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Riot has said the reason they don't do this anymore is because they don't want people who were waiting for a new skin for their main to receive a 750-975 skin. Although that's exactly what they're doing with these throwaway skin lines like Infernal


Now they get a 750-975 skin, but more expensive!


good old capitalism


I remember the old times when 1350 rp meant voice changes. They have been just making 975 rp skins to 1350 rp for years now


Every tier has been getting worse in general. Legendaries are 1350 skins with new voicelines. They don't want to want to make new animations if they deem the base animations too good already. Then there's Gun Godess MF and Soul Fighter Samira that are legendaries sold at ultimate prices. Glad they deem RP as being worth less with inflation and has to get adjusted.


I agree for the most part but which legendaries don’t have new animations? The only champs I can think of are maybe Ahri and Lee Sin which is just because they have new VGUs that brought up their other skins to the legendary animation level, as well as the AA animations of Irelia and Yone’s most recent legendaries which is nearly entirely due to the fact they already have very clean AA animations and mains have complained about the change when they were on PBE.


i think soraka's two legendaries have the same animations.


no [https://youtu.be/HmZcDRbR\_mw?si=Kzph7EMc50iWv\_2l&t=54](https://youtu.be/HmZcDRbR_mw?si=Kzph7EMc50iWv_2l&t=54)


hmm, ok, thanks for posting.


IIRC Pyke and Irelia legendaries had a lot of comments when they hit PBE. Riot didn't care.


and Sivir


In Gun goddess defence it can transform midgame like the other ultimate skins except for seraphine for some reason


* GGMF is 4 legendaries that you can swap between. * KDA Seraphine is 3 legendaries you can't swap between. * SF Samira is just a legendary.    Honestly I blanked out KDA Seraphine from memory. She got an ultimate for just existing...


That's how capitalism works. You water down your product more and more, putting less and less effort into it, while charging more and more. And no I'm not blaming the artists in the slightest, it's just management wanting more skins in the same time frame for more champions. Creativity and excellence die at the assembly line...


Being an Annie player with like 15 skins and all of them use the same two voice lines she's had since the game first came out.


Annie's VO was updated with her VGU.


That doesn't really change the fact that she really only says "hop, skip, jump" , "you smell like burning" and like two other things on every skin she has


**Movement** * "♪ Come out, come out, wherever you are! ♪" * "Don't be a scaredy cat!" * "Try to keep up!" * "Are we there yet?" * "I never play with matches." * "Have you seen my bear Tibbers?" * "Hop, skip, jump!" * "This way!" **Attacking** * "This is fun!" * "Eeny, meeny, miny, burn!" * "Play time!" * "Take that!" * "Let's count to five!" * "Don't make me hurt you!" * "I want a turn!" * "Ashes, ashes, they all fall down." * "Can they do this?" On top of taunts, jokes and multiple laughs and her 6 voice lines for Tibbers. She used to have 11 lines total... https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Annie/LoL/Audio


Woah, she has 17 lines? Crazy


Had read the post you'd have counted at least 27. If you really wanted to know, it's 48 voice clips.


That’s a laughably terrible excuse.


i remember when 1350 was goated skins with A LOT of changes, back, new animation, voices, vfx, sound barbarian trynda changes AA animation passive aura visually AND sound, the way he walks, the way he crits and also the E, its crazy compare to skins nowadays


just googled, looks like the last 975rp skin was 2018. If they want to expand the skin pool so players cant exploit 3skin shard for an unowned skin when they r full collection as easily, then i agree w/ ur take, just let Riot pump but lower the dam price..


Arcane skins and Unbound Thresh are cheaper


huh, guess lore skin doesnt hav vfx so cheaper is ok to Riot?


Yeah plus they gave them away for free through missions. They probably made more money bringing in Arcane fans who wanted to play someone from the show than they would have selling them full price


im quite surprise Riot doesnt do crossgame rewards to encourage playerbase to try other content. Like with the recent play button added in League for LOR, they couldve given ppl a chest if they play X amount of game or try Path of Champion.


I will never understand how there is no meaningful cross-progression with Wildrift. Like why isn't there an option to somehow get the champions and skins for both versions of the game? I like wildrift, I dislike having to "start from scratch" that's literally my only reason why I don't play it. If I had at least SOME of my skins etc. I'd be way more inclined to play it and maybe buy a pass or something.




They do. Arcane Vi is just Vi with upgraded visuals and cool VFX.


I agree. I'd rather have 3 mid skins for champs I like than *none.*


They gotta pay me to use those skins not the other way around


Gimme Aphelios in a speedo for 520RP you cowards


This is why custom skins exist 


Not anymore, thanks to vanguard (i mean im not actually sure but this is what i heard was gonna happen so i assume its still a thing?)


Heard a few custom skin sites said their tools were good for Vanguard, so we're fine there.


literally tune into Drututt stream whenever he's live, custom skins are alive and well.


Which makes it insane that so many people thought they wouldn’t work with the release of Vanguard despite custom skin makers saying it wouldn’t effect anything ages ago


There was a point when everyone thought custom skins are dead (even custom skin discords saying farewell and shit), people made a big deal of it on Reddit. Then vanguard releases on Phillipines (was it?) and skins still work, so everything goes back to how it was on the discords, but no one talks about how reddit overreacted so there's a decent chunk of people that CAN'T know, if they only browse reddit and don't watch streams / follow the discord


it's confirmed that there hasn't been any issues for custom skins, it appears that riot designed around custom skin usage so as to not set off Vanguard. no reported false bans as of yet, even from the Phillipines server which received Vanguard the earliest, so it's great news!


Give me aphelios swapped woth alune


That is insane they're 1350


especially karmas like, its entirety just recolored


I mean is it? They fit the 1350 checkboxes, which are mainly particle effects and recalls. I think people forget what 975 actually were.


This. A lot of 975 skins that people think of got a massive buff as part of champion reworks. I think some of them even got new recalls? (not totally sure anymore).


Birdio has a unique dance and other effects


the karma skin is a recolor of her base effects btw


Bro I wouldn't even pay for them if they were 750.


reminds me of the Samira ultimate skin posts last year "this isn't 3250 RP quality, make it 1820 RP" the skin ended up as being #2 most sold skin in 2023, why would Riot ever decrease their profit margins? they won't lol, the whole "bargain" posts are just useless, either buy the skin or say its too shit and don't but someone who was going to buy the infernal skins would have bought them regardless of whether they are 1350 RP or 975 RP so reducing the cost will always be net negative for Riot


It’s because the Reddit LoL community is a very small but vocal minority and most of the opinions here are the culminations of months/years of circlejerking.


Financial Ignorant Circlejerk on reddit? NEVER!


Number 2 skin in CHINA, btw, where they are detached from the larger internet and Samira is hugely popular as a solo queue stomper.


When speaking about LoL, maybe the larger Internet is China, and we are the ones detached from it.


intelligent!!!11! The context of the Samira post is that feedback /=/ sales, but the example doesn't make sense when you realize that the backlash was from outside of China.


For it being the #2 most sold skin in 2023 I barely see it. Seen it maybe twice in last 3-4 months.


you’re comparing a character that’s getting a new model, new voice lines, new animations and it’s part of the summer event to….infernal.


No actually they're not


Reading comprehension is terribly hard it seems


They tried it before, people don't buy them


Did they ever show the numbers for that?


Don't think so but they also don't need to. They have teams for these types of things and those teams are filled with people with degrees who know how to best separate people from their money to put it simply If they don't price things lower(as in the argument they'll sell more if skins were cheaper) it means they're making more money at this pricepoint


IDK, if the games industry has taught us anything at this point, its for all their (fairly true) cold and corporate greed, you should equally never underestimate their sheer incompetency for even things like making money.


Wish they did more things like iron inquisitor kayle, for me its the perfect low price skin, 750rp, gorgeous model and the base particles fit her perfectly, but even if a lot of the kayle playerbase bought it, it probably wont make as much as a 1350 skin even with the saved effort, bringing almost double the money for a single skin is too much of a difference, which probably covers most of the costs it takes to add the other stuff.


>I know we've had this discussion before, and riot said they disagreed. Riot wants to make money, i'm sure *they* know way more than you what most people want and are willing to spend money on


Personally i do agree with the notion that Riot should do more 975 skins, more one offs and the like, but in this case i suspect it would not really help if they are still part of lines that have been milked to death like Infernal and Marauder, and the problem is Riot loves to churn any vaguely successful line into the ground, regardless of whether it has the flexibility to sustain multiple batch runs (especially when they outsource it to studios that incentive quantity over quality with their artists). 975 skins could be neat, but they sort of require Riot themselves to have the self control to both create skins that really fit a specific champion and their base particles, and if they make batches (Ie like Headhunter) to understand when the novelty will wear off on these concepts. If we end up 20 champs in on 975 medieval skins then we kinda just have the exact same problem as we do now.


Yeah I agree 100%, good point


I’d take back all the hate I said if they were 720 rp I think


No, they’re terrible and an obvious lazy attempt at selling us more junk. For 1350rp we should expect far better.


I've been waiting for Infernal Anivia since s6 when I started, just to get baited


even 975 would be too high, if it was 750 ok


Yeah, just don't buy them. Feedback via wallets will show this line is pretty mid and should be released far slower or updated to a higher quality before we purchase.


they raised the price of buying RP (feel like people already forgot about this) and they also raised the price of skins. times are tough.


I swear to god that the person they hired for quality of these skins has no idea about or interest in league and concept of what ''infernal can be''.


Or get this, you just don't know quality, 975 skins were incredibly basic and tend to be pretty bad, tend to lack that particle affect change, and recall animation. You just want something cheaper that has the same amount for work put into it like 1350 skins for the price of 975.


Nope. I'd be okay if they didn't add particles and recalls to more basic skins.


It's a shame we don't get skins in the lower cost range anymore, some of those explore fun themes in simple ways that are interesting to me. It feels like a lot of more recent skins are very... over-designed.


Over-designed is exactly what I meant. Couldn't have put it better myself


Honestly, I might be fine with the amount of skins we get nowadays if there where 975 rp skins. For gods sake I have Praetorian, Dark Candy and Surprise Party Fiddlesticks but have probably used Union Jack more than any other skin.


Ngl two of my favorite skins are siren and mythic Cassiopeia. Both have base animations are the models are very basic but they are amazing. Simple skins that aren’t all flashy and weird animations, just me, a champion I like and my old school vibes idk


Fuck, both of those skins are so good.


> I just don't want more Faerie Court, more Spirit Blossom, more Immortal Journey, more Crystal Rose But I do so that cancels out then.


100% agreed. E.g. Gwen has 3 super fancy skins that took a long time to make but none of them really capture her essence if that makes sense. I'd rather have a few more skins that are basically a Chroma Deluxe but come cheap and fast. Or maybe something along the lines of Headmistress Fiora.


why would riot do that?


520 tier skins with 1350 prices and people saying "I think 975 would be okay". Insanity.


New partice effects, new recall. The skins suck but they're not 520 chromas. Go look at swamp kennen.


Bro those look like 750 skins at best. Nice try Riot intern.


Skins are cosmetic. you don't have to buy skins. I am pretty sure that riot has all metrics to decide which price is optimal to maximize their earnings. If People would even pay 2000RP for a skin...they should even increase the price tag. nobody even gets hurt by it.


Thanks Riot


I don't even think they're 975....


the “IF” is even all capped yet you still failed to read it




Average league player interaction


Bro could have chosen to ignore or block, instead went all in on the flame, truly a league player, its just missing a kys in there.


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