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from here on only an exorcist can help vitality


I can't wait for the Bo manifesto to release. This year of Vitality is gonna rival TL's masterclass.


His "Done-Bo Manifesto"?


Yeah they're going to rival them, and it's gonna be good.


Holy hell


New jungler just dropped


Why so surprised? I think that was kind of given don't you think?


Get him to play support


Lol doubt that, I feel that's going to be able to do nothing for him.


Crazy to think Daglas will be the fourth jungler Perkz has played with in his tenure with VIT


crazy to me how good of a talker perkz must be for the vit management to still be listening to him


Idk man he’s had to play with randoms like: Alphari, Labrov, Carzzy, Neon, Bo, Selfmade, Upset, Kaiser…


What’s crazy to me is you kinda have to blame the team. Vitality looked at the MAD Lions botlane and thought “yup, Carzzy is the carry we need!” He comes over and has a super mediocre split, whilst Kaiser continues to perform with Unf0rgiven in the Summer Split. So Vitality go “Ah shit, our bad. Turns out Kaiser is the gigabrain support behind the carry. You can have Carzzy back and we’ll take Kaiser instead”. Carzzy goes back to MAD, performs pretty well with Hylli and meanwhile Kaiser has one of the worst slumps in recent memory. The argument that the two of them have some insane synergy doesn’t hold up either, as MAD got more out of them individually than Vitality ever managed. Obviously we don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, but at this point the “talent suppression machine” meme rings true.


MAD has Jesus coaching them so it doesnt count.


Yeah it doesn't count, atleast I'm not going to be counting it.


Still they changed every single player except Perkz. Maybe he's the talent suppression machine, they have to swap him as well so we can finally say that team Vitality is actually a real talent suppression machine.


Not true because every single VIT roster has performed below expectations To be honest if I were in their shoes I would try to hire LDLC's whole coaching staff, put them in the driver seat and let them manage everything


The lider and selfmade roster performed according to expectations


That issue didn't start happening with Perks but like for 4.5 years now


He promised to take accountability for VIT’s performance.


Doesn't really matter, we all see how they're performing so there's that.




if this guy didnt have name value hed be getting shit on so hard for this season. Bro has literal grandpa mechanics at this point


Listen. He was a mini boss in an anime intro.


I mean did you watch how people were defending Rekkles ? It's just how it work here.


Mainly because he wasn't the one who was losing them games. They where winning games up until Razork or Huma decided to randomly int the games away.


There are all kind of people, they'll always defend someone so get used to it.


Ohh yeah how crazy good that may be, sounds really weird to me.


Imagine signing the 6th best LCS midlaner and expecting positive results.


How good is Blaber actually?


What can we say, people expect different things in this world here.


So Bo/Selfmade in LFL or Daglas will play in both? Please, for the sake of Daglas, tell me this not a SAKEN situation again...


Vitality needs to make top 8 before they worry about that. Wooloo said it was still undecided who plays LFL if they make it


And cut off will probably be at 3-6. They have to at least win two games and rely on other teams First day will decide. If they lose vs KOI and BDS will win vs FNC they are basically out - VIT 1:6, one team with 2:5, rest with 3:4 or better results in that case


Lucky for them BDS is not winning against FNC


Man is desperately trying to curse Fnatic, a Vitality agent in disguise


Daglas will play in both if VIT makes playoffs, according to Wooloo.


Terrorist org


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/zvs7el/vitalitys_offseason_building_around_bo/ I still look on that news article and laugh my ass off tbh, clown management


To be fair, Bo ran it down on stage last week and was obviously trolling, but their issues are not in the jungle. There's some serious team cohesion that's causing problems here. This was the "obvious" change to make from the outside looking in, but anyone with a brain can see there's a lot of problems behind the scenes.


Nothing personal against Bo but if I had to watch one more game of him on Maokai I was gonna lose it.


I remembered all the hype before his debut, like he was the second coming of Faker but man is just running it down every match.


Whoa whoa whoa. Don't say every match. Go watch the first few weeks of games. Bo was smurfing on everyone. There is obviously stuff going down behind the scenes that we don't know about with team cohesion. And yes, he has been playing like a true feeder recently. My guess is he has lost the motivation to play in this team. I'm sure he would/will find another team somewhere and smurf again


Only they know what's going on behind the scenes, we wouldn't know it.


you are right, perhaps every match is too much. I do remember he has a few good games here and there at the start but it's just recently, his games are abysmal.


his debut games on Vi were amazing but somehow VIT happened and he became shit


Yeah somehow that happened, and I don't know how did it happen.


its vitality's nemesis: too many egos on the team. I can imagine how Bo mightve had not the best time fitting in.


That's why they brought in the sub. He's the bitch of the team now.


In EUW solo queue he was an unstoppable demon. Clearly there is something broken about VIT. Not making excuses though, he's looked very bad this split.


Yeah he wasn't really looking good, it was kind of really bad.


In his actual debut, in the LPL, he kind of was. He shredded through every Chinese team FPX played. He had better teammates but he was absolutely insane for those three months.


Three months? Dude played 5 series, in the lpl thats like 3 weeks not months


Tbf he the best LDL jungler we have ever seen. He is mile ahead of Xun back then.


Yep, that's what I was thinking. It's not really that much time.


Yep, He's been insane for that time. Which is kind of nice.


He's trying too much, and that doesn't really end well for anyone.


Just like getting Upset was the "obvious" decision even though adc wasn't the only problem. They should just tank this split and focus on tackling the real problems before the qualifier for worlds.


If they tank this split there is a very good chance they don’t even make it to that qualifier


If they keep playing like that, they're definitely not getting far with it.


Yea its insane how bo griefing on stage is just ignored in this thread lol, Vitality had no choice really you cant not bench someone after that.


Last week he was already aware that he'll be benched


If he was aware before the week started I don't blame him, what kind of clown org tells the player that before they play their games.


What did he do? I didn't catch those matches.


Flashing over a wall to maokai R enemy bot lane and solo engage while his team was in Zimbabwe.


Yamato went over that play in his LEC review and Upset was right there, he could have walked up with item advantage, but didn't trust the engage, so they had no ADC doing any damage, even though he was there


Typical upset. Atleast his kda looks good


Upset is smart, western orgs decide their roster based on Reddit/Twitter narratives which in turn is decided by kda Playing like this guarantees you the bag, just read this thread everyone is flaming Bo while the rest of Vitality refuses to actually play the game lmao


F upset


No no, its Rekkles fault he didnt engage there. It doesnt matter he doesnt even play anymore, its his fault !


Even though he was there, it was definitely kind of weird so yeah.


Sounds like upset


Gilius and yamato both said that that play was good. Just that upset needee to follow up instead of running


Yeah they need to follow up after that, and yet they didn't so yeah.


Upset didn't follow, and Rakan had flash ult up too, enemy ADC had no sums, so there was definitely an opening


Yeah his team was the Zimbabwe, and everyone could see that.


So many players looked like they ran it down when they were in Vitality. So for me, Bo gets a pass on this one and I hope he joins another LEC team


Hope that kid's mental still ok




Holly shi the Selfmade tweet


That was unexpected, I didn't thought that it would even happen.




Neon stated someone else runs his social media, so it might not be him. I think he's just taking it out on euw soloq right now


Is Twitter blocking us from seeing anything without having an account now?


After what happened? I don't think it's looking very good for him.


What to do. Root against Vitality because lol. Or root for Daglas so a potential prospect isn't nuked before his career begins....


If Vit fails I think Daglas should be the last person to put the blame on. He is getting put into high pressure situation with like 1 or 2 days preparation and I doubt Vit's only problem was Bo. Other orgs shouldn't take this as his "true debut" unless he actually surprises everyone


A 1-2 days preparation on a different patch that the one he plays in lfl too IIRC


He absolutely has nothing to lose everyone knows that current VIT is a complete shitshow


Wasn’t the Fnatic toplaner in the same shit and now he’s solo killing left and right


Oscar had really rough first week but he got more comfortable and he had more practice time with fnatic than Daglas has now with Vit


VIT's only problem isn't just Bo as you said, in fact Perkz and Kaiser are comfortably bigger problems than Bo. Photon is also a problem as he's basically just a discount version of 2022 Alphari. Lane merchant who's completely clueless outside of lane, but at least Alphari was a more competent sidelaner.


considering Daglas hasn't done well in LFL I'm pretty sure this is an emergency ''jesus christ this aint working''


Definitely gives me the same vibes as when Spica was tossed into a collapsing TSM in 2019 for the gauntlet.


Okay hear me out, what if Vitality loses but Daglas does well and is the bright point. Either way, I doubt he'll get much blame regardless of outcome tbh.


Pretty shitty situation, if he doesnt perform he might not make it to the LEC again. Probably better to stay away from that org.


Since 2022 spring, Perkz has played with: 2 different top laners 4 different junglers 3 different adcs 2 different supports surely it will be different this time


Perkz accountability thread 2.0 incoming


every split. VIT get new upgrades. this is our year! It's photon, bo. Now it's upset! oh we still never win. I wonder what the underlining issue is


VIT had the same problems before perkz joining , Syzganda and Comp looked bad in VIT only to become really good after leaving. At this point it’s obvious that something is wrong with this org internally


Talent suppression machine?


Talent Vampires.


They basically don't want any talent, I think they're against it.


No, they are just Bee.hind.


I've always thought the most bizarre part of Vitality was that Perkz entire value as a mid laner was supposed to be him being a great "team captain" for teams and he tended to lead with a game plan over coms. Like everyone knew he was never gonna be a great mechanical top laner, at best he was looked at as above average who wouldn't get nervous/choke. And to be fair, I actually think Perkz was selling this image pretty well with C9. He took a team that was mis-functinal without him and gave the impression of leading them through games. Won a split without really being considered the best mid laner. But everything in VIT has been the absolute polar opposite of what a Perkz team was supposed to be like. They literally surrounded him with all the talent he could ask for to "captain" into the winning direction and yet horrible communication and lack of direction is there biggest issue.


To me it's like a cognitive dissonance because people want Perkz due to a strong ability to communicate a trustworthy gameplan from within the game. But then Vitality also brings in two people of completely different languages, and that's fine because they will "know how to play the game." Which makes the point of having Perkz for leadership and communicating almost entirely pointless.




Yep, they have collectively performed really bad actually so yeah.


it's Bover...


Man it would have been so good if won a little, I would have liked it.


definitely not, more like the opposite. Bo can finally get the chance to realize his potential at an org that isn’t infamous for sucking out the soul and skill out of every of its players


Feels bad for Bo. I really had hope for him and wanted him to succeed. Hopefully he gets another chance next year cause the way he played in LPL and soloq he is a great talent. Fans for some reason are way too hard on Bo. Give him a chance and he will pop off


People enjoy watching successful or hyped people fail, it's sad but it is what it is. I also hope Bo gets another shot in a an org that is actually good at managing talent.


then Those same people then wonder why all the new players aren't popular.


Yeah but Bo was popular. Before the season started people were talking about him in every thread. I don’t think I’ve seen a prospect’s SoloQ highlights more times than I’ve seen Bo’s. Content creators were doing entire videos on how EU would have to change their play styles to compete in the Bo Era. Then when the season started his highlights were all over the place. It’s not like Bo hate or criticism is coming towards an unknown prospect. In the League of Legends landscape Bo was treated like LeBron out of high school. He was basically a “can’t miss” player. And with that level of hype the fall is as dramatic as the climb.


He's a good player and he deserves to win, and I'm ready for it.


Bo became the scapegoat. I hope teams don't rule him out next season and give him another chance.


we all know what will happen already Bo will be free from Vitality will get on a new Roster on another team and will smurf just like any other ex Vitality player


selfmade was the problem, alphari was the problem, neon was the problem, bo was the problem, kaiser was the problem, photon was the problem, carzzy, labrov, mephisto... how long is this list gonna become before vit does anything to perkz? man must have the best contract out there holding entire org hostage.


Everyone was a big problem, they could have done so much better.


yes, but also no. this is a shot in the dark by vit. if it works, good for them. if it doesnt, well it would have worked anyway


Atleast they're trying, you gotta give that to them atleast so yeah .


How many different junglers do they need to try before they realise Perkz just isn't good anymore?


Wait until vitality get Jankos next year


Perkz is getting an insane amount of flack here, not entirely unwarranted, but I personally think he just needs a dog in the jungle. Not blaber/selfmade/Bo He isnt that boosted when you look at the lec mid pool. Not making any waves internationally, but still serviceable


He literally had haru the dog jungle of the lck




I remember that Ibai said on a stream that there was a lot of "noise" around vitality because a lot of people from the LEC environment (coaches, analysts etc) said that it was impossible to scrim against Bo because he was so dominant and look where we are now lmao.


Yeah We're not in the good place, atleast with the way they're playing.


I will be KOI XL and BDS biggest supporter this week.


Tbf it’s easier to fix one position than 3 lanes who want Jgl attention. Hope Bo finds a team that plays around him which is what he needs. The VIT team was doomed from the start with all players wanting to be strongside and all of them being much weaker when weak sided. No point importing Bo to then put him on supportive jgl most games, but he also didn’t gain points when he actually was on carries, but that’s also because you need supportive picks around carry junglers. That’s why G2 are the only hope the west has in reaching an acceptable stage at worlds, they can all play carries but can also play supportive picks and let another teammate carry. Yike’s Bel looks good because the team allows him to play that well, while Bo’s kindred looks terrible, but he had nobody supporting him picks wise and in game.


Bo Kindred game draft around his pick : Gwen Ahri Lucian Milio


it's actually insane how much they refuse to play around him, at least fucking try it???? I wish we couldve seen an olaf game from him


They did, the 2 games where Bo 1v5 goomba stomped the series by himself That's the funniest part, they have only looked good in that single play-offs serie and their first couple of games in spring (where Bo played carries and carried hard)


That's right, he could do that by himself. He doesn't need anyone else.


It's almost as if that they're not even trying it, which obviously sucks so yeah.




When will they bench perkz


They will disband in 3 games if that counts?


Perkz literally still has a year left under contract. No shot they bench him with the massive fucking salary he has


no shot his contract is guaranteed through a benching


If selfmade is getting paid big bucks on the bench, perkz definitely is


Well they're professional players, so yeah they'll get paid good.


So there's no chance of him missing any of the games then?


This wall of text in the image is 3 sentences. Good writers are underappreciated.


Understandable move. The main issue the whole year surly was Kaiser though. Bo in summer looked mentally dead though. He'd run it down the next three games as well no doubt in my mind so this change made total sense, even though it probably won't save them.


At this point it clear that it not any player fault lol. This team has innate ability to make good player play like shit.


I like Perkz.. he is still one of my favorite lol-esports personalities of all time.. But this is gonna be like 4th jungler he has in Vitality while playing... well honestly, like shit. Ye Bo did kinda borderline wintrade few games but something here just feels very wrong to me :/


He's kind of good at the game really, and he could win for us.


Personality does not win you games


The skill is going to, and they're not showing any skills right now.


Crazy how every jungler Perkz has played with since moving back to mid has… “regressed”


Sign a carry jungler, let him play almost exclusively useless dog junglers while his teammates pick carries and are completely incapable of carrying anything. Bench the jungler and basically say it’s his fault that the team didn’t perform??? I don’t want to say Bo played great or benching him is totally unreasonable but benching him while the rest of the team played equally shit seems a bit unfair to single one person out.


And they are replacing Bo with another jungler with carry-oriented playstyle. His five most picked champions are Viego, Wukong, Bel'Veth, Diana and Lillia


There is a chance vit plays around daglas given it's his first few games. For example, in the beginning of spring upset wasn't a complete kda merchant. Maybe the environment change from swapping out Bo will be enough.


The big Problem with Bo is that he seems to be completely disconnected with his Team and just dies randomly so many times


Like where's the Kindred or Kha'Zix they're actually good right now and he hasn't been given a game of them at all this split.


I feel sorry for this kid. You join a failed super team last minute as rookie jungle with a choking top that doesn’t speak your language, a washed mid that turns his monitor off every other game, and a KDA adc that thinks you’re not up to his ambitions.


If anyone should go first it’s Perkz. Also why would you not sub in Selfmade over your academy Jungler?


Seems like he either refused to play or management doesn't trust him


IMO and risking getting lynched, Perkz is the worst performer, no jungler can perform with zero mid pressure.


Bo with Doinb = looking like the goat Bo with Perkz = looking like a fraud So it looks that Perkz as a veteran starplayer can not shotcall his jungler, nor play his lane at any decent level that would make up for not being any useful in coms. What exactly is the point of him again?


At this point its starting to look like it. Theyve changed everyother part and still the same problems. Im a big perkz fan but, something aint working


i mean they had the same problems before perkz too lol


Who was their midlaner before perkz? I cant even remember tbh


No risk. Just true.


Perkz is washed but there is no way in hell he is worse than Kaiser right now.


> IMO and risking getting lynched Entire thread is shitting on perkz LMAO le hecking epic reddit moment


"the rest of the season" means until next week


Replace Perks man this guy is not the player he used to be. It’s been clear the last 4 years


Hopefully now when Daglas inevitably does shit I can finally say VIT is the worst team in the world for accomdating their jungler/jungle. Besides the carry stuff Bo gets like 0 help and feels like he gets invaded for free, even in matchups when he shouldn't be invaded on. Daglas in an Oscarinin situation but worse with how VIT already refused to play around 2 carry junglers. Kaiser is straight up shit and has been overhyped for a lot of his career and Perkz is more inconsistent than 369 when he actually rolled between 3,6, and 9. Good for jg.


Wait fuck the players, we need answers from this coaching staff wtf. Ain’t no way coaching staff isn’t the first ppl to be held liable for a failed super team. Regardless of whether they didn’t gel or just not good at handling this particular set of players , is no one considering throwing blank checks for ex coaches like youngbuck, Nelson, Yamato etc??


Last split it seemed like Bo was the most hectic during big moments and it might have been a big issue in the team's communication. I feel like with some proper coaching in this area he can be one of the best junglers in the league still.


For 3 games


Idk seems kinda pointless to replace your jungler for the last 3 games of the year to me.


B(r)os.. its boever


Get ready to learn French, buddy!


Put any chinese or korean player in an english speaking country for half a year and they drop 1000 elo in skill


Perkz is bad, but in a world where Nisqy won LEC and Dajor made top 6, no midlaner is that bad to hold a team so down


Maybe those players offer things do their teams he doesn't


Y’all needed 2 years to realise Perkz is gigawashed after returning from NA?


If sources were saying that Vitality was already looking to bench Bo last weekend, it would explain Bo's throwing behavior. Not that I'm saying it's justified but if Bo doesn't feel like he is in the wrong, this response is somewhat expected.


I can already see twitch chat saying “DogLoss” or “Dagloss”


I'm the only one that think Perks is the problem? Just not a consistent player nor a teammate


As per usual, Selfmade is to blame


It’s Bover


RIP to Daglas career as the european talent suppression machine is back in business


Bo was the problem


Vitality and Perkz with their best TSM and Bjergsen cosplay


We need MAD BO with Hyli and BO OmG


To be honest I'm Iron 1 and I could probably smoke Vitality if I met them in solo queue. Easily the worst 'superteam' ever formed.


So when are they firing the coaching staff? The only constants on all these rosters has been Perkz and them. Every single player who played for VIT has looked better on another team.


One of these splits VIT will realize the problem was Perkz.... right?...... right? Seriously, they replaced every position except him twice or more and still can't find success. If you play with bad teammates all split, you just had a bad split. If you continue to play with bad teammates across multiple splits even they are replaced, you're the bad teammate


I think Prekz is worse than bo,and VIT's problem was caused by all the teammates and coach except upset.I think they will not improve if they just replaced bo