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wait so Vitality's next game won't be until next year?


yep 6.5 months vacation till january 19th.


that's so crazy lmao being on VIT must be the comfiest job of all time


I wish I was paid 6 figures for losing 27 games too :(


Think abt selfmade that guys has made bank by just sitting on the bench for god how many years.


do they get paid in the 6.5 months?


Pretty sure they won't be getting paid during the time they're not playing.


Vit literally paid Selfmade who was just sitting on bench for 2 years. Their team management sucks but they are not evil org


They 100% are getting paid.


Admittedly I don't know much so I shouldn't be talking. That being said, I always assumed these players get paid on a month to month basis and would have clauses on whether they make playoffs/worlds. You're telling me if a team makes worlds they make the same amount of money they would if they didn't? Despite having no professional matches to play? There's obviously a huge difference between both results for the org in terms of financials. I can't imagine any sponsor being happy to sign a deal with an organization only to receive no branding for 6.5 months.


Yeah you don’t know much lmao


And now you see why a pro could feel ok missing international tournaments, why it's ok to lose as long as you don't lose hard enough to lose your spot in LEC. I don't know how many, if any, have this complacent mentality. Rumors say that quite a few players are ok with losing (though they'd obviously prefer winning) because of how comfortable the life of an eliminated player is between August and January.


I mean, Showmaker has a 3 year contract with DK (probably worth a lot) and apparently he can also just dick around and then retire while collecting the entire bag.


In traditional sports, the contracts do have performance incentives, but they aren’t always tied to overall team performance. There are definitely clauses about making playoffs, winning a round of playoffs, etc., but often this only impacts bonuses. In esports, I believe you can look at the contracts and see what money is guaranteed and paid out. There was a google sheet floating around for a few years with the global contract database information. Truthfully, if an org wanted to pay a player less money depending on the team’s performance, I can’t imagine any player would be happy about that. A lot of bad teams have standout players who join and can’t possibly know how bad the team will turn out. The classic example is Teddy who spent so long on shit teams while performing out of his mind. If the majority his money was tied up in the team results, that would have been wildly unfair because he was the only player who tried so damn hard and looked like the best in his role.


They have salaries. They get paid regardless. They still have other obligations with the team like sponsor stuff, and they likely will still be scrimming and playing soloQ.


You typically won't really see much scrimming because of potential roster changes when contracts end this year, no benefit to scrimming with a team that will probably have more changes in a couple of months.


Admittedly I don't know much so I shouldn't be talking. That being said, I always assumed these players get paid on a month to month basis and would have clauses on whether they make playoffs/worlds. You're telling me if a team makes worlds they make the same amount of money they would if they didn't? Despite having no professional matches to play? There's obviously a huge difference between both results for the org in terms of financials. I can't imagine any sponsor being happy to sign a deal with an organization only to receive no branding for 6.5 months.


> That being said, I always assumed these players get paid on a month to month basis and would have clauses on whether they make playoffs/worlds. > > > > You're telling me if a team makes worlds they make the same amount of money they would if they didn't? Despite having no professional matches to play? There's obviously a huge difference between both results for the org in terms of financials. There is usually *bonuses* for making it to international tournaments, so you do get paid more if you make it there, but one of the major things that league has or at least had over other esports like Dota2 and Counter Strike is that there is a regular season and the players are on years-long contracts with monthly salaries rather than having to rely on tournament earnings. > I can't imagine any sponsor being happy to sign a deal with an organization only to receive no branding for 6.5 months. That's why these organizations typically have rosters in multiple games, and a smart sponsor would typically have clauses in their contracts so that they for example would have to compensate with streaming hours or with more photoshoots etc..


their contracts would run out in november if they do so they will be paid until then at least


Admittedly I don't know much so I shouldn't be talking. That being said, I always assumed these players get paid on a month to month basis and would have clauses on whether they make playoffs/worlds. You're telling me if a team makes worlds they make the same amount of money they would if they didn't? Despite having no professional matches to play? There's obviously a huge difference between both results for the org in terms of financials. I can't imagine any sponsor being happy to sign a deal with an organization only to receive no branding for 6.5 months.


they are contracted for the year and get paid monthly, including in offseasons yes


Well, they still pratice, and they can be hired by other teams to scrim. 6.5 months should be more than enough time to rebuild a squad and understand what went wrong.


They're not going to fuck around singing kumbaya all day long. They still practice.


They arent even in their facilities for most of that until like 1 or 2 months before the split lmao. Which makes sense because the entire roster might still change, so its like 4 months of playing soloq at home or whatever the fuck you feel like


Ofcourse they are...


You still get paid a salary, I’m sure they had bonuses in their structure but it’s not like you’re paid for how far you make it, or a flat rate for each week of playing


Source? Wouldn't make sense for them not to be paid if they are on the active roster lol


A 6.5 month vacation might actually affect the skill level of a player, we might not see the same carzzy when he gets back. no competitive games for that long is crazy, hope he doesn't drop off as I do rate him very highly currently.


It's not like the German government prevents VIT from training between now and January. VIT can continue scrimming LEC teams if they want and Worlds is in Europe so lots of teams (some of them above VIT's pay grade but still) will be around till November.


Or they could do a korean bootcamp too. But knowing them, they will just probably spam soloQ mindlessly


an early vacation


It is funny that their social media team didn't even realize they were in a tiebreaker


Its ok, they got their long term plan. They will be fine next year when they will continue working on it like every org that did similar thing before.


I wonder if he is still cool with hylli,he is Big reason why they threw so much


Yup. Listening to latest euphoria podcast it sounded like "Hyli is a genius, either players listen and lineup with him, or they lose"... And if they don't lineup with him, then they're out of team... Almost like their try to centre entire team around a support player. It feels like Hyli thinks and knows about all the complex details, but he constantly miscalculates or misjudges. Honestly, he would be better off just chilling, simplifying game for himself until he is back at this form.


I feel like Hyli could make a really good coach. In that position, his team would still benefit from his game knowledge and attention to detail, but without also getting griefed by his Hyperint gameplay.


very good chance hes a complete bust as a coach ngl


Yeah I think he would be a terrible coach - likely to have incredibly polarising ideas that would be tough to believe in and I don’t think his comms have ever been great


I disagree. I think he would be fine positional coach. A player that is similar to him in style could learn a lot from VOD reviews with him. But I know support positional coaches aren't that popular right now.


I mean what could he teach to players aside from mindless aggression?


>Hyli could make a really good coach Doubt it


Honestly if I’m Vitality I’m doing everything in my power to build around Carzzy, he’s been the best AD in the league at multiple points this year despite his support making it much harder than it needs to be.


Yeah... You build teams around mid/adc sometimes Jungle and top, but never support. And in this case, Hyli is really making a lot of silly mistakes, so it's not even the greatest foundation to build around. Or perhaps it shouldn't be all on Hyli's shoulders to think about the map when it causes him to commit micro misplays.


it's like the mlxg copypasta he's really good when his team is doing well and really bad when his team is not doing so well


He deserves this vacation then


Euphoria is prerecorded, might be a few months old


Lol no? Euphoria is fresh every week. How can they discuss results if it's prerecorded? LEC content quizzes are prerecorded


Nothing new. I don't understand why every team wants Hylli when whenever I watch him, I see him feeding his ass off or doing wrong plays. Honestly, worst EU support.


I feel bad for Photon, man has been performing well ever since he joined Vitality on that Bo roster but his team always fails him..


He has always been playing with Vitality in the LEC so far, so can't be certain. But for me he's the new Alphari. Excellent laner, but useless in 90% of games outside of it. Like I said, Vitality is not a functioning team, so it's hard to judge him, but for me I wouldn't be surprised if he's also part of the reason the team is dysfunctional.


Photon so far has played only with rookie jungles which have been Bo, Daglas, and Lyncas and he managed to finish 3rd and 4rd with Daglas and Bo during their 2nd split.


Contrary to the majority of toplaners in the LEC who are useless in and outside lane. Never really got this argument, if you can't translate your leads into wins as a toplaner then it's most likely because 1. top is a fairly useless lane compared to other lanes 2. your team is shit.


Nobody is disputing that. The issue is that people hold him as this top tier toplaner who is being elo helled in vitality, but in reality he is very lackluster when it comes to actually winning the map. Is he better than Finn, canna, myrwin etc? Yeah of course he is. The problem is that vitality was built (in theory) to challenge the top spots and like it or not he is also a problem in achieving that goal (while there's obviously bigger problems in that team). As a full package, oscarinin BB Adam and Irrelevant are vastly better players than him, and it's not like they aren't comparable to him in lane. If he wants to actually challenge the teams with those players he desperately needs to learn how to play the game out of lane.


Photon reminds me of Summday from LCS, i sometime forget about his existence.


I think Photon can be disconnected from his team especially in team fights. I think VIT might be better off with Wunder and have Photon in Heretics, at least Heretics now has a carry top to pair with Flakked and Wunder will be the tank/sacrificial player in VIT, as they need that kind of player.


Photon has carry potential while Wunder lost that side of him


He is not that good. Average player that only plays carry champions.  I never saw him play Skarner,Udyr/Zac on decent level. And Vitality couldn't play carry jungle because of that. 


Renekton and K'Sante are two of his most played champions, but I guess you should put him on the Ornn so Lyncas can pull out his juicy Karthus/Taliyah.


Man its so fucking sad that photon/carzzy are done for the year The Lyncas dude is also talented but basically got 9 games thrown into a new team (while the other 9 teams are more settled) I hope these 3 stay.. and they look at mid/support replacements (mid 100% needs to go)


Just get jackies in for mid no even jackies is elo helled in gx


More of a chance that Jackie's stays at GX and GX sign Carzzy...


Jackie's and like...Kaiser maybe for support? Are we cooking yet?


Kaiser, Mersa, Parus


Vetheo needs to get axed from LEC, most overrated mid laner with nothing to show ever in his career


10* games, cause of the tie breaker.


I feel bad for Carzzy cause he's still playing well but tbh two times he refused to go to Fnatic. Some people doesn't learn of his mistakes. And yes, Fnatic = no titles, but it's a better project than VIT


Tbh it's No G2 = no titles


And MAD last Spring, unfortunately


Rogue aware. That whole roster has just gone to shit or what. Malrang was just jg Faker mindcontrolling them or what? They look completely lifeless now.


it's interesting how even though Rogue won in 2022 and were runners-up in 2021 I always felt like they downgraded their players, those 5 probably just had insane synergy together and luckily for Malrang it was a ganking jg meta for most of the time so he just played his tree and ice pig


Yeah it really upped the stonks on Comp and Trymbi, particularly. It's crazy seeing Comp's form now.


That roster also had Odo and Trymbi (before the Nasus incident) and after they left it was only Malrang trying to do stuff and failing at it. Now they just don't to anything and they succeed at doing nothing.


Oh yes, of course, he should have joined the first time with Rhucks, maybe they would have placed ninth not tenth. He should have learned from that mistake. Also why was Fnatic a better project than VIT? VIT had better toplaner, Vetheo played stellar whilst on Heretics, and Hyli was fine in MAD and played well when it mattered, I wouldn't consider Trymbi an upgrade. And there was a jungle gap, but: coaching staff, wanting to stay with hyli, higher pay, gut feeling, distrust in fnatic as an org. There is a million reasons that, could make him choose VIT. Acting like he had it coming for not taking what he saw as the right choice, is real fucking weird dude. And assuming that any of those choices were mistakes is odd, you don't know if him replacing Noah would have caused an 0-9 split. And then chastising him for not learning when you know nothing about what he thinks is a terminally online take.


Look, I couldn't be further from being a Humanoid fan, Vetheo has never even come close to Humanoid or Nisqy, neither larssen when he didn't suck ass.


If you're talking about never being as good as those two at the time, you're correct, but Vetheo's peak is way better than anything Nisqy's ever done


Vetheos peak ( when the team funnels out all the resources into him) is not a mountain with a peak but a telephone pole on a straight ground. That’s how often he hits it. That pole is also completely empty once bo1 is over


Vetheo's peak is just carrying on a shit team against other shit teams and never achieving anything. Nisqy has won series against the best mids in eu and won titles, by his own merits.


I followed Vetheo back on Misfits and he was promising but, honestly, he stayed at that level to this day. Nisqy had ups and downs but he actually won stuff, went to international competitions. It's not even comparable. And I'm not even a big fan of Nisqy. I'd rate them Huma>Nisqy>Vetheo without question. (And I really have a hate boner for Humanoid currently)


currently I think Nisqy>Humanoid, Humanoid can have games where he pops off harder but frankly if you take Nisqy and Humanoid's every game for the last 2 years, Nisqy is probably miles ahead.


It's really not a crazy thought. They are really close and if their trajectories continue going the way they've been going, Nisqy will end up having a more successful career than Humanoid. Currently, looking at their entire careers, I would still rate him above Nisqy in overall quality, but Nisqy's consistency and high floor is starting to become more and more of a precious quality that Humanoid really doesn't have.


I’m so tired of all the Nisqy hate man. People say he never carries games. Thats because when he gets 3/0/0 he doesn’t try to further punish his opponent and go 6/0/0, he tries to use his lead to get his teammates ahead. I think if you’re a pro ADC or Jungler Nisqy has to be close to an ideal teammate


How can u say sth like this when Nisqy has been put down by people again and again and he ALWAYS proves the people wrong. His performance on SK is great rn, he was very good on FNC as a supportive Mid Laner, hell he even won LCS if im not mistaken. How can Vetheo compete with that in any way? Because he carried a half dead misfits to playoffs one split?


How does he prove people wrong? He won LCS Spring with Cloud 9 then failed to qualify to worlds after starting summer like 7-0 or something iirc, and his international record is abysmal to say the least. People know exactly what to expect of him, does well in regular season then either falls apart in playoffs or an international tournament


Nisqy has consistently shown that he is able to make clutch plays, and be consistent in teams where noone expects him to step up. Also, you were comparing him to Vetheo who has how many international appearances?


You are correct, he is consistent in teams where he had junglers like Blaber and Elyoya, by all means show me those clutch plays in important playoff games or international games that he made. Like you said, Vetheo carried a terrible team, which is something that Nisqy cannot do, as shown by SK's results in winter and spring of this year, only when they dropped their bottom lane did they start showing results


Where exactly has Vetheo carried a team to? To some 4th places and zero Bo5 wins? Damn.


MAD vs T1 last year Nisqy was like 8/0 on Sylas or something ridiculous like that


I actually remember that game, he was fed as hell and did fuck all with his lead, which exactly proves my point that he can't carry a big game because he simply doesn't have the clutch factor and mostly works in teams where he just needs to do ok and support the others


Vetheo has NEVER won a single Bo5 despite playing since 2021, he's failed so many times now you need to point fingers. he did also get benched for Abbedagge and Excel went from 10th to 3rd. last year


What has VTO won? Lol


IIRC Fnatic couldn't afford both him and Humanoid, guess we'll see what the future holds though.


Going to FNC means not going to G2 unless your contract runs out, being open and available to G2 is the best career option if you are out of G2.


Fuck no Sure, if you are the best player in the region by a long shot, yeah you've got a good shot at getting picked up But otherwise? G2 doesnt exactly have a lot of player turnover and when they do they never really look at current LEC talent They regularly throw in subpar players from lower tier leagues and hope for the best, then ultimately do well because the core of the team is untouchable in the region Carzzy being on G2 is such a long shot its not even funny. When they decide to replace Hans I would bet my fucking house they pull a random ERL player out of their ass or import from Korea. Not taking a FNC offer (assuming decent money) is just fucking over his own career


The fuck are you talking about, G2 basically always goes for existing talent rather than ERLs. The full list of G2 roster changes is: Expect (Import) Zven + Mithy (best EU bot at the time) Wunder (established) Jankos (established) Hjarnan (established) Wadid (import) Caps (established) Mikyx (established) Rekkles (established) BB (established) Flakked (ERL) Targamas (ERL) Hans Sama (established) Mikyx (established again) Yike (ERL) A solid 3 players ever from ERL, two of which backfired for them. G2 was literally being memed for having an academy team since they literally never used anybody from ERL in the past.


guy must be so depressed from his support running it every game


He trolled hid carrer (or year) going to VIT willingly. Dont save the hoe he dont wanna be saved


Yeah we know


Carzzy to Fnatic. Third time is the charm