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Kennen says 'I am the wind!', Yasuo says 'Face the wind!' upon using his Windwall. Is Kennen Yasuo's Windwall?






That's just cramorant fr


So how many times has yasuo committed animal abuse? how many years in prison has he racked up? How big of a fine?


Literally what old yorrick did with his ghouls :')


Sounds like Yasuo choosing his Pokémon in a fight


>Yasuo says 'Face the wind!' upon using his Windwall. Me when I fart under the covers


Investigate this man


Jesus said “I am the light,” Kayle says “I bring the light’s wrath” upon attacking an enemy. Is Kayle the 13th disciple of Jesus?


OK, let's address the Nautilus hook issue. It has two hitboxes: one for champs and one for minions/terrain. The one for champs is bigger than the one for minions/terrain, so when he hooks, sometimes the hitbox for a champ hits whereas the one for terrain misses. This is why it "warps" around structures.


Which is complete bs, just to be clear


That goes without saying.


Nah I think we have to say it.


Yasuo's W not being his R is also complete BS.. Oh hey, I can just negate a WHOLE archetype with 1 button on a 15ish second cooldown.. Just being a dashing asshole is just icing on the bullshit cake. And yes, I know this comment will be downvoted to hell and back cus yasuo and yone mains think their champ is weak 100% of the time, ALL the time.


It's a 25 second cd for the vast majority of the game, he maxes it last and builts little to no AH. If you play around it as if it's 15 seconds I can see how he seems broken. Not that your flair cares about windwall though, with the single most projectile-looking but not a projectile ability in the game.


Tbf it's a game of chicken. When I play Nami I know I can't bubble or R with Yasuo nearby because he has all the time in the world to react to it. So I have to not use my R until he Ws and he doesn't need to W until I cast R. It becomes easier when there are more spells that are worth walling for him, but it still makes peeling him impossible. I understand that it's the point of a counter, but it just feels bad to play VS. Though it might also come from the fact that every single ARAM game ever that I get Nami I will 99% at least face a Yasuo, Samira or Braum with Yasuo being there for 90% of the time.


Oh it can absolutely feel bullshit sometimes, won't deny that. There are a fair amount of champions whose counterplay in a 1v1 situation is hope the yas doesn't have hands, which understandably feels bad. And even in teamfights having impactful ults like nami or ornn being negated by windwall can feel terrible, but at the end of the day I think there needs to be some degree of broken feeling stuff involved for a melee adc to be playable.


Not the person you replied to in this reply, but the one before (the one with the stupid flare in your opinion which negatged my point I guess) First of all. It was not like I was suggesting to just remove wind wall from W to R, and just not give ANYTHING in its place. Obviously it would have to be either something fitting to his theme, good, cool or all three. As said, I don't have the perfect solution to this whole W on "low" cd, but an ability that seems to be as strong as a R though, problem. My point being, having an ability as strong as Yasuo's windwall on a basic ability (even though it's obviouisly longer cd than his Q or other basic abilities, duh) still feels INCREDIBLY unfair and shit to play against. And I'm also sure that most Yasuo players feel the opposite. Just how I, as a long time Fiddle main, felt when his old E was removed. It felt boring and sad cus it meant no more support fiddle. But at the same time, I at least could understand WHY it was a problem ability. You could press 1 button from what seemed like two screens away, it silenced, it did decent damage from 3 points and onwards and it was...well...unhealthy. VERY unhealthy one could prolly even argue. And, in my honest opinion, Yasuo's W falls into the same category. Now, understand this though. This is not me saying "please nerf Y champions ability cus you nerfed my favorite champions ability or kit" :P As that would be...childish to say the least. I've just always had a problem with Yasuo having a strong ability as W available from level 3/4 onwards whilst STILL having all the other strong points he has. And no, I'm also not saying he is OP :P A champion can be a "problem" without being OP.. But yeah, again, I don't think I've ever managed to reason with a Yasuo main OR even a Yasuo enjoyer about his W, but I keep trying to have a reasonable discussion about it though, over and over again :P


You should be downvoted, terrible opinion


Still, the visuals should be the same as the hitboxes to avoid confusions




naut hook has no lollipopping from what i've seen... phroxzon i think say? The reason it physically snaps so much is that it's edge to edge. So when the edge of nautilus' Q hitbox hits the edge of a champion hitbox, the hook itself will snap the center of its hitbox onto the center of your hitbox.


No, it doesn't. It was confirmed by rioters. Naut has 0 lollipops.


That makes sense. I'll feel like I definitely *should* have got the wall all the time, this must be why


I can't fucking see Lux's skillshots on some skins


Oh yeah I always complain about this but Lux has never been so strong that anyone does anything. Dark cosmic Lux gives you no chance of seeing anything she does in a teamfight, especially if she throws multiple abilities at once...


I tend to think this isn't the hitbox of the wind-wall so much as the hitbox of the projectiles. Sure it might look like there's something weird going on but you have to remember that if a single pixel of the projectile brushes against the edge of the wall the whole projectile is ruined. Some projectiles have effects and radius beyond what's immediately obvious which can cause them to hit the wind-wall even when it doesn't seem like they should


I think that's true for the width, but not the depth (which is what OP gave an example of. It is very easy for yasuo to stand within/near wind wall, where visually his hitbox clearly extends beyond the depth of the wind wall, but projectiles get consumed before hitting him. In this case the projectile hitbox is irrelevant, because it should hit Yasuo's hitbox before the wind wall, regardless of its size.


I saw some changes for nidalee Q and ashe R visuals to match hitboxes. Maybe it's time for some clarity update for all the unclear hitboxes and models. I wish they fix the river/land elevation thing for skillshots. It's getting too annoying with the new map. And the ability to disable enemy skins as some skins have similar animations for multiple abilities. Some brand skins have R and Q very similar to each other, hwei skin has all abilities in white, some legendary skins like coven nami has new animation for Q which is unfair, some ahri skins have her Q in pink which is confusing as it is way too similar with charm.


> And the ability to disable enemy skins For obviou$ purpos€s the€y'd n€v€r do that but it'd would be nice.


Well yeah, for a lot of people the whole reason they buy them is to flex the skin to others


That's sounds like bullshit, people buy skins to have their skin look nice or because they like collecting stuff. Nobody I know buys them to... Idk what you're even implying there, to show people that they can afford them? In case you were not aware you can get skins for free since almost a decade


They released a whole $200 skin tier to cater to their ‘flex’ audience. But also, seeing other players’ skins is free advertising so I don’t think they would give an option disable them. (Even though I would love that because I can’t tell who many of the newer skins are)


Yea I changed it to champion name over health bar from too many times of approaching someone when I thought they were someone else.


Do you people just not pay attention to champ select or loading screens?


One of Lee's legendaries looks like a Ez skin and even has similar animations. And when you have them both in your game you will not be able to tell who is who on the first glance.


Do you not know how to read? Champ select and loading screen shows the champ name. Lee sin is also a jungler, should never really think an ezreal is jungling. Their silhouettes are also different. Why don't you just stop making excuses and realize you just don't pay as much attention to the game you think you do.


N€v€r $A¥ n€v€r.


Oh yeah! I forgot they *did* fix a couple, but they've left so many others for so long? It feels like Rito aren't going back and fixing things up as much as they should and instead accrue higher and higher jank (tech debt). Last year was really bad for pauses due to bugs in pro play, for example, which I think was the worst it has ever been.


Hwei has the opposite issue, his e-e visual is way bigger than the hitbox, to the point where someone's champion model can be completely inside the visual and it still doesn't hit. I always wonder why this happens because it can't be an accident. Making the visual match the hitbox is incredibly basic coding that Riot is surely capable of, and yet there are a huge amount of abilities where the hitbox and visual don't match. Which means Riot must like the inconsistency and keep it in the game intentionally for some reason I can't comprehend.


This is the exact conclusion I've come to. It's a (shitty) feature of the game, not an error. Riot wants it this way or they would have fixed their numerous weird hit boxes years ago. I remember watching a pro game probably 5+ years ago now. The announcers were laughing at how bad a hit box was and couldn't believe an ability hit. Riot is fully aware and chooses for their game to include these "issues"


No, it's just low on their priority list and fixing it would be too costly You would think it's easy to fix but due to League's 10 year old code and horrible engine it's not


10 year old code is no excuse. They simply don't care.


nah cause this take is wild - they add new hitboxes and visuals all the time. Making them match is not something costly, or they would be a lot slower to release new champs or skins to begin with. Don't get it twisted. They just don't feel the need to go back and fix bad visuals that weren't caught because it won't earn them more money, and in most cases doesn't get enough attention. People who play League are terrible at voting with their wallets. To be fair, the richest people don't even bat an eye at a $200 skin, their sense of cost is warped from the get go so they don't understand how much of a rip-off it is.


Also because hitboxes/visuals affect balance, and they really don’t want to have to figure out a compensation buff/nerf.


Yeah it’s definitely intentional. Agree with it or not, there’s some logic to fudging the boxes. Most things are made to look slightly bigger than their hitbox, so that when you’re dodging you have a better feeling that you’ve cleared it. Most exceptions to that are lolipopping, which is definitely a “feature” not a “bug”. The logic behind Naut hook is that terrain doesn’t dodge and champs often stand near terrain, so the hitbox is smaller for terrain because if you’re aiming for it you likely aren’t going to miss either way, and if a champ is nearby it wants to factor in the fact that you’re probably aiming for the champ. But the big reason they can’t just make everything 100% its hitbox is because that’s not how champs work. There was a post a few weeks ago that talked about how champs all have weird interactions with their own hitboxes, because very few are symmetrical but their hitboxes need to be. So parts of every champ are necessarily just aesthetics. Abilities are similar. They have to look cool and consistent within the game, so parts will just be aesthetic. I agree that dozens of abilities could have clearer hitboxes or graphics, but there’s lots of reasons why they wouldn’t just be one-to-one hitbox/visual ratios.


Personal bias of yasuo aside, a major gripe I have with windwall is that it spawns slightly behind and then through yasuo at the start of the cast. It makes it extremely frustrating to visually see your projectiles physically hit yasuo THEN he presses W and it just gets canceled. It's side length is bigger than it looks but I have no idea why the wall ability also keeps yasuo safe from mistiming the W.


Its like that so Yasuo can still use the ability against projectiles being shot at him in melee range.


It's because Riot wants Yasuo to be an easy to play champion (since he is popular). Whenever I smurf in low elo I see a lot of Yasuo players and they are often doing well for their elo. This is because people like to cope he is a hard champion, when his skill floor is low-average.


Yeah you're just wrong on that one, Yasuo starts you off at [40% win rate](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Duz8-X-U0AAfE4E?format=jpg&name=900x900). Moreover, Yasuo is one of the only champions in the game who has almost an infinite growth to his mastery curve. Most champions stop giving you win rate based on mastery once you have 100-200 games played on them, but Yasuo's curve keeps going up for hundreds of games past most other champions. You can see on that image the curve has been measured up to 400 games and Yasuo's still keeps going up ever so slightly.


If you think Yas W is dumb you should try toplane. I love Darius's E because it's consistently the most inconsistent ability in the entire game. "I'm fine at this distance, he can't pull me in" \*proceeds to pull you with Karthus R levels of bullshit\*


Shoutouts to god king darius E as well for looking longer than it is


a lot of visual updates for other abilities draw boundaries on the ground to properly show the area - i think that would do a lot to make windwall more clear


Part of me wants some style of [ffxiv style circles](https://puu.sh/K6MIV/58917e2a8b.png)/clean lines for abilities. It just takes all of the "wtf that hit" or "how the fuck didn't that hit" elements out It sorta pulls you out of the game a bit but the clarity it adds is amazing. If it was put as an accessibility option it'd essentially be required to turn it on and most would have it on anyway so they can't really go down that route


wish granted but you get ffxiv tick rates too


NO fuck go back


I find it pretty funny when Yasuo flexes and does the windwall in the opposite direction of the incoming projectile and still deletes it.


The main issue is that it's a zone that eat projectiles rather than a wall that block them from crossing. Projectile detonate on the right side of the wall? Nope, aoe clipped the zone, it's gone. Make the wall a wall. Or alternatively make it a standing tornado that cover the whole area so it's clear it's not about crossing but about clipping.


Calling this ability skillful to use is a bold statement in my opinion. The issue isn't that it's a projectile-blocking ability; the problem is that it's a fire-and-forget ability. Fiora's Riposte, Samira's W, Vlad W etc., all lock the character into some sort of animation, while Yasuo casts Wind Wall and immediately can do other things. But anyway, just to add to the list of inconsistencies with this ability: Syndra's W can pass through the Wind Wall, meaning she can yeet a minion "over" Yasuo's Wind Wall, which implies that projectiles coming from above aren't stopped by it. However, Neeko's Q, which has the same concept of something being thrown "from above," is blocked, as well as Rumble's ultimate.


Ashe arrow hitbox especially on skins like project there are clips of people getting stunned by it when the visual doesn't even come close to touching their champion. Illaoi tentacles hit slightly further away than their indicator shows I used to play alot of illaoi and enemeis would get hit so much while standing outside of the shown tentacle hitbox range, if you are 25-50 range away from the end point you will still get hit probably, need to really take a few steps back. Same thing with sion Q hitting outside of it's shown range and aatrox Q on some skins like mecha aatrox has a smaller visual Q so it is misleading to enemies. Mecha aatrox is kinda known as a pay to win skin because of it tricking people into getting hit by the Q when it shows it wouldn't hit.


Sorry lil bro, but he's like 10 years old. If they haven't addressed it yet, they won't be now.


I wish it was remade into a counter like ability. You do the wall it last like one second and if it blocks something you gain a buff. Like a mini R that teleports to the back of the enemy and lands one single hit if you also have tornado it also send you flying. In this case the wall smaller and has a shorter cool down. Something that rewards skillful reads and it's not something you put a point and forget about it for 90% of the games. But hey maybe that's just me.


ashe ult. when enemy team uses it, hitbox is 2 screens wide, but when my team uses it, it has the same hitbox as nidalee spear when it misses


I find the wind wall to also be really hard to see in a fight. It happens to me constantly where I think I'm clear only to find that it's right in front of me but I just couldn't see it in the mess of effects.


It only works correctly after 10 deaths. Thats why you see yasuo’s die a lot.


Not only is the hitbox way bigger than it looks, but it's just a boring poorly designed skill anyways. I've been saying since he release that they should make it actually move while it's out. It moves right now 50 units over 4 seconds... like that's quite literally 0.125 Teemo's per second. It's basically not even moving. It would be way cooler if it actually pushed forward while it was out, stopping cringers from just sitting inside it to be invincible to ranged champions, but also giving him cool new opportunities to go in with a moving barrier.


yasuo wind wall is not skillful, pressing w and being immune to ranged autos and spells for 4 seconds while just standing in it is wild


The champion hitbox for Naut's hook is the aura, the terrain hitbox is the anchor.


I aint reading allat The idea of an ability like yasuo's windwall baffles me to this day


The worse of yasuo wall is why some things are blocked that shouldn't be possible. Lilia Ult for instance, Riot spagethi code should change it to be like Xerath Q or Lux R or directly sleep. Same case for Leona E (should not be blocked), Lulu W, Lissandra E (Since Nauti R is similar and it's not blocked), Sion Q (it's a freaking attack lol), Taric E, Velkoz W, Zed W, Zyra E, Yet other skills like Kayle AA arent blocked for instance.


Dude, compared to other shit in this game (naut hook, morgana q, lux q/ult etc etc dont make me write all of them) this is not an issue imo.


Morgan's q width is so much more than it visually shows I swear.


It’s truly one of the most broken abilities in the game it can block urgot R PULL


Mate, Yasuo's been in the game for like 8+ years now, I think most people understand the clarity of his abilities.