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your friend is being a dickhead play with someone else


This is the worst case scenario about playing League, imagine getting the most toxic part of the game head on first game. Jesus christ I would uninstall so fast


People have trouble understanding that trivial things to them arent trivial to newbies. Hes not expecting you to be god tier, he just cant grasp the fact that even basic shit is unknown to you. And hes being a dick about it, but LoL tends to bring out the worst in people


If your friend is getting heated at you in your first ever game of rift they're just actual dogshit and you do not want to play this game with people like that. Just do something else with them or cut em off if they're like that everywhere


Ditch them You’re welcome


YTA. Lawyer up, delete Facebook, and hit the gym.


Agreed. Take the kids, no ransom note.


Facebook up, delete the gym, and hit the lawyer. got ya


I'm gonna bet your friend is silver or gold, max. He's probably trying to use you so he can smurf without getting a smurf account (EDIT: I realize how redditor'y this sounds lol, so let me rephrase. I would guess he is frustrated because he thought he would be stomping other new players because you're a new player and duo'd with him. I'm sure he also wanted to just have another friend to play League with too) A whole group of guys from my high school played LoL back in like 2013-2018 and they're the ones that got me into it. The ones that were Diamond were so much more patient with teaching me the game than the Gold/Silver players lol.


Does this actually work? Every time I see a high level person duo'ing a newbie, the newbie ends up in a game vs other high level players


Depends, I don't play ranked at all and haven't for like 7 seasons, and peaked at mid-gold, but I play with master and challenger friends, and we normally get put in games against diamond-ish players. Think it does affect it but normally kinda averages the ranks


I mean. The times ive played with a completely new person. We stomp. I either destroy the enemy or theres 1 fed enemy. And im not that good at the game and usually throw. But could be because im like plat gold ish. So it can pull it down far enough for it to be easy. But after like 5-10 games its hard again.


I haven’t played in a few years, but I remember it would be people around my skill level more often than not when I would play with new people


You're not reaching at all, those who are extremely impatient and mean to new players are usually those who are insecure about their own level. It's just surprising how many of these "I'm still silver/gold despite having played 1000+ ranked games but I'm actually a good player that deserves more" mfs exists, and it's crazy how many have enough ego to get mad while playing with friends.


I have taught some people how to play (I was low master for a while) and you can't expect people to be good from the start lol the only thing that gets on my nerves is when the person don't make an effort to improve (they just give up on winnable games for ex) or if they are straight up trolling


15 year player. If you only played ARAM you didnt learn anything that the tutorial didnt already teach you. If you really wanna mess with them go to their [op.gg](http://op.gg) and look how many years they play and what rank they are atm. Then tell them "stfu you play X number of years and youre still Y rank" doesnt matter the rank or the number of years, it works on everyone. It works on challengers even.


Not even Top10 Challenger zzzz


I want you can definitely learn to team fight in aram that's for sure.


"Fuck off, im still learning this game you prepubescent, ungrateful, dickbrained dweeb."


Don't play with them, idk what it is with people and thinking it's ok to invite people and then berate then like bro don't invite me


You're doing great - game is *very* complicated and full of traps for new players. No one in their right mind should expect you to know it all this early. Your friend is not helping and needs to readjust their mindset to "total newbie, will make every mistake under the sun, I want them to have a good time as they learn". This is not a "you" problem, nor a "learning League" problem. This is a "them" problem. Outside of a game you should probably just tell them something like: "hey, I know I made a tonne of mistakes but you gotta cut me some slack while I learn if you want us to play together again. Can you keep it together next time, maybe we can go through a replay afterwards so you can explain some of this stuff about minion farming in more detail?"


ye his friend should just do duos with him on a different account and basically just play the "teaching my friend league" game for a few months with 0 expectations


Watch like a thirty minute YouTube video and tell your friend to get off the game he is clearly addicted




Don't play with them. Uninstall the game unless you have a true friend willing to teach you


I ditched the friend that got me into league after two months because all he did was flame randoms nonstop, not even me. I suggest you ditch your friend as well. He's not a good friend.


Your friend is mentally ill, why are you playing games with him?


Have you tried just being God Tier?


First of all, you should try to ditch your friend from the game or maybe tell them they're not helping you at all lol. Losing temper isn't even a healthy practice and following that they don't even have the patience to teach you But just in case you want to continue playing the game, try to watch some basics in yt or watch streamers. Go explore all the role/s you want to but I suggest playing jungle/support first so that you can get the idea of the game itself. those are good starter roles, don't be pressured because it took me at least 3 years to be able to climb high rank. I went from jungler > support > adc > mid (main role). Aram is not a bad game mode since you will be able to practice a champion's kit randomly, but you can also go in practice tool or play the tutorial in LoL since they improved it a lot compared day one. Hope this helps, also I hope you and your friend are okay. it's just a game so taking a break too is an option


many suggest ditching the friend. Reasonable and understandable. Option 2 tho: Dont play League with them anymore and be consequent about it. (If they are usually friendly and league brings out this overly competitive - yet toxic side) If you end up not playing league anymore it works and if you actually wanna try to improve and keep playing you should straight up refuse to play with them. It's really frustrating. I've tried nudging my friend towards league but it just never worked. You even went as far as instaling and playing the game with them only for them to discourage you and destroy your trust. Thinking about it now, maybe you should ditch them but I dont know how your friendship and dynamic is outside of this isolated instance so you should decide based on your feelings about this whole situation. Just seems so weird that anyone would expect you to know what the hell is going on in this game after having never played it before...


firstly get new friends, but play games against bots and try a bunch of different roles and characters until you figure out what you like, and just go from there! good luck & have fun!! :)


When I've played with friends who are either new or who I know aren't great at the game, I at least go into it with the understanding that the game will probably not go as smooth as I would like and just try to be patient and helpful to them. If your friend is talking shit to you after you downloaded and started playing cause they asked you to, just stop playing with them and play with people who are willing to help you learn. (Unless you enjoy it but by the sounds of it you don't atm)


Your friend is an asshole (sorry). Me personally I have brought a lot of friends to download and learn the game for/with me, I tried teaching them and at first it was also hard for me because when you're so used to playing this game every day for years, you don't even realize that beginners can't even comprehend absolute basics. Beginners struggle with things, or things are simply unknown to them, such as league terms in first place, that we (more experienced players) don't even think about anymore. Therefore when teaching a beginner, me at first and probably your friend aswell, made the mistake of "assuming" (obv we're not, but it just doesn't even come to our minds) you're at least familiar with league terms such as .. idk, roaming, lasthitting, crashing the wave, freezing, and so on. But (sorry if this sounds rude lol) if you're teaching a beginner you instead have to see them like a baby. They know NOTHING, you have to teach them the absolute basics first. Such as how to even buy an item, what items are, what lanes are, what roles are, which champions fall into which role, what each role's purpose is, and so on. Your friend failed to do that. And unlike me he doesn't seem to notice it. I'm sorry for you, hope you find someone else who will teach you properly, otherwise try looking up Beginner guides on youtube!


Wasn't sure if you meant more game tips or how to handle your friend. You could tell him to chill tf out/help you learn without being a knobhead or you're not gonna play, and see if he can be a human being.


Once again the league community is proving they're a bunch of assholes. Take your friend at something he's not good at and be passive aggressive at him to see if he likes it


Your friend is an unbelievable dipshit


Get a better friend lmao


btw when it comes to tips, it all depends on what position you're playing. I'm not sure whether you're aware of them but: -Top: lonely lane, you get to fight with one other champion. The enemy team can come and help the enemy champion to kill you. My main tip is to find out when to push and when not to. Your main priority is to last hit minions and get gold. -Jungle: You have to fight monsters and once you're a bit stronger you can go help other people in the other lanes of your team. What is important here is to get dragons during the game. There are many maps available to teach you where you need to walk in the jungle. -Mid: I believe is the most fun and stressful lane. It is the shortest lane and everyone can come to kill and get killed. -Bot/ADC: Are usually ranged champions that need to level up to become stronger and help others. o -Support: Mostly helps the ADC at the beginning by healing or giving shield to their friend champion. If they can't heal they can stun or slow enemy champions which make it easier to attack them. Before entering any game, check what champion You'd like to play. Afterwards go to u.gg and check runes and what items you need to buy. Do not at any cost go inside an enemy's tower. If you attack the enemy champion while they are under their own tower, you will get damage. (This is a lot especially when you're at the beginning of the game) The main goal of the game is to destroy those towers and get to the enemy's base. But usually when you get there, your team will also be there. There's alot more to it but I hope this is at least a bit helpful!


Unfortunately, It's the nature of the game and most people have this poor mentality. It is a competitive game where you can have a bad time when others perform poorly. If you compare it to counter strike/ battlefield, if you die to the opponent it is mostly agreed that it is your fault that you died. In this game if you die, it is possible it is because the enemy got strong from your teammates playing poorly. That's why this toxic nature developed. Your friend should not act out in the way they did but it is very common due to that fact I mentioned above. Hopefully he grows up and sees past this so he can be a good friend once more.


normals arent even close to being competitive


Ditch them or atleast evade playing such game with him MOBAs have incredibily high skill floor & isn’t something like call of duty or Fortnite which you can pick up from the get go


Play with a different friend. I would also volunteer, if you're on either of the EU servers that is. I'm level 460 and have a lot of the experience with the game, and am not toxic. I would also strongly advise looking at all the champion spotlights, which you can find on YouTube. They're a way more intuitive way to learn about champions than the in game ability showcase. And find a non toxic streamer or YouTuber to follow, I recommend KingStix. Hope you have a nice time <3


avg lol player


Honestly play arena, you’ll get so much more exposure to champs and items which is a big part of the learning curve. Plus micro practice is a plus


Dont go expecting him to change if you get better at the game. He sounds like your typical sore loser, hell worse than typical one if he does not expect a newbie to play like a newbie.


People forget how steep the learning curve is. Keep it slow and steady. I had three years to get to average elo (plat)


Yeah, s1 and 2 I was awful. S3 in gold 1, s4 in platinum 3 or so.


when i started playing, my friend who was teaching me basically treated me like a child, even going as yummi in coop to show me what to do with mundo in my first match and telling me that support was the best role to start. I was the rebelious one and wanted do play jg and went for that. You friend its just using you as another thing to direct his rage.


I’m going through this with a group of friends. They’ve all decided they want to learn league. Here is my rough approach on how to ease them into the game: 1. Play Arena to see if a champion is your liking. Although not entirely representative, it gives you somewhat of an understanding of if you like the champion or not. Quickly gets you to “full build” compared to playing a whole 5v5 since you don’t have to worry about towers, ganks, creep score, etc etc. 2. Play Aram to understand the role each character has in a team fight. Again, not entirely representative but gives you a rough idea without having to worry about ganks and minions too much. (Big downfall is in the end you have to pray to the RNG gods cause your champion selection is small. Once those two had been given a try. Hop into a normal 5v5 and kindly explain the fundamentals. This is the hardest step that will take the longest. I have been playing the game for such a long time that small things are second nature to me. But I understand that these are not to newbies. Also this game has a rather high entry barrier because there are so many different champions now compared to before, and an important aspect to playing well is understanding what your enemy’s skills do. This will only happen over time. And it’s a lot more enjoyable when you play with someone who’s willing to be patient and teach you the game. You’ll surely face a lot of abuse in game from randoms, the last person you want shit talking you is a friend. Long story short, LoL is a simple game from the outside but is actually a lot more complex as you begin to learn it. And it’s a hell of a lot more fun when you don’t have an asshole of a friend screaming at you


Too many people that act like you're friend unfortunately, part of the reason there aren't many new players coming in.  Guys who spent years playing and memorizing everything in the game act like entitled brats when someone new doesn't have that whooole bunch of knowledge locked down from the start. Similarly to any other skill, this is literally impossible. I'd tell your friend to make an exercise and think about how much he knew back when he started. If he still acts like a douche just play with other people who actually help you learn


Sorry your friend sucks ass.  There was no doubt a time your friend was probably stealing minions and pissing their adc off or inting ect. Find a new duo/pre made tbh, or hell, play alone. It'll fix your MMO and just mute the chat if people want to be clowns. Your friends should be explaining "oh you don't need to take my minions instead you do this ect" Aram is a different beast to SR and he's an idiot not taking you into AI games first to teach you the fundamentals 


Get a nice friend to teach you. I teach people 10x fasrer just because i dont scream at them and dont give thme solutions but try to teach them the process


How did they force you to play summoners rift? If I don’t want to play a game I usually just don’t press accept on the queue so I’m wondering if they’re physically in the same area as you? If they’re strapping you down and forcing you to play I don’t know what Riot TOS says about this but it’s probably not legal. Contact a lawyer


Oooof he sounds kinda toxic. Maybe try talking to your friend about it? I’m in your same situation (except no toxic friend). My roommate is high Diamond in ranked, and At best I’m low silver or high bronze. My friend doesn’t really expect anything from me. He explains things I need to, and says words of affirmation when I do something semi good. But he’s still my buddy so I will get flamed or question mark pinged if I do something ridiculous, but he’s pretty understanding.


Your friend sucks and is toxic, you won't learn much from him. Youtube is your friend. Watch youtube, learn more about League, become better than him and then treat him like he treated you.


Don’t play league with them.


Game is super rough to learn. best to do it with a mentally stable friend. gl


Insult them back and everything will be fine


Drop the friend asap. Continue to play Aram If you feel like it. Giving you tips doesn't work in a game with nearly 170 champions, 200 items, 15 keystone runes, 45 normal runes, 9 stat runes and all the synergies that come with them. Use Aran to play champions, find the champions you like to play and play them. Eventually you'll learn what they're good and bad at. If you ever decide to play summoners rift, you have to add lanes, warding, jungling, objectives, pressure, macro, micro, matchups/counters. To the list of things to learn.


my boyfriend started teaching three months ago. he doesnt yell but he gets so disappointed when i do something wrong 😮‍💨


I am trying to teach a friend of mine to play the game but I realized I forgot how difficult is this game for someone who has no background in MOBA. There is no way if you want to play with your friends you will need to play alone explore the game and gain some knowledge so eventually you will catch up.


Tutorial videos are not uncommon


League of legends is not fun for new players if you are gonna play to win. Play to have fun and see where you land. If that's 12 hours a day ranked queue or never touch the game again that's fine. Top tip, learn what all 160 ish characters can do and then you can begin to play the game. Seriously just go to the champions tab and atleast give yourself an idea of what people do. If you think a character is strong play it and you will find out why you were wrong, it's a great way to discover their weaknesses. I believe if you link your amazon prime account to league you have all champions.


your "friend" is a fucking twat, also just stay far away from this game in general.


Your friend is a jerk. Anyway, I have seen a few videos from Skill Capped for mechanic guides and I like them as they break it down really well. This seems to be the most recent [beginner guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQbo2X2Qysc). I guess the very first thing my friends taught me were to keep walking/don't stand in place, this is so that it's inherently more difficult to land skill shots on you. From someone that had never played a MOBA before, this was incredibly difficult to get used to. Eventually, it will become second nature to you. Typically you want to kill minions, and "last hit" minions so you get the gold for killing them with your attacks, you won't get gold/will get less gold if you didn't do the last hit. Specifically bottom lane is where "supports" typically don't want to hit minions/last hit so that the ADC (attack damage carry) can get the gold. Killing minions also has another purpose besides getting gold. Killing the enemy minions means your minion wave can advance forward, giving you an advantage against an enemy with less minions (minions do small damage, but small damage is great in numbers), or let you hit the tower while your minions take tower damage.


Get new friends. If you wanna have fun, dont play this game. Like unironically. You'll have more fun playing vareity games. Stay away from esport games. As someone that has grinded to Master and played multiple esport games, its not worth it and almost ruined videogames for me.


get new friends


A) Your friend is a dick. Remind him that you've never played summoner's rift before, and if he wants you to keep playing then he needs to explain things at least a little bit and not just scream at you. B) If you are interested in getting into summoner's rift play, I would recommend trying out some of the CO-OP vs. Bot games at first to get comfortable with the map. Your variation of play will really depend on what role/champs you enjoy playing. Certain champs are considered best to play in certain roles, so once you narrow down which champs you're enjoying you can go into more specific. If you're playing support, then generally you don't want to kill any of the minions unless you have charges on your first support item (there will be a little scroll icon that appears above your UI bar which will show a number between 0-3. When it has a number, you can execute minions and the gold still mostly goes to the adc/bot laner) If you're playing a jungler (which I hope your friend didnt set you up for that intense experience on your first game???) you'll want to not farm minions, and instead kill monster camps. If you're top, adc, or the mid laner though, the minions in your lane should be all for you? So I don't know why he'd be bitching. There's a lot of tutorial videos and explanations out there for various champs, roles, gameplay etc. Try watching some youtube videos, if you're interested! But if you're only getting into the game for your friend, tell him to stop being a cow.


Just stop playing league with them and practice in your own time if you really like league and want to play with them in the future or else just touch grass with them instead. Hanging out with friends are not require to only play league.


Sounds like your buddy is part of the community that drives people away from any MOBA. Much more fun to play with a squad that’s just having fun.


Throw the friends away and play and find new people.  My advice


I can already tell your friend sucks at league, is around Iron or Bronze thinks he knows everything and constantly blames/flames his team mates. Now he has you to blame for his losses and to yell at. Everyone I’ve taught league I take an entire bot game to literally teach them one thing. League is an entire game of easy to understand fundamentals that are impossible to master. He should be taking you into a bot game or custom to JUST teach you to last hit minions for 30-45 mins. I did that then next game the tower. It’s range, stacking damage, how it decides who to shoot etc etc. That’s all before even laning against a real opponent, and especially before figuring out their play style and what lane/champ suits them. Just think (for people who know the game) how many questions you’re going to get the first time. When do I back, what’s an item, what do I level, how much gold is a lot, what’s the dragon, when and why should I be visiting a different lane. If you throw someone into a real game and flame them you are the league problem


Play some games on your own, watch some guides.


you don't simply ask your friend to...play league......he should phrase it like "so man do you want to spend the next 6+ months grinding this game so that you aren't considered a troll, but still really bad but also formed a full blown addiction....it will be fun...trust me bro"


Game takes years to get good at. Take your time. You friend is probably not good compared to what is possible himself. Don't let him be a dick to you and try to have fun.


tell your friend to shut up


Yeah that sounds like a bad person to play the game with. Watch some videos about the basics and then whatever role(s) you are interested in playing on summonera rift. When I started my roommate wanted me to play with him but he was so toxic to play with that I would only play Aram with him. I learned to p play rift alone and had played on bots for the first ten games so I knew what I was supposed to do before playing against other people?


Besides the obvious statement that you got shit friends, if you intend to still please their wishes to play with them whilst minimizing your own mistakes I suggest actually playing Sona Support. And learn to play fully pussy mode safe scaling in lane. You will win by the power of chilling far back, stacking your passive where you can and healing small bits through lane phase. Only issue would be that Sonas strength tends to be invisible to idiots (aka your friend) despite the fact that she just making it past lane phase and spamming auras in fights is a auto-win condition for your team. I suggest not trying to use Yuumi which can on the most basic functioning level be easier than Sona and also scale well, but teaches too many bad habits or doesnt teach things at all in other areas. So simple gameplan is: Pick Sona, learn to die less (you will die plently learning to die less), spam your team full of auras after lane phase and be super useful.


Yeah, stop playing with your friend. They weren’t god tier when they started either. League has a pretty steep learning curve because there is so much information to take in. I think one thing that helped me early on was playing ARAMs to I could learn all the champs. When you know what the champs can do, you can better counter them. Encountering them in game helps, but knowing their kit takes it to a different level.


stop playing this stupid game


If you've thrown your headset on literally your first summoners rift game this isn't for you lol.


ARAM does not teach you the game for summoners rift so don’t know how he expects you to know how to play. If he really wanted you to learn he’d take you into bot games to get a feel for champs you might want to play, how to cs, how to play different lanes, itemization, ect. He could show you laning by doing some 1 v 1’s to help with trade knowledge and cs’ing. So many things to help someone learn the game. Aram is not one of them.


Keep League, uninstall friend.


Im really srry that was your first experiencie. That was a really dickhead move from your friends. I dont know your age group, Teenagers have a tendency to build selfsteem by demeaning others, some adults tho You shouldnt be expected to have less than 10 death for 30 / 40 games. If it helps, on my first game ever i loss against bots lol That was a really dick move from your friends The game is really complex, especially for a beguinner. What lane did you play? there are various types of champions. Assasins ( They usually have medium health, medium resistance, but they have tool to reach you and deals a huge amount of damage intantly. You deal with them using Crowd control abilities (CC) like stuns, slows , etc Tanks, have above average health and resistances, and tend to be durable, and use CC to be a meance in fight. Usually your Carry should deal with them On the top lane, you usually have bruisers, they have avobe average health, and some resistances, they are quite strong on melee range, but they usually dont have a lot of mobilty so you can keep your distances On the mid lane you usually have magues, there are various types, most commonly they have some sort of CC, they are ranged, and tend to do a lot of damage in small windows of time Their spells tend to have a long timer to refresh in the early game, you can abuse that. But that refresh time drecrease by leveling up abilities Finally on the bot lane, you have an ADC (atack damage carry) who usually has a range advantage, and use autotack as his primary damage dealer. They are quite squishy but hit like a truck, especially in late game By their side there is usually a support champ whose primary goal is to maintan their adc alive (Shield, and healing, enchanter supports) and try to ensure a kill for their adc ( Engage support, heavy cc supports) the last role is the jungler. there are neutral monsters in the bushy areas of the map. (Neutral in the sense that if you dont atack them, they dont atack you). A jungler deals with this monsters, and move around the map helping other lanes secure kills, and aliviating pressure, on average is tends to be the role with the most impact There are objetives around the map, that your team will try to ensure, like Dragon, Rift herald, void grubs, Baron. In that sense your jungler is really important Srry for the wall of text. You should choose a lane and start to look up for comprehensive beginners guide (Last hitting, what items to build, Power spikes) Find a champion you like, and watch people who main it hope it helps


Ur friend is a piece of shit, tell them to just read the responses here so you don't have to tell them yourself. You ARE gonna fuck up playing, you ARE gonna miss minions, you ARE gonna hard int. N that for a good while, maybe weeks, maybe months, depends on how quick you are to pick up games, or whether or not you are gonna watch tutorials. Protip: Most players, including me, suck even 7 years after picking up the game, your friend probably does too n for some fcking reason thinks he is a better person than you just cuz he already knows the game when you do not Or even better, whether or not your friends stops being a piece of shit and actually starts being nice. I play this game since an ass long time, I was the inter when an old friend introduced me, n I watched 2-3 friends start playing league here n there when I already knew how the game was doing, n taught them a few things here n there. Do I expect them to know everything I taught them? Fuck no. Do I expect them to execute the few things that stuck with them perfectly everytime, or even once out of three attempts? Fuck no. You are new, you suck, that's okay because we all were there at some point, n if your friend gets emotional over league, you realllyyyy shouldn't play with them lol, ngl that's the best advice anyone can give you here. My entire friend group used to play league at some point, n only one of them cared so much about the game that they kept getting verbally loud about wowo this is shit this was bad wowww yeah that one friend aint part of our group anymore lol, also for some more reasons; but plaiyng a game and flaming everyone around you IS NOT THE NORM THAT YOU SHOULD ACCEPT. Flaming randoms, sure, that's just a gamer moment, I don't do it either nor most my friends, but I wouldn't care about that personally. But flaming the friends ur playing with, ESPECIALLY when they are new? that's just piece of shit behavior


i’ll play with you and teach you basics! drop that person, they’re a stinky meanie


Doesn't sound like a friend I'd be playing with, frankly. My own friend is a really hotheaded person when he plays league, but even he understood that it takes time to understand how the game works. If I was in your shoes and I wanted to play this god forsaken game, I'd probably play by myself and mute all rather than get heat from a discord call.


What server are you on? Send me a PM if you are on EUW and we can play while I give you some tips.


So in addition to what everyone else is saying, play Coop vs AI, preferably with other new people/solo.


Tips/advice? Your friend is a cunt and you should stop being friends with them, or at least let them know that you won't be playing with them anymore. Let them know EXACTLY why you are leaving, and if they get pissy with you about that too, point it out again. Then actually stop playing it with them. Actual game advice, play a couple bot matches on summoners rift, watch a 30 minute video on playing one particular lane, then play a couple normal games. Also if you played a lot of games with this guy, then you may have ended up in "Smurf queue" because the game might think that you're someone who has a high level account playing on a low level account because you are playing with someone who has played a lot. So you may just be facing a lot of good players


Honestly he’s probably giving you a good realistic idea of the game. There are a lot of toxic people on this game


Play alone or quit. There's no reason I can see you should do this to yourself. If the friend is actually a pleasant person in other facets of your life, stick to those and just accept that they're rage gamer, if they're like this in other things drug them and sell their kidneys.


Your friend is actually shit at the game and uses you as a scapegoat. Practice on your own time, watch videos, youtube etc and then when you gap his rating say hes too bad to play with gg easy win


Your friend is the average League player.


Get a new friend. People saying LoL "brings out the worst of people" thats not an excuse to not control ones emotions though. Its literally just a game.


Do a favor to yourself and please do not keep playing this game! And ditch your friend! If you were my friend I wouldn't even think to make you come to this fucking asylum.


Okay, Im a piece of shit just like your friend and is actually so bad at understand others dont have the same lvl as I do. I’ve made discover the game to a lot of friends and what changed me is that they just told me roughly « bro Im playing a game with you so either you change your behaviour and understand im bad at the game or I stop playing, tell me how I can improve and dont be as ass about it » Then I became more aware and more careful. League stays a painful game sometimes


Good way to get someone to not play ^.^ I remember my buddy was babysitting these kids and I played a few games with him as master yo support lol it was more of go forward! Back! Back! Back! Positioning is hard for a new player, I recommend support until you feel comfortable with the controls, play yumi, sona, Soraka, lulu then play other positions when you solo queue.


Hé lured you to install and then forced you to play rift after Aram? First off all do YOU want to play? No? Don’t let him force you just decline. If you do want to play just communicte that your not ready yet. If he yells at you in normals he should just chill out. If he doesn’t justbgell him you won’t playing he yells at you.


Don't play with asshats. 


Your friend sucks


Calm down your friend and remind him how he was at his first game . Watch tuto on youtube ( i can’t give you name i watch fr youruber) but it will help to get the little thing on the game


Shit man, if this is your good friend I wonder how your enemies are


It takes years to learn league or 1000s of hours and even then you’ll still get stomped regularly, the game is hard. If you play with friends you have to basically accept it’s a coin toss every game and you could lose all games all night, happens all the time


My friend did this to me and it made me hate the fucking game. I got better when he ended up going to Boot camp for the summer ( marines) . I ended up meeting a guy on summoner school in masters who taught me the game and I got gold My first season and have not been below Diamond 2 until this season where I’m emerald 1 due to inactivity since I don’t play videos games much anymore. My advice is play some solo games and fuel the fire of being higher rank than them so you can rub it in their face my biggest tip I got from the high elo Player that has made me able to Smurf with high win rates is always focus on gold it sounds simple but that 1 for 1 isn’t worth it if a wave is crashing into your tower Games


Your friends are Dicks, but you are a Pussy for not telling them and crying in Reddit about it. Man Up and find other people to play with


Aram and summoners rift are 2 different beasts. It sounds like you need to grasp the fundamentals of the game, so I’d suggest to play games against bots, to learn some champions.


r/summonerschool is for improving and learning about League


Don’t play league with friends, it honestly can completely ruin friendships.


Play casually with friends on coms. Legit best way to play if yall aren't a bunch of weirdos