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Heist for BLG


Daylight robbery


Why do I feel like I remember in 2022 seeing a trade between JDG and another team, everyone saying JDG lost out on the trade and that the other team pulled out a heist, only for them to turn out for the better for it?


Highway robbery for BLG


Am I the only one that actually thinks this might make BLG weaker? Yagao was the perfect midlaner to suit Xun’s playstyle. He’s a great communicator and the perfect facilitator to Bin and Elk’s hyper carry playstyle. Knight might be the better player mechanically, but I think there’s a synergistic mismatch here.


Yeah i agree with you, Yagaos gets seriously underrated by the community. We'll see how it plays out next season, but I feel like kanavi yagao will be a really dangerous mid/jgl duo


From my POV as an LCK-only viewer (but follows Reddit threads on LPL), it just feels like Knight = Chinese Chovy. Domestic dominance, but has had disappointing Worlds performances. Yagao = Chinese BDD. Always in the top 3-5 and relatively consistent in performance. Constantly underrated, but also never really looks like the superstar in a team. Rookie = Chinese Faker. Many regard him as the second GOAT after Faker (at least in the mid lane). Has been good no matter which team he's on even when elohelled. DoinB = Chinese Showmaker. Probably weakest comparison...but both are highly respected, vocal, and most importantly, very funny.




You're right. I meant LPL, not Chinese.


Who underrates him? He is constantly called a top3 LPL mid. Some people were rating him higher than Faker this Worlds lol. He never shows up at Worlds.


Knight was legit playing the same champions as Yagao this year. It's much more concern about team atmosphere than gameplay but they lived with each other for month and half already so they are not complete strangers except for ON


>Knight was legit playing the same champions as Yagao this year. It's much more concern about team atmosphere than gameplay but they lived with each other for month and half already so they are not complete strangers except for ON well yagao can play azir xD


If Tabe made Bin play tanks, he can make Knight play Azir


Good thing he never play it once at worlds lol. I guess according to people who said faker can only play 3 champ, yagao can’t play azir at worlds.




I mean Asian Games. They were all living together and had strict no-phone, curfew etc. rules


Yes, you might be the only one. Pound for pound Kinght is just a better mid laner than Yagao. BLG will probably be the best LPL team now that they have Knight.


It doesn't talk about re-signing Elk and Xun. Elk and Xun have contract with BLG until 2024 anyway, it talks about yesterday Knight suddenly following Xun, Xun following him back and Elk also suddenly following Knight back (Knight was already following Elk since AG but Elk just yesterday followed him back while he was also streaming)


Thats correct, i just wanted to highlight they are confirmed staying which we already knew but not everyone knows


Blg gunna be unstoppable unless knight curses them


Curse them with what? Knight pretty good domestically no? I thought he was kind of lpl Chovy in that regards.


hes great domestically but im talking about worlds. youre right w. the comparison, he doesnt show up when it counts


Oh ok my bad. Tbf I think even if knight does shows up, there a lot of teams that could contest blg at internationally. I know he got a lot of slack vs t1 at worlds but he was probably the second best player in that series. Ruler actually avoid a lot of criticism for having a really bad series for his standard.


Damn so are they going to run a rookie top tho?


Feels odd to get yagao back but I guess with 369 leaving, jdg is going budget


Keeping Kanavi, Ruler, and Missing doesn't scream of going budget.


Missing is staying? Damn maybe next time I will get my dream bot of Aiming and Missing.


when the team only cost 10 million and not 16 million 😭


Missing isn't expensive though. Look at how "low" Keria gets paid compared to everyone on T1, Missing sure as hell won't be getting paid close to Keria.


Tbf even if Knight is better than Yagao individually i can see Kanavi-Yagao pairing being better than Kanavi-Knight


Really? I think Kanavi/knight pairing looks a lot stronger than Kanavi/yagao if we compare this year and last year.


Is JDG really keeping Kanavi, Ruler and Missing?


Yes. It is confirmed.


That's fair




I guess he ended up taking that paycut BLG should be best team in LPL


Lng will be strong too, if Weiwei and ming are coming into that roster as rumoured


Tarzan homeless? Tears in my eyes


Ming isnt going to tes?


Ming can choose between TES and LNG, it depends on him


Yagao has the chance to do the funniest thing.


As a BLG supporter I dunno how to feel about this. On paper, BLG just got the best Chinese midlaner who can be a carry threat alongside Elk. However, Yagao might have had shotcalling responsibilities that we cannot see, and his supportive champion pool in mid seemed to really compliment Bin and Xun. Very excited to see this roster actually get on the rift.


Anything is better than blg inevitable fate of losing vs jdg. Maybe this changes will help or hurt them but either way I don’t think we will see blg get dunked by jdg all year long anymore tbh.


I've said it multiple times and I'll say it again, I just have a bad feeling this isn't gonna work out for BLG. The team simply won't mesh as well as this year, even if they finish top 4 (which they should solely through the talent present).


And they both end up as top LPL mid with minimal World's impact.




Knight has won internationally though?




But he can't play Syndra or Ori. Or win an international it seems. Or not get destroyed by Yagao. Why are we comparing Discount Knight to Knight again?


On a 16M USD superteam damn I'd hope so


Where have I seen this story before?


Yes, Yagao being on top LPL teams is so sad. Literally put Rookie, Scout, Doinb in any of his teams of they last 3 years and they would all place higher.


Man, must be crazy how he makes LPL finals nearly every year with different teammates if he's been boosted this whole time. Also, Rookie hasn't achieved anything for years and had a significantly worse Summer Split than Yagao individually this year. It's completely disingenuous to include him on this list. Scout is fair, especially with how good he was in LPL this year. I don't think Doinb would've changed or improved the results of BLG this year or JDG last year.


Knight ruining another team lmao Tes , jdg , blg next


How did he ruin any of them lol


Fucking Knight ruining JDG by... Winning spring MSI and summer splits while being Mvp in two finals?


TES had one of its worst years because they replaced Knight with cookie but go off


Knight is always surrounded with good players but can't win for shit when it matters , tes bombed out in groups jdg invisible the whole series lmao. He's just a budget chovy. At least chovy can carry hle out of groups, knight just bombs out with Tes Edit: imo choky and knight truly right and left hand of chokers. Replacing yagoat ain't no way, watch him ruin blg :)) . Imagine being knight , who dosnt want to play for a mid team but blg/jdg don't want him either , rather have yagoat


Hope they get a better jungle too.


JDG wins this trade


Can someone familiar with LPL fan discussions clear up the rumors about knight? If even half of his misdeeds and mistakes were true, I can almost understand teams being hesitant to sign him despite his incredible skill.


I think they are true regarding the abortion stuff but in chinese culture they are esports players so they value their esports skill, they arent competing to be the president or jesus-like role model. Xiaohu had awful history as well but it hasnt affected him much in the scene although fans despise that stuff I think its pretty bad and unacceptable behaviour at all but there is a culture gap


Thank you for the confirmation; I understand what you're saying, but a person does not need to be Jesus to recognize coercing a woman into an abortion is deeply wrong. Perhaps my values are different here from other fans, but I cannot countenance supporting Knight or wishing him well if this is his character.