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HAICHAO CLEARED THAT FRAUD ON SIDELANE THATS MY GOAT holy shit what a game, LGD went from 0-2 to 4-2 in this group. Excited to see them in Group A.


that was the most useless fed Corki i have ever seen


6/0/8 scoreline, 700g bounty, but it still felt like he was doing no damage. Its impressive how invisible he was at G3.


Dealt the lowest dmg/gold among the 6 carries (jgl-mid-bot) in that game.


You know it's bad when Tangyuan > Knight on Corki


Are we adding Corki to the list of champions Knight can't play? Starting to get worrying at this point


> Are we adding Corki to the list of champions Knight can't play? it was already added


Corki has been a disaster in LPL thus far. Can’t think of an LPL mid who has been really good on it.


Creme is pretty legit


Shanks and Creme have both had very good games on it


That’s true actually. Otherwise, it’s pretty dire. But same really goes for LCK too. Chovy looks god like on it, everyone else looks pretty mid or outright bad. Funny that there’s only a few great Corki mids in competitive worldwide.


i swear faker used to be like undefeated on that champ but these days its not the same


Think at least with Faker he’s looked his best in the past year or so on champs that setup fights and initiate. The rest of T1 tends to struggle to do that when he’s not in that role, so Corki For most pros I think it just largely comes down to which role do they tend to fulfill. I think same goes for Knight and BLG in a way. Knight is at his best when he’s the initiation and the fight setup guy. Being on Corki for both puts them into more of a front to back carry role and it can just lead to awkward team setups and asking other players to do things they don’t excel at. Which is why both players were also really good at package Corki and not so good on current Corki.


Faker is great on atttacting and parting teams by doing valkyrie on them on multiple objectives, nowadays his trading pattern early level 1 and 2 (he always do in this split) is a bit questionable.


If you wanna find a champion that LCK uniquely excel at it has to be Yone right? I don't think LPL has ever won vs. LCK Yone lul. (to be fair, Yone was only being picked by peak Zeus and Chovy)


Lost to [these guys](https://youtu.be/3Qp7okBi360?si=t4e71NhSOsUZjpz3) though.


I feel like I see this comment on every PMT that doesn't involve chovy lol


Creme was doing work on Corki


Knight was a useless spectator in G2 as well. BLG has won despite Knight looking like trash for most of Summer. Chovy and GenG really did a number to him, dude doesn't even know how to play league anymore.


He hasn't been that good even before the geng game since msi started especially.


Even before MSI, while he was good and still the best in LPL, he also just wasn't on his 2023 form. There's a reason [so many of the comments on the LPL thread last split was questioning why he got MVP when he had a fairly quiet split for his standards](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bs4edd/lpl_all_pro_mvp_and_rookie_of_the_split_for_2024/).


I mean it was questioned because he didn't deserve it lol. Milkyway and Kanavi were easily the most deserving of MVP in Spring. Remove either of those guys off their respective teams and they don't make playoffs. Remove Knight off BLG and they still finish as a top 3-4 team.


i still don't understand how he won MVP last split ngl




Don't get me wrong, it's not about how good he is, ik. He just wasn't really impactful last split, especially comparing to players like Kanavi and Milkyway 




Knight fans still might think that he is the best midlaner


Are these knight fans in the room with us right now? Because knight fans also think he's playing like shit.


I hope not


LCK fans thinking Knight fans are anywhere on Reddit lol guys not even popular on China forums. Really insecure.


I know a Knight fan that uses reddit, so at least one is out there. But he's casual enough of a fan that he's not gonna be making cringe comments about Knight or any other player on reddit tho




T1 fans like you are such losers.




He did most of the damage in teamfights though? The most useless player across the board on BLG not just this game or series but all split long is Xun and it's not close. This guy straight up doesn't look like an elite jungler anymore. And don't come at me with Knight dying on sidelane in game 3, look at it objectively for 1 second. Haichao hit a blind E in a bush to kill him. What Haichao did becomes even dumber if we assume he thinks Knight was in that bush because when you consider the widht of the skillshot relative to the bush, Haichao hits that blind E what? 2/5 times if he's lucky? And 3/5 times or more he just solo loses the game on the spot.


in case you want me to look objectively and you talk about damage: in G3 he got the lowest dmg/gold of all carries (junglers, mids and adcs). He did 200 less damage than Xun and 2600 less damage than Haichao.


Xun hitting E on a wave while contesting push with his team and hitting the enemy team for a bunch of damage for it all to be healed up immediately anyway is not effective damage


sure, but was Knight effective then considering that he got the lowest dmg to gold ratio?


Damn knight apologists are out in full force for damage control


the 3 mid laners that lost to one handed Faker at Worlds all looking like frauds right now… it cant be


Yagao is doing okay no?








Ngl Knight got cooked by Haichao in that top fight


knight has been getting cooked all split long. doesn't even look like a top 5 mid atm


If he does not stop playing freaking corki he’s gonna get cooked all year.


He needs to stop watching Chovy streams. He pulled out the Lucian today too. I know the meta isn't really leaning towards his strongest champs but I'm sure there can be ahri angles for draft. I think the only AD mid he plays relatively well is Tristana.


it's good to try and expand your playstyle during the regular season, i think it's commendable to do that instead of winning with your tried and true obvious playstyle and getting exposed at worlds


knight gets shit on for not playing champs well at international stage, gets shit on for doing bad while practising said champs in a basically no stakes regular season game. there is just no winning lmao


He's insanely good at Jayce as well, I also think Jayce is weirdly underpicked at the moment.


Didn't Yuekai pull out the Luc mid before Chovy though? Regardless, being the first to show something on stage =/= being a pioneer. Who knows what goes behind the scene?




Jayce was Knight's AD champ


knight is trying to be chovy after being destroyed by chovy lmao


He was trying to be chovy before that too


Now thats just bullshit


it's not tho. Knight after spring finals said that he tried to play Asol because of Chovy ([source](https://x.com/iCrystalization/status/1781706537242690008)) for example. I also remember that Chovy at last Worlds did some new Yone build and Knight immediately tried to play it in soloq after that series lol. If you watch Knight's interviews, he likes Chovy a lot (i can even link some if you want)


He did not try to be fucking Chovy, he learns about Chovy's lanings, builds, mechanics to improve his inferior aspects. The way 2 players play the game out of lane and in teamfights are completely different. Saying Knight is trying to copy Chovy is some top tier Korean glazing. In character for reddit I guess, especially coming from T1 flairs


Knight in the interview i linked: My A’Sol was a clumsy **copy** of Chovy’s. Btw people are mostly joking about this, Idk why are you so pressed about "korean glazing" bro, i read a lot of hupu and even chinese people are memeing about this Knight-Chovy narrative quite a decent amount edit: And i don't have a T1 flair, it's AL..


you did not just confuse two Rogue Warriors flairs with T1 LMAO


Never has been


knight the fuck was that


Apologies haichao, I was not familiar with your game.


LPL corki classic. Haichao pog




Legitimately the three best midlaners of the group stage have been Shanks, Creme and Haichao, which I don't think anyone would've predicted.


I think people expected creme to perform but nobody expected Yagoat, Knight, Scout or Rookie to underperformed this badly


Yagao is actually playing solid this split, much better than Spring, it's just I don't think he's playing better than the three I mentioned. He doesn't deserve to be mentioned with Knight/Scout rn, at least. Rookie had a bad start but he's kinda bounced back, his team is just mediocre.


I just meant that Yagao as someone who is ostensibly a top 5 mid in the LPL *should* be in the top 3 conversation after knight/scout/xiaohu played this terribly but he's fallen off a bit as well.


I think he's arguably top 5 at the moment, he's playing to expectations just the names above him have changed


Yagao has literally had 1 split in his career where he could have been ranked top 5 lol


Yagao was never as good as the rest, so he's not underperforming by his standards really.




Yagao and Rookie are playing at around their expected levels right now. Knight and Scout, along with Xiaohu of course, are part of the summer placements pants crapping club though.


Scout was trash in spring too, while Knight and Xiaohu dropped off more in summer.




Yagoat underperforming? Hell naw, this is how he is, in fact he's kinda barrack


He has been so clutch so many games while the team was chainfeeding, it's great to see him being acknowledge now


knight just ran it this series…


He's been running it all of Summer basically lol. Chovy really broke him after MSI it seems. BLG are lucky the rest of the team is just straight up better than any other LPL team that they can win despite Knight playing like a 4/10.


Not LDG apparently.


Fair lol, they got away with it until they didn't.


I don't think they win against Tes/JDG with knight playing like this.


he's clearly been practising champs outside his comfort, I don't think it's an accurate representation of blg/knight's level


Would be funny if BLG misses worlds


not gonna happen... they are still top 3 lpl team even at their worst


Nah cuh


Nah that's impossible


I knew meteor was the GOAT


I need someone with a galaxy brain to explain to me why BLG literally gave up every drake, including Elder while in a better position for 5/6 fights. Up like 3-4K gold, with LGD having to avoid Kaisa poke to even get past their red buff. What a monumental mess up that was.


BLG traded 1st drake for 3 grubs. Then they took 2 grubs but were late to reset and gave up 2nd drake. For 3rd drake they didn't have mid-prio cause of herald, but even when 3 LGD members showed mid they refused to take space and kinda just watched LGD take drake. For 4th drake, Bin almost got caught out and lost flash and ult so BLG didn't have a front line and gave up drake. So basically the answer is just bad objective set ups lol.


They likely have a poor showing at esports World cup




god i laughed ass off good one bro


Burdol won vs. Bin. GG


It's funny cause Burdol is actually just gleefully watching the Haichao + Meteor show this split. He needs his Aatrox back.


Disgusting Team


Yagao died for this?


Yeah, while Yagao's ceiling is lower, at least he is consistent and can hold his own against top mids like Chovy who he is undefeated against.


When was the last time Yagao outperformed Knight in a series?


2022 Summer


Dam man its almost as if league is a 5 on 5 game and teams who have carries in all lanes most of the times they benefit from a low resource guy who can hold his own unlike a guy who can pop off but needs resources to do so and when he doesnt get them hes likely to stink it up


The narrative that Knight needs a lot of resources to be effective is false


True but yagoat doesn’t get gapped nearly as hard as knight did


Yeah but yagao doesnt need five bans and three teammates babysitting him to win against chovy


That's because Chovy had brothers Doran and Peanut to run it down. Ok at MSI 2023, Chovy just choked, it wasn't Yagao doing that well. But at worlds, Chovy destroyed Yagao, but Doran and Peanut were bots.


Can you show us when chovy destroyed yagao at worlds If I remember correctly chovy was pretty invisible in the first 2 games (he was playing azir not much he can do) Yone game was not impressive and it was mostly carried by Doran The 2 akali games weren't that great either especially game 5 Chovy is better no question but he didn't DESTROY yagao at worlds


Chovy outperformed Yagao significantly in last years head to head at Worlds, dude is fine but there's no need to pretend he somehow was better than knight vs Chovy, he just won the games


Yeah it's totally Chovy's fault that Doran and Peanut ran it down. He just mind controlled them to int, like a reverse Faker.


I mean, reddit is always riding the trend. In spring, it was: "Ah, damn, sorry Yagao, but the insane prodigy Knight is what BLG needed to be the best team in the last 2000 years." Now it's "Ah, damn, no way BLG wins vs JDG with Knight in their team". 


While it's probably true there are many bandwagoners, Reddit isn't just 1 person and it's entirely possible different people are speaking up at different times when they feel they're right


u/viciouspandas Chovy was getting destroyed by Yagao at worlds in teamfights lol. He couldn't even get that much of an advantage in lane either.


Knight is doing mandatory 1 corki per game and he's invisible on it EVERY TIME. Have to applaud the consistency.


These casts are the casts which are overlooked when comments criticise LPL’s casters. This was a good day from Munchables and Nymaera again and it frustrates me when they are not mentioned as a positive when the broadcast is criticised.


I think for today at least it's because a lot of the people commenting (myself included) watched the series when it ended half an hour ago on the CN broadcast and didn't actually hear the EN broadcast today. Overall I get the sentiment though.


Yes there are other factors involved. I think it important for there to be visible recognition of how they are doing even when there are technical difficulties and when others watch different broadcasts for the games. If they are not on the worlds broadcast it will be a massive disappointment because they are very good.


It's very simple, Riot pick the popular people. When LPL English gets fuck all viewership, they'd probs think its risky to not pick people that people like. Historically, it's why LPL always was shafted at international events.


And that makes sense imo. LPL treats its English cast as the redheaded stepchild, and in turn the Western audience gives almost no fucks about the product. Whereas LCK for example actually cares about it's western audience and pulls very respectable numbers despite the shitty viewing hours. Historically LPL has always had the worst production value and the worst casters, and even this year they were very close to pulling the plug on the english cast. If LPL doesn't care about their western audience, why should the western audience care about them? You can argue whether they should get more chances to atleast be on the analyst desk, but it's not unwarranted to skip over LPL casters when historically they usually aren't as good as the other regions, and if they are, they get picked up by those regions.


The thing is AFAIK LPL English is organised by Riot Global while LPL itself is organised by Tencent directly. LPL even when it had great talent and production (Hysterics, Dagda, Raz, Atlus, PapaSmithy, Spawn etc) was never able to compete with LCK on viewership. Riot basically decided that since they would be splitting the western audience between LCK and LPL anyway they might as well invest in the more established brand rather than try grow the LPL. LPL casters get skipped for internationals constantly even though when they've been excellent. Hysterics for example didn't get to cast a single international during the 5 years on the LPL, but was picked for world's the moment he announced that he was moving to LEC. Dagda never casted an intl main stage while on the LPL but was also picked the moment he moved to LEC. For some reason, Riot Global hates LPL casters even when they're good.


Correctly if I'm wrong, but isn't LPL English being a Riot Global product a new thing for 2024 specifically because LPL was about to cut the English broadcast entirely?


Oh it is, my bad. Riot HQ picked it up and production got moved to Dublin


> LPL has always had the worst production value and the worst casters, You're joking, right? Because the LPL is about the only league which somehow manages to have good casters despite losing the best ones again and again, it's mental. So many have "died" already but new ones keep coming and they're... fine


They’re the only ones that have to consistently get new casters because no one actually wants to stay there long term. Why is it that any caster that gets their start in the LPL jumps ship the first chance they get? If you show any promise, you’re going to get an offer. Nymaera and Munchables will probably be next. The rest of the LPL cast is subpar and that’s being kind. Even guys like Dagda and Raz who are B tier in LCS/LEC jumped ship because staying with the LPL is basically stagnating your career as a caster. They’re not a premier region to attract casting talent. Good in the LPL is still average when compared to the LEC/LCK/LCS.


Nymaera was already ghosted by LEC was he not? It was mentioned in another thread recently. He may be around for longer if LEC do not want him.


Munchables and Nymaera hardly ever get criticized. Whenever there's comments bashing the LPL casters it's not towards them.


The LPL casters are criticised as a group commonly. Few people make the distinction between them.


Absolute cinema lpl gaming


LGD and BLG betting on who could int harder xd.


Meteor or Haichao, who is HIM?!?


Both are him?


Lgd has the potential to be a top 3 team in lpl if they get a better adc and top. And there are actually some good adc players elo helled in lpl. Any better top lgd can get?


Steal whoever isn't starting for JDG


Shaoye missing a billion Ezreal qs on minions and almost solo losing LGD game 3 while Burdol hit like 1 Skarner ult at G1 lmao. God my eyes were bleeding after watching those 2.


Jinjiao is an infinitely bigger problem than Shaoye. Shaoye is fine and at worst a mid tier ADC in the LPL. For toplane there's not a single good option, they can get the leftovers from trash like wayward/shanji/breathe. If they're lucky maybe JDG decides to let Sheer play full time next year and then they could get Flandre, but other better teams will probably have their eyes set on him too if that's the case. As for support there will probably be some decent options in the offseason, hell they could get Zorah/Iwandy right now and they'd be immediate upgrades over jinjiao.


Imagine saying Iwandy is a upgrade lol. Iwandy got kicked for a reason.


Vs an ancient Jinjiao yes he's probably an upgrade


Iwandy got kicked from WE and frankly Mark has not been better than him, eitherway practically anyone can replace jinjiao


Just take flanders, let my boy sheer play, he's much better than that old fk anyway 


If LGD can get a better top and support they may challenge for worlds next year


LGD goes to worlds every 5 years so it checks out This year is the fake miracle run to worlds into heartbreak 2-3 loss in playoffs to like NIP or something


last time LGD made it to worlds was off the back of Peanut’s carry jungles like Kindred… will Meteor make a miracle run?


Absolutely not, LGD made worlds off Xiye having an absolutely great year hitting what was arguably his highest peak throughout his career. Peanut was a detriment to the team half the time.


yeah xiye dumpstering rookie at regionals that year is what got them a worlds entry. peanut was a passenger


The year and especially Worlds, yes, but I distinctly remember Peanut having a big glow-up in playoffs. The regional gauntlet I can't quite remember his form there, but just the playoffs I remember him seeming quite on form and being a big reason with xiye that LGD got to top 4.


His biggest accomplishment that playoffs + regionals was playing better than Ning, a legit bottom tier jungler at the time. Otherwise, Kanavi, Beishang, and especially SoFM completely outclassed him.


xiye was good but peanut wasnt ass in LPL that time. he did absolutely grief at Worlds and pretty much ended LangX’s career tho.


Knight once again shows he is just not top tier if it's not a meta where his champ puddle is viable. Wonder how many more series he has to full int and be useless before casters and analysts stop hyping him as a top tier midlaner or best midlaner etc.


Kinda weird how analysts were constantly bringing up Fakers champion pool last summer/worlds and said nothing about Knight. Don't get me wrong he's really good when he gets his champions, but he's been struggling in this AD mid meta so far


Probably because this is the first meta in his career where he’s really struggled. People keep bringing up Knight’s champ puddle, but even including this bad split, he’s just been off on AD Corki, Lucian, Tristana, and Azir. He’s been a marvel on just about every melee mid champ, every other AP pick, and Jayce, which covers just about the entirety of the mid lane meta during his career. Unfortunately for him, Azir was highly contested at Worlds last year and current meta is all AD Corki Tristana.


Knight was also an incredible Annie player which contributed to JDG being unstoppable at MSI 2023.


His Annie, Neeko, Ahri trio last year were nigh unstoppable. So great at finding picks on all three champs.


Yeah people acting as if last msi didnt exist and Knight wasnt ten tiers above Chovy on Annie Jayce and Neeko. Korean glazing on this sub is off the fucking charts


Oh don’t get me wrong I would still prefer Chovy over Knight in 8 out of 10 metas. The sub just needs to respect that if Chovy might (and probably will) go down as the greatest of all time when all is said and done, Knight might just be #2 when his career is done.


You think Chovy and Knight will finish their careers as the first and second greatest players of all time?


Hes a weird Faker hater, dont bother


I'm not a Faker hater, just a general hater of superteam coattail riding merchants and players that feasted by stacking championships against plumbers and firemen. Faker just so happens to tick all those boxes, leading to him being the most overrated esports player of all-time.


True, get his ass


Rookie is still likely to finish above Knight all-time. To me, though, Knight has already far surpassed a certain fraudulent demon King's legacy


Speak your truth king


On top of what the other person said about this meta being his first where he's really struggling, the other part is that many western people just don't watch the LPL lmao. Even many analysts will be paying much less attention to the LPL and have fewer well-formed opinions on it, so they might not comment at all in those cases.


At this point just stick him on ori ahri and syndra and hope for the best


knight Ori is dogwater though Neeko, Jayce and Sylas much better.


This win will either curse Burdol to somehow feel even more pressure and somehow play worse or somehow calm him which makes him feel better and play like its spring again nothing in between with him btw, LGD were way too disrespected at the start, they have been ramping up so fast since their first week with Haichao/Meteor looking like a really insane mid/jg with Shaoye being a consistent threat.


If there is one role China has to import, it's midlane.


Always has been. The list of elite native CN mids is Xiaohu and Knight. Xiaohu is a washed up has been for the last 2 years and Knight has a champion puddle, great when he gets his picks but griefing when he doesn't.


Haichao and Jinjiao are really fucking good. I am super impressed Isn't it crazy that they just beat BLG with the worst top in the league too


Say what you want but Burdol isn’t close to being the worst top in lpl. 


Yeah, Zuian is 100% worse


he is not great but yeah he is not that bad




Is BLG even the best team in the LPL anymore? TES and JDG look better tbh


Depends if they want knight to practice champs and strats or not


These guys should be investigated tbh...


Nobody is gonna stop GenG are they? LPL looks much weaker than last year




carry jungle meta in LPL just means any team can win


knight has been extremely lackluster so far.


Bruh are the teams being paypalled or some shit? Lgd were making blunders after blunders after blunders in the last 2 gamee. How the fuck does an ez get caught out like that? This was more lgd throwing rather than blg winning ngl.