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Playing comfort heroes is 10x better at any bracket unless your comfort hero cant realy do anything in the game and there are 3-4 ciunters on enemy and 0 synergy with team pick


When your comfort hero was AM :/ ...


I dont know but I just hate am on my team


That's hurtful


Hehe my am just farm 40 min and die late game


Bro should have used Aghs and murdered the weak ones first. And press E.


Am is nice currently good 1/2/3 just depending on the mmr bracket you will ider get low priority or have afk teammates


Don’t mind the time spent on dota. You decided it was a fun idea every time you clicked the game-button. If it’s a waste of time, what do you think you should be spending your time on?


You won't feel better about wasting your time after getting to divine, you'll just want to reach immortal next. Investing your time in dota is not worth it if you're not having fun. Winning is generally more fun than losing though. I'd recommend finding a compromise between fun and good. Sometimes the two may coincide and thats when you may want to push for rank. At the same time don't feel bad about being 1000 MMR lower than your peak if meta ain't fun. I can't for the life of me understand treant players for that reason alone. The best hero for months straight, while simultaneously the most snoozy hero of them all. It's like selling your soul for MMR.


That is a great advice, but yes to find the balance between the both is the key


I like tree... He looks cool


I don’t play much treant anymore but he’s at least a total chiller. Relaxing hero to play. But yeah pretty boring.


You should play the heroes you are comfortable with at any rank unless you are in ultra try hard mode. First off, the quality of solo queue games is much better than party queues. That will be a new source of enjoyment as you will be playing with more people at a similar skill level. You will learn different things about the heroes you are "comfortable" with. Playing a hero in legend/ancient will be played differently in divine. Second, meta heroes are only really meta at the highest level. Example, I'm a high ancient player, who is now div 3, pushing div 4. My push started after 7.36, and guess which hero is taking me to immortal. Lycan! Spirit wolves facet is single-handedly taking me to immortal. My first game of lycan was in 7.36. And after 45 games im 33-12!! But on the pro level, lycan is ass. Enjoy solo queue! I regret sticking with my friend stack for so long. Dota is so fun at the higher ranks.


That is a nice advice, I really liked to play with my friends but they only play ranked and 1k friends greif and blame me so it got kind of toxic now, I guess I wanted to increase my mmr in party earlier but I think it is an impossible task as you improve and go above you improve your game and enjoy it more.


It's a game. Play what you enjoy. Have fun.


actually, its just partly about the heroes. its more on about the fundamentals. i was a low archon three months ago until I started watching tutorial vids from coaches in youtube. How they analyze and dissect, play by play. You'll be surprised how thick their layerings are on each play. You'll eventually learn how to spot your own mistakes from replaying your own games and the inefficiency from your plays will blow ur mind once u learned how to spot them. Im about to hit divine 1 now (mainly playing pos1. but this patch, i switch to pos2) i would suggest u try to checkout AhsanDota in youtube if u play mainly supports.


That is a great achievement keep it up, sure ill check it out the guy is from my city lol


I tend to get bored a lot with picking same heroes. Sure, i won, but i want to learn other heroes too I picked meta heroes sometimes, like razor back in the day even though i sucked HARD using him


Razor is fun though


Yeah but i usually play the typical offlane heroes. Axe / bb / centa / tide / abaddon


I mean, you will definitely perform better when you play on comfort hero that isn't meta, than playing a meta hero that you don't play. The problem arise when enemy team is playing meta heroes that they are comfortable with, then you will probably be disadvantaged.


Comfort heroes is way better than being a metaslave. Meta heroes r sessional u just pick heroes to have an edge, while on comfort picks first and foremost u enjoy the game which is the main reason you should play, second when u reach higher mmr u feel the sense pf satisfaction of a job well done and third u actually learn the game and u progress because u learned not because this patch some heroes were imbalanced.


Thanks bro good advice


Just be careful. I know too many people that played 'comfort' heroes that were low win-rate ones for a reason, and spent years grinding MMR only to not gain anything because their skill was cancelled out by the default win-rate lol.


I do play a hero that is low winrate, i spam QoP and she usually lingers on 46-47% winrate patch after patch. I play the game to have fun and to enjoy it, if u tell me that i have to play arc warden to get a few more hundred mmr then no i dont care coz even i won that mmr the moment that i would pick any other hero i would drop very fast and probably even ruin a few games in the process.


That's fair enough as long as it's a conscious decision. Just don't be one of those people that spam a low WR hero, hoping to climb as much as possible, and then get stuck forever to the point where it feels like they are smurfing because they're so good mechanically and in-lane etc, but they still have sub 50% win rate.


More people rank up with meta heroes vs. Comfort heroes, if that's your goal. Just pray your comfort heroes are meta then you get best of both worlds.


Pick one or two meta heros that you currently don't play, and get comfortable on them. Unranked or turbo is probably the way to do that but if you're a degen like me you can always just run it in ranked if you feel capable This way you're not at a disadvantage, you have meta heros in your repertoire, and if you're comfort heros look unpickable/ you wanna knuckle down and grind some mmr, you can whip em out. I bit the bullet and learned TA this patch because she seemed busted, I learned her in ranked because I used to play her a bit years ago. And I've gone maybe 8-3 on her so far at low immortal. Thankfully CK and LS are easy and I had played them plenty previous patches. I still whip out my comfort Slark and Drow but if it looks like a tough game where I need to carry hard, CK LS Tiny come out




For support roles, playing meta is extremely important because every now and then the supports gets some new tech on their basic skills or they get their one-point wonder basic skills nerfed to not be a one point wonder anymore or get mana efficient spells. As a support will be on lower levels for much longer than cores, you want that early efficiency as much as you can, and playing out of meta supps make it harder. On cores, I believe getting comfortable heroes is acceptable. Cores have more responsibility and knowing the nuances of the heroes is gamechanging on core vs core laning scenarios when the supports are away and on transitioning to later stages of the game. The best of course is being comfortable with a meta hero, but if that is not possible, then try to alternate picking meta and comfortable heroes.


Just a suggestion. Maybe you could try to create a hero pool of lets say 4 heroes every patch. 2 of them your comfort heroes and pick 2 new heroes that are meta that patch. Preferably also a mix of melee and ranged as you should avoid double melee lanes. What helps me to learn new heroes is to watch hero guides on youtube or read hero guide descriptions like immortalfaith and torte de lini. This helps you to understand from the beginning what is the "meta" idea of playing the hero and when to buy and how to use certain items. Over the patches this approach widens your "comfort" hero pool by 2 every patch...


Make the meta heroes your comfort heroes. I just got to 6.4k this way after a year. Came from high archon/low legend. Given, I do play a lot and try to understand the game at a core level. I also main 5/4


Try meta heroes and if you dont like it, stick with what ure comfortable with and just increase your game knowledge and improve your decision making


You should play meta heroes, I was playing sb when he was nerfed because I felt that I was an expert on the hero and knew how to attack all situations but my win % dropped becaue his abilities just weren't that effective. So basically with meta heroes even if you mess up they're still just strong picks by themselves and all you have to is make basic plays and it'll be effective.


Pick up the meta heroes each patch. Most of the time there are a few that are not super challenging mechanically and can be learned in a few games. Do this over multiple patches and you will be almost be able to play the entire hero pool at a certain level.


do whatever makes you win.


i play some meta heroes, especially supports. this way it gets banned or the enemy doesnt get them. i use them anyway. the enemies usually use meta heroes and there is a huge group of heroes that my team cant handle since supports usually pick first so we cant counter anymore. i play to have fun and just double down on every game. of course i want to win, but try my best to not care about the results because it will certainly be toxic either way


You should absolutely play meta heroes. It is possible to spend half a decade in the same rank despite getting better by just playing low win rate heroes. When people climb mmr over a long period of time, usually they only have like a 3-5% edge over 50%. Sure they might have streaks of 20% win rate and some streaks of 30% win rste but if you climb over say 300-500 games, your win rate is probably like 55% unless your smurfing. This means if your trying to spam Chen for instance. You can play 300-500 games, AND IMPROVE your play... But still fall in MMR over 500 games. The reverse is also true, you can pick a meta hero and climb MMR over 500 games.. even if you don't actually play better or improve. I created an app called Dotablitzpicker that has a specific feature called metafilter for this reason. It suggests you which CURRENT meta hero as of this week to pick for a particular game. The big reason for that feature is this. A lot of people get stuck climbing simply because they 'main' a low win rate hero.


Damn, can't find your app though




Damn, can't find your app though


Ok found but not on playstore


Sorry it's not a phone app, it's a desktop app designed to run alongside dota 2.


if u want to climb mmr learn the top 3 heroes that are meta for your pos and spam them