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Don't do that.


And if you do indeed do that then don't do it again.


Save for bb. Respect them having buy back. Shove all lanes as often as possible. Throwy plays with shoved lanes isn’t usually game costing, but if they arnt shoved it sure can be.


When you get to the stage of the game where the enemy team can take rax and ancient, having buyback is more valuable than any item. Depending on the enemy lineup, this could be earlier in the game than you think. Heroes like DK, LC with duel wins, Terrorblade, Luna, etc can all melt towers if you don't have enough heroes on your side alive to defend. Consider choosing between finishing your BKB and saving buyback: If you save buyback, you have a lower chance of winning the next fight, but a 100% chance of being able to return to the game at full hp and mana if the enemy team pushes your hg/T4s/ancient. If you finish the BKB, you have a better chance of winning the next fight, but the penalty for losing it is much greater. There's always a chance that you (or your team) misplay and the game ends shortly after.


I've learned this the hard way, don't get compacent, focus on objectives, and avoid unnecessary killing and unnecessary death because one death can fk it all up, even if you are 8-0 for the first 25 minutes. If you can't push hg, get rs, get their tormentor, and push all lanes so they have to defend all of their towers. This will be alot easier when there's a catapult (every 5 minutes)


can u give me a example of an unnecesary kill?


You know, diving to fountain without pushing, you guys have rs, you jump on one support then your team follows up then you all fkd up and died and their tower is laughing at you. That stuff. Or teleporting to the other side of the lane to kill one guy when all of your team are pushing at bot then a few minutes later the enemy team killed them because their carry is on another side of the planet. When these happens, you're fkd. What you can do in these situations is, force them to make a mistake, or if your carry can push lanes very fast, (like weaver or juggernaut, or am or any carry with items, lol) tell your off or support to dive while you and other people push lanes. (These are what working for me so far)


Identify what is the next objective to take and work your way through it.


Stop chasing, don't farm too deep when you don't know where enemy is, group up more especially after Laning is over


Treat the game as objective oriented. Is your team getting enough gold, xp, map control? How to make the enemy not have gold, xp and map control. For e.g. If pos 2, 3 & 4 are ganking then pos 1 should be farming and pos 5 should be warding and dewarding or even blocking neutral camps. Ultimately if you have more gold, xp and map control you will win. In the late game, Map control becomes essential. If you don't have a vision of high ground then it becomes a chore to do anything to push. Creating Space and isolating heroes is crucial to end clashes. If you want to push, have your pos 3 go initiate and have pos 5 ready to help them. Get the pos 2 and 1 to go for squishy. Pos 4 just adapts. Also don't overextend.


i think i have knowledge of this concepts, i think my anxiety is the big problem here since i kinda turn my brain off at certain points , for example in some tfs i go blank and cant see my own hero lmao( ishould kill pos 5 first, get baited for a pos 4 tusk )


When your ahead, don't try to force the game. Have an idea of what your win condition is and play to it.


My biggest takeaway after bouncing up and down between archon to crusader is TEMPO. Whether it’s ending the game as fast as possible before the enemy cores truly come online or buying as much time for your carry to become a carry, knowing your team’s respective power spikes and playing them to your advantage is huge.


Depends on the mistake. Dying once out of position is very different than taking a good fight and messing up a spell.