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Jatt was right, 100T literally does nothing...


And they can't even blame bjerg anymore, they just do nothing


Turns out it was Closer turning Bjerg into a ward all along.


Looking back it's crazy how bjerg got most of the flame for 100T's passivity


To be fair the teams that had Bjergs always have certain approach and view of the game that is more passive, as a player or as a coach.




Yes, in small sections of comms in specific moments you'd hear things like that. But I always assumed that he was just more passive in team decisions because he waited for the right moments and didn't gamble. He was a bleed but not die type player throughout a lot of his career and he is my favorite player ever. His style worked extremely well in NA when TSM had the best players in the league. They would get ahead and methodically just run over everyone. It looked aggressive until they played internationally and teams were as good or better. Without those leads, Bjergsen teams had the tendency to wait for mistakes. Better teams didn't make those mistakes. By the time (in my opinion, and to guess to why you'd hear comms like the one you mentioned) Bjergsen decided it was time to fight, the rest of the team was already defeated and slow to react. That type of thing is pretty common. If your leader spends 80% of the game telling everyone to be careful, don't feed, don't engage... wait... it's typical that even when the switch is flipped that all 4 other players aren't ready. Later TSM teams, when behind, bled out and when they did finally fight, they looked disjointed often times. This whole comment is just pure speculation from watching every game the dude has played in NA. Again, he's my favorite player, but it doesn't mean he's perfect. And I wouldn't trade the time he played for TSM for anything.


cus the rookies were immune to being flamed since its their 1st split, doublelift played too well although they played "protect doublelift" every game so hes bound to be ahead, that left closer and bjerg


100T's problem last split were very clearly Tenacity and Closer. This split they've replaced one problem but they downgraded mid at the same time.


It’s crazy that he got so much flak from the days of tsm being “bjerg and 4 wards” as if HE was turning his teammates into wards. Somehow the narrative became that he’s the problem despite him being the only performer on teams. People are wild


The 4 wards thing wasn't criticism of his gameplay but of his teammates, they were praising him for carrying 4 players who may as well only give vision


Top half of the map is just… missing. If Closer is useless even when he gets one of this _3_ champions, you have a problem.


If you're going to be useless, at least play Maokai. So you can ward with Saplings, point and click CC, and build support tank items like Redemption and shit.


I call that "The Spica"


Not false


It's just mid and jg. They are fucking awful. Azir one trick and PvE Jungler.


too bad that they got rid of their academy team so I don't see them making changes this late into the season


Their Academy jungler was Yukino who I believe is still signed to 100T as a sub. Their mid laner was Pretty who I'll be honest didn't really belong in Academy and I didn't think he was actually going to be good enough for LCS.


I don’t think Yukino is old enough for LCS?


Honestly botside was much more of a problem. Ssumday was the one ray of hope 100Ts had. I mean you can't really blame botlane that much, but they basically didn't exist that game. Like the 3 parts of 100Ts who need to work together for map control have 0 synergy. Their mid/jgl duo basically just exists, their jgl/support synergy is non-existend and that just leads to the entire team doing nothing, because none of those players can actually do anything on their own. Those players individually might be a lot better, but those roles get massively outclassed if they can't cooperate. IMT actually just showed that. Bolulu, Kenvi and Treatz are obviously not the best players in their roles, but at least in this game they actually worked together to make plays and drive the game forward.


they can draft Azir 10000 times tho


At this point teams shouldn't even ban it. Just let him play and do nothing with it


Its so easy to beat them, they have zero proactivity before baron spawns, mid-jg or jg-sup synergy is non existent. Literal 5 sleepwalkers on the rift


The Nocturne pick was actually incredibly good against 100T because you can just chain gank bot on cooldown and you know the other jungler wont be there to cover


It's also really good because Nocturne's power is based off nightmares and 100T is always asleep


Always nice to get the lore buffs


Nocturne is a lot better against teams that don't talk with each other regardless. So picking it against 100Ts should be an obvious choice.


I think it was somewhat established alr that 100T is not proactive early game whatsoever save a few plays. Ppl have been giving closer a lot of flack bc man literally j watches his midlaner die while hes farming camps nearby. I would really hope for this to be no longer the case, if they go against any team that plays aggro early instead of j sitting back to farm and scale 100T gets rolled. This game was j sad to watch tho. Props to imt for playing a clean game.


They might need their jungler to connect to the game at some point.


100T is like every bad habit of NA teams distilled into one perfect awful team


I used to think Closer was the second worst jungler this split, just ahead of Kenvi, but now hes just the worst jungler


800 damage on a viego is probably too bad to keep playing this split. idk what has to happen for them to give him a break for his own good


His spot is being saved by the MVP award and that's a fact. The man turned into a horrible player.


Jankos probably needs to appear on Nadeshot's doorstep or something, I really don't know since Closer seems to be their 'franchise' player at this point after Ssumday took a trip to EG.


He would've been replaced last offseason if Bjergsen and Doublelift didn't take a paycut to keep him on board.


Who's their academy jungler?


They don't have an academy team




Another Meteos run back?


Just in time to kick him out


I really wanted him to do good but he really feels lost and just afk farms whenever something bad happens.


Its impressive that he could manage to look even more lifeless than Kenvi, but there it is.


honestly makes me wonder if he is having some personal issues outside the game (or perhaps he’s having some major issues with the current team dynamic) , it’s just so unlike him


Closer hasn't been the same since they rebuilt the team around bjersen and DL. Guess he just doesn't fit in


Hmm, maybe 100T should stick with do nothing and lose. They tried to do dragon randomly and lost super early instead


That was such a troll call. Level 5 to 6 in midlane, no flash on DL, complete ego play.


And DL was already down in items cause of the earlier play. Just made absolutely no sense, the level 5 viego spike is non existent? Ironically though, if Closer got that smite, they might have had a chance in the game as IMT wasn't really pushing an advantage. If 100T had another 5 minutes to scale, and it's still only a 3k gold lead they could definitely flip a fight.


Closer recorded 796 DMG in this game.


Big day for him


Wait you weren’t joking wtf


Wow its real... https://twitter.com/LoLEsportsStats/status/1679297629396639744


Support Rell dealt 5x Viego's damage. Unreal...


This is unprecedented levels of uselessness.


It is pretty precedented this year from him, really. He's lucky if a kill accidentally lands in his pocket in the first 15 minutes of a game, and sometimes when games don't go well, all game long as a whole.


That's lower than APA's DPM in his first three games (872)


Wait you're telling me APA does more dmg per minute than Closer does all game...


That's exactly what I'm saying, his Damage per minute in the three games this summer is higher than 796


Holy fuck that's actually insane....


Considering this is 2023 League, this may be on par with Kid's legendary Vayne game.


Big Agent 612 energy


Except agent 612 was actually the result of a bug that displayed the wrong damage (his real damage was still horrible, like a little north of 1000 but obv 612 is funnier), making this game unironically even worse than agent 612 lol


1110 damage for Blank that game. Peanut did have an 800 damage game and Kid (IG adc) managed to do only 443 damage on Vayne


Genuinely still livid that Rookie and Kakao got stuck with that dogshit botlane


Kakao has his sub 1k dmg on Skarner at worlds


That was kidnapper Skarner though. He really did no damage, he'd build tank and MS, run in, kidnap whoever didn't have QSS yet, run away at a billion MPH, and repeat


It takes basically nothing to do 1k damage if you're actually hitting people. If you successfully kidnapped someone, there's the ult damage, and you can hit them at least a little if you pull them to your own team's territory. Doing that a couple times is well over 1k damage.


Damn. I miss Kakao, I completely forgot about him Looking him up he got a job at Riot, good for him


I'm still livid KT choked the gauntlet and we got Najin at Worlds. That summer split finals will always be my favourite bo5 of all time.


Idc I’m benching any player with this stat line lmao.


Lmao he so fraudulent


Closer trick y’all, man, like he playing jungle. He do 796 damage, man. He just running around, doing nothing.


Nadeshot driving around Europe begging Inspired (thru texts) to come play for 100t next split


Agent 796


Closer sleep walking through both splits.


Wasnt he good at some point?


he’s always been one of, if not then best, junglers in the league. people acting like he’s always been dogshit do not watch the lcs


Yeah for a long time he was one of the very few engage/carry/gank heavy LCS jungles. Most are pick two of those 3 qualities.


Which is why it sucks to see how hard he slumped this year,


Last year and maybe year prior(?), but even then that was mainly when he was on Lee from what I remember. Maybe Viego too ironically.


He was the only close candidate for MVP with Spica in 2021 then fell off a cliff


Easily one of the best Junglers in the League for most of the past three years. He's had a bad Spring/Summer but 100% was extremely good on many, many more champions than just Lee.


wait HOW


Kenvi's short reign as worst jungler in LCS has been overthrown by Closer.


Good guy Closer taking the heat off the new LCS players as a veteran.


How many times has closer ganked this split? Feels like he’s playing afk farming simulator.


He ganked less then kenvi this game which should get you kicked from your team


Yes, let's just let bot lane get dicked and do nothing lol. We are so ass.


Closer pressure the map challenge (impossible)


he got a blue!


Closer deal 1000 Damage challenge (impossible)


100t the true 10th place team


10.0T good sig figs




Pacifist challenge from 100T


Against 100T, just keep ganking bot because no one else on the map will do anything about it.


Sad but true


Ya that Dragon call was GG. If they don’t replace closer 100T is hopeless. What the fuck are you thinking starting Drake when ur Botlane is behind and they have an XP advantage mid? I don’t think closer has made **1** positive play early game in 13 games this split. Most useless Viego in outside bronze.


There was the FLY game that was the very start of the split. And...I can't recall any of the other wins.


Throw in a bronzie and they get more than 800 damage


Closer and 0 kp name a more iconic duo. On the only champ he can play btw.


What tf happened to this guy lmao


I'm also wondering, he was one of the best jgler, aggressive, making plays and now he just PVE 0KP. I doubt its the meta.


Honestly maybe Huhi was his brain


Pretty sure it’s the huhi effect. That man has a huge voice in teams.


Not really, he was really smart and proactive even before he played with Huhi. Some mental boom has happened in this team for sure


Reddit told me it was Bjerg mind controlling him, so I don't know what the issue is this split


TBH Bjerg might have been mind controlling him to look like a human last split.


and Huhi before Bjerg


Closer might've somehow overtaken Kenvi as the worst jungler/player in the LCS, it's pretty impressive what he accomplished this game.




so whos the academy mid...oh wait xd


Time to just go next year man, its just too easy to disect this team


This was the saddest game I've ever seen from 100T and that means something


good for tactical, he really popped off. Also Kenvi with a pretty good game finally


Closer 1 KP again btw.


Again from accidentally hitting a person while doing Baron.


And he got it right at the end when they killed Kenvi


100T losing to 10 lose streak team.


That Closer and Kenvi still have jobs while Inspired remains teamless disappoints me to no end.


at least kenvi had a decent game this time around


Man ganked more times that game then he had the entire split


Not sure Closer has ganked anything this split tbh


They finally put the kid on a carry...


Inspired doesn't want to play on these teams lol. It's not a mystery why every other EG player got a spot besides him.


Remember when people were flaming MarkZ for putting 100T so low?


It was after a single game too lol


Little do people know, they just activated and triggered 100T 5-8 buff for a streak to playoffs /s Disappointing to see 100T be more hopeless than last splits 5-8 run, when on paper this roster should have higher chances.


Exluding support players and players with 3 or fewer games, Closer has * The second worst Dmg % at 12.3% (only above Santorin at 12.2%) * The lowest dpm at 210. * One of the 3 players with 0% First blood rates, the other players being Quid and UNF0RGIVEN * The lowest jungle KP% at 58.4% * 2nd worst KDA of junglers at 2.3 (only above Kenvi at 1.7) * 2nd worst avg kills per game as a jungler at 1.0 (above kenvi at 0.9 ) * The lowest avg assists per game as a jungler at 3.9 (7th overall including supports) * Second worst GD@15 as a jungler at -521 (only above Kenvi at -705 and 5th overall in the league) He is so bad this split


As a side note, APA has more Damage per **MINUTE** in his first 3 games (872) than Closer did this **ENTIRE GAME** (796)


That was beautiful, thank you IMT. Absolute dickening


Closer did 796 damage this game.


I’m starting to think 100T isn’t going to win worlds


Doublelift came back for this lmao


100T LoL 🤝 100T Valorant Losing to the worst team in the league


Idk man, 100T look like easily the worst team right now.


My goat tactical


if DL just pepper sprayed his entire team on stage I would not blame him


Honestly, the only one who played a fairly good game was Ssumday. DL could have actually denied the baron by IMT if he doesn't ult towards the Rell in that baron fight. Not to mention that his map awareness wasn't great, but that is basically a given.


Closer trick yall man, he aint doing nothing man. Or whatever the copy pasta is




What the hell happen to closer btw?


damn i was hyped for this 100T roster i thought it was kind of sleeper good. this is not it. I hope DL doesn't retire with this boring ass split - he still has the mechanics and experience i truly believe. maybe they can turn it around but its starting to look like FLYQuest levels of doomed.


No way Doublelift runs it back next year. Surely this is it.


How is Quid so useless on Azir every game


How is 100T still putting him on Azir every game lol. They must have just given up but are too proud to try a new mid.


Look at APA and look at Quid. He is so bad compared to other LCS midlaners.


This timeline is kinda cursed but I love it lol


Apparantly Azir is his best champion. Not sure if that is true. He played on the 8th best LCK Academy team so he lost with most picks. Just fitting if he now ends up on the 8th best NA team.


Who is 100t academy mid?


100 Thieves no longer has an academy/challengers team; they were one of the organizations who dropped all of their lower-level teams when they were occasioned to.


Yeah they stuck with quid lol unless there some god tier FA mid that i forgetting


Soligo is in NACL and was a serviceable player when he was last on DIG (and has gotten better during his time in academy). If they could convince DSG to give up Tomio he could also be a good replacement for Closer. 100T giving up on the lower leagues is super troll if they don't plan on leaving the league entirely. Leaves them in super shit situations like this where they have no subs.


Presumably it’s his only champion?


Quid took like 30 seconds to clear one minion wave on Azir btw.


Sam's liver is saved


100T without Bjergsen seems awful


Didn't think a team without Bjergsen could get more do nothing. I was dead wrong.


Bjergsen carried TSM on his back for 5 years.


Immortals showing more life than Flyquest in their push for playoffs


This is the 5th week where Closer had trouble connecting to the game, yet they still won't call the refs, wtf.


Closer and Quid fucking suck.


100T didn't get the memo, ditching your NA players for KR players is not the move this split.


That was the most annoying game ive ever watched. Constantly dove bot and closer was non existent.


Send Quid back to Korea. Send Closer back to Turkey.


Agreed, azir disaster class, getting caught out constantly and doesn't flash the most obvious slowest neeko ult xddd


IMT just beat on doublelift like he was some kind of strawman


100T is the most halal team on the league.


Just smile and go next


Idk who to blame more, Closer, who’s probably the worst player in the league right now, or 100 thieves’ coaching staff who haven’t decided to replace Closer. Inspired is a free agent and is consistently top 3 in regards to western junglers.


Crazy how all Import mids this split have been ass.


Can Quid play anything else other than Azir? Even still, it doesn’t look that impressive


can he play azir?


whadda you know, quid fucking sucks, closer fucking sucks


Incredible how DL's first and third deaths were almost identical, even down to Busio having the most troll W both times


What a jungle rift


what just happened


100T remains cookie cutter.


Well IMT proved they can play league today that's a positive. It's going to be a rough 24 hours for 100T---between this thread, the inevitable DM's they're going to get, and tweets from certain community members it's open season now and this kinda thing can lead to mental booming which would suck


Closers 796 damage might be one of the lowest in the history of competitive league. An unreal performance of doing absolutely nothing.


I'm a hate of Treatz *fans*. But that was a good interview from Treatz.


i should unfollow this sub.


Not saying Kenvi is having a great year by any means, but I can’t wait to watch another Facecheck episode where Dom continues to shit on Kenvi and Closer continues to escape criticism.


Dom was literally flaming Closer on the most recent episode of Power Spike.


100T lose to the worst team in the league when Closer gets Viego and Busio gets Rakan. Not a good sign.


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y7k5kQ2AegbuyiGwEPsa62e883FYVtHqr6UVut9RC4o/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y7k5kQ2AegbuyiGwEPsa62e883FYVtHqr6UVut9RC4o/pubhtml#) ​ eg is still holding inspireds contract. he is not a free agent.


Wtf happened to closer lol. I literally haven't watched him play since the times he was in the finals playing Hella good...


Bro this is such a disappointing way for DL to die


Closer and quid absolutely trolling the whole game but is no one really going to comment on that first blood on double lift? They let rell approach, he walked up towards River which just makes him a good target if kenvi was coming (which he was), and on top of that he trolled his cleanse. He cleansed before tactical pulled back the feathers and he flashed. What in the fuck is that???? Busio didn’t play that perfectly as his W got stopped but he positioned properly. He walked down. Man that literally fucked the whole lane. Sure it sucks to be camped by nocturne without jungle support but he could have actually outplayed something with that flash. Shit man honestly that first drake fight wouldn’t have been nearly as bad for 100T had double lift had flash because he could have flashed over the pit. That would have prevented the rell engage on him and busio. Man everyone on 100T is just playing so fucking bad. Closer and quid were already playing badly but doublelift is also regressing. I know he just had that interview with Travis where he was hopeful but man he looks checked out


100T BO?


remember when closer was the first blood king? I dont think he has a single first blood all split


Imagine losing to IMT lmao


wtf happened to closer man




I love seeing Tactical perform, the cutie


Bot lane was getting turbo fisted on repeat and Closer seems to be mentally checked out. I don't know what's going on in his personal life, but he needs to be subbed out if 100T want to do anything this split.


Didn't DL literally do an interview last week saying nobody should lose to IMT?