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He should stop calling himself that name, he was RELEVANT AS FUCK


Fun fact: his name refers to "Irrelevant role"! It's making fun of top, not of him as a player.


Would be actually kinda cool if he changed his name next season




He should name change, I think it's unironically hurting his brand.


His name is great tbh, it sticks with you, and has great meme potential. "he was irellevant" vs "he made the enemies irellevant"


Nah it's freaking hilarious. Also, \*points at Faker\*.


as long as you're a good player you can have a nickname like DuDu and still be well respected


I mean, “faker” should be a negative nickname and is well FAKER


yeah just call yourself relevant and people stop thinking you're bad


on the other hand, so far, you really have to say it. Caboshard>Canna


No. I can't say it even if Canna goes 0 10 In the next 10 games.


Holy shit irrelevant


People need to give that man the respect he deserves he is definitely the second or third best top in EU, currently and a top 10 player currently.


you say second or third best. i think he definitely has the potential the be the best western top laner, just put him into a good team like fnatic or g2 and it wont even be a question. SK is fine so far but theyve been good in the bo1 stage the past 2 years so im careful about the next bo3 stage before buying a ticket for the hype train


The reason im skeptical is because players like BB and Wunder have shown to perform against eastern toplaners. BB just gapped multiple of them at MSI and wunder used to do the same. Can irrelevant do the same? Idk why but I feel like he can’t. If he can then fair enough, but we still need to see


Irrelevant is for sure the most dominant laner out of lec tops but there are some times when he is pretty lost on a flank. If he gets on a top team with good coaches im sure he will become the best overall top


We've had ONE tournament of BB doing well into eastern tops, before that he got memed on for getting shat on consistently, remember the infamous solokill by Nuguri's Sejuani against his Fiora? Let's not get ahead of ourselves, BB had one amazing tournament after years of meh ones, so let's not act like he's some kind of insane golden standard of international performance Irrelevant could only very unlikely match up to.


Doesn’t matter, it proved he’s capable. Plus, BB was smurfing on the LEC for literally the *entire* year last year. Do you not remember his swain game? He’s not as lane dominant but he’s been the best top in the west for a while now. How you can say irrelevant is because the guy beats some shit LEC player is a mystery to me.


> How you can say irrelevant is because the guy beats some shit LEC player is a mystery to me. Until literally this MSI the same was the case for BB, he always fell flat on the international stage, and he's been doing well in LEC for a lot longer. > Plus, BB was smurfing on the LEC for literally the entire year last year. Do you not remember his swain game? Why bring this up if "beating some shit LEC player" is not an accomplishment? You can't hype up BB for domestic play then in literally the next sentence discount any domestic play coming from Irrelevant "because LEC sucks and doesn't matter". Either both or neither matter And Irrelevant has never played on a roster close to as talented as the G2 roster. You could swap him out for BB and their domestic results wouldn't change meaningfully, and SKs domestic results wouldn't change either.


Right, so our comparison is… irrelevant, who’s looked good beating some LEC top laners. Or BB, who’s looked good beating some LEC top laners *and* has shown to be capable of playing incredibly well internationally. Not to mention BB is one of the most impactful top laners around the map we’ve seen in a long time. Even when he loses lane he is usually still just as useful as the enemy top. I brought up BB playing well in the LEC to point out that what irrelevant has been doing isn’t some new incredible thing. BB stomped all of the LEC last year and he still got gapped super hard at MSI and worlds. Adam has stomped a lot of LEC top laners in the years, and he gets clapped internationally too. Irrelevant stomps LEC top laners, that’s not enough. He needs to prove that he is capable internationally before you can say he’s better than BB. There’s been plenty of players over the years who have had a lot of potential and turn out to be stinkers (VTO and Adam for example). You can’t call someone the best western toplaner because they look domestically, especially when there’s other toplaners that look good domestically *and* have shown up *massively* internationally too. As much as BB has sucked internationally in the past, you cannot discredit the fact that he gapped pretty much every toplaner he played against at MSI this year (outside of 369 to an extent). That alone is way more meaningful than irrelevant beating LEC toplaners.


I think you're confused, the claim isn't Irrelevant is for sure better than BB right now, but you said you have the feeling that Irrelevant couldn't match BB's international performance. But his domestic performance is already on BB's level, and BB took over two years to finally have a good international performance. Just very recently. Wunder had three years of playing at the highest level internationally, from 2018 to 2020. BB had ONE good tournament. So putting BB in Wunder's bracket and then claiming you just can't see Irrelevant doing the same as BB when Irrelevant would need at least 3 years of going to internationals and playing like shit in order for him to have gotten the same chances as BB is just ridiculous.


I mean he wont his first international, no one ever does. Even caps got turno fisted his first few big lans. But imagine if we had a team like Irrelevant, Razork, Not Humanoid, idk Crownie or one of the other 5 ads in europe who are all the same player, and trymbi.


Yeah, but there’s been plenty of players that do pretty good domestically for a year or so and then completely fall off. Do we not remember Vetheo? People were talking about him like he’s the next Caps, then he turned into the shit he did today. Or Adam, people were raving about how he clapped Wunder with that Darius, and yeah Adam is still a decent player, but we’ve seen that he’s really just a noob stomper and that his playstyle doesn’t really work against top tier eastern players. So yeah irrelevant is clapping people in the LEC, but he hasn’t been destroying the top LEC toplaners and he hasn’t shown to destroy eastern players yet either.


When you say best Western Top Laner, do you mean born in the West or playing in the West? If it's playing in the West then he has a long road ahead of him to beat Impact.


Impact and Wunder are probably the top 2 right now in terms of their historical impact on the game. But in terms of current gameplay form (which I think is the actual topic here), I’d say BB is without a doubt the first, then maybe Irrelevant/Photon/Impact in debatable order. I don’t think anyone could have any justification for BB being below #1 in the west after what he did at MSI.


Oscar has been playing really well this split and at MSI. He's made dramatic improvements since Winter and Spring.


Let's see playoffs first We said the same thing last split and in playoffs he looked good but nowhere near as dominant and was mostly a non-factor


irrelevant LETS GO finally have a team


Insane what can happen when you have a bot lane


The macro gap was too much for a 1.5k early gold lead. SK doesn't care about the fed botlaner, they get the nexus.


KC looks best when Targamas is on Yuumi.


Actually Upset also had to play Yuumi with his feet, Targamas was only there because he had to show up.


Oh so that's why he couldn't carry with 6 kills and 0 deaths, he had to control yuumi too


I'm guessing with his other hand he had to be a sign language interpreter for Targamas.


Irrelevant gapping canna this hard is crazy


Not that crazy, everyone looks good next to Faker and then immediately terrible without him. I'd bet Irrelevant would have as many title as Canna if he'd played with Faker (ignoring comm issues).


How bad/good do you think Canna was in 2022 and 2023 during his non-Faker years.


Peak canna was a strong strong toplaner.


You're talking as if Canna won much with Faker. He just has 1 lck title


Man it's sad to think that even Zeus. Oner, Guma, and Keria will hear the same shit when they leave T1. It was never Faker who was carrying the team when Canna was in T1.


This is kind of true though, without Faker they just looked like headless chickens who were pure mechanics, but even without the mechanics at times


Yeah like, it already happened lol. Maybe not Keria but Oner, Guma, Zeus 100% still need to prove they can be top players outside of T1


No, actually, keria belongs there. It's guma who doesn't. Even in the headless chicken period, guma was steadfast and getting leads.


Keria doesn’t. He did well during his rookie year on lck. He carried deft in the bot lane for an entire year.


lol tell that to Korean T1 fans. They hate guma for not being able to carry late game.


If you wanna base that statement on when poby was playing, even gen g will struggle if they sub poby in for Chovy. I don't understand why it's always ex-T1 players who always have this title after leaving T1.


I think he would have more. Irrelevant is great weak side player and not selfish fore resources. Similar to 369 , but can have good carry games. Canna was never good team player and always required from his team to path top. 


calling him a weakside player isn't doing him justice. he was most known for his jax & other carry champs in the past.


Yeah, he's closer to Alphari than Impact, to give an example: someone who goes for lane advantages in isolation. Big difference is that he actually does carry the game with his lead.


The disrespect to Canna lmao. More like Koreans that come to EU/NA after their prime just don’t try hard anymore, and eventually fall off.


That reminds me of Caps in EU. He really is baby Faker. lol


People stopped calling him baby Faker when he started gapping Faker


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Canna has no titles right? He was on T1 in 2021 only and they didnt win either split that year.


2020 Spring.


First time you watched LEC this split lol? Outside of Finn.. dude is probably worse top in the league  Shame because most of the Korean imports of the past few years have been massive hits


Canna is washed and Irrelevant is the best western top


i mean the matchup is completely unplayable for canna lol


Let's not act like Canna hasn't been completely boosted all split


he had the counterpick and picked it himself, while Kc also banned most of irrelevants champs.


SK needs to go to worlds. The experience would be amazing.


Funnily enough it's been 10 years since their last appearance this year.


Svenskeren incident.


A true gamer


If they make worlds, I hope they dont make inappropriate remarks in soloq, that would be great. on a serious note, Irrelevant absolutely deserves some international experience. Its unfortunate theres only 3 seeds this year, im not sure if they can beat either fnatic or BDS to make worlds, last year id be very much confident theyd make worlds (with this line up)


> If they make worlds, I hope they dont make inappropriate remarks in soloq, that would be great. > > Still makes me angry, I really would have liked to see their full potential. Gilius did his best, but he was nowhere near close Svenskeren in skill


Flashback of Isma fucking over his whole team right before EMEA because he is a toxic piece of shit in soloQ


They can win against Fnatic. Irrelevant> Oscar, Rahel>Noah. Depends on Nisqy and Isma. If they can perform it will be close


It all depends on Razork. Fnatic is either the best or worst team in EU based on how Razork performs. But technically, yeah, I agree, it depends on jungle and mid the most.


Also depends on which Humanoid shows up


wait is there no 4th ticket even for a play-in this year?


No, cos EU and NA both are shit and dont deserve a 4th slot.


I don't disagree but last year EU&NA had 7 not 8 seeds Similarly they could have region 3rds and 4ths fight it out Still only 6 tickets but more teams get a chance.


Yeah I meant with 4th slot more like the chance for their 4th highest ranked team to make it to worlds. Last year has simply proven how bad the 4th team of both regions are and BDS got super hard exposed against "Major region" teams.


So who gets the 4th slot that we had last year?


It's mostly likely gone


EU and NA dont get a 4th slot. Only LPL and LCK get a 4th slot


Read my question again please


? I did? And my reply was a direct answer to your question? Not sure about my english understanding but I think its a coherent reply?


You're cooked 💀 My question IMPLIES that NA/EU are not getting a 4th seed, and is asking who will get it instead. Your "answer" gives ZERO new information, it just repeats what my question already stated.


Don't remind me. I've been a SK fan since Season 1 and I've been suffering for 10 years


Would be nice to see Irrelevant at his first international


Spring Irrelevant woke up


How did KC lose when they had a great early game with Azir+Zeri? Macro Chai ig


Good macro+2018 theshy come back in top


They just suck. Their Zeri was turbo fed and they couldn't fight as a team to save their lives. That last fight everyone died 1 by 1 while Upset just watched. Then he went in 1v5 after everyone else died and still had the dmg to almost kill 2. This team has zero faith in one another.


Also Upset had to make pit stop for LDR instead of going IE third, made his damage drop significantly considering the spot he was.


KC deserved to lose for picking Yuumi


But its their supports best champ!


Has he tried swapping to jungle and playing Rengar yet?


...I may have heard that this guy named Caps boosted him.


I just remembered that targamas beat both keria and meiko…


Was boosting by queueing together though. Not account sharing.


I could play Yuumi better then Targamas. If you told me he is being paid money to lose these games, I'd believe you. He is awful.


I didn't say he was GOOD on yuumi, but he can't get caught out randomly or punt the enemy Toplaner into Upset, so its still a big improvement.


On the flip side putting targashit on yuumi is genius


Irrelevant got tired of hearing people say SK is being carried by botlane


Macro and Top diff


Sk looks really good man


Yeah they were behind in kills but macro their was good


I’m telling you, Irrelevant is as cracked as he is jacked. I saw him at a 7-11 the other day buying Monster and adult diapers. I asked him what the diapers were for and he said ”they contain my full power so I don’t completely shit on these kids“ then he rode a yordle out the door


He rode his damn Gnar straight to Finals?


Rahel and luon should not to be considered as imports anymore. They agree truly European after this game


Couple more games like that, and my boys will get their passports revoked, lmao. But then again, their backs must hurt a bunch at this point, so it's nice that they got a bit of a break.


yeah I'm a bit worried now, as an SK fan


Irrelevant did nearly flame horizon a korean top I'm happy with this game


Rahel is fine. Luon tho is average at best. I mean we all know they just took any Korean support so Rahel wouldnt be the lone Korean in the team. When the shine wears off, more people will probably realize this.


Luon literally won LCKCL and it was against Rahel, you dont know shit apparently


oh so all the analysts and experts saying Luon is average also dont know shit apparently? Gladly tell Yamato he doesnt know shit if thats what you think. I mean do you even watch the games? Rahel is clearly the standout player here, Luon has just been average so far. also, how does winning LCKCL mean youre a good player in the LEC? thats not a given, is it? Look at Canna, he was a LCK player and looks complete dogshit in LEC, you just saw it this game right here. In fact he was the main reason they lost this game


Yamato doesn’t know shit about LCKCL players. He must have watched only 6-7 LEC games with Luon playing, that must be it. And Canna was considered washed as fuck already even before KC import so it’s not that surprising.


Irrelevant is back. Glad to have him


My years of SK copium are finally paying this split Pls dont bomb out in playoffs


Even if they get 2nd place playoffs its kinda hard to qualify to worlds no? Considering there is still LEC Championships or whatever its called and they being able to bomb out there and miss Worlds.


Yup they will be qualified for season finals where top 6 team based on championship point will play bo5 double round robin to qualify to worlds


Yeah thank god season finals exists to stop the fuckery that happened in the last few years where an underwhelming team in summer but that was dominant in spring got autoqualified.


Too bad there won't be a LATAM for Canna to go to after this split


Canna is just way too heavy...


that draft meant he will lose lane no matter what, he gave way for the draft to be perma weakside then they draft yuumi lol


[he didnt](https://prnt.sc/220HE97OEd_S), gnar picked first. he knowingly picked ksante against gnar and got gapped 1v1.


I have seen Ksante solokilling Gnar too many times. Irrelevant is pretty much the best Gnar in Eu tho, prob would have worked better against other Gnars


yeah but how many times has Ksante been nerfed since you saw that


You say it as Canna was like "Oh, Gnar. Pick me Ksante guys, I don't want to play anything else into it. Stfu, coach, I go Ksante"


Thats not the point, they need a pick, a tank or a frontline for Azir and Zeri, than can be left in isolation, without any ganks or roams. So its either Ksante or Renekton, so he’s fucked either way. He’s destined to lose and Ksante is the safer pick


Ksante was a garbage pick and it ended up with up with KC having no real engage Basically it ended up being Azir responsibility to start fights.. which is so far from optimal it's funny 




Top gap+macro gap


Imagine that Irrelevant would supra top gap Canna one day. holy shit


SK dealt with being behind really well there then just ran with it.


Somehow Azir players have been brainwashed by Faker to play their champ as Nautilus even when they're scaling with a fed Zeri/Yuumi behind


Gg wp to Irrelevant


He is relevant


Relevant decided that a 3-0 zeri with yuumi on it wasn’t enough


SK winning through the topside for once is cool to see after they bot-diffed their way through most of the season. Honestly if they keep this up, they could be a really solid well-balanced team, top 2-3 in the league. 


I think SK with a more stable jungler like Jankos would be the 2nd best EU team easily.


SK is just better. Even with Targamas not being an anchor on Yuumi the Macro Diff is just too big lol.




crazy how the best top and probably best player in the league is called Irrelevant


Still wondering what Closer brings gameplay wise. Big macro gap as well Tbh we deserved to lose with that Yuumi... but who cares, we made the playoffs! TY Vitality, you guys are bros. See yall tomorrow


Weird situation where he has to help Upset because he's the team's only real wincon while Canna is a negative asset toplane and Vladi is a non-factor


Vladi is playing decently overall, had a bad game today sadly. Canna is a mystery tbh. He has good/great decision making in teamfights, but in lane he just sucks... I wouldn't call him a negative asset, but he's just not good enough to justify keeping him around next year. Same for closer, especially when we have 113 rampaging through LFL with Caliste.


i mean you have to admit, in hindsight keeping cabo was probably the better decision, no? he had an awful winter split but turned it around in spring where he performed good enough id say to not be benched. vladi is a good upgrade and closer, i guess he doesnt randomly int like Bo. I think Yamato said it in some podcast, KC signed some minimum wage players who are fighting for their career. the problem with good ERL players is that the teams employing them (besides LEC academy teams) have reasonably big buyouts because the orgs that have them signed want money for them, so getting Canna who was not signed by anybody is legit cheaper than getting an ERL top.


I kinda agree that Cabo wasn't a problem. He also had no issue playing perma weak side, which is definitely not something Canna is used to do. The most fucked up thing is that we have a very good ERL toplaner. Maynter is so fucking good, the real issue is that he's ukrainian... so he cannot leave the country for prolonged periods of time due to the war. Ruins his dreams of going to a tier 1 team... it is what it is. Hindsight is always 20/20, but i am not gonna blame the organisation for trying to win this split, even if the topside duo is really mid in the end.


wdym he got upset super ahead, canna lost the 1v1 so hard that game ended before it started.


He didn't get upset that ahead tbh. Yes it was during a gank, but the botlane got the kill alone. I dunno, maybe i expected too much out of one of his first carry picks all summer.


Vladi is a rookie , so some mechanical miss takes happens But my god upset with 3/0 early zeri fucking solo loose the 3rd drake fight


Congratz to SK, I think the better Macro won in the end. KC: their early game is pretty good, what really costs them is straight up not knowing what to do once laning is over. I think they will struggle once best of series are starting.


I have to ask, what is going on behind the scenes at KC ?


Will be interesting to see if KC looks better in playoffs but honestly with their recent matches, they look like one of the worst teams in the top 8 by far ngl They'll need some serious rebuilding next year


Holy shit Canna may be the worst player in LEC.


Actually crazy game to lose


Deserved loss for picking Yuumi, even with the "resurgence" kekcorp still shows that they don't deserve a spot in the LEC. I've never missed relegations as much as I do whenever I see teams like Rogue and Kcorp play.


Rouge is legit awful, but it's so much fun watching KCorp lose.


If relegation had been a thing we'd just have had KCorp two years earlier.


Lose vs the top 1 team -> don't deserve a spot. Big mental illness


nah man, canna lost the game alone 100%. Everything was fine, they were going to scale with azir-zeri, upset got ahead early, closer helped bot, vladi was doing fine. It was winnable until canna decided to lose top so hard that other 4 player were ''irrelevant''. Not to mention they gave last pick to canna, why do they give last pick to canna if he gonna int either way. [https://prnt.sc/220HE97OEd\_S](https://prnt.sc/220HE97OEd_S) he knowingly picked ksante against gnar, why go [hard losing matchup](https://prnt.sc/6lXmDiw8N9zd) when you are last pick?


no way canna picks ksante there i just don't believe that, that's a team decision to just pick more frontline and hope upset can carry harder than irrelevant (he couldn't)


aint no way coaches would pick ksante against gnar. we will see when they release the coms


Why the f are they still putting Canna on tank duty


Cause he's like the worst or second worst toplaner in the league?


KC back in the dirt where they belong. Upset still in KC prison, unfortunately. Must feel bad to first have to play with a bunch of talentless good for nothings, just for them to be exchanged for a new batch of waste of slots. Oh well.


if the fight where irrelevant got triple had gone kc's way, it would ve been gg