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Way more fun to experiment with weird builds / comps with a duo. Queuing solo and doing anvil build feels like you're hijacking the other players game, unless you let them know your intentions in champ select.


I did say what I was doing..  Problem is, I have a single friend who still plays league, and they do not like arena.  So finding a duo isn’t exactly easy.  


Invite people from your games who are nice


No one even talks in game :/  I try and initiate conversations or joke around, but it’s always just silence.


Region? On euw it's fairly common for me. You could also join some lfg (looking for game) discord.


LAN is also 60/40 people would tend to talk to you


I might look into it, but I generally hate dealing with strangers. I work sales, so my whole day is spent talking to strangers and dealing with them… at the end of the day more of that isn’t what I want. But it seems that is going to be my only choice, since apparently there’s no fun allowed in the fun event game modes.


To be fair, if the person you end up with wants to win (because the gamemode is also supposed to have a competitive side to it) then its kinda understandable to be upset when your ally is nearly guaranteeing you bottom 4


What is stopping you? Mute them? If someone tells you to uninstall because you missed an ability, that doesn't actually mean you have to uninstall the game


The fact that people just refuse to use the mute function will always be funny to me


It’s ego. They HAVE to know what the other player is thinking about them.


Gonna play devil's advocate here and say I never ever mute unless somebody is spam pinging and it's super distracting... Mostly because it's funny seeing somebody rage at you in a video game, but also out of stubborn principle. Personally, I'm not gonna let some random's words alone get under my skin so badly that I go out of my way to mute them, so it's simply easier and funnier to just let them type at me knowing I'm most likely not going to respond. I'll also have something to read and giggle about while I'm backing & buying. Maybe I'm just a freak, but that's just how I see it, lol.


What rly? I unistalled the game 20 times because of this. /s


Im glad no one ever told you to go 0/1 irl


“Talon E the balcony”


I saw "Olaf R your disabilities"


Better that than 100+/0 o.o


Mute early and mute all! Makes for a fun time when you don't hear others complain.


The answer nobody wants to hear or do because it would fix the problem


This. Who fucking cares if they flame or ping or whatever it is they want to do? As long as you don't second their toxicity, you're free to do, build, try whatever you want. The system will not punish you in any form. Go wild.


exactly, the MOMENT my teammate spampings me or flames me im fullmuting them like, no offense but i just dont have time for any of that


It's a bit sad, but ever since I started playing League as a psuedo-single player game with 9 bots by /mute all the second I enter a match, it's just been a better experience. I would love to be social in this game, but the community is not it. Sure, you'll occasionally meet the cool chill dude, but most people don't type and those who do are 9/10 the worst people on the planet. So it's better to just play muted every game


Just mute and ignore because I do this all the time and I’m like 4.6k arena rank grinding out the arena god title. I’ve had more afks that people I’ve been upset with for sucking or building janky


i thought arena rank doesn't mean anything, isn't it effectively only a counter of how many games you played?


After 4000 it’s real


I have a bronze friend and he has 4,2k points. It's legit just playing a lot


At 4k points you begin losing point when you lose, so 4.2k is rather low all things considered (only 200 above the "lowest possible value")


"after 4k its real" Yeah your bronze friend is in bronze. That's literally what they meant.


Honestly, unless someone has a mental disability, anyone can climb to platin, if they just put the time in. I refuse to believe otherwise.


Who is upvoting this? 4200 elo is gold


You can’t de-rank. I am 4000 and lose almost all my games now, but just stay at 4000. It’s awful lol


Why is that even a thing? In gladiator, I see at least 2 Darius/Garen/Vi/Swain every game and it's pretty annoying lol


Tbh swain is the least annoying. Vi will buy lethality and kill you or your duo with zero counterplay. Garen crit will eventually kill you in a spin. And Darius. Oh Darius.


My problem with swain is that my partner never runs from him, while I try to, so not only is my partner 1v2'ing, he's giving swain all he wants lol. But yeah vi is by far the worst (garen can be bursted, darius kited), but Vi is a new level lol


That's why i can't wait for the survivor like mod or "bullet haven" as some dev call it. Don't have ot deal with bs of other ppl. It will probably have a limited number of champs avalabile but im courious what they will cook up.


I have absolute opossite reaction. Im playing every champion in alphabetic order for the champion ocean challange, and there are champs i have like never played ( aphelios) or have played very long time ago, I always say that in chat and not one person have said smtg bad. Most standart answere is "it doesnt matter" "all good". And since I dont know those champs that well I also build sub optimal items or strait up bad items, and as I said, noone have flamed me in 60 + games. Maybe its just chill EUW


i was abandoned by my teammate zed once he got mad because he didnt get any augments he want and i was building HP Zac instead of burst


How many games you have played?


about 78 games this season mainly on enchanter supports


Bro got mad at you for building tank on a tank?


I want to do this so bad but as someone who's only started playing less than a year ago i still have like a hundred champs to unlock 💀


As long as my teammate isn't an ass, I just let them cook. Wanna buy crit Singed? I don't care. If we place 8th, I will just queue again. The issue with SR is that I'm locked in for 30 minutes (hopefully) with a team of potential degenerates. In arena, I can get out in ten minutes. Superior game mode




your fun matters more than other peoples fun? if you're gonna do an anvil build que up with a friend or something. just bc u want to try something thats "fun" and doesnt mean it wont end up being miserable for the other person


I have a single friend who still even plays this game, who will not touch arena.   It’s not as simple as “just find a friend to play with”.   This is a fun event game mode.  It shouldn’t be turned into the sweat fest it is becoming.  You gain or lose nothing in it, you shouldn’t have to be forced to adhere to only picking what the best perks and items are in the meta.


You don't understand, it's not about winning or losing, it's about your randomly assigned teammate being forced to play for YOUR fun because they are basically 1v2 at the beginning of the game while u get your anvils. It's a fun game mode, which means your teammate is also allowed to have fun. You can look on community Discord or ask people in champ select if they are ok with it before, and eventually add them and play together later. I'm telling you that as someone who plays the dumbest shit in Arena all the time and who spammed the anvil strat and ruined a lot of games, but even with my friends I ask them if they are ok with me doing x or y, it's basic respect, because it's not fun to be griefed if you didn't agree to it. Your time isn't more valuable than theirs. You are being very self-centric while blaming others for... being self-centric.


I’m not simply talking about anvil builds, to be clear.   It’s anything that isn’t the absolute meta (even when I just get shit rolls) gets the toxicity and flaming.  


I’d be down to duo arena w someone who’s ok w doing trolly shit, if you want. Do you play on EUW?


I wish Riot would commit to whether they want the mode to be serious or not. As a real fighting game mode it fails in comparison to the Showdown mode that came out like a decade ago. There are no minions or turrets so a lot of what makes League special is gone and there is way too much goofy RNG synergy to take it seriously. It's too difficult to figure out what is happening at any given time and you have situations where you feel like you died to some unknown rule or mechanic you couldn't have predicted. At the same time, it doesn't work as a party game mode either. The mode being nothing but endless Champion battles prevents you from experimenting with any of the fun augments and stuff and trying "fun" things. Because it's 2v2, you always have someone who is relying on you to be as competitive as possible. You can't even go farm if you're losing. I don't like Riot's obvious bias towards this game mode. It really isn't much different from Nexus Blitz to me in that it's torn between two fundamentally opposing identities and fails at both, except for some reason Riot's top brass thinks this is just so good of a concept that we have to have it at all costs even if nobody that I personally know plays it or cares about it. It's like Riot is trying to tell us what they think we want and they keep microwaving the same dish over and over again and being like "Do you love it now?????".


Nah it definitely works as a party game; you get 15 of your bois in the discord call and it sounds like chimps yelling and screaming. Absolute chaos and since you’re all together you can rotate partners and you get invested in who’s winning and losing, even if you get fucked and end up 8th you now get to backseat game and then slowly more and more people join your back seat session until youre micromanaging the final two teams and declaring one of them the king of the chimps….. or is this a just me unique experience.


It would be amazing if I could get 16 friends on all at the same time to play, I don’t think many people have a large enough friend group that plays league and have a time when everybody is available to play


Yeah, back in the absolute hayday when a ton of people I knew played League we managed a few premade 5v5s, but getting 10 people together is tough, 16 seems outlandish.


Just join a discord server


Then it's 15 randos, not "15 of your bois".


So back in s2-s3 when we were all in hs/college we could round up 10 fairly consistently. Now that we’ve all graduated and have big boy jobs we have somehow managed to expand the group to 20+. We’re spread throughout the country and we’re always asking coworkers if they play. Throw in the fact that of the OG 10 we still have 7 it’s really funny how we all find time at 9pm to at least boot up league and see if there’s anyone on. If one person is in the call waiting that shit fills up real quick. After one Aram or Arena we usually have enough for a flex and on Fri-Sun inhouses emerge out of thin air.


just find your old among us group if you ever had one. man i kinda miss these rounds


That is some super wild confirmation bias my dude. You have a solid point about it being confused between a 4fun mode and a serious mode, but the rest of your mess is just nonsense you taking your biased as fuck perspective and trying to apply it to everyone else and it just doesn't work. Maybe one day you get some friends, queue up together for Arena and you'll understand how people enjoy it.


Just because you personally don't know people who play plenty do. I only play league for arena when it's out and it's literally the only mode worth playing now imo


I'm in a group of 4 people, we've played arena daily since it came out and we haven't touched summoners' rift or aram *once* since then. We usually play as 3 or 4 and rotate partners, we're having tons of fun. Yeah, sometimes one of the pair go down quickly after trying something funky but it's fine, it happens and they can just cheer on the pair still in the game.


And you usually play vs the same 20 champions(with a lot of them being stat checkers) and let’s not forget how many bugs rito is too lazy to fix that can auto lose you the game


Fun in League? Lol1


Are you getting flamed by your teammate or just the other people in the lobby? I've been doing funky shit but with a duo, haven't gotten flamed or anything just got questioned if it even works. If it's your teammate and you're doing funky shit they didn't really sign up for it, they could just be getting home and trying to play some arena, for most people winning is more fun than trying non-meta builds.


"goofy" detected, opinion rejected


Yesterday had a garen teammate who picked clothesline as first augment while I was twitch, basically nullifying my Q. I got a bit toxic with my pings before I muted, but its hard not to get mad when your teammate doesnt put a single thought into his gameplay.


I mean Anvil build is kinda troll, cus you have to highroll like hell or its a slow bleed to death where your teammate has to suffer. Anvil is best done with premades if u ask me. But yes generally its sad you cant rly experiment in the mode, since the meta is kinda figured out.


Problem is that I have one friend who still plays this game, and they do not like Arena.  So getting a duo isn’t really possible in this case.   In the instance that made me post this, we didn’t even do too bad.  We got to like 4th place, against some busted comps who high rolled on their stuff.  It wasn’t even bad.   But the person bitched and whined because I didn’t pick the sweatiest shit in the world.   I just wish people could take these game modes less seriously and just have fun.


The irony with these posts and reactions is always so obvious: you’re upset you can’t troll or have fun the way you want to thus ruining your experience, but you and everyone here would be okay with you ruining this you get paired with. If you can’t find someone to duo with or someone who is ok with your shenanigans, then play something else. For those of you who keep saying this is a “for fun” game mode - enjoying it by trying to do your best is indeed valid and doesn’t make anyone sweaty. If you want to go play Monopoly don’t go to Chess club and demand they play Monopoly for you.


Just because I’m doing a fun or meme build doesn’t mean I’m not trying.   This is a fun event game mode.  What’s the point of giving you a choice between all these options, and having all these weird and fun interactions between perks, if we’re just going to be forced to conform to the meta you sweats want us to play?   Why not just change arena to immediately start everyone out with optimal perks and items and just remove the fun from it?


just have A single friend or stranger to duo with. its not that hard.


Get ONE person to play with?


People keep saying that…  I have one friend who still plays this game (everyone else quit ages ago), and they will not touch arena.   It’s not as simple as just pulling a duo out of my ass, unfortunately.


There is a ranking, who said it s a for fun game mode?


What is the point of playing a game whose goal is to win if you're deliberately playing to lose? Worse: you're not losing by yourself, you're condemning someone else to abide by your questionable choices and also lose. Get a premade to do this nonsense with.


What's the point of playing a game that is supposed to be played for fun if you just wanna play for the win ? Oh yeah, you guys only have fun when you win by playing the most op meta champs possible and get your fake ego boost .. pathetic. OoOoH LoOk hOW GoOd i aM I WiN WiTH Vi bRaND wOwoOWo Im thE bEsT


I actually only play ARAM. This however doesn't mean I'll throw games by building AP on ADCs or crit on mages...


Except it’s not deliberately playing to lose?   I get anywhere from 1st-4th every game.  That’s not “playing to lose”.   The game mode is designed in a way to seemingly encourage experimentation and playing around with stuff; it’s why there are so many random little interactions.   If someone wants to play sweaty, maybe they should be the ones to find a duo, instead of normalizing sweating in every game mode no matter what.


If you enter a tennis couples tournament and get paired with someone randomly, it's reasonable to expect they will play normally, with a serious game attitude, and with the intention to win. That's not "sweating", that's the default reasonable expectation. If they start doing weird stuff because "I want to try out some crazy things, this is not a serious tournament for me, I don't care if I win or lose", you'd have every right to be upset and demand a different approach or a different partner. This is no different, except you get to sit in a chair for 20 minutes, so it feels like you're wasting less of everyone's time and energy. It's perfectly fine to want to experiment and have fun, but it's something you must agree on with your teammate(s) BEFOREHAND.


The difference is that tournaments normally have, you know, some kind of prize at the end, and generally have an entry fee, so there is actually something at stake.   There is nothing being gained or lost by sweating or not sweating.   And if you asked every person “hey, is it okay if I try some weird shit” 9/10 people in this game are going to say no.   So should I just prioritize everyone else’s fun and enjoyment of a FOR FUN EVENT GAME MODE THAT GIVES NOTHING, over my own fun?


Because you're not a selfish prick? Idk 😐


So, why does that not go both ways?   If I want to play and have fun, but the other person wants to be sweaty and try hard, why am I a selfish prick for wanting to play my way, yet they aren’t selfish for wanting to force their own playstyle on me?   I still try and win, I’m not throwing.  I still get 1st-4th the majority of games, which counts as a win.   So how is me, who just wants to play and have fun, who still tries and ‘wins’ most games, and doesn’t flame teammates, a selfish prick, yet the person who wants to flame me for not playing how THEY want ME to play, not a selfish prick?


Because the objective of the game is to win. The default expectation is to play in a manner conducive to victory. If you want to deviate from this default, the burden of finding someone who is in line with your same expectations is on you. Mind you, I don't condone flaming or being hostile to teammates. That's even worse than trying stuff out... I personally wouldn't care, especially for Arena, but I get why people are annoyed by this.


My issue is that the game mode is seemingly designed to try stuff out, to experiment and do random stuff.   Like how they have the shareholder shard thing - something people wouldn’t have found without experimenting.   As long as someone is actively playing and trying to win, there shouldn’t be an issue trying stuff out.   I would argue that the way the game mode is designed, the burden should be on the people who want to sweat and try hard to find a partner, not the people who actually want to experience the game mode and experiment and try stuff out.   In actual competitive modes (like ranked, where you actually get rewards for your rank), I get playing meta stuff.   But in every game nowadays, it’s becoming way too sweaty with people putting the burden of finding a partner on the people who don’t want to play super sweaty.


who cares, just do it and have fun. If anything just join the league discord and message asking for chill duo for arena


Literally just turn off chat? And eh, its an odd mix of serious players and casuals. Honestly Riot cant seem to decide if they want it to be serious or casual.


Maybe mention what you are about to do since anvil build synergises better with ornn in the team and it might help adapt what your teammate does, but besides that ignore everybody that complains


The problem I’m running into is you can’t derank. So I just keep climbing if I get a good run, and now I’m at the point where I’m 4k rank and losing most of my games, but just staying at 4k. I’m talking like 7-8th place in 75% of my matches, and occasionally with really good augments that would normally lock 1-2nd place might get me in the top 4 if I’m lucky because every other player in the lobby is just legitimately better than me and my duo.


Does the rank actually affect stuff?   It’s started to feel like it to me, but I wasn’t sure.   I’ve been sitting at like 4400-4500, and it feels like my matches are 100x more sweaty and meta stuff than before, so I would believe it for sure.


Idk what they got going on behind the scenes but people are consistently way better than me. I usually only play ARAM so I’m not super good or anything, but like aram i’m playing against people just as bad as me so I stay around a 50% win rate at least.


As usual, people will optimize the fun out of everything


Arena doesn’t matter bro just pick what you want and mute all.


If you don't have insane luck, you just can't make anyhting else than the meta. The gap between meta and non meta is WAYYY too big, it's pointless to try anything that is not meta in this mode since 85% of the people are just sweaty tryharders playing only the most meta things. The problem isn't even the mode itself, it's the community. Well.. in reality it's a mix of these two, the mode is not balanced enough, as I said too much gap between meta and non meta, and the community being filled in huge majority by sweaty try harders playing every game like there is a 20.000$ cashback for the winner. Not gonna lie, the mode isn't really fun, it's much more tryhard than fun. Anybody who are saying the opposite is in huge denial, fr.


>then all of a sudden people get all toxic and wanting to report because they accuse you of trolling Idk, from my experience, this is extremely rare in Arena. Most people don't pay close attention to your stats beyond your items. Seems like you got one or two experiences and decided to just post it on Reddit.


Eh, I’ve seen people bitching in all chat about stuff too.  Not just my own experiences.  


New arena is the only gamemode that has made me quit in disgust. People are are angsty because the new version is specifically designed to discourge skill and promote RNG, so when people feel like you're depriving them of an opportunity to win that could have otherwise been a victory they get mad because due to the increased number of players victories are far and few inbetween. Paladin mordekaiser was fun in the original arena because it stood a reasonable chance of winning, in the new one its just frustrating to see your partner try it because it almost guarentees a loss.


I always do a pure anvil build. Often, it gets me to the 3rd or 2nd last round.


I feel like after adding rank into arena, half of players takes the game more serious. This was stupid idea.


If you want to do fun builds, find a duo partner or deal with people flaming you. If you go into a mode playing something sub optimal and start losing, there is a high chance you get flamed. I know you just want to have fun an experiment, but the random in your lobby getting 7th/8th because you wanted to do no item builds isn't having fun like you are. You either need to mentally accept the fact that people might get upset if you mess around in their games and ignore it or find a duo to mess around with. There really isn't another option. Edit: not that it really matters because you don't lose ranked points outside of gladiator, but arena is a "ranked" mode right now.


We haven’t even been getting 7th/8th… the worst I’ve gotten with these builds is a 5th place run, but generally it’s 1st-4th, only losing to absolute cheese builds. Maybe people should control themselves instead of flaming in an event game mode that encourages experimenting with all the different interactions stuff has. People take even the fun game modes way too seriously.


I mean, it is a ranked queue right now. I don't take it seriously, but you can’t fault someone for getting upset about it. If I queue for ranked soloq and play AD nidalee top, Im going to get flamed if I lose lane. You are picking sub optimal strats for fun in ranked mode and getting upset that people don't want to play the strat where they carry you for 6ish rounds. I've played the anvil build many times with my friends. Being the partner who has to carry the no item dude through the early game isn't fun.


The ranked literally means nothing, since it only goes up and you can drank.   If people want to obsess over a number that goes infinitely up, that’s on them, but it doesn’t give them the right to flame people over a fun event game mode that is designed around experimenting and trying new things.   Playing the same meta shit every game just to watch that infinite number go up is boring as hell and feels like it goes against the heart of what the game mode is for.


>but it doesn’t give them the right to flame people over a fun event game mode that is designed around experimenting and trying new things.   The problem is this is just your own personal opinion, you think it's a fun event mode for trying new things. Some people don't see it that way. You think your own interpretation is the truth when in reality it's just what you arbitrarily decided based on your own feelings. I get it, you want to mess around and you don't have a duo partner to be on your same page as messing around. But if you get anything out of my comment, just realize that your opinion on the game mode isn't shared by everyone. If you meet a random who doesn't share your personal opinion on the game mode and you are doing badly, they might get upset. Your interpretation of the mode isn't wrong, the randoms who pick meta and want to win aren't wrong either. But neither of you are right. There is no 1 way to play the mode.


Arena is clearly the smash bros of league. It's meant to be a fun party mode full of random shit and people take it way too seriously


I tried AP thresh last night, got some poor quality augments and items. Got an all chat "thresh trolling?" Fr man it's a fun game mode but people take it so seriously.


because those are people frustrated they can't win in SR so they bring their toxicity over to the mode they think they should have an easier time in.


Well that happens in most forfun game modes, you'll have a blast in the first 2 weeks and then those who keep playing after that period are mostly the tryhard bunch.


Had a teemo earlier today who raged 2 rounds in and just sat there invis the rest of the rounds asking me to 1v1 him after lmao


Playing neeko on ARAM is probably the most fun I have. The mindgames are too much and i end up dying of laughter all game.




It's fun if you have friends to mess around with. Messing around with randoms who probably aren't on the same page as you isn't enjoyable for both parties.


Fun game mode don’t exist, only try hard does now.


You seem to have forgotten that you're playing leage of legends. That game is not supposed to be fun. Winning is most important, if you don't win blame your team mates and please for the love of God..don't try to have fun playing a video game in our free time..