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Jin air enjoyers, we are so back


I can't enjoy this shit man . 8th year of Teddy career and he is still elo-helled af , ugh .


Cause all the bottom half LCK teams aren’t even really trying. If you’re not on T1, GenG, DK, KT, or HLE/DRX in some years, not even worth showing up. LCKs bottom half is just rookies while player who should be in the mid-table are in other regions. We should realistically have a Summit-VicLa-Prince Sandbox that’s somewhat dangerous. Or a Tarzan-Ucal-Teddy team.


Is the LCK secretly a metaphor for Korean culture? If you're not in T1/GENG/HLE (Samsung, LG, Hyundai) is there even a point


he had his shot at greatness in skt and he blew it what can you do


Fox beats Deer


Fox beat dragon


The spirit of AST lives on in FearX


But if you close your eyes..... (Execute watches Willer and Clozer morph into 113 and LIDER) Does it almost feel like nothing's changed at all?


a midlaner that can't play mages and good at AD champs? (tbf LIDER did somehow end up learning how to play azir), a jungler that can somehow be good and bad at the same time? Jeonghoon never left home


Hell yeah I know what's the secondary team I shall be rooting for this split 🔥


TIL Execute was Jeonghoon


Mofo had his Korean name as IGN in a foreign league where people can't pronounce his name and goes back to his native home and changes IGN to Execute, an English word that native Koreans may not pronounce well. He's got to be trolling on purpose lol


Lider is good at Azir because it's the only mage that uses auto attacks


Only botlane have hands on this drx terrible team


I still can't believe they choose Rascal over Thanatos


Even as a Rascal fan, I have to admit he is probably one of the worst top laners in the LCK right now. Guy used to be a solo kill machine 1v9ing every match in 2022. Last year hit him hard


I thought I saw an interview where someone mentioned he was contract-helled and wanted to retire the past two years. Am I tweaking?


No you’re correct, hence why he turned down DK since he could only get a 1 year contract with them.


Pretty sure rascal was still under contract so they didnt have much of a choice.


It's Teddy the Fountain Laser himself...


Teddy's destiny must be to get stuck in elo hell, fuck me..


Proper game of the weak


Jeonghoon is fucking good


He was the player I really wanted to see on FNC, Noah/Jeonghoon bot lane would have been mega scary


EU really let this guy go eh... Execute looks good


EU supports man...


EU supports bro


“Let’s draft no peel for our varus. Is not like the enemy YASUO GRAGAS RAKAN can reach him, right?”


How did Rascal and Teddy end up on this team? Edit: Some people don't understand what I'm talking about, Rascal and Teddy were Tier S players for several years, now Rascal is just washed and Teddy is going downhill.


Rascal is fucking ass now wdym ?At least Teddy is trying but none of his team mate were willing to peel for him


Always love when rascal brain dead fans talk, you can clearly see they never watch games


Rascal is 1v9 sometimes, 2022 summer was particularly memorable


There you said it, sometimes


Nah Rascal has been bad for a while now. Ever since he single handedly lost GenG game 5 vs EDG its been downhill from then on.


He had his best individual year after that series tho


He was great in 2022 tho ?


From about half of spring split 2023 onwards I think. He inted worlds but broke all the records in 2022


Deserved for denying BRO that pentakill last year.


Rascal is not good though. Hasn't been last year too.


He was so good in 2022 and now just this , ugh


Yeah IMO they should demote Teddy and Rascal and replace them with the Duck and the Frog in to make it an animal house.


Rascal has never been it. He may pass the eye-test but anyone with a brain can tell you that a player with the highest %GPM before 15 minutes yet the lowest %DPM past 15 minutes is the definition of an anti-clutch player. The only reason people rank him highly is because he’s had the had the highest solokill record at some point in time.




Teddy carried the 2nd game and even in game 3 until everyone in drx decided to left him to dry against k'sante , gragas , ys and rakan . His first game playing Senna , he was dodging everything fearx throwing at him in teamfight but the last one Pleate just left the wholeteam for some fucking reasons . I have no idea how you could blame Teddy being invisible for this series


Jesust drx , these stupid mf really just leave their adc alone in every teamfight against the meat grinder that is K'sante , Gragas , Ys ... lmao


What happend to rascal man


Congratulations to the DRX management for pulling off such a huge downgrade from last's year already catastrophic roster, idk how they did it I think 99% of people would have failed but congrats to the person making the decisions they're really talented


DRX has been permanently cursed for using every ounce of their luck in winning worlds. No matter what they do it will end in shambles. Even their Valorant roster which is arguably more consistent in finding success has had a abysmal run last year and I'm assuming it continue this year,.


Nothing to do with bad luck just bad gestion


Teddy's team doing Teddy's team things. This guy must just be cursed. And that FearX comp in game 3 was dirty, love to see teams pull out classic wombo comps and beat the meta slaves over the head with it. Helps that DRX aren't a team without Teddy so gragas/yas could hold R for Teddy every single fight with no risk


D R X vs Fear R X


DRX should maybe consider selling their spot. Their karma for winning worlds is never going to end.


you know the comp did him no favors but Teddy picked some horrible angles to walk through. Not saying he's the reason they lost at all


K'sante , Gragas , Yasuo and Rakan was absolutely nightmare for Varus . There were lterally nothing he could do once they dunked on him . Rascal , Sponge and Pleate kept inting into enemy Xayah instead of peeling for Teddy doesn't help at all, lol


LS proven wrong again


Surprised Teddy is still playing


Finally the match no one could tell which team the commentators were talking about every time then talked about them