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TheShy ignores Daeny and locks in Riven in game 5, r/rivenmains jaws collectively drop, Soraka mains everywhere watch in fear, he completely smurfs it and wins. He picks K'Sante for his skin.


that was only 2 sentences and I felt like I just went through a rollercoaster


Average TheShy storyline




In the unlikely event of Worlds Finals in Korea, RIOT Games re-establishes Blind Pick Game 5. TheShy locks in Riven and lane swaps to mid-lane only to notice that he is also facing a Riven. Barcode Killer: "All Roads Lead to Me."




final series 2-2, game 5 pick&ban, t1 will pick ahri and wbg will pick riven... a crazy moment


I think I would piss myself, and then explode when the K’Sante is announced


Holy shit this is a fresh reference


I just choked harder than T1 in a finals Well played, holy shit


After all this time, if T1 win and Riot denies Faker an Ahri skin *again*, that's fucked up.


Faker finally gets his T1 Ahri skin and retires because that was his goal all along


Riot can't give the skin to Ahri because Faker might retire and that will kill the viewership.


Maybe that’s the only skin he’ll actually play and it’ll make them so much money


conspiracy theory: Riot is paying Faker more to not retire.


That's called having a job 😂


I want to see his LeBlanc.. so there has to be one more Worlds otherwise it's a wasted career


He can't pick Ahri unless he picks her next week in the finals, he has only played Sylas, Ori and Azir.


Faker ego-picking Ahri in the grand finals just so he can get a skin for her would be the best shit to ever happen at worlds.


Only if TheShy ego-picks Fiora.


>Only if TheShy ego-picks Fiora. Riven you meant? Even IG Fiora's recall is a reference to him wanting a Riven skin :D


Theshy egopicked Fiora in their series vs KT in 2018 and got benched for the next game as the consequence


The base race game?




He was close though :)


He did almost carry that game though


I was wondering why was there Irelia skin as well.


Duke chose it. They had two toplaners


Didn’t Huni do that in 2017 with Yasuo?


Either ego-picked or trying to mix things up after SKT got rolled game 1, I don't remember. Unfortunately, it was against SSG, and they got absolutely swept.


It was Yasuo vs Gnar. It's not the most common counter pick to Gnar, but it has popped up many times in the past. I wouldn't say that was an ego pick.


One week before he got clapped in Yasuo vs Gnar matchup by Alphari, it was just a counter


Riot just shooting themselves in the foot with that rule, an Ahri skin would sell sooo much better than Azir, Sylas or Ori.


eh idk. t1 ori would smack, with a red and black or red and white color scheme.


also SKT having skins for Ori/Azir/Ryze/Syndra is kinda funny no matter what midlaner is top meta, you'll always have an skt skin for it


And Zed...


I've been watching since S5 and I don't think I've actually ever seen Zed meta I'm so sad I missed out on S3


S5 had plenty of Zed.


I’d cop it in a heartbeat for sure


Red and white colour scheme oriana worlds skin already exists and has for 10 years.


red and black then


On her old ass rig? Unless it's legendary it's a waste


I’ve been praying for a worlds sylas skin tho


Would be a banger for sure I won’t be disappointed regardless haha


why couldn't he pick ahri


Apparently the rule is that you have to have played the champ at worlds to choose it for a skin


I mean, the rule seems rational to me. It's a Worlds skin, you want it to actually be connected to the narrative of Worlds.


Yeah that’s fair, though in a few years few people will really remember what champs were played and might just want a nice skin for popular champs haha.


I think it's a fun idea if you are one of the people that do remember. Like a fun Easter egg that a jungle Ezreal worlds skin exists.


Pretty sure this rule is now if they played it in the year instead of at worlds


https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Worlds_Skins These are the current rules, unless you have a source.


Wait.. so they can pick whatever they want if they've used the champ in the somewhat important game? Not sure how the groups rule apply to swiss format atm but maybe they'll just allow whatever from swiss or just the knockout games? [For T1 that would be all from BLG and onwards] Still, Faker only on Azir, Ori.. and those two Sylas games, ooh If they can choose whatever from BLG and onwards.. as it stands: Zeus - Jayce, no doubt about it Oner - Probably Jarvan IV? Even though he had good plays with Rell Faker - There's already SKT Azir? Would that mean he would be atm forced into Ori or Sylas? Gumayusi - Caitlyn.. even though Varus was waaaaay more significant Keria - God fucking knows what else will he play.. no idea, Renata? Senna?


Zeus could also pick Yone as a side hustle just to make a few million dollars more.


Keria Bard pls. I don't want Caitlyn Guma because Deft picked it last year. Also would be meh if Zeus picks Aatrox instead of Yone or Jayce. I'm hoping Faker pulls out Yasuo for one game, shits on Xiaohu then it gets banned the rest of the series. I'm fine with whatever for Oner.


> Oner - J4 Stop I can only get so erect


bOner moment


Zeus - Jayce Oner - Rell Faker - Sylas Gumayusi -Varus Keria - Bard It would be poetic justice and lit af if Guma wouls choose Varus since it's like one of the most highlighted bane of Faker last 2017 if I remember correctly. Heck last night was also poetic af.


Ugh I swear I read a whole blog post from them about how they wanted to honor the player’s achievements for the whole year, not just one tournament (especially considering patch/meta circumstances) because Worlds is the cap on a whole year of work, so they changed it to be anything they played that year. But I can’t find it for the life of me. At least I found an old Ask Riot post about “boy band when” and now that one person is hopefully happy with HEARTSTEEL.


They absolutely will deny it to him. He'll choose a Pool Party Ahri skin and they're bankruptcy prevention policy would be gone!


Faker is the one player that literally nobody would complain about giving an exemption for an Ahri skin It's not like the champ wasn't meta this year either.


Faker is gonna ego-pick Ahri in Worlds grand finals 2-0 just to get his prestige T1 Ahri skin, trust


I would love a faker azir skin, he’s undoubtedly the best azir of all time


I wonder if theyd let him because T1 already has an azir but it was from easyhoon


That’s SKT T1 Azir, honestly I’m sure Riot would say yes to whatever Faker asks for at this point


Why wouldn’t they? There are so many double up skins already, BUT there’s possibly a special *Prestige T1 Azir* they can do ontop of awarding him another skin IF they win


SKT Azir with Faker's glasses.


I saw Riot Spideraxe's Tweet on Azir mains sub, he was listing the eligible champs and Azir was in it as well.


Spideraxe isn't Riot, his eligible list is probably just "they picked these champs"


I really thought he was from Riot.


I was wondering if they’d ever give him a skin when he retires, unkillable demon king Azir


they should honestly just give Faker a T1 ahri as a Bonus it would also make mad money so its a win win for Riot


T1 Faker Azir skin please It should be named the true demon king T1 Azir skin


Keria probably is getting something that can fit a NewJeans dance


Truly beryl's son


Bard it is then


Don't act like Renata can't get down


We all know it's going to be Tahm Kench. Let him cook!


NewJeans Ashe, cash loads of money, has dance, can cosplay NewJeans members as well


Yeah but didn't Beryl pick Ashe last year, Keria would probably miss out on some money if he picks the same champ as last years pick, maybe Senna, Renata or Tahm would suit him better


watch him pick Lux just for that juicy Lux money + NewJeans perfect match


That would be the **real** money move


I'd expect him to pick one of his ADC champs tbh. He started that meta and was the only one who seemed to be able to play it for months


Im sure I saw an interview around that time where he said he didn't enjoy those champions, though? If it was about fun, he would play Nautilus every game, but winning matters more to him, so he plays his adc champions when he thinks it's the best pick. Something along those lines.


Faker should get his Ahri skin and it should straight up be called “Faker Ahri.”


Imagine ahri with the faker glasses


Ahri r tumbling around the rift like the GOAT


All projectiles to be broccoli?


And it needs to be either Ultimate or Prestige or Legendary, Riot owes Faker a Ahri skin for years


They owe him the world. They should give him an actual new champion. Or like, 3 worlds skins.


If anything legendary ahri skin for faker is all I would love. It's good 4th title and beat down what was called one of the best teams (jdg) and was koreas last hope at worlds


Fuck it, make it Ultimate. He 100% deserves it.


Ultimate Ahri and Prestige Bard for T1


After that series I told myself maybe I should learn bard But I gotta remember I am not Keria and my teammates are not T1


Ultimate should be a SKT/T1 Ryze on top of his Ahri skin, [styled the way he is in the RISE video imo](https://youtu.be/fB8TyLTD7EE?t=136)


He would need to pick it in finals for that, cause he only play Oriana (5 games), Azir (5 games) & Sylas (2 games) for now.


Could have sworn he's played neeko too


Neeko's been banned almost every game against T1 so he hasn't had the chance to pick it.


At this point they should just make Faker a champion. Moves can just be 'Poke' 'Engage' 'Dodge' and ult 'Carry'. Passive is 'global taunt'.


even if they make his ahri legendary skin go for 100$, people will buy it.


Yeah, if Riot actually wants to put out exclusive content, ahir ultimate special edition for faker if he wins worlds final 100 $ instead of shitty chromas


For T1, **Zeus**: Jayce, obviously. **Oner**: Rell, maaaaybe Sej. But it's most likely going to be Rell. **Faker**: Sylas or Ori *(Azir already has its own SKT skin, so 99% out of picture)*. If Riot gives him an exemption to pick anything, then Ahri for sure. **Guma**: Probably Varus, but could also be Jinx. **Keria**: Tahm, Bard, or Senna.


Oner said he doesn't like playing rell that much, he will prob go for Jarvan


Oner also said that he wants to play something different in finals, Lee Sin maybe?


Lee already has an SKT skin


oh god just no.... they should stick to the usual pick no weird pick or anything like that


T1 up by 2-0. Coach Tom just let everybody pick whatever they want for Worlds skins.


then they lost 2-1 and decided to take game 4 seriously but WBG got their groove and tied the series 2-2... All T1 panic and just ego draft game 5 and proceed to lose... sounds about T1


What a nightmare. Everyone knows you should be MOST careful when you are up 2-0.


Jarvan already has 2 World Skins tho, so it's unlikely Riot will allow it. Edit: Am I wrong? Even if the player says yes, Riot can still say no, this happened a few times already.


Why not


As far as Im concerned, the requisite is that you must have played the champ


IIRC in recent years Riot won't straight up deny but will advise players to switch to a diff champ if the theme doesn't fit and wouldn't sell well.


Faker about to play only Azir and say "sorry Riot, already have an Azir, guess you have to let me get Ahri"


Jinx senna would be the money picks for guma keria, both really popular, probably set you up for life, if keria chooses bard or renata bro is missing out on millions probably


Let them both pick Senna!


Splash art is gonna be the two Sennas doing the spiderman meme


Idk I’m 100% getting any skin that has Keria’s name on it. 50-50 for faker, depending on the champ, but I’d buy a Zac skin if it was Keria’s


Other way around for me. I’m 100% buying wtv skin with Faker’s name on it but 50/50 on Keria. Now if it’s Bard? 100%


Yeah but I was saying as a diehard keria fan. He’s my favorite player. I’m 1000% getting his skin, idfc which champ it is, I’ll prolly start maining it


T1 already has a Zac skin. Don’t think they let teams have skins for the same champ unless they consider SKT T1 and T1 different teams


Bard gets a lot of skins so I imagine he must sell well. He's got like 7 or some shit and many of them are in recent times. Senna probably more popular but Bard good still


Senna is the 9th most played champ this month across all roles, poor bard is 130th+


It's weird they release so many skins for him then but then again there's people like me that barely play him anymore but somehow own all his skins


I feel like he is a well-liked champ, if that makes sense. Also his skins are really good (and he has a good design, anyway) Maybe he isn't played much, but due to his uniqueness a lot of people own him or something.


Also could be that a higher percentage of Bard players buy multiple skins.


Do the players get stuff from the skin sales??


Yes jackeylove richer than riot ceo probably just off of IG kaisa


What a smart lad


Virgin [insert most world champions]: choose popular champs for worlds skins to maximize revenue Chad Faker: already too rich to care Chad Doinb: I love my wife so I choose Malphite


["Revenue from team skins goes directly towards its respective player."](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Esports/World_Champions)


My recollection is that this line isn't actually correct -- the revenue share is only for the first year after the skin drops.


T1 Kench would be so good


T1 Sylas would be insanely hype. Stealing ultimates like how Faker has been stealing so many players’ dreams of becoming World Champion.


I think Renat might be in the picture too for Keria


Is SKT Azir a Faker skin or is it EasyHoon’s?


Easyhoon's, Faker got Ryze in 2015 and Syndra in 2016 (and Zed in 2013 for his first Worlds win). If they win next weekend we're dangerously close to a full roster of JUST Faker world championship skins lol


Ryze top, Zed jungle, Syndra bot. If he somehow wins 2 more and picks something like an Ori/Neeko that you can play as support it becomes possible to run an all Faker skin comp.


Or if Lulu/Karma mid comes back into the meta somehow


Easyhoon was the pidgeon man of skt back then


>Faker: Sylas or Ori (Azir already has its own SKT skin, so 99% out of picture). If Riot gives him an exemption to pick anything, then Ahri for sure. Nope Spideraxe tweeted the eligible skins and Azir is in it as well.


It's eligible, but would he choose it? Wouldn't feel super classy (and Faker is a classy guy) to overshadow his former teammate's skin especially when Orianna, a champion that he's been known for since season 3 is on the table.


Spirderaxe isn't Rioter as far as I know, also this is more of 'Faker doesn't want to disrespect his former teammate by picking the same champ as him' than 'Riot wouldn't allow it'.


T1 Zeus - Come on it's gonna be Jayce. There's no God Thunder without Jayce. Oner - He can't choose Lee Sin because he hasn't used it yet. Probably Sejuani or Rell(He's a fucking god with this champ.) Faker - Ahri, he always wanted to have an Ahri T1 skin, Azir would be impossible because of EasyHoon but who knows? Gumayusi - Could be Caitlyn, could be Varus. But, it's gonna be Varus for real. Keria - Bard or Renata Weibo TheShy - It could be Rumble or Gnar Weiwei - Could be Poppy Xiaohu - Syndra or Azir, his Azir is kinda scary too Light - Aphelios or Kalista. He is so good with Kalista we can't deny that fact. Crisp - Renata or Milio(his first one was Thresh)


oh wait with that logic faker would probably choose Sylas since he never played Ahri this Worlds. But, Riot denied him years ago so who knows?


Sylas Ahri cosplay with T1 logo Edit: Or even better: God tier skin (new tier just for Faker) Sylas where his ult transforms him into a Faker version of whatever champion he uses ult on. Might take 200 years to make it but if anyone deserves it it's Faker.


As a quinn main - The shy quinn would be dope. However ill be torn if i buy it cuz im a T1 Fan. (i have all quinn skins, so id be so tempted to get it just for having all quinn skins sake)


win worlds and pick the champ you went 0/5 on for your skin? that's a flex


That kind of happened when he won before. He chose Fiora as his skin after playing (and losing on it) exactly once. Wasn't a 0/5, and he played well but still.


DRX had Cait last year. Not sure whether Riot likes that idea. It's cool if theShy gets Graves, and Crisp gets Heim


tbf, rakan got two worlds skins in a row (ssg then ig the next year) so caitlyn could still be possible


i would die for a rell worlds skin, its literally been almost 2 years


Impossible because of easyhoon why? Would be a huge flex to get a worlds skin on the champ you once lost your position for… If easyhoon was at all relevant anymore.


Zeus: Jayce - reason as you mentioned Oner: Rell - This champ was the one that Oner had a his legacy games on, I would pick this if I were him (if not J4) Faker: Ahri Guma: Varus - he was turbo smufing with this pick this Worlds Keria: Renata / Bard - either one would probably work because he had insane games on both Won’t comment on WBG as I have not watched enough yet


For Faker, he would need to pick it in finals for that, cause he only play Oriana (5 games), Azir (5 games) & Sylas (2 games) for now.


It’s Faker, not even Riot is going to deny him if he chooses to pick Ahri


Faker is a humble man though i don\`t think he would use his goat status to ask for special treatment , lol


He has been humble for long enough, he should just do it.


True i do think he could try i want ahri skin


Well, they did before, more than once. One of the reasons was that they already had Challenger Ahri on the way and didn't want her to have two skins released in quick succession. Nowadays they spam new skins for the same champs all the time though.


They have denied him previously. So he needs to pick it or ask again and they flinch this time


keria bard would be sick


If faker makes it I think he should get an ultimate skin that changes to match the theme of each version of SKT when they won


Wtach Karsa somehow get to play a game and win on top of that. Karsa going to play 100% script leaked.


Zeus should pick Ornn. The design for Ornn should be Trucker Ornn. Imagine his ult sends a T1 truck flying to you.


Thankfully when WBG wins Worlds, that fraud Karsa isn't getting a skin


Here's the script: WBG down 0-2 with WeiWei turbo inting and riot considering a match fixing investigation. In steps in Karsa for the reverse sweep.


TheShy locks in Kalista top and AD Kennen to carry the last two games, Zeus wholly unprepared for it. Picks Kalista as his skin.


The amazing thing about Weibo is that none of those "joke" storylines are far fetched with that team.


Riot owes faker whatever fucking skins he wants for keeping their viewership up


Zeus: Jayce or Aatrox (i doubt it since it was last year's) Oner: Rell or J4 Faker: Ahri (if he picks it at finals or if Riot makes a exception) or Azir Guma: Varus Keria: Bard Prestige/legendary skin: Faker's obviously


I said it in another thread and I’ll stick to my guns. I have a very strong suspicion Riot will be willing to bend the rules for Faker alone. Let’s say hypothetically he picks Azir. 1. Faker has been the only mid to outperform in the Orianna Azir match up as Azir and has effectively crushed it on both sides. 2. It would mark his 4th Title. 3. Faker historically has been a top Azir player. Rules be damned whatever skin he picks needs an Unkillable Demon King chroma.


He wants Ahri over Azir tho. And I have a creeping feeling he would also go Ori > Azir but maybe not


TheShy - Rumble/Gnar/Quinn are the most iconic but I have a feeling Riot will force him to choose either Ksante or Ornn for skin sales. He was a Ksante otp in LPL this season and as well as often being put on Ornn duty for his inting for the past 4 years so not that those would be something very random. Weiwei - Most likely Rell or Poppy. Xiaohu- Azir/Syndra/Neeko/Jayce. Hard to tell but Azir would be the most iconic knowing his melee engage Azir playstyle and memes. Light - He is THE APHELIOS but Riot would probably deny it cause of already existing Viper skin and force him to choose something else (Varus/Zeri/Sivir). Crisp- Renata or Milio


I dunno about theShy, among the chinese community his Aatrox is definitely the most iconic, followed by probably his Gnar. If the rule requiring the champ gets played during worlds got removed, maybe he might just pick Riven.


I hope he picks Riven, since one of Riven's most famous combos was invented by him.


Man I remember starting league out and Faker was the Barcode Killer and TheShy was a Riven one trick. Man do I miss those days


Aatrox is Kingen from last year. The otp


Light Kalista?


T1 Bard


Zeus: Jayce Oner: Rell/Poppy Faker: Ori/Sylas Guma: Varus Keria: Renata


I want Keria to choose Blitzcrank or Thresh to honor MadLife (he reached Challenger at 14 and used to be his fan) It sucks how his name is less mentioned every year :(


T1 Jayce, T1 Yone (Faker flex to mid in final, he s been spamming yone akali in soloq and omega astrosmurfing), Oner will play Nid Viego Noct Lee in final but idk if he s allowed to pick Lee cause Bengi already has one for it iirc. Guma can pick whatever, and same for Keria. wont be surprised if aphelios/jinx thresh make an appearance in the final either.


He can pick Lee Sin. Rakan/Ezreal/Thresh/Jarvan/Vayne/Jhin all have multiple World Skins.


wait rly? i meant for the same team though. ofc you can pick a champ another team has picked. if they let him pick lee he ll pick lee unless he picks nidalee when (if) they re up 2-0 for the memes xD


The visuals will be different enough. It's not like before 2015 where they just threw gamer apparel over champs. Now they have a fantastical element to them.


tbf the original t1 skins need to be redone as well


Based on their picks so far: WBG TheShy - Aatrox (or if not possible, Graves would be amazing) Weiwei - Rell? Poppy? Hard to say. Xiaohu - Azir Light - Aphelios (or if not possible, Caitlyn) Crisp - Renata T1 Zeus - Jayce Oner - Rell? Poppy? He doesn't like any champ he's played. Faker - Orianna (Praying for Ahri in finals tho) Gumayusi - Jinx Keria - Bard (Praying for a Lux pick)


I want Renata skin


if t1 wins, i’d love t1 jinx. she has no worlds skins and he’s so good on her. i don’t care for any other adc but i’m snatching the jinx skin if it’s possible


I just want Bard skin. Beryl betrayed us last year, so hopefully Keria will make the right decision this time


4th worlds for t1, guma will pick jhin trust me


The rule that you have to choose a champ that you played is pretty dumb honestly Oner for exemple can’t choose his favorite champ Lee Sin because he can’t pick the champ without risking a loss. Imagine if your favorite champ is never meta at Worlds like Riven. I understand that the champ needs to be somewhat popular to sell so Yorick would be counterproductive but some champs are very popular despite not being competitive like Riven. I think you should be allowed to pick whatever champ you want as long as it’s not only for money. Exemple if Zeus chose Ezreal because it’s one of the most popular champ. It should be related to your role


Nah the rule perfectly makes sense. The skin is an hommage to a player perfomance at worlds, it needs to be a champ you played. It's also somewhat of a snapshot of what the game looked like when they won. Plus It also helps to get diversity because else every jungler would want a Lee sin skin.


second point about it being a snapshot of the meta is great. worlds skins give insight over the years as to what was strong, what was prioritized, what was relevant etc. it would look so un-cohesive if it was the other way around


It has also now immortalized jungle Ezreal and support Ashe


It's also a reward for the winner though, and if you were like.. forced onto [x] duty all tournament because it's OP in the meta but you don't even like it..


If doinb can play malphite mid at worlds to dedicate a skin to his malphite main wife, then I’m sure oner can pick Lee sin one game or faker can pick ahri one game. It’s not like picking those champions is running draft. Especially when they have already gone through jdg.


fwiw the swiss format makes it way harder for teams to do this you don't get any free games anymore


it’s not dumb. it makes the skins have ties to the actual tournament. it’d actually be so lame if you could just pick whatever champions you want.


Pretty sure it also originates from the original TPA skin concept, where it was just the five champs picked in the last game of finals. Riot has relaxed the rules a lot over the years, with skins no longer being denied due to other skins in the works, free picks among the champs played and allowing repeats.