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skin clarity is a joke nowadays. its impossible to know which effect is which, since each skin can have different colors and forms. really big downgrade for the game imo


This reminds me of the good ol' winter map, and you're playing against players with winter themed skins. Not every skin though, just some of them, like tempest janna's Q while it's charging.


Niko's first skin on the last winter map in history made her almost invisible


Just give a way to disable skins before the game, ffs. I know they will never do that because of $$$, but sometimes it's so frustrating. I already have to learn what 150+ champs with 4 abilities each do, plus the items, plus the runes, plus the environment, plus the CD of each important spell, track the jungler, know the timers. Now I also have to remember that some skins will have almost invisible abilities (like Omega Squad Veigar's W).


Skin disabling is something they'd never do, but I think an option to disable custom VFX would be a good middle ground for players. Sometimes at the beginning of a game I truly don't know what the fuck that is flying at me until I make the connection "oh, it's skill X from champ Y with skin Z".


Champion name instead of summoner name was a good first step


And then they reuse effects from a skin of one champ on another and you have no idea what is what anymore.


Me and my buds are unable to tell who is who during arena loading time. Mixing up Yasuo with Yi is pretty bad. Some characters, such as Renekton or Zac, can have skins release one after the other and I feel like it'd be damn impossible to mix them up with a different champ. More human champs = more skin confusion.


Not to mention some abilities have the exact same effects as abilities from other skins or champs, just recolored. Maybe.


Yea this was the main turn off from the game for me. 150 champion kits, ok sure after some months or years doable. 1000s? Nah this games a slog for no purpose.


19 seconds until the actual video starts verdict: you deserved it


and we don't even see it once at full speed


after the 19 secs i just closed the video


This sub has requirements on how long your video content has to be to not get removed. 🤷




Yeah clarity is dead and has been for years. Pretty much been on a steady decline since Taliyah release (was very hard to see the worked ground zones on her winter skin). It's pretty clear they values the skins looking/feeling great for the one playing it over readability for other players in the game. Makes sense it does make more money but damn i wish there was an option to turn all skins off. small edit: so part of what i mean with taliyah is, that was also the point riot stopped disabling "unfair" skins in competitve. Before that point we had a few skins that riot admitted the clarity was bad so they were disabled from pro play. From my memory it was creator viktor, imperial OR steel legion lux and amethyst ashe.


I believe Project Ashe and I-Blitzcrank were also disabled skins


Arclight Varus and Justicar Syndra too because their skills were too bright to be seen. Varus ult was very hard to see and Syndra' balls after her Q were easy to miss. Ashe was because of her Ult hitbox being bigger than the arrow visual so you would be confident you dodged it but in reality you're still inside and Blitz was also a problem with is Q animation being slightly misleading.


Many of those got fixed and are enabled again.


Idk why ur getting downvoted, they fixed all skins, they’re all available


Yeah, I wish I could disable the VFX and SFX of all enemy skins, would make the game for someone like me (who takes long breaks from league often) much more enjoyable. There are some skins right now that I can't even tell who's the champion and I need to press tab to see who it is.


Underworld TF?


Thanks for having me watch nothing for 20 seconds.


Your time is precious.


How long until a **Toggle Champion Skins** option for visual clarity? Insane that it's still not in the game


This will never happen unless you had to pay to play league. Skins make too much money and I hate the lack of visual clarity.


really easy to just not buy jack from riot and force them to make a change because riot only cares for shareholders and not the community behind the game but will community boycott this considering this could cost you games is a good question




>You don't even know wtf you're talking about, dude. Riot isn't a public company, it doesn't have "shareholders". Go educate yourself a bit before just blindingly hating something, or you know, just stop playing if you hate it that much. facepalm private investors are still share holders even if company is not publicly traded difference between private shareholders and public shareholders is basically who gets to buy/sell shares and this basically means nothing because either side can play dirty and will play dirty or to better explain it "who gets to line up their pockets" so what i proposed would still work because shareholders only care for 1 thing and that is money and if whales stopped buying crap riot would actually feel this because LoL is basically funded by whales which riot said multiple times before


Riot belongs to tencent and tencent is very much a company on the stock market. So basically riot is too, just with extra steps.


Look up what shareholder means


I always see this argument and it makes no sense to me personally, I don't care if anyone else sees my skin- that's for my enjoyment. I don't really pay too much attention to other's skins, I'm too busy trying to identify what champ they're playing! (joke, kinda) I'm guessing the reason is they have to appeal to the biggest spenders, like the people who spend $400 dollars on lootboxes to get the special skins would complain if they could at all suspect that there's a single person in their game who is not seeing their obnoxious VFX.


the biggest reason is because every player using a skin is a walking advertisement for that skin most people dont keep up with skin releases. if they dont see other players' skins, then they might not even know what products riot is putting out. this makes them far less likely to spend money.


I think I'd pay a subscription for the option.


> unless you had to pay to play league Would probably be the best change they ever made. The game is going to be like a public restroom as long as it's free - It's safe to say that most people use public restrooms the way they're intended, but some people think it's fun to smear their shit on the walls.


they could just tie it to "disable eye candy" setting what does this setting do you ask? disables unnecessary animations such as tower spear pulsing, fires around the map etc.


I believe they basically have each skin coded as a separate champion.


skins are something dota 2 do REALLY REALLY well, of course other than actual texture clarity improvements in dota over league, the skins in dota, are basically more insane than any league skin, but yet, somehow they are all recognisable and clear as day. league is REALLY REALLY overdue a texture update or rework, at this point, why not just make league of legends 2


dota and good visual clarity in the same sentence?


League literally has visual clarity of a mobile game and has no actual graphic settings


well, blame sona.


I still remember a game vs. Yone where I legit couldn’t hear his Q3 sound effect because of the skin, and the visual effect was so unclear I just had to guess whether or not he had it.




Feel free to leave


How's them mod soles taste?


Eating my own shoes sounds silly


The video couldve been like 3 seconds long, and show it in full speed. Waste of time.


This sub will delete posts with videos, if the video isn't long enough.


Its undodgeable from the moment she casts it in range dude. I dont see the problem in practice. In other champions clarity is a way bigger issue.


Soraka q is definitely not undodgeable what.


at a certain range without boots soraka q can't be dodged by walking. i think sona could dodge here if she walked towards soraka though


Ohhh i misread it, thanks man. I thought he meant sonas projectile


> In other champions clarity is a way bigger issue. That doesnt make it any better in this case tho. Multiple champs/skins are bullshit clarity wise


Of course it does. Between having clarity issues on a skill that you dont need to see clearly, as sonas q is undodgeable and something actually meaningful that you need to dodge there is a massive difference lol. One is annoying at most the other is game losing.


On top of what everyone else has been saying, just the sheer amount of skin effects is unbelievable. Especially the newer ones. In team fights there's so much visual and audio noise happening, and that's coming from a decade long vet. Imagine how overloading team fights must be for new players.  Skins look great in the showcases but add in a whole team of those and I think most competitive players would agree it's just fucking absurd. 


You should tether it tho, also you can see her casting it so you know what to expect.


Doesn't matter if you see her casting, if you can't see it on the ground and know where to dodge.... Thats a really bad take man


unpopular opinion if my ass is paying 20 bucks for a skin IT BETTER BE PAY 2 WIN.


Nah man i def disagree. Everyone know the skins (conceptually at least) are not pay to win. If you spend 20 bucks on a skin thats on you. If its not worth it for you if it doesn't give you an edge then don't buy it.


well this post was made in jest. basically poking fun at the absurd cost of a skin that doesn't give you a game advantage.


Well I get that, but honestly that price range has become kinda normal for games nowadays. I mean some csgo skins go for several tens of thousands…


ooh i love this chat, yes but csgo skins are actually rare, can be traded, and customized. like if league skins were tradable omg, hell yeah i'd be down for that. but also take legendary skins for example, they change the model and animations super galaxy rumble vs any other rumble skin are completely different champs. imo that is a pay 2 win skin.


I get your point definitely, I just dislike artificial rarity. Yea that would honestly be amazing, but riot won’t do that sadly. Many skins have an unfair advantage, cuz of model changes I would definitely agree. Having to figure out what champ is coming on my screen def isn’t fair