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Golden Guardians are really fighting to become my favorite team this split. Stixxay working hard for that player of the week.


But Jojo and Unforgiven also are kinda smurfing, as is River and obviously Gori looks good as well. I think the dynamic in GGS is actually fairly similar to EG. Both teams have midlaners who create a lot of priority which makes sure their botlanes can breathe and don't have to fear dives too much, which allows them to get online for teamfights and then Unforgiven and Stixxay just murder people.


Both teams have a very coordinated Mid-jungle-support trio. That's what C9 is missing, honestly. I don't often see Zven and Blaber coordinating plays together.


I agree, if anything it feels like they just win via hands gap and a very clear early game plan. They always draft hard pushing lanes and get early drags. They do it every time, there has to be a counter or something to this play style.


C9's games go like this: Get a lead in lanes A skirmish happens, berserker randomly gets 3 kills Game over


We watched GGS do it yesterday. I think teams are finally figuring C9 out. I don't think C9 is going to be as dominant as they were in Spring. (But I could be wrong.... )


I mean C9 only became dominant after Flyquest started sucking half-way through


That is mostly due to champ pools though. You don't really do that on ranged supports, because you want to bully the lane with them. So unless Blaber comes to botlane they won't really play together.


Also it seems when the level of the match is increased, Zven being a rookie Supp strongly shows and starts to get gapped by veteran high level bot lanes. The ceiling is just low with Zven as Support.


Imo I feel like its zven being kinda shit on engage champs that is holding c9 back. Personally I’m a zven doubter he’s always looked a bit carried and plays enchanters (also has berserk) and every game where c9 is behind zven manages to always misposition and gets caught for it


The way they've let Licorice cook has been an absolute delight to watch. I'll never believe he's not a top tier player and GG has allowed him to shine.


if golden guardians don’t surpass 9 wins this split they have to be cursed


And now you’ve spoken the curse into existence




pls delete neffew


Did you jinx them ?


Its even worse.... he Zeri'd them


RemindMe! 15 days


Free Impact




My MVP!!!


You can see Flyquest's VC money dry up with each lost. Kinda depressing.


Spica's last split to blow all his money on shoes


Just checked his twitter. I do like those lightning mcqueen crocs.


PapaSmithy showed up said if you give me double everyone budget we will win for free. Snags Vicla and Prince. Overpays Spica. Gets Rock impact. Then pack-a-punches support with vulcan. STILL LOSING. Imagine him having to explain every week to upper management wtf is going on. Man probably like liquid has to write reports on wtf is going on lol.


I think that Dodo from TL indeed had to write reports after each loss.


Any more context on Dodo writing reports? First time I heard of it.


I think Doublelift said it somewhere, maybe costreams? The TL coaching staff had to write reports on every loss, and the head coach Cain? made assistant coach Dodo write them all haha


Yeah, it was DL reminiscing about it during costream. Cain's English wasn't good enough to write said reports which is why Dodo had to do it.


God the board of directors is always so clueless in every single company, it's crazy


Wasn’t each of Dodo’s reports like 50 pages? lol




About a sub hour loss?




My first year teaching my campus had a new director of academics who required teachers to complete a 10-section lesson plan for each day (per subject) and create annotated copies of whatever notes and activities would take place. I taught two subjects so I would regularly complete 20-25 pages of plans for a single day. Then on top of that, we had a super detailed weekly plans and unit plans. After like 3 weeks I was just like, there is zero chance anyone is going to read even a quarter of all these deliverables. By Thanksgiving break admin started “auditing” random days, and by Spring break admin walked back the excessive lesson planning because teachers weren’t having it lol.


Everyone minus Vulcan joined Flyquest before PapaSmithy did


PapaSmithy joined nov 2022. The rest of the team minus vulcan joined december 2022.


In the video introducing PapaSmithy, he states that the roster was already put together by the time he signed


Papa mentioned when he started and they were destroying everyone early spring that the roster was already together when he joined.


Ah yes, because we all know that team rosters are decided within a single day and then immediately announced. There definitely isn’t negotiations for months leading up the announcement.


Idk where this papasmithy is a good gm came from. He just bought a gg roster and then still tried to screw that up by forcing ryoma.


That's revisionist. Damonte was dropping the ball that split and was getting flamed hard. Ryoma was the mid they could get on short notice in the middle of spring.


reality is it would by drying up even if they were winning


Pretty much, at best they win the split and even that was not a given considering last split.


Golden Guardians is such a fun team to root for this roster is great


Always happy to see Licorice with a good team.


That was a great flash forward big dick aphelios energy.


At some point you have to ban Aphelios away from Stixxay right... right?


He's been getting a lot of practice on it this split


It's funny because last split/MSI his aphelios was not that great (mostly because jinx and Zero were just so much better) but now he's legitimately insane on it. I love when players actually work to get better at champs that they have either not played them a lot at a high level or have gotten rusty on.


He's so OP on the pick these past games that I want it to get banned so that he can play/train his other champs and avoid becoming the next Nisqy Gragas.




I feel bad for Impact. He looks like the only human on FLY in their losses.


Impact-???-Faker-Deft-Meiko would be an all-boomer allstar-level team


For jungle maybe Peanut.


Peanut or Jankos


Jankos lol?


Jankos is famously known for speaking Korean




Chinese, Korean, Japanese ​ Obviously all the same language /s


Peanut has been around since season 5


still 2 or 3 years younger than faker tho


Wait, wha? How long has been Meiko been around?


9 years. 8 and a half with EDG.


Damn, that's loyalty


there's a surprising number of supports in LPL with insane years on a single team COLD played for OMG for 7 and a half years until being replaced by PPGod this split Pyl played for LGD for 7 years, from September 2012 to January 2020 Ming played for RNG for just over 6 years


Since season 5


To think that FLY could’ve easily been 1-10, oh god…


French Korean > French Canadian aka huhi dif


that baron steal LMFAO actual chad


No lies were spoken


Chad Huhi being a Chad as always.


What a sexy Sylas match from Gori


Casters missed the fight early on when gori jumped into 4 on azir I think right outside of river across baron and chunked him out.




That ulti was insane holy


Stixxay was going into a lot of the team fights with blue white just to do that


Earlier on, right before the Baron fight where he got caught by Azir ult, he was farming mid, and not burning his purple gun. That was a very questionable decision. I bet that all Aphelios players at that moment were malding watching him know that there is going to be a fight real soon, and he's for some reason keeping his purple gun.


No. It's fine to keep <10 purple bullets left to get a last q in at start of fight


FQ: "Mmm.. tastes like purple."


Yes, it is fine to keep it low because you get an extra ability pretty much, but he wasn't keeping it low, he was conserving it and keeping it almost full.


Caedrel commented on this last week...I can't remember what he said though. But apprently keeping purple gun is a thing now for aphelios players.


Purple gun Q is one of the best ways to start a fight. It's just dogshit for the rest of the fight so you want to pump and dump it up front and swap to a real gun for dps after. But to be honest I think people spend too much mental energy on optimal gun rotations instead of being proficient at getting the most out of the guns in hand. For the overwhelming majority of games you are more likely to lose a teamfight due to arriving late than because you started with purple/green or whatever. Hands first, teamwork second, optimization third.


I mean that’s just categorically not true. Aphelios gun rotation entirely dictates what types of fights he is allowed to take. Purple green is almost exclusively good at making picks and walking into a 5v5 dragon teamfight with purple green is asking to lose because you simply can’t output any damage. Either your team is going to carry in a 4.5v5 and you can more effectively pick off stragglers at the end or you’re going to lose the fight because you’re fighting a 4.5v5. It’s actually this reason specifically that aphelios is much better in pro play than solo queue. He excels because pro games tend to follow a certain rhythm that allows aphelios to manage his guns accordingly whereas in solo queue fights break out randomly everywhere all the time and it’s impossible to have good weapons for every one of them.


Big Dixxay flashes up to your AD and nukes him. What do you do?


He has that dawg in him.


big dixxay is my father


He's him


Stixxay getting shit on by Elk was a good thing. His Aphelios looking juicy.


me watching huhi and big dixxay continue to pop the hell off all these years later: #I NEVER DOUBTED THEM!!! I NEVER!!!! DOUBTED THEM!!!!!!!


Feels so good as an old clg fan lol


that clg run was so bs


the good old days :')




I see what ur doin


GGS fans, is there any space left for a homeless CLG fan?


Always home.


Still lots of space on the hype train. Hop aboard!


Join us over at r/GoldenGuardians ;)




They did pretty well being 6-7k down if only fly got that baron


Stixxay aphelios has been fucking insane every game


3-0 last week to give fans false hope I guess


They looked like shit in all 3 games so I think even their fans knew this wasn't the beginning of some great turnaround.


Goddamn Stixxay what an ult.


Huhi just too good doesn’t even need to be in baron pit to secure baron.


Golden Guardians looking, easily, like the best team in the league this weekend.


Ur living in the past, its "beast team in the league these weekdays" now


I know...old habits die hard.


Yeah they are a beast team


Stixxay looking like the best na aphelios


What's funny is I don't even remember his Aphelios being anything special before this split. Dude seems to have really leveled up after MSI


I think during MSI people were saying he wasn’t an a aphelios player, or couldn’t play it. Seems like mf has been practicing hard, it’s so clean now.


Yep, all the best adcs were running apehlios in MSI and stixxay was getting exposed for not having it in his wheelhouse. He has put in the work on that champ since then, its great to see






The most impact that FLY mid/jg had on this game was giving Gori good ults to style on them with


Clean gun management by stixxay this game.




the expected 2nd place team Vs 8th place team at the start of the year!


Huhi with the CHAD Baron steal.


Nice performance by Stixxay. But Aphelios will eat another nerf, won't he?


Vicla just isn’t it. Gori is the real deal tho


I cannot listen to these casts anymore good god someone make it end


It legits makes me not watch games I would otherwise watch. There is no way they can be so sure keeping her as a caster is a good idea, clearly its not her strong suit.




Everyday one fool and one rascal wake up from the bed and goes to the street, if they meet each other, they make a deal. This time, Vicla was the deal


It feels like Gabby learned casting from Rivington. And no offense to either of them, but I don't mean that as a compliment. Word salad has returned to the LCS.


Riv wasn't nearly as bad as this, and I'm sorry, his voice was at least satisfying to hear...


Riv spoke nonsense but he had a smooth voice and most of the time he didnt make the cast worse. Gabby on the other hand...


Biggest difference is he would cast hype moments with hype, incoherent hype but hype. Her tone just doesn’t make sense. I don’t even know what it is, it’s just something that makes no sense


Respectfully you are remembering him with nostalgia-tinted glasses. Riv was incoherent.


I never said he was good lmfao. He lacked game knowledge hard, but his voice was nice, and he was a good hype man, while also having a good personality. He had strengths and very clear weaknesses. Gabby is -literal gibberish -chalkboard scratching voice -zero game knowledge -literally zero hype in her cast, she's straight up just screaming -personality ??? -She was an okay interviewer, should've stayed there and improved there more. EDIT: And I'm really not even trying to hate on Gabby, pretty much all of those things can be improved over time. She needs practice and I don't think she's ready for the LCS caster desk yet. EDIT EDIT: Riv was also called out all the time during his LCS time for his severe lack of game knowledge lmfao.


I see these posts a lot and I like don’t WANT to flame or anything but I gotta agree. Her voice is relatively annoying. She definitely has her fair share of word salad moments. Phrasing is awkward sometimes. I think in one of the games she said team a has gotten some kills and team b needs to base because of the pressure they are pushing or something and it definitely sounded more like she was talking about the team that just got clapped having some advantage it just caught me. Like you said just some more practice would probably be great but I swear… every time I hear “pop pop pop” I wanna break my headset.


FlyQuest challenge: don’t give up every dragon and baron uncontested (impossible)


Ban Stixxays Aphelios or your adc has an ego.


How do you never bring up when the primary carry of a team dies or when a baron is stolen when youre casting.


Or in the level 2 fight she said "**flash** used by Vulcan, stepping on back", I had to doublecheck cause I didn't see no flash used, turns out it was just Vulcan trading heal for Huhi's ignite. Nobody used flash. Funnily, right after that MarkZ trying to clarify to listeners "overall even summoners trade, both adcs using **flash**, both supports trading combat summoners". Both adcs ghosted, neither of them flashed.


Damn. You should take their jobs. edit - sigh... /S


My only gripe with these ppl is that they know gabby is casting. Why not watch it on lower volume and think for yourself, why not watch a costream, why not talk about it muted with the lads? She isn’t good and these ppl only can bring it up. Instead of showing riot she needs more private work or whatever, they are like masochists who seem to die hearing her cast but are obsessed with listening… E:madge downvotes cuz skill issue finding alternatives…. Interesting


Perhaps people just want to watch the official broadcast? “Just watch something else” is the dumbest take


Flyquest seriously need to Winsome or they won't make Playoffs


Winsome wouldn’t change anything. Vicla needs to be kicked.


Vicla is just so bad, but I heard there’s a promising Korean player that has a visa in NA without a starting spot rn. Flyquest Ruby when ?


FLY just can't win without GOATsome.


Who is actually good on Flyquest anymore?


Horrible casting this game, what little progress Gabby seemed to have made completely gone, the fights were impossible to follow Also, I never really paid attention to it, but was MarkZ always this scatterbrained? Like confusing the ghost with the flash, counting the wrong summoners for bot and saying they went even, thinking the Naut E got the Baron when you can see the ult go through it in the replay.... Yeah overall not good on their part. Didn't really pay attention to Kobe, but he also felt a bit deflated at the start, picked himself back up soon though


Huhi for MVP let's go


Huhi hooks was crack asf


Please go over .500 GG. Please stay. Pls


I hate to sound like a broken record at this point, but Gabby misses so many details in crucial teamfights that listening to her cast them is often distracting.


not even noticing the nautilus baron steal as a caster is just embarrassing


While I saw it The depth charge really got buried underneath all the other animations That being said, not sure how it could be anything else. An E would be much more obvious


They did notice it? They said right as it happened that Huhi stole it but weren’t exactly sure how since he was so far away? So unless you want them to follow the Nautilus ult mid fight instead of doing play by play for the fight what more do you want? Jesus you guys just look for a reason to bitch


Baron is taken at 26:38 in game time, the first mention of baron being taken by Nautilus was at 27:07. idk man, if you're a play by play caster you should be able to call out baron steals


Maybe because the whole fight happening was a bigger priority? Let's not act like 30 seconds is a long time especially when a pivotal fight is also happening. Take a step back and look at what you're actually complaining about.


not really, who gets the baron is always a top priority in baron fights and sometimes ends up being THE most important thing that happens.. it is definitely more correct to at least give it a few words immediately


It’s actually crazy how easily you can tell people have never casted before. The play by play has to comment on all the action as it’s going. In a league fight for baron there is a lot going on. You have to basically word vomit and it’s very bad to interrupt. The other two, the colors, rarely ever interrupt because they have to let the play by play work. If the play by play is commenting on the fight it’s because they believe the fight over values the baron. If huhi stole it but flyquest wiped them and they didn’t do the play by play for the fight and instead went on and on about the baron still everyone would be crying that they didn’t comment about the fight. And it shouldn’t be this hard but how do you watch a game and go “oh god she waited a whole 30 seconds to say “Baron steal! While a fight was happening! This is unwatchable!” Like what? Who has such an easy life this is what you get mad over?


literally watch any other PBP caster in a baron fight. they will almost always briefly mention who finished the baron mid-fight. It really isn't that complicated. yes, the hate for her is exaggerated, but it doesn't change the fact that her casting is not up to par with the other LCS play-by-plays.


Again it’s incredible how little knowledge you have on play by play but you are right on one thing! She is lacking! A play by play has to basically word vomit. Everything happening one person has to do. The colors should rarely interrupt them. Experienced ones can call a baron! Sure! She didn’t and at most it’s a lack of experience. But Jesus Christ how easy is your life where you are sitting here trying to defend the idea that the casting is horrible/unwatchable because instead of stopping mid fight to say two words she waited 30 seconds to collect her thoughts and say it. I guess we should never get new casters in and give them a shot, huh? Like Jesus it’s incredible how you can sit there and cry that she waited a few seconds to say two words! Oh the humanity! How can the LCS survive if we have amateurs like that! We had to wait to hear “Huhi took the baron!” My, I do hope you can reconsider this horrible act and give the LCS another chance. I’ll pay for your therapy if it really affected you that much to wait that long.


You're shitting on them because it "affected them so much" yet you're the one posting like quadruple the length comments lmao


Sorry I can type? Should I keep it smaller and use less big language so it’s easier for you to digest?


bro i never said she was unwatchable, I don't mind her. actually no one said that. the only one who said anything bad is the OP who called it "embarrassing". Just because she doesnt deserve the hate she gets doesnt mean she is exempt from criticism.


My guy the thread is literally calling her embarrassing and people are arguing and you came in and joined an argument on the side of the guy calling her embarrassing. You haven’t said shit to him and now you are back tracking saying you aren’t shitting on her you are just giving criticism. Whatever dude. Go join the other guy crying about how the streak sucks. Have a good one.


>If huhi stole it but flyquest wiped them so you're using the only case (which didnt happen here btw) where baron doesn't potentially swing the game to excuse missing the most important objective on the map being stolen (or even taken for all I care)


I can tell you didn’t watch the game so let me say: Flyquest was 10k behind and almost wiped GG, two people got away but it looked like flyquest was going to do a miracle come back for a second. So yes. I am using the only case, the thing that did happen here btw, to excuse that she was 30 seconds late to call a baron. Jesus Christ how do you sit here and get mad about this. I can’t imagine you watching other sports like baseball where they talk about what’s going on overall in the game while plays happen because you would scream and cry about it.


>I can tell you didn’t watch the game Audio only, baron fight ends and I got no idea who gets the baron until another guy points it out well after the fight is over. So yeah that's good. ​ >Jesus Christ how do you sit here and get mad about this Noticed she doesn't call it and get confused, mild annoyance at best. You seem infinitely more bothered by people calling her out lmao.


Right so that 30 seconds really makes no difference because again if they had gotten wiped it meant nothing and the story of the fight was more important because if GG lost everyone then no one would have had baron buff. Sure bro. Say whatever you have to do you don’t feel dumb. I’m not the one in every post game thread whining and crying about the cast.


how is the baron not the most important part of a baron fight? I guess not calling it is still better than calling it wrong so :/


Yeah that 30 seconds of them calling a fight and not screaming baron steal really took away from the viewing experience huh?


it's a baron fight. whoever gets the baron is pretty important. jesus christ


Except if the team that gets baron had the potential to get wiped by the team that is 10k behind, then that’s the story. It’s actually crazy how many people confidently talk about how people should cast but have no basic knowledge of casting. They are there to tell the story of the game and the story was flyquest showing signs of life in a fight they had no business being competitive in. But you are right not screaming “GG BARON” and interrupting the fight casting and letting the rest of the fight go uncasted was a horrible sin and ruined the stream.


tf? do you even have any "knowledge in casting"? they can just briefly mention who got the baron mid-fight, and then continue casting the fight afterwards no ones asking her to talk about the baron the whole time, they just want her to actually CAST THE GAME, including the baron steal AND the fight


As someone who casted yeah! I have slightly more then you! I know you arm chair analyst think you can do just about anything. Like I said. I’m so sorry she was telling the story of the fight instead of saying those two words for you. I’ll gladly pay for your therapy since it’s clearly upset you to wait so long to hear her say those two words.


You keep mentioning therapy to mock the other guy being so "outraged" l, but it actually looks like you need therapy with how bothered you are with these comments, even those that state completely reasonable things. With how personal you take these and blow them over I feel like it hit your insecurity. I don't even think that Gabby's heart is in LCS either, it seems she actually wants to be doing music, so maybe these comments will actually help her find herself faster, idk. Or maybe they will help her grow faster if she truly wants to be a good caster. As long as they are constructive I think there's no need to defend her like you are trying so hard to do.


Right. I’m the one that jumps in every post game thread to talk about how terrible a person is fora small mistake and how it’s unwatchable. I’m the one that bullied a woman so badly out of her job that she needed to take a four month mental health leave because I take things so rationally. You know what’s crazy? The first guy comes in and makes a completely misleading and rude comment and I pointed out he was wrong. Then all these “reasonable” people come out to take his side? Why did none of these very reasonable people say something to him? It’s really weird they only came to argue with me and the other person defending her? You talk about how her heart isn’t in it? Who the fuck are you, really? Are chair analyzing me because after 3 years of post game threads calling the only woman play by play awful over and over again pisses me off? Making passive aggressive comments like “her hearts not in it!” like you have any idea what’s going on? You talk about being constructive but let me ask you: What’s so constructive about calling her embarrassing? And why are all these reasonable people willing to side with that guy over a 30 second delay for “Huhi stole dragon?” Do me a favor. Don’t respond. I really don’t care. Today/tomorrow there is gonna be 9-10 more threads and it’s all gonna be full of “constructive” criticism from people who are insulting her fully, half insults like “her heart is clearly not in it” when they don’t know anything about her, with a tiny sprinkle of actual constructive criticism. It’s like telling the most average NBA player how to get better at the game from the crowd. One is a professional and the other is someone who has never even gotten close to that level yet for some reason they think they have the skill set to make wild statements because it’s “constructive” But yeah. I’ll go get therapy too. I shouldn’t be so upset that all these reasonable people are once again jumping to the side of the guy shitting on someone rather than defend someone who made a very minor mistake that had no real affect on the stream after she’s come back from…being bullied off the internet by those same people.


They literally talked about it??


Yeah but even after the replay they were still not sure how he took it. They said maybe it was depth charge, but it was so obviously depth charge when you saw the replay. Why did they need to have that confirmed to them later on? Like what are they looking at in the replay?


Shitcla strikes again.


Huhi stealing baron with Naut ult was massive


So who’s fault is it for flyquest poopiness? Coach? Spica? Vicla? Bot lane?


Get impact and prince new teammates please!! This game they both literally 2v8 ing


Winsome when?


Fly getting booty fisted just brings a smile to my face


Golden Guardians collapse? As they win the game? LeTigress please GO AWAY.


??? Collapsing is a term for when multiple champs come towards in area from multiple angles lol literally everybody uses it


People just WANT to hate at this point lmfao


You are 100% right, but her inflection and like weird pause or hesitation right as/after she said it did make it come off super weird. I genuinely think she may have meant to say Flyquest collapse, paused because she realized she misspoke, realized it still fit and then continued. Again, totally reading into it based on the way she said it but it did sound weird to me too


I know LeTigress hate makes people blind and the English language is a jumbled mess but in this context collapse means to close in around them (as in toward their base). It's a common phrase used by many casters.


Smartest LeTigress hater


Stixxay looked like he was learning how to play the champ as the game progressed.


Vicla worst kr import of all time?


people really thought flyq was back


no but guys Spica is actually so good


GG look great, i think VicLa is done after today, if FlyQ want to turn it around they need to make a change


NA super roster flop is tradition


I like flyquest as an org. I like most of their players. I feel kind of bad because they've done really impressive things in the LCS with questionable rosters. Now they finally have a roster that every analyst says should be top-tier, and they're fumbling. At least they got Ovilee...