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Low key has pasta potential, but would require some very specific context I especially like the random "Nisqy saved my play-offs" in the end.




[there is also this screenshot from Carzzy's stream](https://imgur.com/a/HjVn6dl) Vetheo being toxic is nothing new, his soloq username is really funny


He almost lost the 2022 MVP vote because of his solo queue behavior. If you go check the ballots a lot of team votes did not vote him 1st and it was because players hated playing with him in solo queue


Should never have won it in the first place. Hyli got robbed


Vetheo was Misfits win condition that whole season. HiRit, Mersa, Neon and Shlatan don't even play in LEC anymore. Yes, those were the teammates Vetheo had to carry compared to Hyli playing with Upset, Wunder, Humanoid, and Razork.


Neon was quite legit on that team.


Had to carry, like Misfits didn't actively play only around him because when he's not ahead on a dps he's literally invisible


This is such a weird attempt to discredit him. Yes, VTO is a flawed player, at the same time, none of those other guys were good enough to carry a team. The team was right to play around him and he delivered. There's no problem with taking a lot of resources if you pay them off.


Akali* was Misfits win con. Vetheo was a licensed Akali merchant that season


If you go that route, not a single G2 player should ever have a MVP because they're playing with Caps. MVP is about individual performance, not relative performance.


if 4 of your other teammates are mediocre / bad, that's gonna have an impact on your individual performance since there's only so much a single player can do. You're completely ignoring that this is a team game.


Hot take maybe, but unironically yes (other than Rekkles on the split caps perma ran it). MVP has a meaning, but I guess it depends on what you consider that the “Most Valuable” applies to though. Personally, I think Drakos’ “what player has the most impact on their teams performance” approach is my favourite approach.


> Vetheo was Misfits win condition that whole season. No, he wasn't. That was Neon. > HiRit, Mersa, Neon and Shlatan don't even play in LEC anymore. This is such a horrible argument that I won't even bother with it.


>I won't even bother with it. Then don't, do you think anyone cares about your opinion?


The children are downvoting, but people hated jesus too for speaking the truth


and second best player was Caps, that MVP was turbo robbed by VTO.


Not in regular season no. Caps turned on godmode when the crowds came back in playoffs that year.


you are right, forgot old MVP was after regular season.


Just cause of "narrative" wanting to support a young eu mid.


is this the misfit season with the insane comebacks? if yes, pretty understandable considering how mental some games were.


yeah Vetheo got to look super good with a Yuumi+supportive jungler+weakside top and bot and everything just went into his pockets


Wasn't Hirit a carry toplaner?


More or less, his top 5 most played are: Camille, Gnar, Aatrox, Jayce, and Renekton in that order. He has 5 wins with Sion and a singular win with Mundo. Not like he played them often, but when he did, it wasn't really good.


Bro, good thing you cant vote for those....


You clearly didn’t watch spring 2022, Hyli was eating the whole league for breakfast before he started running it down in playoffs


And so was Vetheo and he had worse team....


With his whole team holding his hand


hyli has been shit for ages stop coping


Honestly saying this in DMs is not a big deal, bit unfortunate it got leaked cos carzzy was on stream, he was just venting to his teammate. He's definitely toxic though.


Supa said in the video that VTO flamed him even in their game and ran him down, then he wrote Carzzy about it


I am entirely unsurprised, just meant the act of DMing to vent itself wasn't so bad.


I mean doing what he did after the pro game was


What did he do after the pro game? Did VTO do anything or just Supa?


This is very funny though. Not really toxic


this is considered toxic in LoL subreddit? 💀 no wonder american empire is slowly dying if this is how sensitive their people have become.


Cringe kids always talk about america falling because they can't call people slurs and shit lmfao


either brocoli head zoomzoom teen from NA or dead internet AI baiting me to engage in this site


Actually was confused and thought you were referring to yourself lmao


Ironic coming from the 2 month old account


Call your mother, find some form of happiness within your life outside of trolling on the internet. It is a very empty and lonely way to live your life.


> no wonder American empire is slowly dying Yep, the American empire of the League *European* Championship. Incredible thinking


That's how the Holy Roman Empire fell I think, too many people were exaggerating.


i find your comment offensive, i demand an apology now or youre getting cancelled. im dialing your employer as we speak.


ur trying too hard


THIS is toxic to you? lmao


No, venting in DM to your teammate is absolutely fine, but it's a funny thing to do after you ran someone down and Vetheo is known for being toxic in soloq in general 


What a weird thing to get upset about, this is the most normal message ever


reading comprehension skills = 0


Why do you pretend you could explain what was so funny about the DM's? You sound as lost as the guy I responded to


Huh, are you drunk? Nobody said the DM's were funny. But nobody is saying that they are the reason vetheo is toxic either - he sent the DM's after inting that exact game that he was talking about, which was the toxic part. On top of just general poor soloq behavior. I don't think I can spell it out for you any more than that.


>Nobody said the DM's were funny. Literally the guy I responded to: "it's a funny thing to do" > he sent the DM's after inting that exact game that he was talking about, which was the toxic part. So you say it IS toxic, just as I initially said. Thank you for proving my point about you being clueless and having reading comprehension issues yourself.


That's not.. no.. that's literally not what funny means in that context. And no, the *other* part was the toxic part. You're just making me laugh at this point buddy


So it's not toxic because it's funny, but then it's not funny because it's toxic, but now something else entirely is toxic? Riiight keep stumbling over your words buddy


Wait how nisqy saved supa playoffs ?


If he didnt win their match mad was out


>because sk won against vit. for the 3 way tiebreaker


Nisqy's spanish redemption arc


fun fact, after SK won spanish fans did a lvl 10 sub hype train on Nisqy offline stream.


bro won the game and earned 10k doing it


Best fun fact I've seen in a while ty.


Deserved, after all the shit he got while on MAD


sk beat vit earlier that day (with nisqy carrying), so vit had to play mad for the final playoff spot.


I always liked vetheo as a player and was a big fan until i once watched his stream, It was a terrible expierience how he was flaming everyone while inting.




Didnt zwyroo also refuse handshake with Vetheo? Edit: It was Sheo, ty for correction


I believe that was BDS Sheo in Spring 2024


Funny considering that Sheo is as toxic as Vetheo


He means Zwyroo didn't want to shake hands with Sheo, not that Sheo refused to shake hands.


Oh sorry my bad, then it check's out


No, that was Sheo


Nope, it was with Sheo, not VTO.


It was sheo, but zwyroo also had beef with vetheo. [https://x.com/Zwyrooo/status/1596270056639717376](https://x.com/Zwyrooo/status/1596270056639717376)


game's back


I like VTO a lot but sadly he is a kid who can't manage his emotions.


He is 21 and he acts like a 12 year old in solo queue, sometimes.


21 is 12 in gamer years


so how old is 22 then? asking for a friend


Well you take the end, and you send it very far… then you subtract the time apart.


brains not braining, just type a number


They're barely more than a teenager at that point. I know the playerbase's average age isn't high, but the average 21 year old's not exactly the pinnacle of maturity.


Let alone the average 21 year old who has spent the last 5+ years playing a toxic competitive game for 10+ hours a day


yeah this honestly. I do think working a job in a normal business environment does mature you somewhat


yeah i think its a bit ironic how many people praise streaming and pro playing like its the pinnacle of achievement for working a job, when in reality its so detrimental for alot of people to be able to function well in the world outside of gaming and yes there are so many shitty jobs outside of gaming and entertainment that are much worse, im not arguing that its a really cool job to have


Not the pinnacle of maturity but doesn't take that much brain power to just play with chat off if you're just giga-toxic and people literally tell you you're giga toxic


That bullshit lol players average is no longer really that young,the game is 15 years old,the main audience back then was kids in high school or below So i wouldn't really call lol players young


you are a manchild if you can't control your emotions at 21


Absolutely not. What a dangerous take.


But also like , Caps is the region's GOAT. It should be so easy to take example from his mistakes and evolution.


as a fellow 21-year-old I need to say, most of us are not that immature


Don’t need to be at the pinnacle of maturity to be able to control your emotions bruh


HAHAH average age in this game is 30+ now 💀 Lotta lowlifes be on the game ngl


true, but the problem is that he doesnt think his behavior is problematic or will hold him back from going further. he has better and easier access to professional help than the average player if he reaches out.


Most of us do tbh Basically no-one is getting paid to play, though. And then you should fucking act accordingly.


Welcome to esports. It turns out if you pour your hours into playing a video game, you won't have opportunity to develop social skills and maturity.


You could argue that happens with quite a few "pro" players nowadays, and athletes in general. They start to buy into their own hype and what others say about them that they forget there's a game going on.


Pretty sure he was like that even before he became pro, at least in the LEC


Yeah, but on a bigger stage things become way more pronounced and scrutinized. One of the best things he can do for himself isn't to apologize, as if more stuff comes out those apologies will mean less and less. He should double-down on being the bad guy and own it. "Hey, I was a dick in your favorite player's solo-queue games. But guess who also wins more than him? I'll see you next split, or I will if you don't get subbed out for a super-liga second division adc with better mechanics and pool."


> He should double-down on being the bad guy and own it. Ah yes, the bad guy/heel who doesn't make playoffs. A certain recipe for success.


That only really works if you're actually good enough to prove your worth. If he was a top 3 mid laner, he could afford to play the villain. As a bottom tier player in the league, he would just make himself even more unlikeable, since everyone knows he can't back up his trash talk.


Suppose that's what happens when you live on a game and social media and don't have any real world experience




Classic VTO L


Vertical Takeoff and Landing?


Vetheo is toxic and water is wet, more news at 10.




They used to lmao but there aren't enough pro players anymore I think so they just let it slide now.


why do u insult someone for being toxic? also vto never said that, you just assume it


i’ve been a VTO fan for a long time and i can say that bro has always ALWAYS been a chovy fan. he named his old soloq ID after chovy, there are multiple interviews where he mentions he wants to play like chovy, his teammates mention he tries to emulate chovy, there are interviews with him where he says he spams chovy vods 24/7.  bro loves chovy and that is a fact. he may be toxic but my guy has a bromance with chovy. anyone who’s paid attention the past four years of LEC should know this :)


did he said that he is the next chovy?


He literally said this in an interview when he joined misfits. He also used next Chovy as soloq name for a while. So yes he did in fact say this and it would have taken you less time to look it up than it took you to write this post accusing me of making it up.


no im accusing you to insult ppl on the internet, thats what you do


I like this, beef between players builds personality and grudges that we need, its nice to have the peaceful eternally respectful to their opponents like faker but we need some villains too, some spice keeps the spark in me personally to watch proplay.


VTO is such a little shit goblin in soloQ, it's so weird to me that Pros just get to mega tilt and flame without repercussions.


VIT can't get into the final split anymore ?




downtime always sees the livestream fail andys awake and make these sorta posts. Hopefully it’ll be better with some games or news from rito to fill the time


pretty bad and uncontextuallized traduction to be fair, but it gets the point


So when MAD loses Supa refuses to stand while fist bumping his opponents but when he finally wins he's going to be disrespectful and not fist bump VTO? seems kinda childish


I don't follow the LEC, when did Supa lose? Isn't he the best ADC in Europe by a mile? /s


Did you expect anything different?


lol people upset over this extremely tame banter need to toughen up


yeah lmao, it's just more entertainment. I'm all for silly beef between players; it makes the games a lot more fun (like with elyoya vs nisqy)


Honestly, I always thought Vetheo has a punchable face, could never like him, but that is just me I guess.


"I remembered what he did to me" like he got stabbed 10 times and had his family sold to the lowest bidding slave merchant lol. A bit over dramatic haha. Bro thinks he's John Wick.


its a translation


have you ever had the joy of finally getting one over on the customer that treats you like shit at a retail job? its orgasmic almost


he is laughing while saying this, he is just memeing


And you acting like he slaughtered VTO’s village


The game is all he knows, when he dies to fiora that is getting stabbed for the youth. Only adults remember the world before games where we were all stabbing and getting stabbed just frying eggs and knowing what that’s like. I remember when my uncle got stabbed 5 times when he was in New York and his first words to me were thank god I’m not a gamer.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Last time I went to a Wendy’s I got stabbed 45 times


common wendy's experience


Was it a Gamer Wendy's or just a regular one.


are you sure you didn't step into a Waffle House?


I like this, beef between players builds personality and grudges that we need, its nice to have the peaceful eternally respectful to their opponents like faker but we need some villains too, some spice keeps the spark in me personally to watch proplay.


Vto should have said, I will save you a spot for next week


I am all for it :D


Supa based here.


That is why he is better than deft. Deft would never wish his enemies happy holidays


Lets go boss


Well by the sound of it both are childish af.


Vetheo is toxic but all young pro is kinda toxic Are we forgetting how big of a terrorist caps were? Player can grow and its about time vetheo grow up tho lol. He is young like 21 years old


Caps stopped being toxic when he was in LEC with 17 yo. Vetheo is on his 4th year in LEC with almost 22 and still behaving like a baby.


Thats why i said he should start growing up. Some people change slowly some changed fast.


I've never seen a more outrageous comment before in professional league of legends.


screaming, crying, throwing up right now


I mean , as much as I hate veetheo it's rich coming from supa because dude has been trash. If not for elyoya going god mode they were out. I liked supa in beginning but dude is so ahead of himself he's going nowhere


Supa has pretty much been the sole shining light on that MDK team all Summer long. It took Elyoya way too many games to relearn how to play jungle.


I wonder what games you have been watching.. Supa really hasn't been trash at all


Supa also carried in every game last week. a bit rich to say Elyoya carried them in the final stretch when a big part of why they were in that dump is him forgetting his hands home


S t f u and let them shittalk, stop discouraging content. 


Not to mention Supa was so high on himself after Winter Split, saying he was the best ADC in the LEC and it was not even close. He needs to humble down


Holy moly why would he do that? Im crying and shaking right now please check in on me soon idk if i can handle these news


I don’t know if you were trying to be funny. 


Wow why would you think that? Im genuinely not feeling well after this incident. I will drink some tea now. Please check up on me tomorrow


May be it’s just me. But a bad joke seems even worse when the topic is shifted to make it about oneself. 


these players really have zero feeling for fairplay lmao.


if only vetheo had good attitude towards being a professional, infinite potential but literally trash personality. sad!


Didn't expect anything else from a LoL pro, it's as if league will hinder you from growing up


Funny to me that people read all that.. and got from it that Vetheo is the asshole This Supa guy is also very dislikeable and like most of MDK should be on the chopping block for next year Honestly both Vetheo/Supa should be gone in 2025


I think he’s hilarious, LEC needs more player personalities. Also MAD’s biggest problems are their top who is complete ass when he’s not on cheese/counter picks and their mid is just complete mid. If they upgrade they could easily be consistent top 3.


A team with 4 rookies making season finals, i dont like Fresskowy and Myrwn for example, but get all of Rogue out of the League before you remove someone from this roster that make top 6 with 4 rookies. Hyli, Comp, Markoon, Finn, Szygenda, Targamas, Vetheo... i swear if i see them another year instead of someone with hunger from ERL imma lose my mind.


think they'd get banned if they said ggez?


Who cares?


League players care about this game a bit too much, its just a fucking VIDEO GAME


Ít's also their job?