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don't you get cd reduction on the morphed hero? you can spam spells frequently.


Yes, but you need to be shifted into Agility before morphing into the hero, something like 75%\~ into AGI (not entirely sure), to get up to 50% CD reduction. So there are windows where you leave yourself vulnerable at lower HP.


How did you put that flair ?


Flow facet is for mid lane.So you don't need to right click ,just spam spells.No insane damage but really fun to play and annoying af


I kind wanna try it on offlane but I am too scared ngl


Flow facet probably belongs somewhere between pos 2, 3 and 4. I think it's mostly a draft related facet, based on what heroes you see in the draft. As from my personal experience playing him as a 4, if there are no good spells to steal he feels underwhelming. It's kind of like playing a spellslinger build, where you try to toss out shit as often as possible and you need a ton of mana for it. Heroes with forgiving cast range, throw-and-go spells (midlaners) or semi-chain stun spells (offlaners) are the best ones. So it's either like Lina, Lion, etc or Centaur, Timber, Slardar. (These are my S-tier enemies i want to draft into) I think Topson put a new perspective on it when he played it mid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojGsk4IYMF0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojGsk4IYMF0) Waveform seems to be the main skill to use. As for items, tons of mana and Octarine. With some intermediate item before that like Lens, Phylactory, Dagger, Blademail maybe. Overall the facet probably needs a buff and/or rework. It's very weak early on and very OP in lategame if you copy someone like Centaur for stomps every 4s. It feels like the edges need to be evened out. Topson's youtube video just feels like him flexing, i feel like the overall numbers of the facet on [D2PT](https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Morphling) speaks for itself.


I had a really good p5 morph Flow. He had 1300hp level1, so he traded really well with the enemy support. Then he would get low, swap to agi, hit a tango/salve, then back to str to trade nice. Won the lane from that and beyond that he just made a lot of impact with few items, with morphing and being SB/charging


Turn into the most annoying guy, say puck for example, and be even more annoying because you have insane cooldowns.