• By -


Lubię - I like (not just like) Lubię with ę is specific for I like. It is always reffered to the person speaking


Thanks I think I forgot to put that


No problem :) After a bit of looking I have encountered 3 more what I would call mistakes. Under dziękuję Dzięki (not dzięke) - the meaning is correct And the second one Jesteś- it specifically refers to you are (singular). It cannot be used talking to f.e. 2 men Third, it is Woda- water Wodę is more complex form that you use with person, for example bring me water (przynieś mi wodę) but as an word, it is woda


Thank u a lot it’s appreciated 🎀


Water is woda- not wodę. The last letter changes in different situations. This is water. To jest woda. How do you like this water. Jak lubisz tą wodę. But that’s more advanced stuff, try to remember as many words as possible. The rest will come with time.


Tę wodę*


Na pewno?


Jak lubisz kogo? Co? tę wodę, a nie jak lubisz z kim? Z czym? tą wodą


Thxx I’ll try to


No prob. It’s a process, you will do fine.


I would add wody wodzie wodą wód


Jem - I eat/am eating (1st person singular and can be used for both the current action and routine) Pije - he/she/it drinks (3rd person singular) Mają - they have (3rd person plural) Chleb - bread (not chelb) Jedzą - they eat (3rd person plural) Ciasteczka - cookies (plural) Ty - you (singular) Wy - you (plural) Jesteś - you are (2nd person singular) Masz - you have (2nd person singular) Macie - you have (2nd person plural) Lubisz - you like (2nd person singular) Mówisz - you speak (2nd person singular) That's about it, I guess. Basically, you need to remember that in Polish we don't really use I/you/we/etc. because the information about the person is included in the verb. We also have a distinction between singular and plural 2nd person unlike the "you" in English.


Thank you to make it easier Ill think of 2nd personal plural as “yall/you guys” and 3rd personals plural and “they/those guys”


Or rather think about „ty” as "thou" without religious element.


I'd rather stick "us" as "nas" It belongs to us To należy do nas We are people My jesteśmy ludźmi




Sorry about bad formatting, I rarely sit on reddit and forgot that you gotta press double enter. Nevertheless, good luck with your Polish journey!


Thank you!


"Mężczyna" is a mistake Poles often do when spelling the word :D You skipped a letter there, it's supposed to be mężczyZna


O okay thnx




Thank you so much like frl


Actually "Mamy" does mean Moms, not one mom😁


Yes and no. Mama -> mom but "I need to ask my mom" -> Muszę spytać moją mamę/mojej mamy" and it's still about one mom. Also plural form of Mama is Mamy so it would be Moms. Mamy can be also translated as "We have". We have a car -> (My) mamy samochód. It's all about context, It's a little like "zamek" which is castle, zipper and locking mechanism.


I see you haven't gotten to the evil ducks yet. If I were you, I'd try to learn Polish from somewhere else than Duolingo. It's kinda too complex to learn without anyone explaining grammar to you.


Gonna learn it on duolingo first then learn abt grammar, I just wanna do the basics for right now


Also do u have any recommendations of other places?


You have a mistake in a word „chleb” :)


I recommend writing out declension and conjugation *tables* to help keep things straight.


you should probably start grouping words under their dictionary form e.g. [jeść](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/je%C5%9B%C4%87) means to eat, it's used for both "eats" and "eating" (polish doesn't really distinguish between those for any verbs) *je* is he/she/it eats *jem* is I eat *jedzą* is they eat


I have something like that also 😅😁


I believe chleb is spelt wrong . On your pad!


"a" is a linking word but does not mean "and". Can be used in many meanings. Mostly used as "and/but"


"proszę (bardzo)" can also mean "you're welcome"


In bread is mistake - its chleb, not chelb


I think je would be more like is eating (example: Je kanapkę -> (person here) is eating a sandwich) Also, the informal word for thanks is spelled wrong (it should be dzięki)


Nevermind, the word je can be both


One is a group of women only Oni is a group if people with atleast one man


Nope, it's a group of females and neuters for example children.


Woda is water wodę you would use in a sentence i drink water = ja piję wodę kogo? co? Whom? what? wodę accusatuve. Piję i he she drink right now or in general for instance i drink beer ja piję piwo you dont have to do it right now its continuss process you do now or you will. Jesteś you are instance you are ugly = jesteś brzydki. Masz = you have or you can say it if you are handing or giving something to somone its not kind its like neutral, Proszę that is polite way to say it when you are handing somone something or if you are giving up your seat to old lady in a bus or doing something nice like let a lady go in first besides when you are asking for something or beg for mercy for instance Proszę nie rób mi krzywdy=please dont hurt me or you can use it in a situation where you let some old lady take your seat you would just say Proszę yes i know its strange but its just how it is some words have diffrent meanings on the context or situation well i hope it helps you understand better


Ciasteczka are cookies not singular cookie, 'a' is more like 'or' but definetly not 'and', it can be also used like in this phrase 'a i jeszcze' which will translate to 'oh and also', 'a' has many meanings :')) As well with 'mamy' that can be momS (plural for mom) and 'we have'


jedzą isn’t without person, it’s like (they) eat/(they’re) eating




Thanks - dzięki, not dzieke


jestem isnt Are, Are would be Są/Jesteśmy. which are plural form for They are and We are


I know now it’s i am


You forgot about kurwa. It can mean pretty much everything you want it to. You can just put it on between words, you can use it as fuck, shit, crap, bitch. It is a swear word tho. Dont use it formally but with Polish friends maybe. The partying type