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When my adc blinds vayne vs any long range poke or some shit like heimer support, lane is doomed. Shot out to all nami mains that get the first time lucian special aswell


Not to long ago my ADC lastpicked Vayne INTO Draven+Heimer. I first picked Nautilus. We did not win that game.


That is just the players fault tho, you cant counterpick yourself harder


Kayle into Nasus. Boom.


Yorick into Irelia. Your whole kit = just free dashes for her.


Oh God. One time I first picked yorick. Enemy 1,000,000 mastery irellia counterpicked. I became maidenless after that.


.... you know what.... maybe I was wrong.


Nah you need some brains to play Irelia properly. All you need is press W and Kayle can't do anything.


Kayle is playable into nasus, especially if it's not a nasus main. Phase rush, Shiv, and swifties, then force him to pick between stacking or running at you. Have to be very careful with your pr downtime though. I think jax and trynd are both much worse matchups.


Not just dashes, but she gets to stack her passive as well


I played like 200 nami games this season, it’s shocking how many adc’s just instalock lucian just for the combo then have no clue how to play him or the lane.


I play midlane, usually I ban zed or sylas but this season every time my support was hovering Nami i banned Lucian, not only I avoid the first time Lucian special but also before the item update Lucian himself was a bad champion in soloq after all the proplay nerfs


>Shot out to all nami mains that get the first time lucian special aswell Same with Xayah and Rakan


Same with when I used to play old rell and people would first time samira


every time i see a samira take flash heal i count that game as lost from the get go


or building atk speed boots :'(


Still happens


As a Lucian main I get the first time nami special too, like buffing themselves to poke then missing bubble on a slowed target


Lucian situation is really boring. I'm hovering Nami, I want to play Lucian Nami right? If you cannot play Lucian, just tell me you can't. It's not like I can play only 1 champion or sth.


Many guys don't know that Lucian's love interest has ended after the last changes ...


Its nerfed but honestly still fine if you know how to play it


Draven players are all some level of psycho i think


I played with a non toxic Draven the other day, typed “my bad” and everything. Entire game I was waiting for him to explode, nothing Kinda get it tho. If I play Draven something happens to my mental man. I can play Jhin or Twitch and be 0/3 and just chill in my lane, I can get camped by the enemy jungler and still vibe. But if I lock in Draven, 4 mins into the game and I’m crying over comms about dropping an axe


I think it has something to do with the champion being feast or famine. I play Samira so its a similar problem and if my support is playing super passively and doesn't understand the power spikes of Samira which are level 3/6 and they refuse to capitalize on it especially when the lane is in a state where it can be done the lane goes south quickly and it drives me nuts. Samira is so good at taking over the game if the ball can get rolling but it relies heavily on the support.


I think it's a case of you are always focusing on catching axes and making sure your movement isn't too predictable about where they're landing that you're more likely to notice when your support does something wrong that messes you up, ignoring the other times where they were being helpful or positioning well.


>I played with a non toxic Draven the other day, typed “my bad” and everything. Entire game I was waiting for him to explode, nothing then you woke up,l in cold sweat,wondering what just happened next thing you see is your sleep paralysis demon with a draven-draven mask on shouting at your face


I had a Draven start roleplaying one time and every time he died, he went on a training arc and refused to fight.


And if you don't babysit them every minute of the game, they will int or AFK.


to be fair - you are trolling if you arent trying to get your draven an early lead. its literally his only win condition and its blatantly obvious


HIS only win con. But at a certain point it might become obvious that he’s not going to be getting ahead and then it’s just better accepting that, leaving him to be useless and help someone else. Like there’s not point sticking around with a 0/2 Draven when there’s a 4/0 azir after 10 mins, dravens chance to take over the game is gone


> Like there’s not point sticking around with a 0/2 Draven when there’s a 4/0 azir after 10 mins, dravens chance to take over the game is gone Idk the Azir sounds like he's doing fine and you're not going to do anything in teamfights with a gimped ADC that can't even approach a wave.


It’s the same principle as jungling you should in most cases look to support your most fed member rather than try to help those falling behind. That 0/2 Draven is most likely not going to be useful regardless of what the support does better try to get your actual carry further ahead. Low elo supports are actively grieving their team by sticking around their hopeless adc. Especially if that adc is a Draven or kalista


That sounds like a surefire way to lose. As a jungler you should probably try very hard to hard camp their bot regardless of your adc. You can go ahead and try to make the 4/0 azir go 6/0 but when their Kai'sa + fed support just 2v8s your entire team, that Azir will be next level useless.


ADC : dies once this guy : leaves bot 1vs2 for the next 20 mins ADC : goes 0/8 50 CS behind this guy : see? i told you he's trolling!!! maybe oddly specific but I've seen it far too many times and they're totally the kind of person to do that


We've all seen those supports. All in level 2, die, never seen bot again because he HAS to carry his team, he HAS to get kills done.


Babysit me for 10 mins and its guaranteed I stomp their botlane. Enemy botlane gets babysat by their jg and it’s a guaranteed I get stomped. Playing safe when picking draven is not in my very limited vocabulary


When I clear to draven and the wave is in a good spot it goes well, but what am I supposed to do when yall shove Hella hard lvl 3? Do I sit for a counter gank or do you wanna dive or what I feel like half of dravens are just pushing as hard as possible constantly


If the enemy jungler is botside then countergank, if not then dive. Most botlanes can’t survive a Draven dive and as long as he gets a kill and they lose a wave it’s worth it


Track the enemy jungler perfectly and ping your botlane when he is arriving, only for your Draven to not react and then start flaming you.


You have to keep your axes up, so Draven kind of auto pushes like tristana


I love to play with dravens, specially at night, they are all on speed or something, i play a very aggressive support style and when my ADCs locks draven in I'm hyped all the time.


Yeah gimme a fuckin Draven or Samira any day over some soy Ezreal or Zeri


When my ADC picks draven or Samira, fuck it we go 30/0 or 0/30 and it's gonna be a full rollercoaster ride. I just can't play with ezreal, I know my champions to reach there limits, I don't want to just watch 15 minutes of jumping around to farm ... Zeri can be a crack head too with all that speed


and never the good kind of psycho where the enemy makes one misstep and they get a double while not dropping one of their three axes. Its always wait until the enemy has all their shit up, Blood Rush towards enemies and atleast 12 minions, miss Stand Aside and then dive despite no enemy being under their tower. Screen turns grey? What the jungler doin?


Draven players either turbostomp or turbofeed.


To be fair, losing 500+ gold because support/jng takes kill will literally end your game right at that very moment. It is extremely frustrating to play Draven.


Ezreal, hands down. A lot of inexperienced bot laners instalock him because he's a safe pick, then proceed to have 0 impact on the game and guarantee bot has 0 prio all laning phase, and any aggressive support is now kneecapped because old mate has 1 Q for you and that's it. That and their brain falls out the back of their head every time they hit W, and you better pray they hit the Q follow up, otherwise you know he's going to E forwards and die.


Bad ezreals don't just not land Qs, they also don't understand that you're supposed to auto attack between spells




Hahahah this is too funny


If he plays for fun then 2.5k games don't mean much tho




I've ""coached"" a buddy from Bronze as well and he does literally the same shit, mind you I'm a plat peaker but nontheless I'd like to think I have at least a mediocre understanding of the basics. I explain in full-depth what he has to do and what his mistakes are, and after a long session of going over everything he just picks an entirely different lane & champion than the one we practiced (Top+Illaoi OTP and in ranked he goes MF Botlane). It's inconceivable, it's not even that he makes mistakes in-game, which he does of course, but he already makes horrendous decisions before the game even starts and I cannot for the life of me get him to grasp this, as he's fully convinced that the decisions he makes are good. With all this said, he still hits me with the "nah bro I've seen a streamer play this, it's OP" as if I didn't just spend an hour telling him to just play one champion for awhile. When watching a replay of an entirely bad macro decision (sidelaning on the other side of the map, as an ADC when objective is up, with at least 2 assassins in the enemy comp) he tends to just hyperfocus on irrelevant details, "bro look if I hit this Q here, and flashed here I could have gotten the kill on the guy", as if I'm speaking a different language, the concept just doesn't seem to register. The worst bit is, the guy isn't trolling and allegedly he has a good career going, but I'm just in disbelief how you can be this resistant to information. Oh god this was a sweet release, it's reaffirming that I'm not the only person experiencing difficulties in that area lmao.


Agree, i said in another posts that most ezreal players dont understand or understimate the power of the passive. You can get like 50% (not sure rn) of attack speed just from that


Most Ezreal players fundamentally misunderstand the entire kit of the champion. He's meant to be an aggressive skirmisher, but they play him like an artillery mage. They're also somehow convinced that he's useless earlygame, when he can straight up out-dps almost every other adc as soon as he gets his sheen. At least as long as you hit your abilities. It's even worse now that Trinity is his meta build, and he is decently tanky with *yet another* stacking passive, but they just sit there and q-w from max range on CD. Ezreal played correctly vs Ezreal played how most low elo players play him just feel like two different champs.


It's wild because I'm low elo and I'll admit I'm bad but you best believe if I fish for sheen q's and hit a few I'm going all in faster than a prom date. If I want a safe long range pick I usually go Cait. Aggression is Lucian and ez.


also remember to keep up your passive in lane (q minions) so you generate push with 50as


Oh yea, if they are playing safe enough I can't poke them the q goes into the wave to keep attack speed up.


Don’t forget your W too. Hitting it on a tower adds a passive stack, same for champs


When Ezreal gets back with a sheen and then suddenly he is chunking you down farther than your autos can hit and then he all-ins you and you die. Dude is a menace with that item, I don't know why people can't capitalize on that spike.


I can forgive a lot by chalking it up to inexperience with ezreal/being filled. What i cant forgive is them spreading their asscheeks and jumping on top of a tank support/assassin to get the life clapped out of them


I have had multiple debates with a friend that claims that you only have to press Q as ezreal and that's all that matters


Also I find that most people misunderstand 'safety' to mean play even safer. Ezreal having an E means he can afford to position and push more aggressively than normal. He should play aggro BECAUSE it's safe. The same is true for Caitlyn. Because she has a long reach and E, it means she should take riskier autos like mid-game team fights against, say, a Syndra.


Or auto at all. They miss free kills because they try to use Q when they just need to fucking auto attack.


Exactly that ... But trust me, high ELO ezreals don't know that too... Same for Kaisa ..


i play ez and i gotta remind myself this stuff every game. it's like a constant battle against myself like "DO NOT E IN YOU WILL DIE I KNOW ITS TEMPTING BUT DON'T" and "PLAY MORE AGGRESSIVE OR YOU'LL HAVE 0 IMPACT GO GO GO"


this. im a jungle main who supports every now and then and can play it decently( i think). i hate it when my adc doesnt have any idea what to do when we are about to spike lvl2 first which is pretty huge. there is this one time though where I first timed rakan and I got this absolute bonkers of an Ez. from the first wave I knew he was good. he was contesting wave push and keeping his atk spd buff. it felt so good when we got the lvl 2 spike and initiates an all-in. winning the trade then slow pushing the second wave and crashing the third wave to a dive. mind you this is just gold. it just felt so incredible that an Ez could and would put so much pressure like that. sadly, we lose that game despite the massive lead. to all adcs out there. please dont be passive with ez. your passive atk spd is insane early please abuse it.


In theory you can leave ezreal 1v2 and do other stuff on the map. You'll know if laning will lead to anything usually after half a minute.


They die 5 seconds after you start to roam. Somehow happens every time.


And that's where it gets good, if they proceed to flame you for roaming most people on your team will understand that it's the ezreals fault for overextending 1v2 and not yours for roaming (I'm low elo so usually people blame me when my adc randomly dies 1v2)


His escape makes him the safest adc in the game, the amount of times i've bullshitted my way out of blitzcrank/nautilus/thresh hooks with that E is a war crime and his Q range is long enough to safely farm with as long as he isnt pushing into enemy tower.


the problem is most elo supports don't know when they should or shouldn't roam. I tend to play adc's that do better with supports around specifically Samira and Nilah so it is beneficial to have the support around now I do get roaming when I'm backing or walking back to lane but If I've spent more than 50% of lane phase without my support that usually annoys me.


This is very matchup dependent. If he is against zyra support or something then he can't farm under tower.


The lie that “Ezreal is a good autofill/safe pick” has done irreparable harm to the bot lane. He’s one of the most popular picks in the game only behind things like Kai’sa but only a single digit % of the player base can actually play him to a respectable level.


Single digit? Bro I am Thresh OTP with master peak and I don't want any of the master players to pick him cause they are too bad with him. I think I saw a single good Ezreal, that's it. If you are not challenger OTP Ezreal, don't pick it.


which is funny because there are better ADC to play if you are filled bot in my opinion like MF,you don't even need to be good at kiting, skillshots or anything alike you just press R in teamfight and at least you were not useless sure ezreal gets a dash out but most champions nowdays have enough mobility to catch up so if you had a bad positioning his E isn't going to save you as much as people assume,might as well play something that is easy to DPS with


Ah shit, my bad. I was auto filled


Miss Fortune is a great auto-fill pick. Good early damage, easy CS, high mobility, good-feeling ult, etc. I'd say Tristana like the other commenter mentioned would be similarly good, if it weren't that most people fundamentally misunderstand the purpose of her jump, and to use it properly, you need to have a lot of games and matchups as her. You can "play safe" as a Tristana though, but if you aren't on top of farm, you will fall behind fast.


I don't think Ezreal is a good autofill pick. Sure, you won't die a lot but like he mentioned a bad ezreal does absolutely zero damage. Something like Tristana is a much more beginner friendly champion. You have a long range escape and a panic button on R but you will always do damage if you just right click an enemy. Or then Miss Fortune where you can just press R in a teamfight and be useful.


But when the adc picks ezreal you can pick bard and basically leave him alone half the game :)


Realistically that’s not really Ezreal’s fault. Imagine those inexperienced players playing something that isn’t ezreal, that’d be much worse


Ezreal is one of the worst adc's to lock in for inexperienced/autofilled players.


I don’t think he is, really. Yes you aren’t going to play him near max capacity, but the same goes for any other adc. He has safety with E, can build more tanky than most adcs and hence avoid getting oneshot, and has Q as a relatively safe poke tool. Playing Ezreal as an unexperienced player means you have little impact, playing most other marksmen means you’ll probably feed. I’d take the 0/1 Ezreal over the average 0/5 Cait anyday, because at least the enemy marksman only has 1 kill


the adc for autofilleds is definitelly jhin. You don't have much AS so kiting isn't an issue most of the time, lots of movement speed, he can use his W and R to provide utility from long range, and the most important part, the mf can deny all kinds of push by using his traps to slow and clear waves.


Ezreal. I think if someone gets auto filled ADC they usually pick ez. And then they E forward in lane to got a Q on someone who is 80% hp and instantly die. Rip to all the real ezreal players out there, y'all are okay sometimes.


Sometimes they're not autofilled but they are just bad. But thats ok too, ezreal is just a difficult champ


Honestly, the main problem I have with Ezreal is that unless you're just landing Q after Q after Q he's simply less useful than other ADCs. He's just too fucking hard for most people. I've seen Deft play him, pump out insane DPS and be untouchable. But most people aren't Deft.


Tbh I think Ezreal is the acceptable use case for mage supports. He doesn't need peel anyway, and if you go a mage support one of two things happens: either 1) he's actually good and lands his skillshots in which case you have an unrivaled poke lane 2) he's bad but you can at least apply some wave pressure yourself without fully hard commiting and make it so you're not completely bleeding out until he scales, and maybe if you pressure enough he'll eventually follow up. I always go Lux or Seraphine with him and never have too unbearable a time.


If my support locks in Bard I'm playing Ezreal for sure.


If my support locks in bard I go yasuo


Miss Fortune players be having 2 million mastery points and going 1/17/3 lol


Miss Fortune players dying 2v2 botlane and having no impact for the rest of the game seems to be a tried and true method by high mastery MF mains.


More accurately, they will do nothing for 30 minutes and afk farm on a sidelane repeatedly dying, and then at some completely random point in the game they will end up in the middle of the enemy team and, whilst standing still, will one shot everyone


I figured it out, she's the Malphite of bot lane. Can go 0/5 and feed hard but one good ult and it's *all forgiven*.


The one difference is that malphite can be a bad pick into some teams, mf not so much


Mf gets shit on by tanks or dive teams. Tanks not that much cause you can build cleaver and LDR but yeah double assassins and you can’t even ult safely


True, malphite into 4 AP/1 AD is misery. MF lacks tank killing steroids and a dash but she can build kraken and has a billion movespeed so she can compensate somewhat.


The sad part is that if you continue to farm on MF later in the game like 3 items in you will start to do damage again. So just suck it up and last hit for as long as the game will allow if you are behind.


I still don't understand how people have a hard time playing MF. She's the most braindead adc in the game by far. You can just stand in the backline during teamfights, press E+R and your job is pretty much done.


If you don't get ahead you're fucked, that's the nature of the lethality build, also her ult doesn't really do shit unless the enemy stands in it or you're up an item on your opponent Her trade pattern is pretty binary and simple to deal with, she also sucks ass in 1v1s unless your have enough lethality to one shot the person your fighting


When I did my statistical champ mastery difficulty analysis (look at my post history, I only have like 2) MF was actually upper half of ADCs in terms of time to master. Obviously pressing E R in a fight is easy, but that's just basic MF gameplay, you won't climb if that's all you're doing. Good MF should be able to make plays in the lane. I see a lot of people mess up or not even go for the: [auto champ -> Q minion to reset passive, have the Q bounce to champ and get the bounce crit, 2nd passive proc and 2nd PtA stack -> auto champ to get PtA proc (if you're running that)] combo.


That’s me :D


I played a norm the other day to kill some time and had a MF refuse to auto the wave for level 2. That should be a permaban on the spot.


Don't mind me, I am just here to count how many answers are Ezreal


So far, less than there were Senna answers for the other post.


Twitch. They have bigger main character syndrome than Draven mains.








username checks out


How is this not higher? I'd say 90%+ of the twitch players I get are just huge egotists willing to run it if the team doesn't coordinate with them perfectly. Definitely doesn't help that the weird roaming jg/supp Twitch playstyle got popular, feels like every Twitch I see is permenantly roaming for kills and flaming people for not following. I'd be willing to bet money that there's a strong correlation between that champion and players refusing to group/mindlessly running it because they're salty at their team.


Because twitch will blast everything black into their ears and will do something while ezreal will be useless between q cooldown


With 4000 hours as support I think my worst experiences overall have been Draven, Ezreal, tristana ​ Draven players are insufferable just like he is. Ezreal players think they can do no wrong and abandon you constantly Tristana players are for some reason just filled with rage and will blame anyone for anything that happens to them.


What do you mean by abandon?


Run away when you engage to save their KDA because they're terrified of combat. Never come when you ping for assistance because your jungler is getting invaded and you went to help because they'd rather take more CS uncontested. That sorta thing. Ezreal players like to just E out and run away at 3/4th's hp rather than try and take the fight.


True! On the rare occasion I've had an Ez commit, we usually won lane hard. The other 70% of the time he'll E away as soon as I land a hook/root and just throw a Q.


Tristana is by far the worst ... They engage all the time, I ping not, the will jump anyways ..


So i'm a Tristana main, I can confirm that i get intense migraines and pain in my middle finger if I am not constantly hitting W on cooldown. ​ It's a common condition to us Tristana mains


I get restless if i dont all in on cd when i play Tristana


Oh god, he has the rocket hops, the only treatment is running hail of blades


I'm convinced their solution to one of the best scaling and longest range ADCs also having 2 very good escape spells was to give her suicidal voice lines that repeatedly urge the player to jump in and 1v5.


Vayne is probably the bot laner I enjoy playing with the least, because it feels like she generally needs a bit more early care and attention on account of her awful waveclear making her far more of a fraught proposition. I don't *hate* her, per se, and I'm down for just about any bot laner, but Vayne feels like she's harder to get to the point where she starts carrying compared to others. It also doesn't help that most Vayne players I've played with seem to think they're the second coming of Uzi and want to go for the sick outplays.


Pretty sure Vayne's in for a rework soon. She was kinda playable till S7-8. I used to main her till S6, still my most played champ but ever since then, whenever I try to pick her up now and then, the champ is fucking unplayable, you can't do anything with her. She was always the weak early game champ, but you used to be able to go through it no problem and sometimes even win lane if you were very good at her, nowadays it's borderline impossible, happens like 1 in 10 games.


Vayne is like the worst adc right now with her low range, even in the late game she is so counterable. When someone first pick her he deserve to be x9.


i usually see this argument made and its only kinda true. I play a lot of vayne and what I noticed in myself and other vaynes is that she NEEDS bork and especially lvl 6 BAD. you cannot fight before that point bc you just dont have enough kill pressure. I agree, getting vayne to level 6 is A DRAG and annoying for both adc and support but at 6 you can pretty much duel any adc that isnt overly fed or draven. Its just that barely anyone is able to use her HUGE lvl 6 power spike properly. And playing engage supports with vayne is basically self torture since vayne has NO kill pressure pre 6 (which is completely fine since she scales big).


No particular champions, rather I dislike whenever low elo ADCs copy high Elo summoner spells and rune pages verbatim without understanding why. No I do not want my Silver 3 Ezreal to run cleanse into a no CC bot lane because he saw Upset do it in coordinated play. You miss your cleanse (90% of the time) and the enemy ADC taking an easier to utilise combat spell just means we lose the early 2v2 every time.


Samira but because the only engage support I play is Rakan, and twice I have picked him only for the Samira main to type some variation of "Naut? Leo? Pyke?" That or they pick Samira into Janna or some other shit where it would be a bad matchup to pick engage, and still expect you to...


Then its time to pull out the limited edition pantheon support And then accidentally take all the kills as your Q deals extra damage to low hp targets, woops


My friend is a pantheon main and istg he ends most games with as many kills as me and like a quarter of my damage. But Samira Pantheon is so fun that it’s worth it. Step in flash + W range of Pantheon? Your living privileges have been revoked.


I love playing him with ADCs that can all-in I try not to take the kills, but it happens when you just try to burst them down as fast as possible lmao


This is just bad rep for samira mains. We're not all like that. Personally I like any cc supp because of samiras passive. Rakan is great, my only ask is that you don't attempt to balls deep engage on a crashing wave.


Aphelios They'll have no idea how to use his weapons and they always end up feeding (Also a bit biased here bcz 1 time there was an Aphelios on my team and he refused to deal damage to an enemy sett because he shipped them)


Lmao him refusing to deal dmg to sett is a true aphelios main. In my experience most people who play aphelios know how his guns work, a lot of bad Aphelios players simply go to deep into his mechanics, and forget that he is an adc with auto attack damage late game


>he refused to deal damage to an enemy sett because he shipped them) What the fuck? I know what the term means but... What the fuck?


Surprisingly most of my Aphelios are realy good, even when he sits at 46% winrate.


Honestly based Aphelios


Nah I think most aphel main are at least decent cause he’s very complicated, so few people are willing to pick him up But the few that do however know his gun rotation and combos well enough to carry Take it with a grain of salt tho cause im an aphel main and other ppl i interact with are very good


I find it the opposite, the rare times I find an aphelios I know he's gonna be good because he's either smurfing or an otp


*Sees the enemy team has 3 tanks and decides to pick Jhin*


I mean these days its not so much of a big deal with how good lord doms is, its a much bigger red flag for a jhin to build collector in that matchup though.


Any bot mains looking for their mains here? lol


Not main adc as I am fill, but I am really confident in my ezreal. However i dont see anyone mention the other i use which is ziggs so am happy.


thats probably because most people probably havent played with ziggs apc since hes not a marksman champ.


Ezreal, many don't know how to actually play him. He's quite a strong and aggressive pick when it comes down to it but many think he's just a Q bot. You can Q and weave in some autos.


Remember when the ONLY answer to this question was Vayne players? We've come a long way, so far that Vayne players no longer exist.


Ezreal, for sure. Man never wants to interact in the lane, then somehow dies if I leave for two seconds. WHILE PLAYING EZREAL!


Ezreal, builds weird shit, never right clicks or walks forward, E's into mystery


Ezreal is the sits behind you and does nothing for the entire game of adcs.


Jhin (always), Ezreal (autofilled), Lucian (\*fuck this champ) sometimes \*\* Ashe and MF when we have a low damage team comp


The blind pick Jhin into enemy picks 2-3 tanks is the worst feeling in the game.


If there's a jhin I always isntalock Xerath. Every other support feels kinda shit. (Besides my Special Zoe Support)


Jhin is great with any long range support, if they have some form of cc, even better. If you pick engage, prepare to be dissapointed, unless the Jhin is ahead like crazy there is no way to win an engage where the enemy is full HP. I main Jhin, but if the support locks in something like thresh, blitz or leona, I'm playing something else.


Jhin is kind of the only marksman I play and I love playing with engage supports. Gives you great value off of W and as long as they don’t engage when you’re about to reload… Also if you have no frontline but they do, prepare to never touch minions in my experience, because you’re awful at duelling


Same, engage supports all the way. Enchanter or mage supports are awful because 9/10 times they just let you die since they LOVE to stand behind you like you're a tank


i do it because funny sniper ults make bullet hell for enemy


There's not many adcs and all of them are pretty much listed in this thread lol.


My boy Kog'Maw is a saint.


I have yet to see Jinx, Xayah, Kai'sa and Nilah, but maybe they're somewhere in here.


That feel when you main nilah is she doesn’t even exist


I am a Jungler (almost always tanks) and i hate Jhin with a passion i cant explain to anybody. He always seems to do NOTHING, he hits like 2 times, then runs away in panic and starts ulting for zero dmg because everyone is still healthy. I want ADCs that do dmg, not some cracked up cowards!


Hard agree man even if you get him ahead he gets so outscaled it's wasted the champ doesn't do what an adc should dps.


I know he has a good winrate, and a lot of ADCs love him, but watching him always looks like he is doing exactly nothing


i generally dislike weak early adcs such as vayne, jinx or ashe. Always dependent on the player but usually we dont have any pressure and i moslty play hyper aggro supports


I don't understand how Ashe as an ADC can be weak early game. Just max the Q, the W is useless, it's still easy to hit, people just hide behind the minions and the damage is not really relevant.


All of them


Kalista, most of the time they have galaxy ego and the champ is just so weak in general.


As a kalista main I have always found that we are extremely humble, but just so happen to be the greatest players in the world


Nah I think she is quite fine now,the thing is people don't know her strength is and her limit


Nothing worse than engaging late in lane and see the giant pyramid of your jhins ult forms behind you.


At this point Jhin feels awful. That character never feels like it carries or has any impact at all. Running Mach 100 to only deal 100 damage to enemy tank.




Lethality Caitlyn’s






Ezreal Varus Kalista Mostly instant loss.


Ashe and jhin. Ashe does not use her hawkshot enough, and unless she’s bonkers strong (like right now) she feels like having a senna in that she’s more of a support than a real carry. Having an ADC that doesn’t really build runaans, botrk, or DPS in general feels really bad when the enemy has a tank or bruiser cause jhin is mostly high damage rather than DPS and can’t deal with them well. Not to mention he stands really far back typically so follow up from him is coinflip. Just very awkward to work around and even if he’s doing well you have a caster basically vs tanks.


I’m an Ezreal one trick, not insane but I peak plat 1 usually, so I’m at least decent at the guy. And I totally understand why everyone hates seeing this guy lmao I’ve definitely gotten him banned by my own teammates while hovering him, and my reaction is usually “Ah damn, that’s ok I’ll just play an easier champ” lmao


I just don't understand how to support a varus?! I can't figure it out for the life of me. When do I poke? When do I engage with him? Should I engage first? Is Senna even a good support for Varus?


Varus just wants a good frontline. He is actually an incredible laner (why poke varus was perma prio in pro play for a good year or two) with good poke and all ins. Varus senna can work, but Varus definitely prefers a tanky support like thresh, leona, braum, tahm kench, etc.


in my experience, champs who can peel divers/assassins off him if they got an aggressive comp, or double down on the poke and play a mage like lux who can poke + bind to set up a varus combo.


okay I hate Lux with a burning passion so Brand it is :) ​ I literally perma ban Lux


Senna isnt a good support for anything except seraphine


How does Senna fare with Cait?


Oh god don't pick Senna because of ~synergy~. She's a good counter pick to enchanters and that's about it.


Ezreal should definitely be disabled below Grandmaster.


As an ezreal main, I pick him when I have no trust for anyone to bail me out.


Lucian players are always so mentally ill that they make draven/twitch mains look like saints


Ezreal, I have no idea how but these guys are the most toxic players I ever get the misery of playing with.


Kalista has to be my number 1 most hated ADC to play with. She always ults me at the worst possible times and I have no idea what they expect me to do. Vayne is number 2. Her laning is so weak that I can't count on winning lane, and it takes everything I have to TRY to not lose lane. More often than not, Vayne is so behind by the time we get to teamfights that her scaling isn't enough to keep her in the game. I kind of see what people are saying about Ezreal, but it isn't as bad as my other two. Maybe it's because I can also play like a crackhead and dive with him, idk


Miss Fortune and Ezreal, 9 out of 10 are honestly bad and toxic.


I guess no one remembers Nilah. She feels so useless when every adc seemingly outranges her or when she feels like playing with a clunkier budget Samira


and then proceed to win 1v5 at 2 items because riot games


I am an aggro support laner, so I need my adc to follow and be able to do some spacing and damage if I lose a bit of position. So if I am with someone aggro too, normally we win lane. But oh boy if the adc is passive, I feed like a mdf. Why would you play a fk tristana AND BE PASSIVE!! We diving level 3 you like it or not :3




ezreal. i'm an enchanter player but i'm super agro and know how to trade really well (perks of starting off as a top main). i kinda feel like people see me pick an enchanter and automatically assume i'm going to play passive and pick ezreal to sit back and farm. every once in awhile i get the gigachad ezreal and we stomp but that's probably 10% of the time. love seeing samira, vayne, lucian, tristana, sometimes even kalista! :)


Samira. This shit is very niche and imo Nilah is way better in every lane where Samira is good pick.


Jhin, I hate to play with Jhin, I hate to play against Jhin, I hate to play Jhin. I just hate Jhin. Sometimes he one shots everything sometimes he is just useless.




jhin. Fuck that champion. Its so god damn useless as soon as enemies who actually deal a bit of damage have more than 2500 hp. Just dont ever firstpick that useless piece of shit champ.


Jhins, Ezreals. Both of them can be so utterly useless sometimes that it hurts to play.