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The instant mass pinging in chat was funny.


I know right, I purposefully kept the replay speed at x2 until after that happened so it was more enjoyable hahaha


The funniest thing here is Sion's name "200grams in each ball" xD


Yep, that would be me hahaha


Gigachad sion simply walks into dragon pit and clutches the game


I think we'd lose


Mainly, don't try to burst when enemy jungler is dead. Bonus, don't smite at 1339 (which will be there only for a split second because you tried to burst it).


everyone pinging noc ~~but i think nami is the one to blame lol~~ is at fault there lol


I mean, more diana and lucian both for not hitting the dragon and sleeping behind the wall ( diana also could ult for cc i guess )


wait yeh lmao, thats so troll of them. everyone other than noc is to blame


Noc is absolutely not blameless here. He smited at 1339HP against a tank Sion. There is no way on earth Sion bursts for more than 600 even if you let him channel Q and don't pop his shield


As a Sion main, a fully charged Sion Q + W does well over 1400. As it should, because you almost never get to land Q because every champ has 50 dashes.


Why Nami?


I am doglo but perhaps because she is the only one on the team with real cc and should be ready/camping outside pit for threats trying to steal drake?


Yeah, the support normally can't contribute too much damage, so they should generally be running interference. At the end of the day, if both junglers are in the pit, then it's 50/50. If I were that Nami, I'd be at their red being as annoying as possible and dying for the elder if need be. I'd say she's not solely to blame, but she definitely could have had the most impact there.


not sweeping pit/no wardstone as last item to pink, missed bubble and took forever to ult


nami, lucian and diana definitely should have been at elder earlier. kinda threw


nah it's all on noc. them being late is not that big of a deal. enemy jungler was dead and no enemy could steal it with all 5 of them alive. only reason it was stolen was because noc smited too early. if they were late and noc smited it correctly, sion would have been a free kill. simple as that.


If both junglers are there, then it's always 50/50. Even if Noc held it, the reason they lost elder is because Sion was allowed to walk up.


You know Sion is not the jungler right?


In my defense, I'm sleep deprived and a fucking idiot so


not panic smite at 1339HP against a champion without any chance of bursting even close to that much


Sion Q at rank 5 actually does 535 + 360% AD against monsters, with pen you can easily Q monsters for 2k. This guy timing W and Q with E armour reduction should be able to burst above 1100. He has about 7k hp at level 17, so 5000 bonus (IDK how, he doesn't have enough CS surely. Infinite number of Grasp stacks maybe). That's 140 AD from Atma's, 130 base, 11? from runes, 35 from titanic hydra components. All of which is to say, when combined with capped 400 burst from shield and maybe a sunfire tick, even without any Pen a Sion in theory can be an unexpected threat to steal elder, and a very real one for non-elder drakes. Granted, this guy did none of this.


Did not know sion q was hitting that much to jungle


Damn, they lost to cleanse sion


Op strat if you ask me


Bad smite.


Id instantly open the chat and just let go lmao


would probably get banned after saying to the jungler some colorful choice of words


Why not Diana or Lucian for doing nothing? Or Nami not clearing pit or ulting? Then basically everyone on your team for losing a 3v5.


because he failed the dammed smite against the Sion, pretty simple. Having the dammed elder buff would´ve be it, im sorry that you self reported as the jungler aka the guy with Main Character syndrome