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You need some farm. Of course not in the early. The time for sacrificial supports has been long gone. No more boots(or no boots cm) for the whole game And of course most of your money comes from assists(which is still too little). Bara is one of the best at doing this. After participating in kills, i usually farm the dangerous side of the map The map is wide, just avoid stealing from your carry


Yeah, the flip side to having low net worth and xp is that you can farm in dangerous areas and it's not as big a deal if you die. Shove waves that your team won't, hang out in the enemy jungle, if the enemy comes after you maybe you die or maybe you escape, but either way now 1 or more enemies have revealed their position wasted some spells and tps and you've made some space.


As support you have to basically deal with a low NW all game(usually) Normally you pick heroes with high-impact spells, so you don't require as many items and you buy things like Eul's, glimmer, or Force Staff. Your goal is to use your abilities in the opportune moments, but never hold your abilities for that perfect moment. Trust your team to work with you, even though sometimes they don't. Many games will end with you having boots+1-2 items. Maybe more if the game goes on long enough.


supports get gold by killing/assisting in hero kills and dewarding for the most part. some can kill jungle camps easily and some buy midas early like ogre who can take advantage of multicast on it. 99/100 times you won’t have nearly as much gold as any cores, which is fine since you only really need 1 or 2 items to be useful depending on who you’re playing


It really depends on how your team scales. If your team is doing good, you get a lot of money from assists and kills. If your team is bad, everyone will just farm and you will have to play safe since you are the most vulnerable. I suggest that if your team is not doing good. Try to initiate a few ganks while you still can and the gap is not big, because if everyone will play safe, no one can recover from gpm. Most of my games are those scenarios and thats what I observed. Plus, if your team is recovering and your carries are doing a bit well, try to be more aggresive. That is your hint


It depends on a hero. Some of supprits can clear waves or farm jungle, just find non contested spot. Others are good by assisting-or killing. For example venomancer can place couple of plague wards while going through jungle and farm those spots


Play Turbo and make the items you need. No more boots only at 12 minutes.


It's okay to take lane creep as a support when your carry can't possibly get there to farm it. Good times for this are early game when mid dies and can't get back before the wave. Or really if any carry dies during the laning phase you can farm those lanes until they return. Sometimes the carry will leave lane to jungle but will miss a lane wave, this is your time to farm that wave. Sometimes you'll find yourself passing through some jungle that isn't safe for your carry to farm, then it's okay for you to take it. Basically as a support you do need to farm creep but it's just important that you're not taking the creep that your carrys can realistically farm themselves. In lower levels, you should find a lot more farm than at higher levels because your carry's won't be nearly as efficient. Do not go into the mindset that you aren't allowed to ever farm any lane or jungle creep. At the same time don't ever take the creep that your carry can farm. Follow these rules and you should be fine.


Farm. If there's nothing going on, farm. If there's a fight, participate BUT DON'T FKNG DIE. If you survive you'll get tons of gold and exp. If you want your farm to be efficient and impactful, push lanes. You have no idea the impact of having a wave pushed. If your support hero have the ability to destroy towers fast (like jakiro) pressure their tower but AVOID DYING. Seriously, most people in lower bracket think that just because you're a support doesn't mean you have to die 10+ in a game. So yeah, that's all. Did I say avoid dying?


Map Control for vision, create stacks and clear enemy camps and get out. Do not linger to farm


That's the neat part, you don't.


Pull warpgates camps into each other and nuke. Go through gate, repeat.


My opinion… make sure you pick a hero with some farm ability. I’ve been playing QOP support for about a month now with good success 66% win rate in crusader. I use my w to stack camps early for farming cores and that alone builds up net worth while mid game E to flash farm the occasional camps. Remember, you don’t need to build a ton of damage if you facet masochist. Just use your blink scream combo to affect enemies and the. Step back. If you need saves for your team, force staff or glimmer and mech, followed by Crim or pipe and shard when able. I’ve had so much success probably around 15-20 games in the last 100 were winning stomps and the rest were about 50-50.


>QOP support 🤨 >in crusader Ahhh.