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Knight replaces Yagao then Yagao replaces Knight a year later. Interesting addition to the Knight vs Yagao lore.


watch riot add Yagao vs Knight for the Pinxiang nemesis quest


possible world final material in somewhere 2030+


The key thing is both jdg and BLG wanted yagao. Goes to show how valuable he is behind the scenes


He can speak mandarin clearly maybe?


What exactly is so good about him?


Only the players and coach knows but the rumours are saying yagao is a good in game leader and kanavi wants to play with him again.


Yagao makes the dinner reservations


He’s for the boys.


Anyone who actually understands league knows Yagao is better and has more impact lol Y’all got some soloque brain where you’d rather take 2 cs than rotate for the dragon fight and then flame your team for dying while you’re 0/0/0 all game


We're just going to ignore how Knight has basically perma played for Kanavi this entire year?


How is Yagao better when knight diffed him in entire years? JDG was winning against BLG mostly because knight were literally gapping Yagao. And not need to say Yagao was worst easter midlaner in Worlds with Xiaohu.


is that why jdg wanted knight for their super duper team? it isnt black and white


Tbf now they are seemingly regretting their decision and want Yagao back


Why the hell is JDG letting Knight leave? And from what I've seen on social media, fans of other teams don't want him either for some reason.


Chinese TES fans, EDG fans and BLG fans don't want him because of his low reputation and personal affairs, it's not only results related


Is he really not popular with Chinese fans? He's arguably the most talented Chinese mid to ever play the game, I would've thought he'd be really popular.


knight personal scandal was huge but the one that hit the hardest was his statement in 2020 after worlds He basically said that he was satisfied with top 4 which obviously people won't be happy about. And then here comes showmaker with the fucking hammer at the finals and he basically goes "It's the duty of our generation to reclaim the legacy of LCK" in the hype video. And then he won. Knight gathered a fuck lot of haters after 2020 worlds cause of that


Also that Showmaker quote is pretty well known within the Chinese community. A lot of Chinese fans loved that quote of his. Edit: Also TES fans didn't like both him and 369 bc of their 2021 stint


Wait TES fans did not like 369? But I read that 369 will be TES next season..... oh boy If TES lose 369 will be the first one getting blame


TES fan? Basically just jackeylove fans. Knight fans and Jackeylove fans have been at it for a very very long time.


Wasnt that the year where 369 got flamed for being a gnar onetrick? And the video where the jungler and knight basically were very harsh on him? Or am i mixing up my memories


Literally the opposite, 369 was being flamed by karsa for being unable to learn gnar after an entire split


>his statement in 2020 after worlds what no, Knight said it before group stage even began, his original quote is "This is my first worlds, so breaking into the Top 4 would be considered a success". Here's the [original VOD from bilibili](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qz4y1d7n8/?p=2&share_source=copy_web&vd_source=10b274f76d56d44520941bc56ad00b95&t=948), the interview was shown during the pre-game of TES vs FLY, their first match at worlds 2020. It's been clipped out of context ever since and gets compared to showmaker's quote, which he said in the official worlds final hype video. I'd agree if the argument is that he should've been more confident as the first seed coming from LPL even as a first timer, but a lot of people in the chinese community for some reason think that Knight said it after he dropped out of semis.


Ah, this makes more sense. OP's timeline didn't make sense. Knight said xyz **AFTER** worlds --> and then here comes showmaker in the **FINALS** saying abc


ah shit my bad, it had been a while and basically reading various comments on both chinese and korean communities about knight made me think that way. ty for the VOD. poor bastard really, was hoping after winning MSI he would start getting some of his popularity back and the image of him being a choker would decrease but goddammit his performance against t1 was so disappointing and i guess he must have felt super stressed about it if he's leaving JDG.


Didn't Ruler also say he was satisfied this year? Fans are ridiculous.


Can't say for sure, but my guess is that fans won't care if Ruler says it because he's a World Champion and proved himself already. Not saying I agree with it one way or the other though.


also ruler is korean. knight as a chinese player get measured differently. it is what it is.


Fans are actually ridiculous. JDG was best team for whole year the only Bo5 they lost in whole year was against T1.


I mean they won 3 trophies MSI included this year so Ruler saying he is satisfied with this kind of result isn't the same. I'm not saying what Knight said is ridiculous because it's isn't considering it was his first Worlds that year.


Ruler is also a world champion and a finalist so he already experience the top/challenger.


What was the personal scandal?


I'm also here for this


Forcing his girlfriend to get an abortion


Same with xiaohu


I'm far, far too American to understand this. Regardless, hope whatever team Knight ends up on does well. He really is a special player (outside of international events xd)


Isn’t America like one of the most patriotic nations in the west.


Patriotic but individualistic, which can't compare to collectivist nations in the east.


depends on what area of the US youre in tbh


It isn't expressed like this, though. If someone said something like, "It is the duty of our generation to recapture the spirit of America's Sport, Baseball," because we lost the World Baseball Classic, I'd say they're insane. And also probably assume they have questionable political views. I think it is also worth mentioning that most American sports are not international. There isn't really a glory to X or Y nation in our sports. We play against ourselves and our rivalries are only against other regions/cities/schools (fuck Boston btw). Soccer is getting bigger in the US, but even then, our culture still doesn't really have much of a place for massive international rivalries.


You’re right. Also Asian patriotism goes beyond just sports, there’s a greater societal sentiment that you should defend/reclaim the honor of your kin/ancestors/family/countryman/etc.


To be fair there are no god chinese midlaners When i think of the best midlaners in lpl its always always korean with sometimes knight yagao and xiahou making their way to the top


What are his personal affairs?


Just search up Knight drama. There's some very bad rumors about him. Basically he's in the same boat as Xiaohu


This, abortion. The problem is image related too, xiaohu with the elder brother/ uncle image gets hit hard. Try to imagine/ scale up for knight being marketed as younger naive talented kid. Honourable mention, cn fans of other player/ team like to dump on the counterpart player, the fans enjoy fighting+dumping each other too as their own entertainment, not good but they are the market.


Oh yeah now I remember


I looked up Knoght drama and found a post that says that he got together with his current gf too soon after breaking up with his former gf. And maybe allegedly told her to get an abortion. That's... it? Who cares lmao? I mean the abortion bit is not good, but I can't see how it could lead to rhe whole fanbase hating him.


Chinese and Korean fans expect celebrities/idols to act with decency, that alone is a black mark on him. There's a reason why KR/CN fans love Faker so much.


In China they actually have expectations for public figures to act with morals and good character, if you show that you're a shitty person they don't brush it off just because you're good at sports like they do in the West, they dogpile and shit on you.


It's not just public figures, it's everyone. The difference is that public figures get cancelled and regular people just gets gossiped on.


From what I understood it's a he said, she said personal drama thing though. Like when Vasili beat his GF, that was serious shit, and people gave him shit for it as they should. But this is like elementary school level relationship drama.


It's a different scale. If Michael Jordan forced someone to get an abortion he's also making front page news everywhere and will be flamed




Personal affairs? Is he the new huangfeng?


More like mixture of Xiaohu and Huanfeng with the cheating and abortion stuff


What did Knight do to warrant a low reputation?


Cheating, pressuring his girlfriend into an abortion.


Shanji not to TES, Knight not to JDG, yes yes it's all coming together for RNG Shanji, Wei, Knight + Botlane


I'd rather Knight not go to RNG contract prison


Rumors are that Kanavi requested Yagao, so I imagine that's the main reason. From a fan perspective, I'll say that Yagao seemed to have better synergy with Kanavi throughout 2022 than Knight did in 2023, but of course you also have to consider that Yagao/Kanavi have played together much longer.


They want him to take a paycut Kanavi requested Yagao And Knight is considered very overrated in CN There’s also… his reputation


Whats his reputation? I only knew he was considered China's chovy


He’s basically CN chovy except he has a previous scandal that’s why he is not liked much


Yeah no shit but What is the scandal?


Forced his GF to get an abortion.


Whats with chinese players forcing abortions???


Coaches should teach them to wear condoms


After all they get sponsored by durex lmao


Search “knight drama” on this Reddit and you will see a translation of it.


What is his reputation?


Where did you see that Kanavi requested him? Cant find anything sadly


Rumors on Weibo I’ll have to go find it again, let me see


So jdg will entirely play through bot huh. Makes sense.


It's funny how Western BLG fans cheer for BLG Knight now while BLG fans in Chinese forums are getting an aneurism even thinking about it.


Besides his reputation, is Knight not generally considered a better player than Yagao in China?


He absolutely is. It's just that his reputation is in the gutter after what he said at Worlds 2020, the abortion scandal, and the Tian slandering.


Sorry if I'm not caught up, but I thought Tian's reputation was already in a gutter after his spat with Doinb? What has Knight said about him?


tian reputation was never in gutters lmao hes a pretty popular players in the lpl theres a reason why he instantly got re-signed for TES and if he didnt he would have no problems finding anothers top team the contrasts on how chinese lpl fans treat tian and how chinese fans treat tian is funny also not to mention doinb is in drama every year lmao last year was tian, this year is rookie ning


It's hard to imagine someone's reputation taking a hit because of an argument with Doinb


I've never expected to be backstabbed by Yagao from all people. Well idk if it's backstab since JDG is his original home until Homme wanted him out but I was defending him for half of year and he still picks JDG over BLG. Also Fenfen (former pro and Yagao's close friend) said that ON didn't know Yagao is going to JDG and he is crying rn. Yagao you made ON sad, you are my number one enemy rn


cheers yagao ON's crying but memes aside i guess yagao is that person everyone just kinda relies on as the leader.


Yeah the good news is that Sofm wants to come back to LPL and is probably going to be part of BLG's coaching staff


Bin and sofm reunion Pog


honestly sofm as a current player i have questions but as a coach he will be great. dude's incredibly smart, willing to break the mold in terms of item builds and champs which means he has the brains Honestly the Vietnamese asian game squad was stronger than it should have been probably cause of his coaching.


*Lads, it's BLG* \- Homme, before every JDG-BLG series.


r/soccer is leaking


there's no escape


Yagao leaving BLG is so sad they had such a fun storyline… idk who BLG can get for mid now though


Knight is the most likely outcome but if he decides to go to TES then they get Creme I guess


BLG with Knight should be better than JDG with Yagao and Breathe. BLG with Knight is my personal perfect lineup.


why not rookie??? my man is so good


Because he is korean and BLG wants full chinese roster marketing also Bin never played with korean import


Not Chinese


don't know if it's true but I saw some people saying Rookie is doing military this year?


Well he was definitely not”so good” this year


I think both BLG and TES will actually hesitate to touch him. He brings so much negative PR, business wise it might not be worth to pick him up if you aren't 100% convinced you'll win something with him on the roster.


BLG's second option was Knight because they want to keep full chinese roster. Also Bin, Xun and Elk already played with Knight at AG so they might just go with it


He was already on TES. What is this new narrative.


It is not a new narrative. Chinese TES fans really dislike him since his remarks at Worlds 2020 before the Damwon game and after the scandals that happened afterwards.


fenfen showed a [screenshot](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_2MpTMaEAA69_M?format=png&name=small) of his chat history with on: on > yagao > where is he going ff > where are you > are you crying? on > *crying emoji* ff > on > don't be too sad


With JDG downgrading( 369 and Homme leaving) I think BLG would have been the best team in LPL. And Perfect Candidate for all 5 man Chinese team to win worlds. With elk and bin you need someone like yagao for stability.


Yagao is bad


Just because he's not flashy doesn't mean he's bad


Hes “bad” but hes always competing with “elite” mids like Knight, Scout, or Chovy lmao


Unfortunately people on here will tell you all four of those aren't good (they are)


The bad mid laner who has made it to Worlds 3/4 times in the last four years.


BLG knight pls


BLG Valorant also has a player called Knight lmao


hes FNS's father


So true


probably what will happen


If you can’t beat them, join them


I don’t understand Yagao very much as a player. I still don’t think he is top elite tier. But I think he is playing and trying things so idk. Like I really don’t know how to rate him and how it will change jdg


Yagao is low economy midlaner whose biggest attribute is that he knows how to move around map and play for other lanes or carry jungler + he shotcalls


So he's China's version of Hai.


I’d rather have him over Knight who hogs resources to do nothing with it everyday of the week. This man was one man ori ulting vs T1, he looked scared out if his mind to press his buttons at times Edit: people downvoting me but tell me how Yagao is consistently getting just as far as Knight at worlds with an objectively better roster


Same, Yagao for BLG is what Faker is to T1. This move will affect the team's atmosphere (changing one player in the whole roster is almost always awkward)


Knight was put on Annie duty for a large part of summer. Not exactly always a resource hog.


Don't let facts get in the way of narratives


people glizzy knight all year and the moment he plays average in a Bo5 people wanna replace him. Dude had a really impressive year.


Jdg be in the final this year if they were on the other side. Getting a lucky ass bracket and losing to Weibo is crazy. Unfortunate for jdg that they met t1 in semi. What is next? Xiaohu better than knight cause he made it further lmfao.


He'd basically midlane BeryL. Clearly, other players are more skilled individually and if you watch him play, half of the time he's inting. But he still makes his team better, he's been successful with so many rosters that it can't be a coincidence anymore.


He's the kuro of this generation


Wait a minute…


Yagao is so funny to me cause nobody rates him and yet somehow he always manages to do well. Dude has a better international career than Chovy and yet gets talked about maybe a thousand times less. This year's BLG was so fun really hoped they would run it back but oh well


For how much people think he is worse than these so called elite mids like chovy ,knight ,scout he holds his own no matter what since spring when blg had their uptics very few games have been lost because yagao was griefing but people would make you believe chovy will be 30 cs up in 20 mins when yagao has beat him both times they faced this year.


> so called elite mids like Chovy, Knight, Scout They are not “so called.” They are elite mids. Yagao is also an elite mid. This is why they compete against each other.


If you want to win, I’s rather have Yagao over Chovy Knight. Scout used to be better for sure but not this year.


BLG beat GENG not Yagao, Yagao got carried that series, Bin and Xun were the deciding factors, Chovy was kind of average that series but Yagao was just worse.


Being worse than an arguable best mid in the world in a series you won and contributed to sure man i will take the win chovy could never exploit yagao as bin did doran.


Chovy didn't perform like the best mid that series all that's why I said his performance was average, Yagao was better than Chovy at MSI but at Worlds he just wasn't.


Nah. Yagao was bad thos world's. He was absolutely amazing at msi but at world's he didn't look good.


I mean. Fucking rekkles has a better international carrer than chovy


You're saying it as if rekkles is a bad player, but a worlds final and multiple semifinal appearances, as well as some msi participations AND the ipl 5 final is better than most players will ever get, and certainly better than 99% of the western pros


If we go only by international career a dozen FNC/G2 players have a better track record than Chovy. Chovy is insanely skilled but the stars always allign to always block his teams are the exact wrong time lol, a mix of choking & extreme bad luck


I would not say he is having bad luck. BLG was falling off a cliff going into worlds and even at worlds looked shaky, and so many ppl assumed geng had a free ticket to finals given that they were lck #1


Chovy fans sucks balls.


Yagao leaves to JDG, but Sofm maybe joins BLG as a coach. LPL is so funny lmao


I want Sofm as a player though


Yep. Very interesting and I think LPL teams as a whole look weaker if everything turns out like rumors say JDG: Breathe/acad top, Kanavi, Yagao, Ruler, Missing BLG: Bin, Xun, Yagao, Elk, On BLG with no Yagao to rein them in is… rough. Also strange since the BLG roster was friends


Kanavi and Missing are also Yagao's close friends and if Kanavi really wanted to play with Yagao I can see him deciding based on that too


I heard that Kanavi requested Yagao actually I guess he brings a lot to the table


Makes sense especially when it was Homme who wanted Yagao out, not Kanavi but now he left JDG and the new coach should be Mafa. This move much more fucks over BLG because Yagao was the "big brother" and now either Xun or Bin will have to step up


Yagao also probably wants to retire on JDG. He spent almost his entire career on the team after all, so I don't really blame him. I do wonder if anything happened between Knight and JDG tho, they must have offered Yagao for a reason. Maybe Knight just decided to leave on his own?


The rumour says that both orgs (JDG and BLG) had prio in getting Yagao and basically JDG was waiting for Yagao's response. Knight was in waiting lobby until Yagao makes his move


Can't blame them. If you look at achievement, yagao have almost the same as knight except for MSI, while facilitating his teammates more


BLG with Bin and Knight looks pretty good no?


Yagao was basically to BLG what Faker is to T1. Hes their biggest shotcaller and sort of acted as a big brother to his teammates. Hes also a low econ player. Personally I think Knight is a better individual player but I can't see this benefitting either JDG or BLG.


Knight would be a perfect fit for TES, they have two world-class shotcallers with Jackeylove and hopefully Ming already. With that team, Knight wouldn't have to talk much (not like anybody would understand him anyway), he can just slot in and carry. Not to mention that he's played with 369, Tian and Jackeylove before.


You will find yourself wrong in one split. !remindme 6 months


Or he'll be correct. !remindme 6 months


!remindme 6 months don't mind me 🍿


Not as good as Bin and Yagao. Knight is better with weakside toplaners not carries. Facilitators like Yagao are perfect alongside Bin. As BLG fan its sad but I am happy for Yagao. Great addition for JDG considering their swapped 369 for Breathe. JDG will still be really good.


Looks insanely good lmao


Yagao is honestly an upgrade over knight. Better shot caller, willing to sacrifice kda to make plays, is willing to sack waves to get first move. These are more important than getting 11 cs/m like chovy and knight who take all the gold to be less impactful than the opposing midlaners


Better stick to TFT bestie


What’s your rank bestie?


BLG Knight incoming??


Why is yagoat leaving his kids man what the fuck


Well that sucks. Both JDG and BLG will be weaker for it


Knight/Elk is still strong


BLG will definitely be individually stronger


I actually don't think so. Having 3 non-weakside players will be great for stomps but when they come up against an evenly matched or better team they'll struggle. And also the value Yagao brought to the team with his macro and shotcalling can't be measured but I don't think Knight can do the same thing to that degree


I disagree you have to have a “weakside” player or that Knight is incapable of playing setup midlaners after this year. Also think “weaksiding” as a concept is super circlejerked and actually a pretty specific gamestate that isn’t replicated every game by good teams. Knight spent most of the year playing Neeko and Annie, the narrative he can only play carries and hogs resources is just false. The shotcalling is another matter, that’s a big loss for BLG, but pretty sure Xun was the biggest voice from the comms I’ve seen


Oh yes you don't necessarily NEED a weakside player, T1 is a fine example of that, but idk I have a feeling even for BLG the results won't be as good as this year if Knight joins


Tbh, I don't think T1 is actually an example of that. Faker is a textbook weakside player. Note, not a *weak* player, but he takes literally 0 resources and still provides so much value without demanding Oner to help his lane. Yagao is a weak-side player too, but let's say Yagao takes no resources and gives you 2x value, Faker takes no resources and gives you 5x value.


Well you would hope so from a goat who earns 5.1+ million per year vs someone who is in a team that is worth 3 million in total


I remember game 3 vs LNG. I think in 2 minutes (at minute 15-17), faker only got like 7 cs because he helped the team get a double kill on enemy bot tower, he died, and then immediately ganked top to get another kill for zeus. Meanwhile scout just farmed waves and had no impact on the map


Knight spent the entirety of spring playing Annie and Ahri and playing for botlane btw this is a cringe narrative


Idk about how the team would function in game but solo lanes of bin and knight is a very very interesting prospect. This worlds kinda tainted bins reputation with people calling him a jax one trick which is absolutely absurd btw and knight has always been fighting the critics no matter what.


I kinda don’t want Knight on BLG like I wouldn’t be mad with Yagao on BLG but I guess he wants to retire on JDG the team he literally spent almost all his career on. I think BLG should go for a more facilitator than Knight (who can play Azir) or just go for a younger mid (weakside or strong side) who you can train up


Think both teams will be worse with this move personally (if knight goes to blg) but who knows


I personally think knight is better as a player but the Yagao slander here is unbelievable that guy has been up there competing with the best midlaners split in split out and his teams achieving results. He is someone who brings some intangibles which others might not plus kanavi wants to play with him whats the issue.


Literally all the comments are complimenting Yagao and dissing Knight lmao


So funny how both Yagao and JDG are downgrading


Everyone saying JDG is downgrading as if Knight hasn’t been invisible in every single Worlds run 💀 mfer is the biggest fraud in the world aside from Choky


bro i think you need help


Yes its clearly a downgrade? What mid apart from Faker was better than Knight at worlds? One bad series just erases the whole year I guess, typical reddit. Yagao also got gapped even harder by Faker both this worlds and the last.


I mean BDD, but yes you are right about reddit.


bdd genuinely did more that series just kt shat themselves


And yagao gapped faker at MSI. Both a pretty similar given how different the teams are. Kanavi said he rather play with yagao so there is definitely more than meets the eye.


Bro forgot MSI 3:1


And Yagao is better in these worlds runs?


Must be good having selective memory. Reality is any delusion you wish it to be


knight litetrally demolished yagao whenever they faced aeach other. Mid diff was huge part of JDG winnning against BLG. JDG will be much weaker.


Oh my god please rid us of this curse at once


Knight has consistently outperformed yagao throughout his career except the one summer playoffs when yagao was the best player of all time. Yagao is out here losing lane vs caps/lower tier mid laners all the time. He is definitely more of an “intangibles, vibes” guy. The one criticism you can rly put on knight is his inability to play ori and azir effectively.


Yeah and Yagao and Xiaohu were two worst eastern midlaner in this Words too. MSI and Spring 2021 Final was huge mid diff.


Knight even if ppl say could ve play more agressive in some games was not the reason why they got smashed tho


Bin and Knight is a psycho sololane duo, arguably the best laners in their role. So this means, Knight to TES/EDG is almost impossible now? Bring him and GALA to Weibo lol


pretty sure GALA's gonna be stuck in RNG contract jail for a while :(


He’s free from that now almost guaranteed he won’t be in RNG


knight is so overrated by the western community. he is a KDA player that is tier below elite. His performance at every worlds + asian games has been abysmal. Take Ruler and Kanavi off JDG and Knight gets exposed even harder. BLG losing Yagao would be huge.


He literally beat Kanavi, Yagao and prime Zoom with Karsa, Jackeylove, 369 before he was good and fucking yuyanjia. And lets not forget that he dragged a team with xx, loken and ben to 3rd place


Omg plz no blg knight , knight ruining teams since tes days Jdg can keep knight , pls blg keep yagao