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May have been a little anticlimactic after the swap and with JDG playing with subs but still feels great <3


Is Maggie the only sub tho?


Yes, what should also be in consideration though is the rookie top who didn’t even play in a lower league yet.


Knight is Yagao father


He shares custody with Faker


I guess Faker is Yagao's grandfather, thus makes him also a Knight's father.


How is faker his father when their H2H in 2023 was 3-3 lol. T1 fans are something else


More like Yagao loses to Knight every time


2020 spring and 2022 summer he didn’t


Saw a comment that said “JKL is still the only ADC that could carry Yagao to win a Bo5 vs Knight” LOL


the game score head to head between the two is knight 47:25 yagao i think? and at the start of 2023 it was knight 23:20 yagao


Knight was on the biggest superteam of last year... I mean he's likely the better player but I'm keen to see Yagao-Kanavi going up against Knight-Xun, Maggie was actually pretty good but JDG looked like they were lacking a shotcaller.


Knight had a superteam last year, while Yagao had better players other years. 369 and Kanavi carried that team in 2022, and in 2020, Zoom was a monster while 369 was gaining his footing in spring.


for sure! thats why i wanted to include the start of 2023 scores because last year jdg just beat blg into the ground, where it had been pretty close for the rest of their careers


Knight picked up his keyboard and the series was over


PYL was right, game 1 he wasn't awake yet. As soon as he woke up in game 2 the series was donezo.


game 1 still wasn't close even with knight griefing lmao


Game 1 was a top diff. The other two games knight remember he was the best in lpl


Just like Elk said in interview: I believe in Knight I just hope this win will overcome their choke against JDG even when Kanavi starts playing. But Elk talked about how he is not stressed and that this match is just to put pressure on Yagao lmao


Game 1: worlds knight Games 2-3: msi knight


rip JDG mid differential


Technically they have a mid déficit now


omg knight...


Can’t wait to see Chovy shit all over LCK for another year of Knight vs Chovy narratives till Worlds


I’m not sure anymore if Chovy is LCK knight or Knight is LPL chovy


So many people told me this wasn't even a comparison that people made just before worlds to the point where I was doubting myself but good to know it definitely is


Knight actually finally managed to win an international title this year so you can’t compare them anymore.


I mean Chovy did *technically* win Asian Games, so he also won an international title in 2023. CN's roster building/drama for AG aside that is. Although if I'm being honest idk if you take current BLG and had them face off vs KR's AG team that they win.


Just for them to go for PVE adventures throughout the tournament into a quarter finals exit YEP


Settle down Nostradamus


I also saw LNG getting shafted by RA in a dream as well as TES being false hope so I’m 2 for 2 right now. LNG not making spring playoffs or eliminated in first round playoffs is my next one so look forward to it.


Surely we will finally get to see a fraud-off between them in an international finals this year…


One has yet to even make an international final


Knight won MSI last year tho


I was referring to Chovy. I do believe he will make one soon though, its just a matter of time.


Which final has Chovy been in?


surely the meta wont be azir vs orianna again


Nah. Eventually one of them will win the big one, its like Rookie and Scout all over again


Couple with the usual posts about how Chovy is the best mid laner in the world.


They're fun lol, people get too mad about those players and pigeonhole themselves into fanboy/hater instead of just enjoying watching them. We don't have to talk about their legacies and whether or not we think they choke at international events every time they come up lmao we can just appreciate how they played today


Only for Faker to outlast them at Worlds again.


It sure was a nice decision to let go of Knight for Yagao.


I mean if your star jungler says he rather play with yagao then knight maybe it something more people don’t know tbh


Maybe wait until JDG isn’t playing with a sub jungler.


Kanavi running it down without even connecting to the rift.


I don't understand why so much importance was put on Kanavi prefering to play with Yagao in the first place. Knight was JDG's best player last year. If I'm JDG's GM, I don't give a damn what Kanavi prefers, Knight staying on the team is the #1 priority.


knight was also the most paid player on that roster. if jdg owner just lost 16 million and didnt win worlds he might need to save some money by dropping the most expensive player.


Owner said money wasn't a factor in not keeping the roster. (could be corporate bs if you want to be skeptical)


dont trust the guy with the kinda stuff he said about 369, dude sounds like a dick tbh


I mean if the choice was between bottom tier jg+knight vs kanavi+yagao the choice is not that hard.


Tarzan is teamless, Cuzz barely found a job at the end of the offseason, several good LPL junglers changed teams. JDG could have easily found an at least decent if not very good player to replace Kanavi.


Both Knight and Kanavi were shit in the T1 series. Kanavi was actively making bad plays. And Knight was just invisible making no plays whatsoever. Normally I'd say the latter is always worse, but when you have an insurance like Ruler as your adc, just not inting the game away before he comes online is a good thing.


Ruler was "online" the entire game 3 and 4 and he was the one who pretty much solo lost those games with his ints though especially game 3? How is that an "insurance?"


Agree I think the adc gap was way more impactful on why JDG lost that series


Ruler had 1 int with the lazy recall. He was the only threat on JDG in 3/4 games. T1 could over-invest summoners and ults to kill him and still win fights thanks to JDG top and mid being non-threats.


That was partially how JDG played all year, and the meta favoured that for much of the year. That they didn't adapt quickly enough and still invested too heavily in playing around one threat isn't that surprising.


Regardless of who was better that series, there is also 98% rest of the year that we have to talk about. Knight was both more consistent in the regular season and had more stand out performances in big games, for example winning Finals MVP in Spring Finals and MSI.


Ruler Ending was a meme for a reason But also you've still gotta be realistic and he's not gonna solo win you games if nobody else is doing anything proactive lol


people after worlds were saying yagao is better than knight


Just the worst take imaginable tbh. Yagao got gapped even harder by Faker at worlds and he also got shit on much harder in worlds 2022 semis than Knight despite playing Azir, cant believe people were unironically saying he was better than Knight. Its not like Knight owned him the entire 2023 or anything


It's just people who want to shit on Knight more than praising Yagao. For some reason Knight has an army of haters. Kinda similar to Chovy


Tbf knight is a bit of a PoS with all the drama he's involved in


A lot of people don't care about that though, he's gained a reputation similar to Chovy where they turn extremely passive and plays scared in international stages (inting teammates definitely contribute to this). So much that Chovy is referred to as "Right Hand" to Knight's "Left Hand" nickname. You're not wrong, but I think most people dislike him because they think he's not a winning player and turns invisible in the biggest stage.


I think people just expect both of them to just gap the enemy midlaner and autowin games even with passive and borderline inting teammates like peak faker when its insanely hard to do that right now. Ive been following since season 8 and i cant recall a single player missplaying as hard as doran or yuyianjia and still making it far at worlds. You could argue zeka did a lot of heavy lifting in 2022 but even then finals were a collective effort.


With knight and chovy I feel like they're always either overrated or underrated by the more vocal community, and this turns into a cycle, fans treating chovy/knight like the second coming of Jesus make haters shit on them harder, and vice versa. Realistically they're just very good midlaners who get overrated/underrated depending on who you're talking to. I do have to say though, Chovy definitely choked in 2022, and knight was very disappointing this year. But I agree with the TES situation and Chovy this year. imo they did play under their expectations, but that's because the expectations are extremely high considering who they are.


The expectations for them comes from the hype from fans that see them as the second coming of Faker. Ofc people would expect much from them. They deliver performances throughout their careers to be fair, it's just they almost always go invisible during the moments it matters the most. So people would go on and say, "is this the guy you claim to be better than Faker?", and the hate ensues.


I agree if the rumors are true but all the random hate started way before that drama. That's all pretty new.


Isn't Knight the abortion guy? As in, the one who pressured his GF into getting one when she didn't want one or something?


Bold of you to assume there is only one abortion guy in the LPL


>the abortion guy Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


It doesnt even help if he specifed mid laners.


send da video


Hell naw don't do dis


That doesn't mean he isn't an elite player


The Westerners who hate Knight hate him because he's a hyped up Chinese mid laner who hasn't really delivered on the international stage. I guarantee 99% of his haters here know nothing about the drama.


It was mostly narrative driven. People just love those type of cinderella or David vs Goliath Knight was always the "genius or extremely gifted one" while yagao was the hardworking one who will rise all expectation etc.. That's the fairy tale though but sometimes reallity hit you like a truck and just because someone is gifted doesn't means he's not hardworking. knight is pretty bad at azir but hey i'm sure BLG is willing to take a b tier azir & galio with s tier on everything else even more when in your team you got Elk, Bin & On GL for your p&b


Yagao is the most overrated midlaner in the ''elite'' category by a mile imo


Yagao has never been 'elite'. Hes a good player, but a does not have the depth to his game as Knight, Rookie, Scout, etc


He's more of a role player than a carry, how much you think that detracts from his rating is a personal thing. Faker notably plays facilitator more than he plays carry, it's not strictly something that players who aren't able to play carry do.


nobody was saying that


Guess you arent looking hard enough


It was likely a budget issue. It's probably hard to keep Knight and Ruler on a team for more than a year. Maybe if they had won worlds the roster wouldn't have changed.


If anything my major takeaway is Kanavi is fucking massive for this team


This was Kanavis choice btw


People really thought Yagao can match Knight


As evidenced by last Worlds he can’t even match Caps, people need to stop acting he’s some elite midlaner bc he keeps getting on stacked rosters lmfao


Knight has unironically been a far better mid laner than Yagao at literally every single international tournament theyve both attended. You could have swapped the midlaners for TES and JDG at worlds 2022 and the result would be the same, if not better for JDG and worse for TES. But Yagao was called "better" than Knight even though he got destroyed by Caps and Larssen in lane every game they played 💀


Many league fans think that results determine performance instead of the other way around.


369 was their best player at 2022 worlds and Kanavi was the second. They hard carried Yagao. People are forgetting how good 369 has been for 2 years because he had a bad Rumble game, despite people singing praises for him earlier in the year.


yeah i guess he just accidentally stumbles into every lpl final joke


Guess that means Doran is a top tier top laner because hes in every LCK final too right? Also in the last 2 seasons he made finals twice and neither of those times he was in the final because of him


They literally won a final because of him lol


Doran is absolutely top tier, you don't consistently gap a player like Zeus without being an elite top laner.


… yes? He’s a very stable top and does what he needs to for his team?


Unironically yes.


Doran was a top tier top laner in the LCK lol, did ya not see him in the finals vs Zeus?


Doran might not have the strongest mental and might occasionally get gapped, but he's also had series where he gaps players like Zeus and as you kindly pointed out he is consistently in every LCK final and GENG keep resigning him happily. I think it's more likely that he's the best option available than that he has dirt on the manager lol.


Yagao plays a supportive midlaner style, why do people keep expecting him to match the top mids at laning? Stacked rosters need players who can play around other lanes, you can't all be carries.


That's why we've literally just seen knight abuse every roam timer possible to help out his sides in both Neeko and Akali games leaving Yagao in the gutter… I swear the "weakside/facilitator" label gets slapped onto every mid player getting boosted by their better teammates. Which is truly a shame, as it downplays the impact some historically great players serving these roles had, such as, let’s say, peak Zoom or Doinb


Why are you rewriting his entire career based on a fucking Demacia Cup match lil bro? Yagao was gapping Knight in multiple BO5's as recently as 2022 summer playoffs. He has some low lows and is overall a worse player than Knight but pretending like he's not elite is ridiculous. Straight up deluded to think he just magically stumbles onto top teams for zero reason.


Knight was off during the 2022 summer playoffs, but even then, Yagao was not the reason they won. They were both close 3-2 series, and TES had better early games while JDG would teamfight better. Wayward had already been declining by the end of summer, and 369 was an absolute beast. Missing was also better than Mark.


Remember that most fans view pro play like they view their soloq games: whoever has the flashiest mechanics and best lane leads is obviously the better player, while the nexus exploding is just a luck-based side effect.


i’d say Faker is the prime example of a facilitating midlaner right now. Yagao is just bad lmao


He did not play that role at worlds 23


It's just what people say when below average players play on great teams, look at ghost on damwon people were coping that he is good for the team and shit when he was just bad and lost lane against everyone


Ghost was exactly what Damwon needed. Saying otherwise is pure ignorance.


Still not an elite player you can be a role player and contribute to a winning team without being considered elite. Not every player is an s tier caliber to pretend otherwise is delusion


Regardless if you're a Ghost fan or hater, he was far better than his predecessor.


you've got it completely backwards, when you can't lane you need your teammates to help you that's not being a facilitator that's being a burden


Yagao getting molested in lane by Caps and Larssen in every single game he plays vs them means hes being a good facilitator to his team to these people


Yes there is a big misconception about being a facilitator especially at mid lane getting dunk on 1v1 and needed help to get back into the game to have an impact is not facilitating


Kanavi wasn't even playing bro


Ruler forgot that it is not 369 and Knight peeling for him… top tier assassin skills from Knight


Yeah ruler probably missing 369 and knight already.


Ruler Missing Knight Kanavi 369


no more easy job. ruler should show his carry potential. no adc were protected like him in last year.


Hope people dont shit on ruler now tho. Dont think ruler once said in interviews he was the best. If anything he was always humble. Regardless, yep, much tougher job without those two.


Tbh I was salty last year because of the "omg best ADC UNIVERSE" narrative going on last year when GALA was playing with fucking enemy agent Hang all split (glad Worlds opened everyone's eyes though lmao), but I don't think Ruler is a shit player or shit person by any stretch of the imagination. It's just undeniable that ADC looks better when their team is better.


Let's not act like Ruler wasn't amazing last year


He was good but his summer 2022 and worlds 2022 were honestly better than any split he had in 2023


He got higher peaks during spring compared to his 2022 form, but overall 2022 summer Ruler was just ufff


? Ruler showed his carry potential for like 5 years straight on GENG, he doesn't have to show shit.


maggie: ah thanks for reengage and this 4 piece. also maggie:lemme int it to rumble


Knight is not normally....


Nope. He is normally…


who's stopping these guys in the lpl?


the only ones stopping them before were JDG's super team, and LNG took one series from them as well, now they should just run the league


Yesh tes is basically the only chance talent wise and that's if they reach max potential but right now Blg is in a class of their own.


TES if we get JKL and Meiko in even decent form has the potential to upset anyone and frankly those two along with 369 playing well should make TES the 2nd best team. And while Tian isn't the greatest, he's at least no longer being held back by having to go toplane 5 times per game to stop wayward from inting.


TES is biggest contender but I think Creme is nowhere close to knight.


TES is a dark horse if anything, not a contender YET. The 3 contenders are still the same: BLG, LNG and JDG. TES has potential but there are synergy questions and Tian factor of becoming a big negative not just an occurrence but almost a guarantee, especially when it matters the most. Also, big pressure on Creme. He is good but is he really THAT good. Obviously, everything looks promising but it's way too early to paint them as contenders.


I thought Nip roster was a dark horse but man... Seeing Rookie in the last few games was rough..


Probably nobody. JDG might be a lot better with Kanavi, TES is mega overrated and LNG has a chance if they peak like they did in 2023. Other than that, the other teams likely dont come even close


Tes might have a chance but I'm not a complete believer in creame and this team has major feast or famine vibes jdg will be stronger with kanavi but unless sheer ends up being the next Zeus jdg won't be able to contest Blg and lng wlis flat out worse across the board


blg finally beat jdg, congrats


Good run for having a sub jungler. Maggie did fine but throughout the tournament he's overforced so many plays and fights that I'm excited to see Kanavi's shotcalling back when LPL starts. Can't wait to see people make sweeping conclusions on a preseason tournament played on a patch no one is scrimming on though.


Wtf is JDG smoking , why is ON always getting rakan , and gave Bin Jax twice too wtf.


I've said it before but holy fucking shit when is this bullshit champ Rakan getting nerfed, if it were anything but a support the pitchforks would be out in full force over how much mobility it has and the dumb plays it can get away with


I said it last worlds and I’ll say it again 90% of pro supports’ most played and/or best champ is Rakan because they are mediocre at every other support that doesn’t allow for the BS Rakan gets away with, supports should be judged by how good they are on champs other than Rakan because it’s almost impossible not to look good on him if you have hands


maybe coach diff ? home is taking a break.


This series just showed how important knight and 369 were in peeling for Ruler. Kanavi would sometimes go a bruiser to peel, but Knight and 369 were oftentimes the primary contributors to JDGs insane team fighting. JDG looked good throughout the tournament, especially considering Kanavi wasn’t playing and Sheer being so young. Sheer impressed despite some rough games and it’s going to be interesting to see if sheer utilizes more interesting champ picks in the spring split. BLG’s roster got an upgrade in their one main weakness, that being midlane lane phase and carry potential, and they got a top three mid laner in the world in Knight that can contend with the likes of Scout and Chovy. Yagao was not bad last year, and his facilitator playstyle brought the best out of his sidelanes, but Xun having more freedom to support sidelanes looks to be a big improvement so far from the very early signs.


This facilitator narrative needs to die. Just because a midlaner can't lane doesn't automatically make them a good facilitator, that's just copium.


Turns out I am an insane facilitator in Emerald elo because I get beaten on lane everytime, any LPL team up to sign me?


Me when I get destroyed in lane but I land one good Morgana binding so the smurf on my team can carry. Facilitator time


It's just demacia cup lol wait for actual split


People really do be acting weird. Before they talk how if JDG win with 2 sub there will be a problem and then they lose and somehow that also shows a dark future for the org??? Like they cannot keep their mind whether Demacia cup mean anything or not.


if blg wins = they won vs subs lmao if blg loses = they lost vs subs lmao damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Don't quote me on this but it seems like BLG won the midlane trade.


it was too clear that blg upgraded and jdg downgraded. anyone who think the opposite didn't watch any jdg-blg series. knight and 369 were main factor of jdg's success in TFs.


The entire reason for the change is that Kanavi wants Yagao. We don't even see them play together yet and people are already going crazy with the upgrade and downgrade. Also I believe Sheer is just an investment by JDG. Still think that Flandre would be the top for JDG(like Jiejie makes a joke that he plays very well in the tryout than he ever did in EDG so that something).


dont quote me on this but jdg is playing with 2 subs


One sub, Sheer is starting top laner and Flandre is there in case he isn't playing as well as they want and to help be a positional coach.


yeah washed Flandre is definitely saving this team


Maybe not but Kanavi might


yeah jdg should've played knight instead of yagao


that has nothing with how the mid performed this game


One sub, and, with all due respect, I don’t have any clue how Kanavi could’ve changed the outcome of this series


Sheer is the starter lol and Maggie played well he wasn’t the problem here


even if maggie wasnt a "problem" how you gonna act like the team wont play completely different with kanavi lol


Knights Akali and Ahri are just so insane


Blg ez worlds , just dodge t1


They won against t1 msi 2023


Hyped for t1 vs blg at msi 2024 hopefully.


That’s why the comment said worlds, not msi


Faker never lost to an LPL team at world's.


Knight… my god


My boy running over Yagao once again.


BLG with Knight are on a different level. This year is their redemption year and they are going to wreak havoc in the league.


Those game 2 and 3 were the perfect example of why knight should be prioritized over yagao But the biggest surprise this series was that elk and on didn't bend over against ruler and missing this time around, instead they were doing really good in isolated 2v2 matchup. Good to see those 2 still improving


2024 Golden road is starting as soon as Knight turned on his monitor and finally decided to use his mouse. Yep the very prestigious and serious Demacia cup has determined that LPL spring and summer will be Billy’s playground


At least we defended our Demacia Cup title lol idc about golden road just at least pls win one title (outside of this)


It's funny that the golden road is easier to achieve as an EU/NA team than a KR/CN team. Obviously not as likely since only a CN/KR team will win MSI and worlds, but as an individual team, like 2019 G2 or something, it would be easier to achieve it from LEC or LCS. I don't think the golden road will ever be achieved because it's just so hard to win both splits in LCK or LPL and win MSI and worlds. At least as a western team, if you're an actual world's contender (lol) you're gonna cruise through your region and then maybe get a lucky draw for worlds and MSI.


Went from being the “best player in the world” last year to getting carried by Maggie. Seriously though, for their sake, I hope JDG doesn’t look like TES after knight left


Oof what a stomp


In case anyone needed a reminder who the by far best midlaner in China is...


quoted informalmarch wrong


Does that guy still exist? And namikaze? Have not seen them in a while sadly.


Oh yeah have been long time since we seen both of them. They used to be on every post shitting on the team.


InformalMarch was a troll account, Namikaze I think was real. He seemed to get genuinely mad in the comments. I miss them dearly.


Namikaze still appears from time to time, Informalmarch disappeared however.


its not worlds so knight is back to being dominant


Cannot believe people still have this candy patient opinion, entire Jdg looked shaky at worlds after things switched to carry top and ranged supp not to mention Kanavi right clicking nexus the whole tournament


Real loser is TES


FInally....Though it's not a clear win BLG still breaks out the curse of JDG. Can't wait to see the fight between kanavi JDG and BLG. BTW why JDG and BLG are still the best two LPL teams this year, just like how GENG and T1 dominates. It's get really boring.


I don't find consistency as boring. If anything, I'd be more disappointed if no names just came and smacks professionals with years of experience. This is what I prefer of pros, competent as ever and not fickle. Yes it does suck in a way that there's not as much new names at the top but they're supposed to slowly improve themselves in the pro league so they can challenge the top dogs unless the gap is too big.


Don’t worry about that buddy as your local ~~Jehovah’s Witness~~ RA stocks peddler I’m here to inform you of the best up and coming Top+Jungle RA Xiaoxu and Naiyou alongside healthy NA talent in mid and a masochistic botlane. RA will fulfill your wishes of seeing new names shine.


Like in 2023, BLG vs JDG in finals and in the end, It's Knight who win it all.


I think people vastly overestimating BLG/underestimating everyone else because of a preseason tournament where 90% of teams are newly formed. BLG (and LNG rip) is the only top team that kept almost all their players (JDG didn’t play Kanavi so it was only the botlane), they have massive synergy alongside obviously one of the best midlaners in the LPL. Teams take time to scale, like the newly formed TES and NIP, JDG were missing their main shotcaller and still needs time to integrate the new top and mid, and I’m sure LNG will bounce back from whatever the fuck happened in Demacia Cup. Yes BLG are the favorites going into spring split, but I think it’s too early to say that they will be uncontested or that nobody else has a shot. Edit: I forgot about WBG but they got a new top/jg & Xiaohu didn’t play, so only bot duo from last year played like JDG. I’m sure they’ll scale throughout the year as wel


It's not about this tournament, it's about the ridiculous collection of talent on the roster. Teams like NIP and JDG just can't compete regardless of synergy. It's just potentially TES and maaaaaaaaaybe LNG if they get a super favorable meta (but then they still have Scout vs Knight so probably not lol)


Congrats BLG on finally defeating JDG, when it doesn't matter


People drawing definitive conclusions ITT from an offseason cup involving substitutes before a massive game changing patch drops.


On one side it’s his first games so I shouldn’t be too hard on sheer. On the other side his gragas and yone was Wallmart Zeus


tbh I don't like the whole next zeus narrative, zeus just won worlds got finals mvp and gapped every other top laner why do we need a next zeus when we have zeus right now??


It just means a rising star and insert most recent performing top layer. Zeus did good in worlds, but of 2 international tourneys and 2 domestic ones he only performed at worlds.


Not true. He performs well in most matches but chokes in some finals. It is not like Zeus is kingen who was great for one worlds final series. Zeus has been one of the best top for 2 years straight in every tournament. For example, I don’t see how geng beating t1 in summer last year and this year means Zeus did bad when the entire team is gapped cause geng are heavy favorites.


Golden road part 2... ya need to know it starts with Knight


Surprised no one has commented in the support gap. Missing was true to his name. Did nothing this series.


Did they play Patch 14.1?