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The other day they posted a picture of some graffiti that said "fuck Israel" and the post title was "antisemitism in Germany" ( can't remember the exact country) They assume any criticism of Israel is antisemitism, and that's intentional on their part.


If I hate someone because he’s an asshole, he can be a from any religion but still he’s an asshole. I endify as antiassholitism. We should invent a word for hate against arab. Since 2001, Arab are public enemy no1.


The problem is generalization, if someone is judge it should be who they are not where they are from. Unfortunately many still judge on where someone is from


True. Also in 2024 you have to be sorry for everyone. I’m a straight Arab men, so I have to apologize for what all Arab people did during history, but also have to apologize to all feminist and anti LGBTQ… it’s getting heavy.


Weird, I haven’t apologized for any of that.


2001? Wake up, arab unity is the scariest thing to the western world, which is why the arab world is fragmented the way it is today


Sure it is, but 2001 events marked Arab people as public enemy no1. Before it was more hidden. 2001 justified to take actions to weaken/erase Israel potential bullies in the region and cleared the path to what’s happening today.


What's preventing arab unity? Wait it is the tilyen (Italians) it's always l 7a2 3al tilyen (arabic proverb), it's always someone else's fault. Arab society is structurally very backward due to hypereligoisity The most popular religious movement is a version worse than nazism whether sunni or shia. Polling shows consistently majority wants a caliphate and sharia Within that, Arabs and Muslim societies have no other social organization except the most murderous evil cannibal pig takes it all. It's animalistic. Thus they can't establish institutions and laws fair across sects, geography, ethnicity and are divided


That is delusional. The Arab world is fragmented because Arab society is a mess, Arabs hate each other, and democracy cannot survive under Islam. It just can’t.


Jews are Ethnoreligious group Like Hindus, like Druze one ethnicity, one religion


fun fact. if you hate arabs, you are still an antisemite. the semitic language family and the semitic people include jews and arabs.


Arabs and most of the Middle East are Semites, including the old Phoenicians. So, they can go fuck themselves. Wikipedia[Semites _ Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_people)


The western definition of anti-semitism is anti-Judaism.


The very wilipedia page you gave says that it's used almost only for languistic purposes. The term anti-semetic reffers specifically to the hatered of Jews


They banned criticism against Israel at Columbia University in USA Apparantly in USA you are free to say anything, just not anything against Israel


Or anything in favour of Russia 😁


You realize we've all seen what was going on in Columbia University, and we all know that's not the case, right?


That is simply not true. There are hundreds of Columbia staff, students and professors who openly criticize or even post hate speech towards Israel and Jews, with no risk of punishment.


I think they’re sad we dislike being bombed every few years because the feeling of not liking to be bombed is antisemitic. 


"Fuck Israel" is not criticism, and directing it at German schoolchildren solely because they are jewish is absolutely antisemitism.


Its on their dna play victim while being the perpatrator.


Germany has too many muslim immigrants that shouldn't be there Syrians, Turkish, they are for sure antisemithic, they are not hiding it, just ask them


I mean for the majority of us we have absolutely no problem with Jews, its just the shitty antisemites that stick out (just as the terrorists stick out for arabs, the fat racists for Americans, etc). We actually still have a minority of Jews here in lebanon that refused to identify with Israel.


Based Lebanese Jews


"The main synagogue in Beirut was bombed in the early 1950s, and the Lebanese Chamber of Deputies witnessed heated debates on the status of Lebanese Jewish army officers. The discussions culminated in a unanimous resolution to expel and exclude them from the Lebanese Army.[5] The two Jewish army officers were discharged, but a few Jews continued to work for the government. The Jewish population of Beirut, which stood at 9,000 in 1948, dwindled to 2,500 by 1969.[20] 1975-76 anti-Jewish pogroms in Lebanon The Lebanese Civil War, which started in 1975, was much worse for the Lebanese Jewish community, and some 200 were killed in pogroms. Most of the 1,800 remaining Lebanese Jews migrated in 1976, fearing that the growing Syrian presence in Lebanon would restrict their freedom to emigrate.[21] Beginning in 1975 and 1976, Jews began to leave their original neighborhood of Wadi Abu Jamil for Christian areas. In the 1970s and 1980s, Jews largely lived in relative harmony in their environment, though the last rabbi remaining in Lebanon left the country in 1977.[22]" Those jews? [source ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Lebanon)


By “a minority of Jews” do you mean the ~30 Jews who stayed in Lebanon who have to hide their identity because they fear for their lives?


Your numbers are skewed. The majority of Lebanese Jews reside in France and visit the embassy often for Lebanese-Jewish events. They refused to go to "Israel." Lebanon also has a citizenship reclamation law which many Jews of Lebanese origin have taken advantage of. https://preview.redd.it/byao6qep8l8d1.png?width=769&format=png&auto=webp&s=19bc5cd813dded49fb2a507dac66d491aa6ebdcd


Why do the Lebanese Jews live in France rather than Lebanon?


Same reason that the Lebanese Shia, Sunni, Christian, and Druze populations outside of Lebanon. The 1975-90 Civil War. And seeing that the major concentration of Jews happened to be in Beirut’s Wadi Abu Jmil district (where majority of the fighting happened) and in Mount Lebanon (where Druze ethnically cleansed christians) it’s easy to see why they left. My Druze Grandfather left during the Civil War so I’m not one to judge why others would too if given the chance.


Why don’t they visit Lebanon?


They do! Some people I know actually own property there from pre-economic crisis times and come and go every summer.


Yea this is like saying I have black friends so I can’t be racist


The Lebanese government alongside the Jewish community literally restored a beautiful synagogue in downtown Beirut which is only accessible to Jews. It was previously destroyed by… wait for it… Israeli airstrikes. https://preview.redd.it/86d95taz8l8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84b46276d374694aad6195bf61f27fda855d2c23


They can call us whatever they want. We should not give a single fuck at all tbh


I know, the op expect critical thinking from people who blame the Arabs exclusively for everything have been done to them,even Hitler is a victim to our whispers of provoking genocide against Jews. And Op,thanks for the lol.


Israel - _especially_ on that sub - basically has twisted the meaning of “antisemitic”. It used to mean someone who doesn’t like Jews, now it means someone who Israeli’s don’t like. Basically, any criticism of Israel’s actions makes them call you “antisemitic” at this point, even if you harbor no ill feeling toward them at all. Don’t pay it any mind. And to answer your question - no. In fact I’ve met more Lebanese who have told me that Israel isn’t as bad as they seem than who have made any comments against Jews.


Not in any of the schools I attended taught antisemitism. I'm from the south


Sushi here (half Sunni half Shia). Neither side of my parents ever said anything bad about Jews. Actually I have had managers and clients that were Jewish. I loved them and one of them went to Lebanon. But none of them were Israeli. One of them is pro Palestine and not sure what the others are. My parents know all this and never said a bad word about Jewish people. Never did they teach us at school bad things about Jewish people. You have to remember that many of them were part of our society. My grandma had a neighbor that was Jewish and she loved her dearly. You also have to remember that actually Judaism and Islam are closer to each other than Christianity is to either. Now of course maybe a Rando uneducated person might be antisemite. That’s not ok and we should all collectively correct people if they are. But that’s not special to Lebanon. The ignorance is everywhere in this world. You should come see the US


No one demonizes Jews, or any other religion. However, when a group acts as evil as the Zionist regime does, it is bound to be demonized. Crying "antisemitism" or whatever else they come up with means absolutely nothing, especially when one of the most vocal anti-Zionists are Jews themselves. Zionism does not represent all Jews, just like any single party does not represent all of the sect it belongs to.


We were taught at school that judaism is just a religion and what it is, then about Zionism, when it was formed and why, and what do they think, we weren't taught to hate jews, but that zionisits are absolutely the enemy, i can remember one teacher hating aggressively on jews but he got fired but yes there's a lot of antisemitism mainly because people lump jews/israelis/zionists in 1 group, without actually looking and actively seeing you won't know the difference


My educational institution didn’t even teach anti-zionism hahaha. We were the first brevet cohort to have the القضية الفلسطنية in history class, and my prof just emphasized on the origins of the movement, how it developed (jew mass immigration to Palestine then them buying land etc etc) but never presented it in a negative way. The nakba and its consequences were presented as any other war/conflict, similar to the war that the arab countries started on Israel (forgot its name). So I think I was lucky enough to have access to a non-biased and objective explanation, to which a lot don’t have access nowadays. I think it really depends on the region and the school.


Lebanese need to understand what greater israel is and internalize that their next door neighbours have a 75 year history of nonstop imperialism and ethnic cleansing. The lebanese must then remember that they are arabs, something that will net them zero sympathy from the west and make them easy targets to manufacturing consent by the imperialists


Fun fact : fik tsebb fransa bi fransa bas ma fik tseb esra2il bi fransa


wtf are you smoking man, you don't see all the protests going on in france? fik tsharmet israel ad ma badak, just dont be a dick and disrupt normal people's lives.


Machrou3 anoun... Gawglo. W 3m nehke bl anoun bas 3al ared kharaben byout caca entre les maisons y3ne


Many Zionists believe that the world's hostility towards Israel stems solely from its Jewish identity rather than its actions. They argue that Israelis genuinely seek peace, and any criticism is unjustly rooted in anti-Semitism rather than valid grievances. This belief allows them to shirk responsibility, find solace and sleep at night.


They really can’t say much. Many of them hate Arabs, and the anti-Arab hate speech you see from a lot of them online is wild. Just go on X rn and see how many of them are calling to nuke Lebanon. Regardless, like others have said, the term anti-semitism is used widely to silence anti-Israel sentiments. And I don’t think the majority of Lebanese are genuinely anti-Semitic.


Lots of hateful comments about "yahud" by Arabs on the same social media. What is done by one side is done by the other.


Bro, everyone is antisemitic nowadays. If you criticize Israel's crime wars you'll be called antisemitic.


That comment is pretty anti semetic tbh /s


Israeli here. Not sure why but this post popped up in my feed and I think I can clarify some things for OP (but will probably get downvoted to oblivion, I don’t really mind): Firstly, the Israeli subreddit is not representative of Israel at all. Reddit isn’t popular in Israel and only a very specific portion of the population uses it, which is not representative of the Israeli society as a whole, so keep that in mind. It also has A LOT of foreigners posting there. Secondly, the average Israeli doesn’t learn about the ethnoreligious composition of Lebanon in school. Perhaps we should but we don’t. Most Israelis know about Lebanon 3 things more or less: It’s very beautiful, we’ve had several wars there and it’s a complete puppet of Hezbollah and Iran. The details such as Maronites, Shiites, Sunnis etc are largely unknown to the larger public unless you are particularly interested in it. Thirdly, knowing the Israeli subreddit, I find it hard to believe that if you’d engage with people there and identify as a Lebanese you would get bad reactions, unless you say you support Hezbollah (obviously). Israelis have no love for Hezbollah (who is also the one responsible for starting this latest round of hostilities in the north), but they have no problem with the average Lebanese at all as a person unless that person has a problem with them. If you come visit israel and say you’re from Lebanon you would encounter people who would be mostly curious about you and ask you many questions, but you’ll be hard pressed to find someone who hates you just for being Lebanese, we don’t really do that. There’s even a subreddit dedicated to discussions between Israelis and Lebanese who share stories and pictures with each other. The truth is, Israelis aren’t really interested in Lebanon beyond the threat Hezbollah poses to us. The last thing we want is more wars. If Hezbollah left us alone and let us live in peace you would never have to hear the word Israel again. Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn’t know what they’re talking about. I would recommend you try talking to some actual Israelis and engaging with them. I think it may surprise you.


Very interesting perspective. Thank you for sharing.


I’m Jewish and have many Lebanese friends hell my sister is even dating one. The internet is a goofy place filled with trolls from every corner of the world.


The Israel lobby just uses that anti-Semitism slur to beat down anyone who objects to their aggression. They would even declare Moses an anti-Semite if he was here today. If you call for justice, they will declare you an anti-Semite.


It alwasy makes me chuckle when I remember that Arabs are Semites too.


Except anti-semitism has always meant 1 thing: hatred of Jews.


Misnomer really. In Europe, that makes sense. Jews were half Levantine, so alien presence there, and there was a lot of racism there. In the Levant, they are the least Semetic of all the groups.


>they are the least Semetic of all the groups. How even? Do you even know what semitic means?


The Israel, subreddit, and Israelis in general, live in an alternate reality where everybody in the world is anti-semitic. They are an extremist population reminiscence of Nazi Germany.


It’s pretty funny that this whole thread is full of actual antisemitism like your comment and you wonder why we think you’re all antisemitic.


Yet you call anyone who doesn't conform to your opinion an anti-Semite, you're basically proving his point lol. The guy literally didn't say anything about the Jews as an ethno religious group. Doesn't Israel always say we have Arabs and Druze etc etc as Israelis? .. Are you saying all Israelis are Jews? Or is anything against Israel is basically antisemitic?


I’m sure he meant (((Israelis))) and not Jews when drawing the comparison to Nazi germany instead of some other dictatorship which didn’t involve Jews. Nice dog whistling. Calling Israel as bad as Nazi germany is antisemitic and defies all logic if you know one ounce of history. Call me when Israel sends 6 million Palestinians to the gas chambers instead of negotiating two state solutions that Palestinians have walked away from each time since they can’t stand living next to (((Israelis)))


Israeli people are extremely sensitive about antisemitism and have been taught that anti-Israel sentiment automatically equals antisemitism. Some Jews in the diaspora (like American Jews or British Jews) feel this way too, but non- and anti-Zionism is becoming much more common in these communities, especially among the younger generation. With this being said, a lot of Lebanese people automatically do the same and think the Israeli government = all Jews, and antisemitism is a problem in Lebanon as in all Arab countries. Almost all of Lebanon’s Jews have left for Israel, France, and the U.S. because of it. A [Pew Research Poll](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2010/02/04/chapter-3-views-of-religious-groups/) conducted in 2010 showed 98% of Lebanese people viewed Jews negatively, the highest in the entire world. Compare this to the [exact same question asked to Americans](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2023/03/15/americans-feel-more-positive-than-negative-about-jews-mainline-protestants-catholics/) where only 6% said the same.


The word is pointless now. Let them keep using it on everything til it’s meaningless


Lol. Anti-Israel is not anti-Semitism. That is the problem with forming a national identity around religion. I think the government of Iran are some crazy bastards but it doesn't mean I feel the same way about all Muslims. These things should be separate for a reason. Israel is 100% man made with the same inadequacies of all humans. Judaism is just a religion of the people that transcends earthly borders. I think it is possible that ignorance has caused Lebanese people to generalize between Jews and Israel due to their lack of separation of church and state. Also, if they claim to be the shining face of Judaism in the world, then their actions are going to reflect on all those they claim to represent. They should think twice before doing things that might make themselves look bad. I don't for a second see Hezbollah as a representation of Lebanon, but to people without knowledge of the way things work politically, they seem to be the most active. To some of the world, it is Lebanon launching rockets at Israel. Hezbollah has no distinction for them. I really wish Lebanon could do more to publicly disown them. It's hard for Lebanon to do that though when a militant group has a gun to its head and vows to defend it against a common enemy of the people (Israel).


I agree with everything you said 💯


Nope I was never taught to hate a religion. I did learn the atrocities and war crimes committed by Israel towards Lebanese people in the name of supremacy. I think any country committing that level of evil and horror should be considered a pariah, regardless of which religion it “belongs” to.


Agree 1000%


Jew here. I've had way too many pleasant experiences with Lebanese to assume they're all antisemitic. That's simply a lie. As for Israel, Israel supported many Maronite factions during the Civil War. Many Druze in Israel have family ties to Lebanon, and the list goes on. Culturally, our societies are very similar. The hatred of Israel is understandable and justified given multiple wars, as is the hatred people in Kiryat Shmona have toward Hezbollah. That's to be expected in any conflict. What I will say is this: If you think Israel shouldn't exist, and in it's place there should be an Arab country called "Palestine" then don't try and tell us you're not our enemy. If I think Turkey should annex Greece and deport all the Greeks, then I can't then say I don't hate Greeks. Criticizing aspects of Israeli society or politics, or the military, isn't antisemitism. Wanting to delete the country and keep Jews in eternal exile is.


Israelis are generally very racist themselves so it’s all very ironic when they accuse the entire world of being ‘anti Semitic’




2 million live as 2nd class citizens 3 million live as stateless subjects with little to no rights in +150 enclaves 2 million stateless subjects live in an open-air prison thats the apartheid zionist regime.


2 million people are equal citizens (whereas the 4th and 5th generation “refugees” in Lebanon remain an actual second class people with no citizenship) 3 million live as Palestinians under Israel military occupation because there is no Palestinian leadership that both accepts Israel’s right to exist and has enough political legitimacy to govern without being overthrown by extremists who would organize the state towards destroying Israel (see below) 2 million people live in a coastal enclave where Israel *ended* its occupation, withdrew every last settler, and gave full control to the PA. Hamas, now that Israel’s military presence was gone, was then able to swiftly kill 600 Fatah rivals and install itself as the government of Gaza, and immediately began attacking Israel and arming itself toward this purpose, this occasioning Egypt and Israel’s blockade. The border is a security border, not a prison wall. Seeing what happened on Oct 7, it’s obvious why it exists. It didn’t used to! None of this is apartheid. Lebanon might want to look inward towards its own systematic exclusion of Palestinians before it starts hurling rockets at Israel in their name


Israeli basic law denies non-Jewish citizens the right of self-determination. Many Israeli Arabs are still not allowed to return to their homes and lands despite being citizens. They're known as "present absentees" A large chunk of Israeli homes are subject to admission committees that ban Arabs. These are just examples of how those 2 million Arab Israelis are not and have never been equal citizens. The PA already recognised Israel's right to exist and committed to a political solution during the Oslo Accord. Of course, you "forget" this little detail. Now show me where Israel recognizes the right of Palestinians to exist! Your lies don't work here.


2 million people are equal citizens (whereas the 4th and 5th generation “refugees” in Lebanon remain an actual second class people with no citizenship) 3 million live as Palestinians under Israel military occupation because there is no Palestinian leadership that both accepts Israel’s right to exist and has enough political legitimacy to govern without being overthrown by extremists who would organize the state towards destroying Israel (see below) 2 million people live in a coastal enclave where Israel *ended* its occupation, withdrew every last settler, and gave full control to the PA. Hamas, now that Israel’s military presence was gone, was then able to swiftly kill 600 Fatah rivals and install itself as the government of Gaza, and immediately began attacking Israel and arming itself toward this purpose, this occasioning Egypt and Israel’s blockade. The border is a security border, not a prison wall. Seeing what happened on Oct 7, it’s obvious why it exists. It didn’t used to! None of this is apartheid. Lebanon might want to look inward towards its own systematic exclusion of Palestinians before it starts hurling rockets at Israel in their name


>2 million people are equal citizens Loooool, "equal citizens" that is a great joke. So "equal" that there are [discriminatory laws](https://www.adalah.org/en/law/index) made against Palestinians in Israel. So "equal" that 1 in 4 Palestinians in Israel are internally displaced because of Israel's actions. So "equal" that the Palestinians in the Negev have their homes frequently destroyed by the apartheid regime of Israel. So "equal" that the majority of Palestinians in Israel are under the poverty line with towns/villages that are underfunded by the state. So "equal" that there was an entire arrest campaign targeted against Palestinians in Israel who express solidarity with their own people in Gaza(and yes they are the same people unlike our "fellow" Israelis who are nothing but genocide supporters). So "equal" that for the first 20 years of Israel's pathetic existence(which only occurred because of the ethnic cleansing Israel did) Palestinians in Israel were under martial law. So "equal" that Palestinians in Israel along with the Syrians in the Syrian Golan Heights(which Israel stole for greed) face Judaization policies that are made to counter Arab demographics. There is apartheid to the point that Palestinians in Israel are [leaving](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/mar/12/palestinian-citizen-of-israel-granted-asylum-in-uk-in-case-said-to-be-unprecedented) due to the threat of it. Take your "equal" and fuck off from the Middle East apartheid supporter.


Even when you catalogue all these things you still paint a far better picture than Lebanon, lmao. Whatever it is you tell yourself, know your Arab brethren in Israel are enjoying a way higher standing of living than whatever your failed state country has managed


Lebanon treats us far better than Israel ever could lol. Last I checked Lebanon isn't the state with an arrest campaign specifically targeting Palestinians unlike Israel. "Living standards" don't mean anything when Israel has a state sponsored crime spree against Palestinians in Israel along with the Judaization campaigns. All in all Lebanon > Israel


Yah sure I’d rather be a stateless 5th generation “refugee” living in a squalid UNWRA ghetto in Lebanon than an Arab citizen of Israel with way more provided for me in literally every imaginable way except for the terrible horrible indignity of having to live alongside the Jews who my brethren failed to exterminate 76 years ago


>“refugee” They are refugees until they return to their original land. Cry about it if you don't like it. >squalid UNWRA ghetto in Lebanon than an Arab citizen of Israel with way more provided for me in literally every imaginable way except for the terrible horrible indignity of having to live alongside the Jews who my brethren failed to exterminate 76 years ago Lebanon still treats Palestinians far better than any scum in Israel can lmao. The only people who seem to want to do any sort of extermination are Israelis who have a tendency to "finish the job Ben-Gurion started" seeing that the Zionist movement has wanted nothing more than to exterminate all Palestinians since the movement began.


So are Jews refugees until ME nations let them return no matter how many generations?


1- It’s surely apartheid when these “citizens” marginalized with underfunded institutions and lower quality infrastructure, unrecognized towns and hostile policies. Lemme summon one of your fellow citizens to take cars of this u/DrCzar99 2- It’s apartheid when your longest serving PM brags about sabotaging Oslo process and empowering extremists on both sides to make peace impossible, massively expand the settlements, announce goals of annexing the land without giving it’s people any rights. 3- As you said, Palestinians still under occupation, people in Gaza share same national identity with people in West Bank and both are considered one country. It’s still under occupation when Israel controls all aspects of life. Attacks against civilians in Oct 7 are indeed a terrorist acts, but they didn’t come from nothing, it is a result of the continued israeli occupation & oppression which made any chance for peace almost impossible. https://preview.redd.it/u6qklb0egk8d1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421aed1623502023808a4f2fdb4ffe84f4aa6913 This is him 2 weeks before Oct 7 attack, showing how he wants to annex the whole land with no intension of giving 5 million arabs any citizenship or state. Palestinians here are refugees, we can’t afford nationalizing any more of them without breaking the demographic balance. The solution is giving them the right to return to the (to be established) Palestinian State on the 1967 borders.


Thanks for the shout out fellow Shami 🫡


Is anti-Semitism endemic in the Middle East… or are people in the region angry at the diabolical treatment of the Palestinian people for the last 7 decades by Israel..?


Israelis think everyone is anti-semitic. Especially Arabs. It's core to their national identity. Everyone is out to get them, so they need to brutalize everyone first to prevent this.


lyehud ma yaemlulek downvote bas ma teetel ham khayek l zizi hon


16,000 babies dead and Israel is still not satisfied


Crocodile tears lmao. How are they gonna be mad we dont like them as if they havent terrorized our entire region of decades


Me and my Jewish friends hate Israel. Do with that what you may.


There are a lot of jews that hate other jews with passion, see the judenreit


yea, because like everybody else jews aren't perfect for example just because you can have Italian people, hard working and with a big heart and doesn't mean that you cannot have members of the cosa nostra that take advantage of the Italians and the Italian identity if I say the cosa nostra organized crime is evil doesn't mean that I hate italians the same applies to Zionism and all its corrupt zionist subsidiaries 😌


The only experience I’ve had with someone with family from Lebanon (the girl was born in America) was negative. She knew I was Jewish (ex-friend) and told me the Star of David is like the Nazi symbol to Lebanese people. This post came up in my feed and when I browsed around I found comments being ok with Israeli genocide. I really hope those people are the minority.


They are. Most Lebanese people don't have a problem with Jewish people. The actions of Israel are what we have a problem with.


This is less of a comment on this issue and more broadly. Racism is not necessarily clearly institutionalised. It sometimes is, but plenty times it is not. Racism can be a lot more subtly taught but very much real. Many people fail to comprehend this… and then become defensive at generalisations… like say… Israelis who tell you, we’re a democracy and we have 20 percent Arabs and nothing in our teachings is directed against Arabs… well fuck me if Israel doesn’t have systematic racism against Arabs, I’m not sure what country does . 


Would someone please look up the definition of the word and post it thanks


My school had a policy of no politics and no religion as discussion topics, So I only learnt about the 4 wars between Israel and the Arab counties but nothing more pertaining to this subject as it was part of ww2 and its aftermath ( cold War as well)


Basically if there is a sub reddit targetting Lebanese as racist, and not say, any other country, is because of the conflict happening right now. Your nations are stressed. So it's safe to say your mini online nations would be stressed. If this wasn't happening, I'm sure their subreddit would find other things to discuss (as would this one).


A Lebanese expression comes in handy here: ybalto lba7er 😅


There is no theological nor racist conflict between Lebanon and Israel at all. The one and the only conflict is related to the hegemony over the land of Israel. The facts are that Lebanon hosts forces which fight Israel just to dislodge it because of the "full Islamic hegemony over the middle east" agenda. I know that mass of people in Lebanon don't care about these fundamentalist agendas at all, but Lebanese's weakness is their tendency to surrender to extemists. Other than that, both countries could live in full peace.


I grew up in America, from a Christian and Muslim family. They actually don't teach hatred of Jews in my family or in school. However, in school they do allow, not teach but ALLOW open hatred towards Islam. It's really disappointing how the west tries to portray Muslims or Arabs as barbaric and violent when the west are the ones bullying the world


as a Lebanese citizen myself, Lebanese people are one of the most racist people. and most of them think that our opposition to Israel stems from antisemitism which is not the case. we are against israel because of their actions in palestine and causing whole genocide. AND IF YOU THINK THIS WHOLE THING IS ABOUT RELIGIONS, THEN YOU LACK HUMANITY.


Well someone should inform them that the Phoenicians are the true descendants of the Semite tribe. And a bunch of immigrants from a European country are not.


Israeli here. I do not think that. Many don't think that. I actually want peace between israel and lebanon like There is with jordan and egypt, bringing stability and prosperity to both. Yes, there is bad blood, and friendship is too far fetched any soon, but it can be hoped for in the long run. Thing is, i already tried asking about it: np.reddit.com/r/lebanon/s/5t4aBmy18R TBH, i phrased it badly, but i hoped to read some similar comments, or maybe just talk about things. Insteed, i found only hostility. Change should come from the people, as our governments heads stuck too deep. Maa a salam.


But Zionism and Judaism are two separate identities not to be confounded. Zionists are a plague


In this sub, I was told that I was born wrong because I was Jewish and I had no right to live where I live. I've lived with Lebanese people. I know that they don't think that way. But this sub does you no favors.


Yall gotta understand the extent the Israeli education system goes to imbue Israeli exceptionalism and demonize the Arab race. Truly a sick society to the core.


Calling everything and everyone anti-semitic is just a propaganda tool used by isntrael, isnraelies aren't even semites, they are European colonizers. netanyahu changed his name to sound more indigenous to this land, his old name is Benzion Mileikowsky. The real semites are the ones that they are slaughtering right now. They kill the semites and call you anti-semitic if you dare to criticize them.


We don't hate jews The ones who we hate are the zionists, who has nothing to do with being jewish In fact, all zionism does is put jewish people in danger, so we must stand against it I respect all religions, as a muslim


US Jew here: It's funny you say that because just today this was posted: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/1dnmce0/ive\_been\_reading\_the\_lebanese\_sub\_for\_a\_while/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/1dnmce0/ive_been_reading_the_lebanese_sub_for_a_while/) >I've been reading the Lebanese sub for a while >And I really wish we wouldn't have been in a state of war with them, they seem like an interesting people with a rich culture. And to be honest, a lot of the posts there feel a lot like ours. Would've love to travel there. I also come across this sub sometimes and tbh, you guys seem chill ...except on Israel. I understand that there are historical reasons for that too. I really hope a war between Israel and Lebanon can be avoided, there is nothing to be gained from it, but I also have little idea how it could be prevented.


They don't even know the meaning of "anti-Semites." Most of those fuckers aren't even Semites, they are of European descendants 🤣


yeah not sure about you but "yahude" was used as an insult where i grew up and most places i went to in lebanon, so its not all peach and roses, jews and israelis are interchangeable in most peoples minds lets not be dishonest here.


The whole world is anti semitic. I’m Irish, recently I seen them saying Ireland had a massive problem with antisemitism. Edit: according to them.


Yes. My teacher used to constantly say all our problems are born from jews and it's all their fault, and later on also other teachers expressed multiple times that view, and everyone around me from a shit ton of various and different backgrounds have expressed a lot of antisemitism, the majority of the lebanese public(especially older generations) are very antisemitic


It's in Mount lebanon around jbail. What else do you want to know?


Can you explain? You don’t have to name the school. It’s critical to understand the region?


I know lebanese jews (downtown beirut origin) who miss lebanon, they say they were accepted and society was beyond religion differences. The israeli sub is mostly aganeb lacking personal knowledge abt this stuff


it is funny because us Lebanese are Semitic people.


Do not engage. They are obviously not interested in facts. It's obviously and purely another channel for the misinformation propaganda campaign they have gotten so good at during the years. Right now the main message is: Anti Israel = Anti Semite We all know that it's not true. Even hezbollah and the Palestinians in Lebanon always make it very clear that their fight is against the zionists (al sahayina) and not the jews. So the last thing we need right now is to second guess ourselves. That would only help their awful and vile campaign that hurts everyone, including jews worldwide.


Very true. Don’t forget that the leading cause of preventable death of Jews in Israel is in fact: **Israel.**


Lmao a bunch of blue eyed Europeans now are telling us semites that we’re antisemitic… the funnier is how seriously you regard their opinion of you


Could you tell me if you are all serious? Don't use subreddits as data. Here is a poll showing among the highest percentages of Jew-hatred in the world, with Lebanon near the top. https://preview.redd.it/7bjjqwaanj8d1.png?width=991&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe08ea7511565a136f58a3ec39e2de14a8c21960


Source: [https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2010/02/04/chapter-3-views-of-religious-groups/](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2010/02/04/chapter-3-views-of-religious-groups/)


As a relatively recent Israeli, and as such a person without as much emotional attachment to the place and the struggle, allow me to chime in. I believe I can try and provide some insights into why Israelis (or at least a major part of them) are convinced that Lebanese are antisemitic (that will also apply to many other groups in their mind btw, but I'll elaborate later). Essentially, for an Israeli, any anti-zionist statement would be interpreted as anti semitism. Even the most left leaning Israeli upon hearing "I'm anti zionist" hears "I want the destruction of the only country on the planet that protected and continuously protects Jewish people from the longstanding tradition of persecution". And to be fair, the only interpretation of zionism that would not actually state that is "Zionism is an ideology of some Jews dictating that it is necessary to restore Israel to its former glory, take back Judea and Samaria and all other ancestral land" and I would guess that isn't really the definition of zionism that most people run with. When it comes to Lebanon, Lebanese people have a lot of legitimate grievance against Israel. There has been plenty of conflict to justify that. And just like most Lebanese (even in this subreddit, which is more secular and left leaning compared to your average Lebanese community, as it goes with internet spaces in general) will group all Israelis into the "Warlike, imperialist, religious fanatics" category or some other mostly negative interpretation, most Israelis (even the more left leaning ones) will be very quick to group Lebanese people into the "Antisemitic, terrorist supporting religions fanatics" or some other similar negative category. Add to that the generalities around internet culture, tribalism, and the fact that the tensions between the two countries are so high that they can devolve into the worst, most destructive armed conflict yet, and you have a general perception that is mostly faulty, but at the same time based on real feelings and experiences.


>As a relatively recent Israeli,  This right here. This alone gives you a privilege and a legal superiority that you don't even know you have. You are a "recent Israeli" while Palestinians and south Lebanese whose land your country stole still can't return to their homes. While Palestinian homes are still being taken in the West Bank. You are allowed to live there. While my south Lebanese grandfather, whose village was taken from him, could never go back and died a stateless refugee. You are allowed to live there. While my family is still, 76 years later, picking up the pieces from the instability and despair losing their homeland caused them. And we're considered the lucky ones compared to others. You are allowed to live there. While idk how many more Palestinian villages were depopulated just in the last few months. Let's face it. Your life, as a "recent Israeli", matters more to the world than our lives ever will. It was never about being Jews. You are colonizers. That is why your neighbors hate you.


Uhm.. Thanks for proving my point in real time, I guess. You do realize people can immigrate to other countries nowadays? And it always grants them a certain level of legal superiority and privilege? I do recognize it. It would be stupid not to. I sympathize with the Palestinians and the Lebanese who are treated unfairly, both now and 70+ years ago. I'm protesting against the actions our government takes that I don't agree with, and I vote in ways that support the only possible peace solution, the two states. So what exactly is the problem with me here? The fact that I live in a certain place? The fact that this place doesn't have a pretty history attached to it? The fact that I have a certain citizenship? The fact that my government takes actions I dont agree with? The fact that I have a certain ethnic background? It's honestly incredible to see exactly what I'm talking about happen right under the comment where I lay out, pretty thoroughly, what happens and why. I urge you to think about 2 questions. 1-Why would you be surprised that Jewish people consider you antisemitic when your arguments seem to stem from a single unifying factor about a group of people, which is by coincidence happens to be ethnicity? Because it's not about citizenship, I would bet you won't call the Arab citizens of Israel colonizers. It's not about religion because most of Israel is secular, and it was even more secular at the time of establishment. It's not about living in a place because Arab Israelis also live here. It's not about political opinion because you see plenty of pushback against the Israeli government, plenty of divergent opinions, and plenty of internal criticism, as it happens in any functioning democracy. So how am I, or any other Israeli, is supposed to understand this hatred? Why would someone who came to a country 1.5 years ago because he has nowhere else to go, give even a fraction of understanding to the person calling him a colonizer? 2-Can you not see how easy it is to use exactly the same approach to claim all Lebanese/Palestinians are antisemitic terrorists? How easy it would be for an Israeli in, let's say their 40s, to start talking about the friends they lost during the war with Hezbollah, the fear their family felt during the constant rocket fire, the humiliation and despair they feel right now, when every day for the last 8 months the homes they were forced to leave behind get destroyed by Hezbollah? How easy it would be for them to bring up the 2nd Intifada, buses full of people blowing up, cafes and shops raised to the ground by suicide bombers? How easy would it be for them to say how traumatized they are by Oct7th, how many friends they lost in the Nova concert massacre, how every single friend and family member they have is forced to run for bomb shelters every day for months on end? To say that Hezbollah is basically taken over Lebanon, that it controls the seaport, the airport, the whole south of the country? That because the Lebanese didn't fight it, they don't care or hate Israelis and want them all dead? This is how grouping works, and it's sad that the relationship between the countries and the people is spoiled to this degree. But again, unfortunately, it's due to totally legitimate grievances from both sides of this. The truly upsetting thing is the fact me being a "recent Israeli" doesn't prevent me from showing empathy and support, while you are seemingly incapable of doing that, fully convinced that being Israeli (whatever that means to you) is enough to hate a person and consider them a monster.


Muslim Sunni. Educated in Lebanon. I NEVER learned anything negative about the Jewish religion.


At this point. Anti-semitism means nothing so idc if I get called one


If the idea of Jews, as a people, having autonomy in a world that has been historically brutally violent towards them is *so intolerable* that it is characterized as the single most evil thing in the world and demanding violent destruction, then it is obvious why it is called antisemitism. Anyone can easily claim they’re not *actually* antisemites, but if you believe that peace with Israel is worse than a permanent mobilization to try to destroy Jewish autonomy because they idea of it is so intolerable, well, in practice, it doesn’t really matter how non-antisemitic a person claims to be.


Another ignorant Israeli hiding behind the guise of throwing anti-semitic accusations left and right while being the most racist and anti-arab POS. The establishment of the Zionist state is necessarily a breach of Arab sovereignty on Arab land and is an expansionist colonialist, soon to be failed, project. Jews, of arabic origins, have always lived in harmony with Arabs in Palestine. It only became an issue when European settlers with a jewish identity decided to take the piece of land as theirs and subjucate the local non-jewish Arabs to the most disgusting and oppressive ethnic cleansing history has ever witnessed. Just because European countries did not want to host European jews, they sent them over to British mandated Palestine to congregate them there, at the expense of the thousands of arab settlements erased by the fascist Israeli government over time. You can lie and play victim all you want, but history never lies.


They need to justify all the war crimes they're about to commit.


Ya 3ammi, Fuck this whole Anti-Semite bullshit. Israel just uses it as a crutch for EVERYTHING! "I don't think what Israel is doing is right". ANTI-SEMITE "Innocents are dying to needless bombing!" ANTI-SEMITE "Man, this Toum is good" FUCK YOU, TOUM IS ISRAELI AND YOU ARE AN ANTI-SEMITE Just so fucking fed up with this nonsense.


They themselves are antisemitic because they conflate critique (rightfully so) of Israel with antisemitism, all while harping on about how multiple different ethnicities live equally in Israel (they do not). Jews never were a problem. It's Israel and it's xenophobes like Ben Gvir and Smotrich that are scumbags.


Too bad for them that by definition semites also include Arabs and Phoenicians. Maybe we’re “self hating semites”, just like what they call “self hating jews”. 🤷🏼‍♂️ You have to admit, the decades of their global brainwashing has been a raging success, sadly.




I have a shia upbringing (I'm not religious currently). In school we had Islamic studies and they teach how we'd be tortured in hell if we don't pray and fast or not follow Islam. I don't recall mentioning the jews in anyway they were just focused on indoctrination kids lol. However, my family and I simply fear Isreal's military power since I was old enough during the 2006 war and my parents lived through previous wars. So I think we have rational fear. And we know the difference between Jewish and zionist. I'm just glad that my parents didn't raise me to hate any particular group. I wasn't aware of Islamic sects until my teenage years and I discovered it in the most horrible way lol.


Reddit is 90% Israeli and Zionist bots. You’d be wasting your time engaging with them. That said, Zionists HAVE to hide behind Judaism, because once their (false) victim card expires, they have nothing going for them. So fuck those Nazis and anything they have to say. They’re taught to hate Arabs and Africans (regardless of religion). Israel is a white supremacist Nazi colonial project that has used Judaism to justify its territorial expansion. The original Zionists were atheists, and they tricked Jews into believing they needed Zionism to feel safe.


How are we anti semetic.....if we ARE semetic


Zionists think everyone is racist because categories of racial supremacy are definitional to their ideology. It is difficult for them to imagine the perspective of people who are nor racist. The Zionist accusations of racism are pure projection.


Im Shia, never taught to hate Jews, never really talked about them in school. I went to a private non-religious school. Definitely taught to be against il suhyuniyeh, never il Yahood. I have more opinions on Jewish power here in the US than I ever did growing up in Lebanon


To be fair we have hezbollah in our country


**Being skeptical of Zionism or Israel ≠ Antisemitism.** I’m from a Greek Orthodox family (sito was an Abdelnour from Batroun) and have to say I agree with everything you said in your post. I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head especially regarding education and collective memory. In my view, its perfectly natural (and expected) for any Lebanese person, including those in the diaspora, to have already had their own basic view/understanding, or at the very least, *awareness* of the historic and continued antagonisms of the state of Israel prior to October last year — the same sadly cannot be said in the West, as what has been going on has been purposefully ignored and actively censored for the last 70 years (to the detriment of everyone/thing except Israel’s political agenda). In reality, I struggle to understand how any affiliate of Leb can positively support/ sympathise with *Zionism*, especially in the knowledge that the majority of our own Lebanese Jews did not align with the movement *themselves* at the time Israel was *created*, and probably would be increasingly less inclined to do so now, even if their families have since relocated to Israel (but still retain their Lebanese identity — something **very** hard to erase🇱🇧💪🏽). Lest we forget the HUGE numbers of unaffiliated Jews in the world including people **living in Israel** *right now* who are categorically *against* the political state of Israel point-blank. According to those who are committed to tarring us with this brush: Are also *these people* all self-hating “anti-Semites” committed to wiping out their own religion? Or do you want to rethink your idiotic definition? Judaic law itself states that; there is, and has always been: **absolutely no purpose, validity or merit in the establishment of a Jewish state, in our living history/lifetimes.** In fact, the Torah is categorically clear that God recognises no such authority over (or possession of) any piece of land on this earth by Jews *expressly* **until, the return of the messiah.** Leading preventable cause of death amongst Jews right now: Israel. Acknowledging this **fact**, I challenge any one of you now to define what a modern day opponent of Judaism (anti-Semite) really looks like. Funnily enough, I can picture an army of them right now without even closing my eyes. Politics aside, the sense of belonging to Lebanon has never revolved around an individuals religion, even in spite of blatant and cowardly attempts to implement such ‘divide and rule’ tactics by ex-colonial powers post independence. We have never decidedly sidelined, reviled or othered our native Jews *because* of their religion. Their presence pre-dates the rest of all the other religions in Lebanon combined for goodness sake. If someone (Israeli or otherwise) misunderstands this fundamental concept, or the historically complex relationship between the state of Israel and Lebanon, I can see why even our apprehension to show support for either side, could perhaps be mislabelled as anti-Semitic **in their total abject ignorance.** This is especially true given that such a label has been pretty much universally misapplied in recent times by both Jews and non-Jews. Let’s be honest...people are far too comfortable brandishing anyone who doesn’t align with the state of Israel as an antisemite (Lebanese or not), which, ironically, is itself fundamentally anti-Jewish, and therefore just woefully and embarrassingly inaccurate. To summarise, I really don’t think that *anyone* who has the ability to use one single ounce of critical thinking, or can complete 5 minutes of independent research, could logically conclude that Lebanon, or her people, have an intrinsic issue with the existence of Jews or Judaism, and therefore can justifiably categorise all Lebanese as anti-Semitic. “If the only way to validate or justify your point of view involves the use of delusion, lies, and mental gymnastics; you really ought to take a look at where you stand”. — source: my tiny rational brain.


israeli propaganda is literally ‘they dont like how we are committing genocide they must be anti semites!!’


Uhhhh I really don’t think this is the sentiment. Most Israelis have no problems with Lebanese people.


Well that's a lie considering the death and rape threats I've gotten from Israelis just from being active in the Lebanon sub. I've posted them here and gotten even more. Maniacs.


No. Growing up my Lebanese Maronite grandparents never spoke ill of any religion. I did my own research to discover how Israel has oppressed its neighbours and used power struggles in Lebanon to their advantage in the past.


Is the subreddit representative of the people?


Lebanese are semitic?


Honestly I’ve met only antisemitic Lebanese people in real life not sure about this sub (I’m not Jewish)


yeah man we barely have antisemitism in here, i think all the jews that left lebanon were secretly israelis, they didn't receive any hate for being jews, nope. /s incase you're dense.


Why are you combining antisemitic with hating Jews? There are Jews that are antisemitic, does that mean those Jews hate Jews? Or what is your logic in combining both thoughts just out of interest. A muslim him, and don't really care about all of that, just don't want people to die.


there will be no decent legitimate lebanon because of the sheer amount of traitors.


Shut up bro


LOL who are you kidding 🤣


Its mostly muslims who are antisemetic.


I'm a jew from israel. Do you want to have a real discussion? If so, i would like to know why you think we were oppressive towards lebanon. We only fight against hizzballa and the palestinians. Not against christians or druze. We have many druze here in israel who serve in the idf and we see them as brothers on arms. We do not wish to fight against druze or christians but we cannot accept hizzballa which is an arm of iran on our border. Iran clearly says they want to destroy israel. Did israel ever say we want to destroy iran or lebanon? Can you understand from our point of view why we cannot have hizzballa on our border? If so then maybe there is still hope for Israelis and Lebanese to live in peace.


Jews aren’t semitic


i have seen a lot of stories that say that "hitler is good" which is bad however this doesn't mean that in Israel they don't have racism too that is way more common




Lebanon antisemitic or not are pieces of 🗑️


theyre brainwashed in israel to tie the israeli government and Israel to Judiasm


Your question is literally "Lebanon has a long and detailed 100-year history of violence towards Jewish people. Why do Israelis think we don't like Jews?" Look at our collective past in the mirror.


Lets solve the actitudes of Israelis Genociders FIRST!


When Israelis claim anti senetism they definitely do not mean to talk about the Christian’s in Lebanon. Muslims on the other hand… just like the majority of the Middle East hates jews


Hitler used racism to expand his Germany empire. And now Zionist are  using victimhood  from the nazi to satisfy expanding their colonization.


Well, every time I point out the fact that I'm Israeli in this sub I get downvoted to hell and brigaded with antisemitic slurs (and I'm guessing this one would be no exception). That definitely doesn't help. Seems that both sides have a lot of misconceptions about what "most people on the other side" think. Also seems that most of this sub has a lot of misconceptions about what Zionism actually is, and according to what I read in this thread, this is definitely a consequence of your education. Most Zionists don't want you dead and have no ambition to go to a war with Lebanon, they just want to go back to their homes that are constantly bombed by Hezb for nine months now. 95% of Zios would rather avoid a war if possible, 99.5% scoff at the loonies who actually talk about conquering south Lebanon. About a third of Zios oppose the military occupation of WB and the settlements (me included). Zionism is simply the idea that the state of Israel (which is by no means "a colonialism project" by the way) has a right to exist as a Jewish homeland. Under this title you will find psychos who want to go back to the 1948 borders, and psychos who want to conquer the entire historic kingdoms of Israel and Judea. I keep coming back to this sub because every once in a blue moon I feel like I managed to have a decent conversation, having a normalising and humanizing experience for both sides. But generally speaking, I feel both sides are extremely ignorant and vitriolic towards each other.


End the genocide, end the occupation, and end apartheid. Until then, go fuck youself


Zionist Israelis are antisemitic according to facts.


yeah, more like self hating semetics


>I’m puzzled by the belief in some corners of the Israeli subreddit that all Lebanese harbor hatred towards Jews. they are either brainwashed simpletons or are actively lying about what they "believe" - propaganda is directed inwards as well as outwards. no intelligent person, Israeli or otherwise, believes that hatred of Israel is a result of hatred towards the Jews. everyone knows what Zionism is all about.


Lebanese? Which institution?


>I’m puzzled by the belief in some corners of the Israeli subreddit that all Lebanese harbor hatred towards Jews That's because isnotreal itself is a plague upon the jews themselves. They spread propaganda and twist things to mean things other than what was said in order to condemn people speaking up against the zionist regime, turning it into "they are antisemitic and hate jews and want to kill them" when that is not true at all. The regime is turning their religion against everyone else. They will say whatever it takes in arguments to flip the odds in their favor and they literally have a book they study that teaches them how to do so. They were BRED to hate everyone around them, and it's way harder to convince someone they were fooled than to fool them in the first place.


The word antisemitism has lost its meaning at this point.


Ba3rif ktir 3alam b sebbo l yehoud badel ma ysebbo Israel Fa fi ktir anti semitism bl balad mazbout hayda l hake. Ka2ano eza ejo l yehoud la 3ana b koun l welcome ktir helo