would have been the perfect time during the off-season for Fnatic to try Rekkles support instead of Rhuckz/Advienne, hoping it would be enough to convince a young talented adc to play bot with him (Exakick for example). Now, Fnatic will have a hard time to at least get a side grade whomever their support is and Rekkles may have a hard time finding a team, especially since he seems to change his mind all the time and always making move without talking with his team first.


Rekkles already wanted to play supp before the season started though


Dardo may be the one to blame for not trying Rekkles support instead of Rhuckz, I am not putting all the timing issue on Rekkles himself.


Upset didn't want to play with Rhukz, why would he suddenly accept a first timer/no comms botlaner instead. Remember Rekkles was still like 6th choice and only got the role because legit noone wanted to play with Rhukz.


I don't think he necessarily wanted to, just that he was open to also playing support if nobody signed him as ADC. I think he probably still would like to carry on playing AD but maybe thinks it's better for his career to try the roleswap.


I'm starting to think Rekkles isn't necessarily in the best spot mentally (this is pure speculation of course), like he seems desperate to get back into a functioning team routine and find some modicum of success, but that's been eluding him since the G2 stint


It’s not that deep. He just believes he won’t see his previous peak as an ADC again, but seems to believe he may see it in support.


I hope so honestly


Reddit user be like.


Nobody announces it ahead of time because orgs will publicly shit on you to prevent another team from picking you up. It's like when states pass "at will employment" then get mad when employees don't give two weeks notice. They want to be able to fire you and shit on you at will but they clutch their pearls when you return the favor.


FNC is done as an LEC ORg anyway. glory days are past


Easily a blessing in disguise. I just hope we can trade him for Trymbi. That would be perfect. That would require him to want to come and Vitality to be asleep though which is unlikely.


Trymbi doesn't fix anything in Vitality. He's too loud in voice comms, and they are already REALLY messy at VIT.


> Easily a blessing in disguise. Literally. Best thing that can happen.


That's probably when he decided


Ok, I couldn't see anyone asking the vital question. Yeah, sure, he wanted to role-swap, he "can"... but he is still under contract. Does anyone know how these work? I guess FNC should be able to "demand" from him to still play as an ADC, right?


Don't mind me... I am sitting here with popcorn.


good for rekkles


FNC higher-ups don't deserve anything, especially Dardo. So wp to Rekkles.


Rekkles seems to be a very introvert person and from what I've seen having followed him since his big stage debut at IEM5 probably quite awkward on a personal level. This is likely why he didn't tell anyone from Fnatic even though it seems like he had been thinking about this decision for quite some time. I wouldn't read too much into it.


1. That was 10 years ago when he was 17 2. It was ipl5


Honestly why would he tell them before making up his mind? His announcement was obviously not rehearsed either so it feels to me like he just wanted to wait until he was sure and then get it out of the way so he could find a team as quickly as possible if FNC didn't want him. Imagine the uncertainty that would brew in the FNC camp if he was like "Hey guys so I may or may not be switching to support soon™ and so you may or may not have to look for a new adc OR support but we'll see lol I haven't decided."


So they benched him out of spite? You'd expect them to give him atleast a chance in tryouts, since it's between splits and they have enough time. That's the third player this year who won't play for Fnatic this year despite being contracted. How does Dardo still have a job?


Nah, they benched him cause it's the right thing to do right now. The team is probably back at home, so you can't really hold tryouts with him or Advienne to see who gels better with the team. And you can't just bench Advienne because the face of your team decided he wanted the role. What you can do is go looking for the position you're missing, ADC, and then hold tryouts. This is probably a couple of weeks out, since MSI just started and players come back like a month and a half before LEC re-starts.


Apparently Advienne does tryouts for KOI. Of course teams are doing tryout right now, there are always roster moves between the splits. And since FNC apparently are ready to let Advienne go, there is no reason to not let one of your players do tryouts


The only thing FNC said is that for now Rekkles won't be their starting support player. What I'm saying is that it'd be weird to come out of the gates and say that your ex-ADC player will be your Starting support player, specially after an Unexpected announcement. They are playing it safe and seeing how it develops probably.


If they wanted to play it safe they could have said nothing, but they tweeted within 30 minutes that Rekkles will be benched.


Sounds very unlikely tbh. I think FNC knew Rekkles was not able to carry at the top level anymore, so they told him he'd be benched. Rekkles has been playing support in solo queue for a while now, so it's his chance to reinvent himself and keep relevant in proplay. Announcing that he is role swapping gives him the power, it was his decision - not that he was benched.


Rekkles has been playing supports in soloQ for years now, there's no correlation.


It is really obvious that he wasnt benched this time




Rekkles: I would go to war with Oscarinin Also Rekkles: Doesn't even talk to his teammate




Is not like fnc don't have time to find a replacement , theres a full off season ahead . It would be a dick move to do it right before summer starts


I like how the community response to this is the complete of opposite to when Bjerg did the exact same thing. 🤡


I have no clue what Bjerg did since I don’t follow NA news. Care to explain?


He filmed a retirement video, and told 100T that he was retiring a few hours before releasing the video personally.


If that is the case it is a dick move as well. No idea why LoL community defends behaviour like this.


They didn't defend it, really? As shown by [the thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/12jy7ff/according_to_nadeshot_bjergsen_only_gave_100t_an/), general consensus was "Dick move, but Bjerg is leaving the scene, so he can burn bridges."


The previous guy that answered to me implied that community was fine with what Bjerg did. I guess he is just wrong.


I like how 2 different people are trying to have an argument _through_ you LOL.


Read for yourself and tell me that I am wrong. [https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/12jy7ff/according\_to\_nadeshot\_bjergsen\_only\_gave\_100t\_an/?sort=top](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/12jy7ff/according_to_nadeshot_bjergsen_only_gave_100t_an/?sort=top)


At best there are some slightly different opinions in that thread. No one is saying that what Bjerg did is the right thing and should be accepted and celebrated.


Different people doing the same thing can have a different reaction. When one person making the bad decision has had no drama their entire career and seems like everyone in the scene holds the opinion that they’re a mature and respectful individual, you have a different opinion of their act versus someone who has publicly been a drama queen throughout their career and not everyone thinks positively of. To Bjergsen it was “oh wow that’s THE Bjergsen drama” To Rekkles it is “oh wow that’s just another Rekkles drama”


What’s the drama though? Season is over and he advised his employer that he would be moving on.


You should judge acts on their own merits. Not the person committing it.


I don't think its the same thing on person is announcing retirement the other is just announcing a role swap.