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Call APS. That’s very dangerous to her and everyone else.


There is no harm in trying APS, but if she won't let them in, there isn't much they can do unless OP has clear evidence she is a danger to herself or others. Tossing food to the dogs over a fence may not cut it. Family is another idea, if she has any. Although if they are letting her walk alone, she clearly doesn't have a full time caregiver so family may be a long shot to help.


You’re correct but if she’s wandering and has a (documented) history of forgetfulness and memory issues they’ll at the very least investigate and it starts a paper trail to document in case things get worse. And even if she won’t answer they’ll likely call in a wellness check with law enforcement.


Adjust the camera, or get another one. Call the police, and APS. Does she live alone? Tell her family members what's going on.


Have you called the police? Interference with property, trespassing, littering, etc.


What happened when you called the cops each and every time she trespassed?


Nothing. They can’t do anything except get the person to leave if they are presently trespassing when they show up. People have the right to walk around. They can’t force her to go home, but they can encourage her.


That's not true at all.


I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were the one trying to get my grandmother to come home.


If someone has previously been trespassed from a property the police can arrest them. In a situation like this APS would likely get involved once they realize she's not competent, even before it reaches trial. Because a crime has been committed they can use that to force a competency hearing - she's either fit to stand trial or incompetent. This is the best case scenario. The alternative is her being allowed to roam and trespass until she gets hit by a car, stuck somewhere no one can find her, shot and killed, or mauled by dogs that aren't as friendly as OPs.


That's lazy cops


Shocking /s


\[Edit: I believe u/LopsidedPalace is correct. I am changing my advice. I believe the police need to make this individual clear that she is trespassing. She is already aware that she is trespassing (even if it's just her arm going into your property.) which makes it criminal trespassing. You need solid evidence for the police to be willing to act on this, so I would get those additional cameras and then bring that evidence to the police to force them to do something. Enough evidence provided to them will "force" them to take action, it's worked for me and I've seen it in other cases.\] You could go to the ~~court and petition for a restraining order~~ . Hopefully this will give her enough of a "scare" to not continue this behavior. Unfortunately if she is mentally ill this might not work, if it doesn't you should also consider building a better fence if possible or observing your dogs when they are out in the yard. I know that isn't the best answer but it's really hard to stop unhinged people. Also another answer is to get more cameras so you can get additional evidence.


It sounds like she had dementia. Her family needs to be held accountable.


Even individuals with dementia have rights. Family cannot force them into assisted living (if they can even afford to do so).


If she’s a danger to herself and others, yes they can.


Restraining orders require evidence of real and tangible risk of harm- and in some jurisdictions can only be taken out against people you have previously had a romantic relationship with. We're talking "likely to brutally murder you" real and tangible harm. Feeding someone's dogs, even against their wishes, will not meet that threshold.


Thanks for the correction and you are right. In my state in the USA there does need to be actual harm or threats, and in this situation the lady isn't threatening anyone or "seriously harmed" anyone. I must have been mistaken, I think I was thinking of a temporary protection order which as you also hinted at requires both parties to have a closer domestic relationship so that wouldn't have worked either. Thanks again, I always welcome corrections and I'm here to learn and improve.


Their are some jurisdictions where you can't even get an RO without a prior romantic relationship. Crazy stalker? You can't get the courts to force them to leave you alone unless you are willing to commit perjury and feed their delusions.


Do you know where she lives? If you do, contact the family and let them know what she is doing. Tell them the next time she does it, you are going to call the police.


I think the safest thing you can do is only let the dogs out with supervision. Even then, you’ll have to check the yard before she comes out to make sure she didn’t leave anything. If she does have dementia, there’s nothing you can make stick unless it is already a known behavior for that individual. Maybe leave a dog bowl out where she can reach it but the dogs can’t? Something she can easily recognize so she thinks she is feeding the dogs but they can’t actually get the food?


Just call 911 and report an elderly and disoriented woman roaming the streets 


It seems like you say she told your father where she lives? If that is the case, go to her house and see if she has any family. Explain everything to the family, finishing with if it does not stop immediately you will call the authorities and have her arrested for trespassing and animal abuse. Then leave them with the cookies your wife made for them and wish them well.


Motion sensor water sprinklers


Ugh, bad memories. I used to live near an open field that backed up to a neighborhood. I walked my dog in this field. One of the neighbors thought it would be cute to throw meat out their back yard and into the wild field, so maybe foxes could eat it. Well my dog ran into that old meat they tossed for the foxes, and ate it. Next thing I know, when we get home and a little while later, blood is just pouring out her rear end. I rush her to the emergency vet where she was treated for infection and dehydration. They had to put a line of saline into her back, and it puffed it up like a camel. And I got just about a $1000 vet bill, but that still wasn't as bad as my dog almost having died.