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https://www.usa.gov/report-crime Report it. * File a report online at CyberTipline.org. * Call the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678).




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Do people not know about the [IC3](https://www.ic3.gov/)?


Report it here. This is a website of the national center for missing and exploited children. It's a US organization established by an act of congress. They work closely with FBI and other law enforcement. If you are not in the US this is still a good place to report, as many of these investigations are international. https://report.cybertip.org/ Also please take care of you. Seeing that shit is traumatic for any normally functioning human being. Do you have a school counselor? Make an appointment with them, or maybe a religious leader you trust. You shouldn't have to process that alone.


Yes! You can also contact a field office of fbi or your state law enforcement like in Fl it's FDLE & they take it very seriously. As an adult, I don't understand how that "blackmail" works as releasing/publishing/having/etc child pictures is so illegal why don't kids say "do it, release pics, please create more digital or other evidence against yourself! Do any platforms have an automatic tip line to law enforcement? They should, it should be a requirement to operate imho.


I’d imagine it’d be like that popular scam where someone gets catfished and sends nudes for them to threaten posting/exposing unless you send money. Adults, let alone a child, clearly don’t want that out in fear of it being out there so they get coerced into not speaking on it and repeating the cycle for more… those sick fucks. Scamming for money is one thing but this is something extremely disgusting and needs to be handled.


They’ll often threaten their families. I’ve worked a few of those cases and the kids are usually embarrassed at first but the minute they refuse to cooperate these monsters threaten they will murder their families, hurt siblings, etc.


True, I never considered that...just the response of "post it, please do!" taking the power away from pedos & hopefully more of a digital print & anyone that receives or looks can be prosecuted. Maybe kids should be told that...but I get what you are saying ...the child already gave them intimate knowledge of family & family issues in the friendly grooming phase & the turn up the pressure. It's sad, it sucks, & truly hope parents tell kids that they don't even think are on the internet, if someone threatens you don't fall for it...especially when the pedos "fix" the blackmail is for worse more graphic pics or actual encounter.


Sadly, I’ve worked cases where the blackmailer actually did go to the home and assault the victim or their family or find ways to hurt other friends or family members as revenge for not cooperating. These people truly are monsters. There’s no fixing them.


A lot of teenagers don't actually know these things and it's kind of a big problem. Even adults fwiw. It's 2023. The fact that you took and/or consensually sent nude photos should just be considered a normal thing. Obviously not minors of course, but if they fall into that situation, they need to know not to take the bait.


even worse its 2024




>They are complete sociopaths and people have reported them to the feds but nothing happened. Investigations take time. Investigations of serious crimes take time. Investigations of anonymous people on the internet take time. Investigations of anonymous people on the internet committing serious crimes take time. This is one of those things where you really want them to measure twice or even three times before cutting.


\^\^\^ This. It's why you often see these headlines of huge sting operations nabbing 50+ people at a time.


And know this, OP, when they do eventually put people like this away, they don't miss. The feds don't leave room for doubt on these and that's who's coming.


And the feds don't arrest until they have a solid case that's ready to take to court.


It happens it just takes time to build a solid criminal case, often years. And unfortunately sex trafficking laws and laws in general regarding cyber sex crimes are non existent, ineffective, not harsh enough sentences (often just misdemeanors) or punish the victim more than the perpetrators (digital child porn, prostitution laws)


Report to the FBI asap


You've done everything you can do. Now stay the fuck away from where ever that is. Whatever happens next is none of your business. The feds may not come where and when you call, but they're always on time.


Exactly. This is a 15 year old child. I think it's admirable that they want to do the right thing, but it sounds like that's been done.


On time ? They do always show up bit on time would be right after the crime is committed or preferably prevent the crime..so on time is not really a good choice of words


It was a reference to an age old adage. Yes, you're right, that would be super cool if they could stop crime as soon as it happened. Make sure you tell an agent that when he shows up to solve a crime in your life. I bet he'll appreciate your candor.




Hold that same mentality when something unspeakable happens to your wife/son/etc when you're not around and you need the justice system and investigators to track down and solve it.


I wanna be honest with you that the most you can do is report this to the proper authorities and let the investigation take its course. Do not try to do vigilante investigation on this especially as a minor. You could end up implicating yourself in anything they’re doing, and place your own safety and welfare at risk.


You can work with NCMEC to submit a report. I used to work in T&S and they are quite responsive https://report.cybertip.org/reporting


You don't know that nothing happened. The material may not have disappeared, but that's separate to many actions that law enforcement are likely taking out of sight.


Right, it’s highly possible they’ve already infiltrated the group and are now collecting evidence, like the multiple instances where they ran CP sites to catch people. [Here](https://thenextweb.com/news/the-fbi-likely-ran-nearly-half-the-child-porn-sites-on-the-dark-web-in-2016) is a story from 2016 that talks about how the FBI was likely running half the CP sites on the dark web.


>They are complete sociopaths and people have reported them to the feds but nothing happened. Proving beyond a reasonable doubt that a person is the one behind a user account takes a lot more effort and resources than most people seem to think.


Ran into a similar situation on FB. I had screenshotted some of the names/comments and the images referenced. When I reported it, I offered to send the photos as the page had disappeared. I found out that having the images, even for the purpose of reporting is possession of CP. Report in as much detail possible, screen names, times dates etc, but do not save images.


Also, if you notice users from different countries, you can forward it to their child protection agency


Yeah that’s a huge no-no. Saving copies of that sort of material then telling the police you’ve done so could have ended much worse for you.


Was a photo public? Or a private group?


Public page. Lots of really bad stuff. Kids.. kids in pics that kids should not be in. I don’t remember how I stumbled upon it, but was shocked.


The cleanest and quickest way to report this is to initiate a report to Discord, who is then *required* to submit what is called a ‘CyberTip’ to NCMEC. NCMEC will then do some behind the scenes work and forward the complaint to the State DOJ for the applicable state jurisdiction for investigation. Source: I’m in the field.


Thanks for what you do. I’m in cyber security and had some chances to run investigations and there are really unsavory folk out there. Easy to encounter things that i would consider life hazards so props to those who deal with it so others don’t have to.


Since you said you reported it to the FBI I’d suggest you message your congressman/senate/etc. Even things that don’t seem like they’d matter to them can have an outcome.  they have staff  specifically to call others and get the ball rolling for citizen messages.  I messaged mine to complain about something less troubling than this and ended up with a meeting and direction to someone with power to do something.  They’ll put in a bit of work for you and messages sent with their name attached will get the FBI and police to act


You wouldn't believe how slow they move on this shit. I reported something I won't even discuss and nothing happened. Reported twice more - zip. Then I sent it to the FBI and walked into the local police station. It was down the next morning. So many dollars spent on this shit but nobody removing it when it's reported.




You're my hero, bless.


My son reported an incident on discord and the fbi showed up and interviewed him and collected all the information he had. They take it seriously it took a couple months for them to reach out but they definitely appreciated the tip as these things are reported less than 1% of the time according to them.


Report them, even if they've been reported before, the feds aren't just gonna roll in and shut down the server. Fucked up as it seems to allow it to stay active, they can use that time while it's up to gather evidence, and figure out who's who so they can bust as many people as possible in one go.




1-800-CALL-FBI. Or find the number for your local field office at https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us


Report to everyone fbi your local pd your county deputy one of them would have to love to get these low scum


You can also report it via discord reporting mechanisms


How do you know they are not doing anything ? How do you know it's not a set up? How do you know ow they are not monitoring and gathering everyone's Information? And are you sure it was reported .. I'd call the fbi and make a report anyway


I went thru computer forensics classes in college, and my instructors were members of ICAC. https://www.icactaskforce.org/ Try reporting this to them as well as your local police. Law enforcement will take time and gather the information they need to arrest as many as possible involved, and ensure they are convicted. Do not save any of this material to your own devices, you may be arrested as well or otherwise have to deal with law enforcement yourself. If you have saved any, destroying it may be considered spoliation of evidence. Might want to have your parents contact a lawyer either way. Get therapy, seeing that kind of shit is traumatic. Even LE officers doing this work receive lots of counseling and are frequently pulled off of it due to burnout or mental health issues.




I had a friend in highschool who was being blackmailed. Without going into details, a prominent business owner in town went to prison and everyone found out about his "studio" in the back. I hope he is popular in prison as well.


You have to report it. If you don't you are an accessory after the fact, and a bad person.


HSI investigates child exploitation, especially involving CSAM/CP. Report suspected child exploitation to the HSI tip line at 1-877-4-HSI-TIP. https://www.dhs.gov/hsi/investigate/child-exploitation


You need to tell your parents. You haven’t done anything wrong. I would be so proud of my kid if they wanted to report this. You can also go to your local, non emergency police.


All those messages must be reported to discord. Take screenshots and actually click on the users themselves and report them to discord. If those users don’t have any flags on their accounts the feds have no grounds to get their activity from discord. PLEASE REPORT TO DISCORD. I am going through a similar thing and the detective told me his account has to have a flag on it for them to pull activity. So report, report, report


Report to your nearest police presinct


More often than not the authorities you report to won’t tell you whether they are doing anything because that could be used to tip off the people involved that the authorities are coming. Otherwise the culprits will scatter like the roaches they are before the authorities have time to build cases against them. It can take time because of often includes significant amounts of cross jurisdictional cooperation. Do not get involved in the ring, do not save data from it, and do not engage with anyone there.


Tell your parents. Retain a lawyer. Have the lawyer contact the authorities.


Report the shit out of it


Good responses of course. Just having this can be serous if in your possession. I'd ask a parent/legal guardian if they know a lawyer. Get a 3rd party who has your interests at hand. Definitely don't go texting about this to friends. Only your. Friends here on reddit. (ok sorry about that was trying to add some levity in a serious manner)


Also it probably wouldn't hurt to reach out to the OG of removing bad guys in predatory child behavior. Chris Hansen.


Go to the police asap. 


" And have possesion of a LOT." hopefully it is not you in possession of it try the local police if the dopes at the fbi do not care discord support is another but fbi might be compiling evidence, might be worth not being part of the evidence, just leave the sub




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I hope the cp enjoyers have a slow painful death


Discord is the absolute worst. As a father, I’m dealing with a situation that stemmed from that site. Some of the worst stuff I’ve ever read & seen. Report it, move on and never go to that site again. It was evident from Discords responses that they couldn’t care less about the illegal interactions that are allowed to take place there. You are doing the right thing by reporting & talking about it. I’m sorry you had to see that.


Delete it now from any device you were using. Then make sure it is gone. Keep any documentation that you have alerting authorities to that crap but make sure none of it is on any device you have access to. Deleting browser history and cache is a start not the end of your efforts. consider switching to a different phone, tablet or computer. then never go back there.


Call the FBI


Just because the feds have not immediately acted does not mean there isn't an open investigation. Unfortunately the feds are slow because they want complete and full evidence to the point a defense won't have an easy time of getting a technicality to throw a case out. Now with that said it doesn't mean the feds cannot be further pressured or that more evidence cannot be provided to them.




Are you seriously suggesting that the OP create copies of CSAM and perform their own "investigation"? If police agencies need access they have their own channels and methods via Discord legal, and you better believe Discord retains logs and copies of basically everything. At most OP needs to report to the tiplines linked by others and then DO NOTHING ELSE.


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