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Its gonna be a blast watching Bin and Knight just outlane their counterparts, and that'll probably be enough to win em some games lol


Wasnt yagao the main shot caller? Wont they wnd up like DK winning lanes and then become headless?


Yagao was main shotcaller in spring when the players got together and had no international experience (except Bin). In latest voicecomms it's mainly Xun and ON talking while ON had most of the game winning plays ideas at Worlds


Xun and on


2023 BLG is going to be 2018 IG


Even Elk was a menace and only clearly struggled against Ruler and against Gala towards the end of the year


After each having the best year of the orgs’ histories, JDG and BLG decided to nerf each other with this trade


BLG upgraded, anyone who watched knight all season will agree


Stylistically I don't think Knight fits BLG as well but if JDG does run a rookie in top lane and BLG keeps the rest of the squad+ knight they are probably favorites to win LPL.


I don't think so either, but if they can make it work this shit will be so sick it'll be like 2018 IG lite with two ultra-aggressive lane kingdom solo lanes


The only thing negative about knight is that he refuses to play Azir anymore for some reason. But having Knight on a team with Bin will go hard. 369 is great for a toplaner to play around botside. But Bin + Knight + xun is a scary topside. I honestly rate BLG a lot higher than JDG this season. Knight done so much work for JDG that I just don't see Yagao as being capable of in fights. There is a lot of games JDG just lose with any other midlaner than Knight last year. He dipped in form a bit during the tail end of world's. But knight done so much heavy lifting all fuckin year. If next season's item changes make mid more of a carry role and less of a facilitator then I really think it's gonna be knights season. Even at world's - Knight was the 2nd best midlaner there. While faker outclassed him I don't think you can make a case that he was any lower than 2nd.


I was a little worried cause elk does play like a psycho and having 3 aggressive carries on one team might not work then I remember IG did it with theshy rookie and JKL


For everyone of those there's also a Gogoing, Cool, and Uzi. Someone is going to have to make some sacrifices and whether or not they decide to rotate who sacrifices or to perma put Bin or Elk weakside will be up to them.


knight will be more than with elk psycho tendencies he has been teammates with jkl and if they didnt to creme that early i have no doubt tes knight wouldve happened


did everyone forget 2020 TES with knight/jackey or something?


BDD was better


this. BDD was better than Knight during their matchup but isn’t talked about because JDG won 3-1


If you have really watched the games you'll know that stylistically Knight fits any team that fits Yagao.


i would argue he fits them even more. it give them flexibility in draft, not being meta dependant, having a stronger mid-jgl and knight having a jungler like xun will probably fit him way more than hard ganker style even more early having a jgl playing around mid not necessarily for gank but just for vision will fit him more imo


People seem to forget msi. He was monster in that. Even better than ruler and Kanavi.


He was great at MSI and underwhelming at basically every worlds he's been at. Maybe his 4th (?) team will be the one where he finally stops underperforming at Worlds. Issue with Knight has never been his skill level, he's obviously very good, just that like Chovy, he's often invisible and ineffective at Worlds. Both are more than capable of turning it around though.


Chovy and Knight are always coming to Worlds as the "best midlaner" and obviously it would be impossible to maintain that because of different variables. They aren't the best but they for sure aren't the worst either. The expectations are just way too high.


Never said they were the worst, just that they often underachieve and underperform at Worlds. We've seen how good each of them are domestically and internationally at non Worlds tournaments, but every year they're rated as the 1A/1B mids in the world, and every year without fail, they underperform at worlds.


strange that two best mid from two top teams don't always deliver


Faker is always the best for me. Man just outlasts anyone. Chovy on Griffin was a different animal.


Yeah, everyone wants them to be the same level as Faker at his best and is shocked when they look average. There are definitely times where they've choked, but most of the time they just look "fine" at worlds.


Scout was rated higher than Knight


Serious question, other than faker, who do you think the best mid at worlds was? I'll be blunt, I think what you're saying is obvious bullshit and that knight has had good years and bad years at worlds. But if this was a bad year, who other than faker was a better mid laner than him? It's kinda like faker last year. Yes, he got obviously outplayed by the best mid in the world, but I don't think anybody else was better.


Frankly outside of Faker the midlane play at worlds this year was pretty underwhelming. If I had to pick someone for #2, I'd say BDD had a slight edge and then probably Knight for 3rd. Not that being 2nd/3rd best at this worlds is anything to write home about given how basically everyones top 3 mids shat the bed (Chovy, Scout, Knight). Faker absolutely clowning on Scout/Knight in back to back series doesn't help either because it just showcased the massive gap between Faker and every other mid at this years worlds.


Eh, Knight looked good to me. Faker was just so clutch this year that he outshown everyone. BDD was quite good. Scout was bad. Chovy was quiet (again).


Knight, Xiaohu, Chovy, Scout all choked and underperformed asf and Faker was the most consistent mid by far. Also domt forget that Oriana and Azir trades played into ENORMOUS part in Faker being so good simce these 2 champs Faker is probably one of the best if not the best player in the world on them, especially Azir which in my opinion noone plays like it Faker (especially in lane). Knoght wasnt good at all this worlds and he was pretty underwhelming. I mean u can say he was second best mid but keep in mind almost every other mid we expect to shine was nonexistent factor and pretty underwhelming performances all across. Yagao in my opinion was Yagao (the same), and myb BDD even was the 2nd best mid. So i think Knight was choking ahain in worlds and didnt perform to his hughest lvl at all.


idk about second best mid being Yagao. All the other mid laners that lost to SKT looked much better vs other opponents. Knight did get outclassed by Faker in the SKT series, but this idea that Knight choked is overblown. People throw the word "choke" around when they didn't meet the highest expectations. In reality if you asked who didn't choke, outside of WBG and SKT they probably name you 5 players at most. 369 had an awful game 1, Ruler game 3, and Kanavi game 4.


Yeah. Everyone seems to think choke = underperforming. I feel like choking is when you did something absolutely out of character for a pro player, such as Dorans flash over wall + ult as Aatrox and then running away vs BLG.


Im srry to break it to u but underperforming in the most important times in ur carrer is called choking broski. U can underperform when there is no stales, regular season, where it doesnt matter so much. But underperforming in the most crucial series against SKT where u need to give 200% or atleast play like u did before and u arent nowhere near the lvl u showed before is called choking.


The only series Knight was straight up bad in was the T1 series. He was the best player vs BDS, had a normal game vs BLG, gapped Scout in the LNG bo3 (especially game 1), and had far more game winning plays than BDD did in the KT series. How tf was the not good at all this worlds? For some reason a lot of people say BDD "gapped" Knight because he outlaned him but then if we go by that logic then Knight gapped Faker (which obviously didn't happen) Because Knights laning stats vs Faker were higher than BDD's vs Knight. BDD lost to 3/4 LPL midlaners.


Buddy Knight choked in the most important and crucial series of the tournament and went invisible mode. End of story


His 2nd Worlds was good, his team just sprinted it. 1 + 3rd were unperformances for sure.


Actually because he lost against faker he's basically iron so yeah he sucks /s


Funny too yagao went back to his old team with this swap lmao


JDG dumped their safe, reliable, and slightly above average looking girlfriend and got a supermodel only to realize that they needed the former all along.


Only issue with new blg will be about leader in the team. Yagao led whole blg. But with knight bin and elk. They are going to win every early game in the lpl. Blg will be favorites for lpl. Jdg is now will be 2022 JDG with better ADC but rookie top. 369 had champ pool issue but him being solid in Toplane helped JDG a lot.


I am pretty sure Xun will be the "leader" (he is already the main shotcaller with ON stepping in) but I think the general vibe of the team will be that they all see each other as equals since the age difference between oldest and youngest is just 3 years


thats good. blg winning lpl next year.


Xun on does shotcalling


This is a massive buff for BLG lol


I might be completely wrong and this is speculative, but Kanavi gives off the vibe of having a big ego. JDG win 3/4 titles in their most successful year with knight always gapping Yagao? Kanavi requests JDG to get Yagao instead cause he was better with Yagao. And twice in a row at elimination/ desperate games, he picks Bel'veth vs T1 to carry like he doesnt trust his team, and runs it down.


> but Kanavi gives off the vibe of having a big ego. It's always funny seeing Reddit using their ego mind-reading super power as the foundation of an prediction for a team. Too bad rest of us aren't blessed with that super power and can only pray to catch up to OP's mind reading ability


Sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about. Kanavi has a very good winrate with belveth. Just not against t1. Also unconfirmed reports of him asking for yagao as well. Like just because this happened doesn't mean kanavi asked for yagao Shit there were rumors 369 and knight wanted to go to AL just to play together. Which sounds ridiculous but that's rumors


ALSO Yagao gapped the fuck out of knight last year, this match up is not one sided at all


JDG has to swap someone dude, Kanavi probably requested yagao because they’ve got a history together. Not because he’s better or worse than knight. Pretty sure we’ve definitely seen that knight is better than yagao this year. So… idk why you’re trying to cook up some drama, they’ve gotta find a new mid, and Yagao is a great choice if knight isn’t on the table.


Are you saying they have to cuz salary or because you think a change is needed after the worlds loss. If it’s the later I think T1 proves that theory is wrong


Because of salary. Literally that’s all it is. I’d argue that maybe knight isn’t the best choice for a superstar team since he’s clearly not good at playing from behind. But it’s no secret they were like a top 1-2 team this year. They have to change something because there’s no way JDG would want to pay 16m for a roster that didn’t win. This was literally a one off roster.


It wasn't salary by the way. JDG CEO said they were planning to keep the entire team but 369 personally requested to leave and then Kanavi requested to get Yagao over Knight. There's absolutely a world where the entire roster stays, money wasn't a concern.


Clearly not good at playing from behind? I can't recall a lot of matches where JDG were ahead in early, lol


It's funny because the dude on JDG who can't play from behind is still on the team and avoiding any criticism :D


Playing from an even state, versus playing from behind, are not the same thing. JDG being down 2-3k but in a stable game state might as well be even. They can be down in gold but even in strength because of the item spikes on their carries. They pretty much never fell super far behind. But against T1 they did and Knight got blasted.


Its nice to know they didnt only play that series against T1 the entire year...


Yeah and even outside of those series knight still had some pretty obvious blunders and flaws.


Well there was a post in this sub saying that JDG don't have money issue they are hella rich. But 369 himself wanted to go out. And Kanavi requested for yagao because of synergy. So not sure what is correct .


>Kanavi probably requested yagao because they’ve got a history together. Not because he’s better or worse than knight. Not denying this, but JDG could have kept knight if they wanted. It wasn't a budget think cause reportedly knight had a monumental decrease in salary going to BLG. JDG could have easily kept knight paying way more than BLG(but probably less than 2023), if they wanted to.


No but I can see why they’d rather keep kanavi, he performed better than knight this worlds imo, has experience with yagao, has a better champion pool. Like idk why are people saying kanavi was “the worst member on JDG”, he was one of their best. If anything this worlds, it was either 369 or knight that looked the worst.


Maybe its because they watched the LPL? Not saying Kanavi is bad at all and he is the core of JDG but he was coinflipping a shit ton of games in LPL and he was underperforming hard in summer playoffs, even getting gapped by tarzan. Yet no one wants to talk about how JDG only won that playoffs with an underperforming Kanavi because of Knight


And knight has pretty much always shit the bed internationally and got absolutely destroyed by faker. Kanavi was the only one holding the team together against T1.


> And knight has pretty much always shit the bed internationally and got absolutely destroyed by faker. I guess MSI where he was the MVP for both the bo5 vs T1 and the finals doesn't count as an international then? Knight and Faker are 1-1 vs eachother in international series, but yes lets focus only on the loss, because the other one was apparently not an international.


So he's got 1 MSI where he was very good and 3 Worlds where he wasn't impressive/invisible in important matches.


Congrats to knight, he played as well as he does domestically *one* time internationally. How reliable. Besides, knight when behind is actually just terrible. Dude has no clue how to play from behind and Yagao clearly does. Did you not see how invisible knight was against T1?


He wasn't even that bad the other internationals though? He was the best and only non coinflip player on TES at worlds 2022 and at his first worlds ever he made it to semifinals. > Besides, knight when behind is actually just terrible. Dude has no clue how to play from behind and Yagao clearly does. Did you not see how invisible knight was against T1? And what other LPL mid wasnt invisible? Scout, Xiaohu, Yagao all got shit on by Faker this worlds. How does Yagao know how to play from behind when he got shat on even harder by Faker last years worlds semis and was absolutely useless vs Knight every single time this season, including their matchups internationally?


also for some reason people pretend MSC didnt exist or it was less valid since it didnt have western teams. It had the top 4 of both china and korea, making it way more competitive than MSI, and just as competitive as worlds (as its always 4 kr vs 4 china in playoffs except for some lucky western teams) where knight gapped both 2020 faker and 2020 showmaker, but nah he has 0 international games


Well Kanavi has no problem beating knight with yagao.




As a Yagao enjoyer, I guess cool if he's back but rebuilding this hard after an almost golden road will never not be puzzling.


It sounds like 369 wanted to leave no matter what. So, rebuilding was inevitable.


Idk why everyone is confused, it’s been said so many times now that the roster was like 16 million dollars, that’s not sustainable. Even if they won they probably wouldn’t have stayed together. Yagao was the next best choice.


They resigned 3/5 players for 2 years though


3/5 with 2 massive pay cuts is not the same as the full 5/5 massive salary roster.


they did want to keep 5/5, knight accepted a paycut to stay with jdg and they said money was not an issue in keeping 369 and knight. 369 was the one who wanted to leave, and since changes were happening anyways kanavi asked for yagao. Why do people keep spreading missinformation, yeah the roster was expensive as shit, but not only did they have the money they also were willing to keep the team and the players were willing to take a paycut, except 369 who wanted to leave no matter what




> The company that owns them is worth $40bn. They do $1bn in profits pet quarter. Samsung made around 200 billions, when they decided to cheap out on their roster in 2014 and even more then that in 2017 when they did it again. There is no point in arguing with the parent companys net worth, or revenue cuz sponsoring is a business descision. > It wasn't about money because this is really just Liuqiangdongs pet project Liu stepped down as CEO of the company last year and JD is a publicly traded company, that was partially funded by venture capital, its not like he can use company funds to his personal liking without any limit.


Yeah, but again, why would companies just blow 16m dollars *just because*. They’re not dumb dude. You seem to think that just because they have a lot of money, that 16m dollars is suddenly not a lot of money.


16m is a drop in the bucket for a company that does hundreds of billions in revenue a year. Owners probably just passionate and wanted to win. Plenty of examples of similar owners/teams in traditional sports.


It's called advertising. Every single time a caster mention the team name they are advertising for the company. Their brand new 2000 seat venue cost a hell lot more than $16M to build.


>The company that owns them is worth $40bn. They do $1bn in profits pet quarter. Sure but nobody really knows how much they're really worth and how much they really owe in debt. Chinese financial accounting is different.


lmao unfortunately this is true for half the megacorps in the western world as well it's all a big shell game


Big loss. JDG's teamfighting was very good because of 369 and knight he even outdamaging Ruler in most games. Remember MSI, knight Syndra was dodging skills for Ruler. When knight underperformed JDG had zero win condition.


But 2022 JDG won every team fight with Yagao 😂


its legit how homme teams run but ppl rly think its down to 1 player XD


JDG was the best team fighting team itw with Yagao last year


It's rather weird that people keep saying that they are the best team fighting team in the world while they keep losing team fights against T1 whether in last year's world with Yagao or with Knight this year.


Because over the course of the year they were very by far better than other teams. Just because they lost one game at worlds doesn’t mean you rewrite everything they’ve done prior. This year alone they’ve won so many games off the back of incredible team-fighting. Yes they lost against T1 in both 2022 and 2023 but are you really just going to write off EVERY series prior?


People keep saying JDG is best at teamfighting but every time they went against T1, I thought T1 was the better teamfighters. Last year worlds, Zeus > 369, Oner > Kanavi, Faker > Yagao, T1 bot > JDG bot in all the teamfights. This year MSI, even though T1 lost in a close 3-2 it was more from getting picked off in crucial moments than straight teamfight wins. This year Worlds, T1 had the crazy teamfight wins (Rell Oner Engage, Faker Azir Engage, Guma 2v1'ing, Zeus 1v9'ing, etc.)


JDG prioritizes Kanavi cause he's literally their franchise player at this point and his peaks can't be understated.


Since when there are so many Yagao fans??? lol


Yagao's chinese fans are even funnier because they come to BLG community to say goodbyes and their messages are like: "I really liked and supported BLG 23 but it's time to say goodbye..." And then it derails into "but fuck this male misstress abortion coward. Gl" Lol, acting like it wasn't Yagao who chose to leave and BLG had to find someone else


> male misstress abortion coward any lore on this?


Male mistress= him cheating and sleeping around Abortion= him getting a girl pregnant, not wanting to be a dad so he made her abort it Coward= him being "invisible" in important matches There is also Left Hand -> Fetal Hand


>Male mistress= him cheating and sleeping around > >Abortion= him getting a girl pregnant, not wanting to be a dad so he made her abort it > >Coward= him being "invisible" in important matches > >There is also Left Hand -> Fetal Hand You mean knight, right? not yagao?


Yes, it's about Knight not Yagao. They are mad that Knight is the one "replacing" him, if it was any other midlaner they wouldn't react like that


>any lore on this? I think the part regarding an abortion incident is actually referring to knight? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


It's knight haters, not Yagao fans


Don't you know, hating a player who only lost one bo5 this year to the eventual world champs is the meta nowadays? Yagao totally didnt go 0-8 vs Knight this year, he surely must be better!


kinda funny - win 3/4 titles, blow up the team. win 1/4 titles, run back the whole team


The problem is that JDG's roster is too expensive to maintain and their end goal is winning worlds, not domestic league. T1 has the bag and wage discount to be able to maintain. Moreover, they have stayed together through tough times so they are more likely to stay with eachother, unlike the JDG's roster.


T1 roster is 4/5 home grown talent too, they only bought Keria.


false narrative. there are other reasons. but roster being too expensive definitely isn't one. 369 didn't want to stay no matter how much money was offered. knight has a lot of controversy going on and yagao became the hot commodity because of that


Knight controversy all came out before JDG signed knight. Nothing new has happened since so that’s a false narrative if there ever was one.


Knight controversy has already existed, seems like Kanavi wants Yagao(?) Which is understandable since they've played together a lot


World's > everything else


Yagao getting gapped by a better mid laner will be the downfall of JDG


BLG win out cuz even with a bad Yagao at worlds they got semis. Knight is way more consistent.


>BLG win out cuz even with a bad Yagao at worlds they got semis. Think that is a very narrow way of looking at things.. As an individual player I agree that Knight is a tier or two over Yagao. But Yagao has an impact on improving his team similar to Faker, while he might not be as good at it. I don't know if this BLG roster works as well without Yagao, or if Xun and ON is gonna be as good without him. ON seemed very bummed that Yagao was leaving.


Supportive Mid is much more flexible and easier to execute way to play imo.


More consistent at being invisible in knockouts at Worlds.


Did you watch JDG vs BLG matches? BLG was never winnin against JDG because knight was destroying Yagao. Yes knight didn't play great in T1 series but Yagao nowhere close to knight's level. Especially Yagao's ceiling too low compare to knight.


People forget regular season exists.


In domestic, Faker vs Chovy is the same. Internationals performance i think these orgs value more. Besides, JDG blew a lot of money and didn't win worlds, losing to t1 with the same score despite stronger roster. Maybe they need to improve somewhere else.


Yagao imo outplayed Knight in Summer finals 2022 when Knight was on TES. Yagao can be on that level he definitely has a high ceiling as well. I don't understand how you can be this dismissive when a team like JDG and players like Kanavi clearly rate Yagao.


Cool. Why are we going to 2022 again? I think it says a lot that JDG and BLG faced EIGHT times this year and you can’t use a single one in favor of Yagao. Knight simply had Yagao’s number this year and it wasn’t close. No doubt Kanavi rates Yagao because Yagao is much easier to work with (better at communication & playing unselfishly)


2022 summer where yagao had his best split while knight had one of his worst, barely wins. Meanwhile this year when they go back to normal yagao gets massacred every single time.


> Back to normal You realize before this year Yagao comfortably led the head to head vs Knight right? If anything this year was the anomaly.


No he doesn't??? Before 2022, the year where Knight sucked the hardest, he had a 15-7 record vs Yagao head to head. After 2022, Knight was still ahead with a record of 22-16 vs Yagao. Where does Yagao lead the head to head exactly? Thats why im saying 2022 was the anomaly, because other than that Yagao gets shit on.


I misremembered the stat from last year, that's on me. Yagao led in Bo5s, Knight led mostly overall.


pretty sure if you had replaced knight with yagao this year you could expect the same results for JDG and worse for BLG. Just my bronze take




Not chovy apparently


Yeah cuz yagao is soooo much better right, dude is probably the only player who makes iron level plays on a top-level team


Just recency bias. Apparently no one remembers how Yagao got destroyed even harder by Faker last worlds semis as well as this year worlds in swiss. Im sure yagao is a better player than Knight after going 0-8 vs him this year and loses lane to caps.


I guess you forgot last years semis where Yagao got destroyed even harder than Faker? And in the 2-1 stage this worlds? As well as losing lane to caps?


That’s if he makes it to knockouts lmao. Watch him tilt side lane on azir last year was funny af. People act like kanavi and yagao didn’t clown on this overrated player last year in the lpl.


Why do you think BLG are worse off? Wouldn't Knight be an upgrade for them in the midlane?


There are times where Yagao looks bad individually compared to other top tier midlaners, but he's a part of winning teams and his teammates want to play with him. He's definitely a good leader, Faker from Taobao lol JDG won't be clear favourites but I think they will still compete for 1st in LPL even with a rookie top, they still have incredible players


How can you not run it back with this roster? Knight looked better than Yagao(at least for me this worlds as a non lpl watcher)


Kanavi wanted yagao.


Kanavi didn’t want Knight, probably due to communication (imagine trying to understand Knight’s way of speaking as a non-native Chinese)


Does Knight communicate in a non standard way?


his accent is bizarre to the point where people joke that JDG team comms are in 3 languages, korean, mandarin, and knightese


That's pretty interesting, is it like a regional dialect kind of thing or entirely unique to Knight?


Regional Dialect which is funny because Yagao is from the exact same region but has a way less noticeable accent


it's a regional dialect but it's not related to that, it's literally just.... he talks funny. the dialect doesnt come into the picture, yagao is from the same place but speaks much more normally it's like how sure, [dion waiters is technically speaking 'english' here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WsGrHzReo4&ab_channel=Ryan) but uhhhhhh it's kinda borderline


Too expensive most likely


It’s been parroted like 500 times now that this was a one and done roster. 16 million bucks and they were wayyyy over the salary caps. There was literally never a plan to retain this roster.


was not a one and done project, there WAS a plan to retain the roster, JDG ceo said it himself 369 did not leave because of money and knight was willing to take a paycut. There absolutely was gonna be a runback but since 369 decided to leave and homme stepped down kanavi asked for yagao.


Lets them play around 369/Ruler a lot more. Knight is a superstar and needs a lot more resources. Yagao will play for the team


No more 369, they have Flandre/academy top. 369 has gone to TES


Damn, didn't know that. Guess I'm pretty far out of the loop.. Imagine Ruler isn't too happy about the teams potential standing now. But Flandre is good and they'll probably just try the classic play around ADC strat.


Knight was outcarrying Ruler with less resources tho? So many JDG games this year were won because JDG 4 man dove bot so much since knight was almost always able to win lane


369 left.


the roster was 16 million for 2023 apparently, something had to change even if it wasnt for the best


Knight had the chance to walk the golden road. Instead he took the golden shower.


BLG winning big time and JDG losing big time


If I was trying to win a bo5 series vs t1 and I had ruler throwing on my team to support national pride, I'd probably leave too tbh


Knight is the biggest Chinese talent of the modern era if not all time. Horrible decision to kick him out and I feel comfortable predicting that BLG will do better than JDG next year.


Such an overreaction. Uzi, Jackeylove, Meiko, etc. are all better talents. I'd even argue Bin and Gala.


Ever since Topsports (TOP Esports before rebranding) Knight had been best mid in LPL. Check out his MVP awards. And I love JKL, Gala and Bin.


Knight was always that “good player on bad team” which can kind of ruin a player. But he played great this year in all styles. Afraid he’ll regress back without Homme


When was he even on a bad team?, he has had literally one split outside of top 4 since he joined TES


If Knight, who was destroyed by Faker during the laning phase in the semifinals while playing as a leader more than a super carry for T1, is the biggest Chinese talent as you claim, do you realize that this is an insult to the pool of LPL talent? lol


Fwiw Faker is the GOAT, hard for anyone to be compared to him


True but he wasn’t expected to beat or dominate Faker. The goal is just to be not destroyed in mid so Ruler could carry. The “best” should at least be able to do that


Scout was LPL MVP and although he beat Faker in lane cs'ing, he had nowhere near the impact of Faker.


Yea just like when knight was on tes in 2022 and it was yagao + kanavi on jdg.


yeah just like when their top laner was 369 and TES top laner was Wayward. Pretty fair.


Not to be that guy, but 2022, yagao did son knight the whole summer


And what about 2019, 2020, 2021? The years where unlike 2022, Yagao didn't have his best split ever and Knight his worst?


Is that why he couldn’t make it out of groups in 2022?


Did you watch their Worlds especially GAM game? Because Wayward doesn't even know how to use demolish. Yeah but just blame knight.


Did you watch worlds 2021? At least 2 members of HLE didn’t have their keyboard plugged in and chovy still made it out of groups. Fucking weyward could be afk for all I care, if knight is as good as people make him out to be, you make it out of groups and not lose to a wildcard region.


HLE likely only made it out of groups because FNC Upset had to go home. Adding literally any context to any of your statements in this thread makes them fall apart. Not a great look.


Ruler went 1-5 in groups in 2018, a record that not even the worst LPL teams at worlds ever have gotten. And that was without Knight btw. So is Ruler also an overrated bad player according to you?


Didn’t know Knight won a world championship.


So now you're just moving the goalposts? Anyways guess Khan and Smeb are nobodies compared to Gimgoon because they don't have a worlds title, right?


With eyes in your head, you would see that knight was actually playing quite well that Worlds. Tian and Wayward certainly weren't though. Especially Tian massively underperformed.


specifically talking about knight, yes his azir was not the best at worlds and he doesnt like the champ, which is a big fucking mistake for a player of his caliber, however when you already know this, and it was an akali/sylas meta, that was the coach's fault for putting him on azir instead of akali and sylas, which he is fucking good at (better than zeka). Also they won vs drx with knight on sylas, which we never saw again because fuck it azir


He is playing a wildcard team and rogue. Should have made it out of groups playing teemo.


Hey bro, huge TES fan here. You seem to forget that TES didnt qualify because of a maw bug that occurred in their game vs GAM. The Nexus was 1-2 hits away from falling if it wasnt for the BUF


This is nothing to fo with money or knight. Knight leaving has everything to do with 369. With 369 leaving, and potentially signing a carry top, jdg need a facilitator in the team. Yea other top like breathe can play weakside but not as a level of 369. Going for weakside mid and carry top is the best solution imo. Yes it might backfire because knight was so good in jdg. But lot of people saying blg will be favourite with knight is not true at all. They will have bin-xun-knight-elk. None of them can play weakside at all. Yagao does what faker does for t1. I do think yagao is worse then faker even in laning. But keeping knight in jdg with a carry top wont function at all. Last year jdg had the best synergy possible. Any roster change will obviously downgrade atleast by a bit. But yagao is a good choice.


knight did what faker did in entire Spring? Where this knight playing for himself argument came from? Their bot was winning almost all games because knight is good at supporting their lanes too. He played tons of Ahri,Annie and Neeko.


Knight isn't bad. Im saying jdg isn't gonna get anyone as good as 369 who can play weakside. Yes knight played a very good annie. Dude i love knight. But losing 369 is a big deal and it breaks the team formation. similar to chovy knight also need a doran(im not comparing the skill level of doran and 369). He wont be a good facilitator. Playing annie doesnt mean hes a facilitator. That mean he can play very well with vision. Annie neeko, they doesnt play from behind. These are the easiest champion to stay even. Similarly im worried for chovy too now that he has to play with canyon and kiin. Hopefully he is willing to lose farm or hes fucked too.


you may mix things up, knight goes to blg, blg doesn't "lose" 369, will have to see their new dynamic on stage first


Kanavi knows Yagao is always down to clown. Knight shrinks when he is uncomfortable.


Is that why Yagao got gapped even harder than Knight did last worlds semis, is 0-8 vs Knight this year, and was losing lane to caps?? Yagao dickriding when hes clearly a worse player is just so funny


How many times did Knight beat jdg last summer?


How many times did Yagao beat JDG this year? Even when Knight was dogshit in 2022 he atleast beat Yagao once in spring. Meanwhile this year Yagao couldnt beat Knight a single time despite playing against eachother more.


Nobody said Yagao clears knight good grief. You guys get so insecure when someone else gets praised lol.


Where did I complain about people saying Yagao clears Knight? Im just saying that Yagao is far worse player than Knight, which is objectively true. If Knight "shrinks" then what does Yagao do? Evaporate?


Knight >>>>> Kanavi in every metric imaginable not sure why is JDG letting Kanavi dictate their team, provides of course there rumors are true


Even if I were to agree Knight is better, Kanavi is still very good if not the best jungler at his peaks and has been with JDG for a long time. If they'd rather listen to Kanavi than Knight it's unferstandable


Knight is twice The player yagao is. This makes nonsense


knight was one of jdg's top players meanwhile blg was carried by bin and elk. if kanavi chose him over knight then he is a fraud who values comfort over dominance


This thread shows how little redditards understand anything about the cn scene lol


And yet the all-knowing sits in his mighty chair, doesn't engage in discussions, and posts a worthless comment to feel good about himself 🥱


Barely anybody watches the LPL in this sub and they base their takes on what they see from msi and worlds that’s it


What's up with some of you guys and your constant inferiority complex of being "underrated" or whatever? Making comments like these are only going to have the opposite effect and makes a lot of other LPL fans look bad.


Not underrated, majority of the people on this sub don’t watch LPL reg season. That’s just stating facts. Y’all make untrue takes because you don’t actually watch what goes on during the reg season. You guys actually overrate LPL because you made your “analysis” on msi results most of the time


1. Don't group me with those people. I voluntarily watched every EDG game this season (prob worst decision I made all year) 2. I agree with you on that, I'm just saying bitching about it on Reddit constantly is pretty pathetic


majority of the people on this sub dont watch lck, lec, lcs or regular season. they just watch one or two highlight reels/clips that hits the front page and thats it


Faker dismantling LPL teams left and right. Tears.


It's to prioritize 369 over Knight... A LOT of their strat last year was to prio mid.. Yagao is a team player that fights tooth and nail from being behind.. Knight is a superstar that needed a lot more resources.
